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Nov/24/2020 news wrap-up: \\ War in Artsakh (Karabakh) \\ Russian reporter reveals details about last battles for Shushi, weapons used, drone warfare \\ soldiers' families receive aid \\ Red Cross to expand its work \\ politics & foreign affairs \\ economy \\ healthcare \\ other news...

Your 16-minute Tuesday report in 3971 words.

WarGonzo reporter Semyon Pegov shares info about Shushi, Armenian drones, Azeri snipers, Israeli tech:

Shushi battles
The battles for Shushi were very heavy. At some point, Armenians mobilized and brought many soldiers. Hundreds have died in and around Shushi. With the presence of peacekeepers, it's possible to recover the bodies. This is tedious work.
Armenians had some 200 soldiers in Shushi at the time of signing the document on November 9th. They were mostly in two areas: the hill with a cross and the prison building. The reinforcements with 400 soldiers were supposed to arrive in the morning but at 5 am they were told that the war was stopped.
When were Azeris able to infiltrate Shushi? On November 6th I was in Shushi and there was not a single Azeri, despite fake news from Azeri media about raising a flag. Around 4 pm we moved to outskirt near Qarin Tak, which was already a "buffer zone".
Army spokesman Artsrun Hovhannisyan was telling the truth about the battles around Shushi. I was there and saw it myself. We got caught up in a firefight when Armenians were cleaning up the outskirt on November 6th.
Around 20 special forces tried to infiltrate Shushi. Armenians used drones to locate and conduct airstrike against them. There were also Armenian drones with bombs that were supposed to be used. Around this time our group of reporters had to leave Shushi because it was dangerous.
Then another - much larger - group of infiltrator special forces were discovered. They attacked the highway and tried to infiltrate but were stopped. That night, on the morning of November 7th, around six professional snipers infiltrated the city and kept the street under fire.
Six snipers cannot control a city, yet Aliyev claimed the city was already under their control. Those snipers were countered with Armenian anti-sniper units. Some of the infiltrators were killed. On November 7th Shushi was "cleared" of these infiltrators.
More groups kept approaching Shushi through the Hell Gorge while being mauled by hundreds and hundreds of Armenian artillery strikes. As we know, Aliyev doesn't care about his soldiers' lives. When the Azeri public learns about their death toll, they will suffer not a mild but a real shock [gyorbagyor2020].
Huge forces were concentered on Shushi. They were brought there from Nakhijevan and other fronts. Azeris began retreating under Martuni because they couldn't sustain the entire front with so much focus on Shushi.
They gave over a thousand deaths to capture Shushi. On the rocky outskirt of Shushi, I saw over a hundred Azeri bodies in this location alone, in that day alone. There were battles in multiple routes towards Shushi.
The highway entering Shushi was captured by Azeris on November 8th. Armenians bypassed the captured area by going near Hell Gorge then moving north towards Shushi. Here, they killed hundreds of Azeris.
Armenians took positions near Shushi's radio towers about 2km away and shot at Azeris almost in a straight line. Not only artillery was being used, but also types of weapons I cannot disclose right now. I can only say SCUD was also used by Armenians.
Nonetheless, some Azeri groups managed to infiltrate on November 8th. It wasn't completely captured by them. Those who left Shushi upon the arrival of Russian peacekeepers can verify this. Shushi was likely lost politically. I don't say this to throw rocks at politicians.
I don't know for how long Armenian resources could defend Shushi, but they could hold on to it for some time. I don't know whether it would end with a bigger tragedy or victory, though.
About the talk that "Russia abandoned Armenia"
Russia couldn't get directly involved because of Artsakh's non-independent status and the need to be balanced as an OSCE mediator. Russia sent military aid, weapons, consultation during the war. Pashinyan also mentioned this.
I have reasons to believe that the air above Stepanakert was "closed" for Bayraktars with the help of Russia. No Russian forces would do this without the Russian govt's permission. It's my assumption. Although it was for a brief period, I think it helped to save Stepanakert and other parts of Artsakh.
plot twist: Israeli drones
The drones began working again around November 8th. It had a direct impact on the November 9th signing of the agreement. These drones, however, were not Bayraktars. The Israeli drones were earlier "hacked" and could be geolocated. Israelis found a way to close the hole and use these kamikaze drones again.
The defense needed time to bypass the new Israeli protections, but there was no time anymore. You could say Israeli weapons played a crucial role in this war.
who won?
Israel is the only true winner here. They sold drones, helped the ally, flew them close to Iran borders and "laid out groundwork" for future possible action against Iran. Erdogan is no friend of Iran considering his pan-Turkic nationalist agenda.
This will benefit Israel, which considers Iran its enemy. I believe Israel helped to locate Armenian air defense systems which allowed Azeris to strike them in the first days of the war.
Armenians and Artsakh lost lands but Azerbaijan did not achieve their final goal and they failed to achieve what they have today in the timeframe that they predicated. They used Turkey's and Israel's help and couldn't defeat a small republic in 45 days. On the ground, Armenian troops were no worse than Azeris.
Does Russia win? Today there are Syrian militants hostile to Russia, closer to Russian borders. This is not a win for Russia. Sure, our peacekeepers are there and thank god for that. Artsakh locals want and trust them. Artsakh residents are "more Russian" than many Russians who live in Russia.
how the agreement was signed
Putin made an ultimatum to Aliyev: either sign the document that we created together now, or "things will happen". Aliyev asked for 20 minutes to consult with Erdogan. He wanted Turkish peacekeepers stationed in front of Russian ones, on the other side of the line of contact.
In the end, no Turkish peacekeepers were stationed. This caused a serious conflict between Erdogan and Aliyev. Erdogan was expecting more.
who will live in the new adjacent lands?
Probably the jihadists and Turkomans. They are poor. Karabakh will look like heaven compared to what they have today. Many of them live in Idlib, Syria, and get bombed by Russia daily. Sooner or later Assad will liberate these areas, so what do you do with the pro-Turkish Syrians in the north?
This migration could end up being bad for Azerbaijan itself. Syrians and Azeris have different lifestyles. People who have been under Sharia law for 9 years will move to a secular Islamic state. We already know of conflicts between Syrian mercenaries and locals in bordering Azeri villages. When their population increases, so will their ideological expansion.
Azerbaijan would need to spend lots of resources and subsidies to move the Azeri population there. They don't even have a road to Shushi. They need time to build one. Even when it's built, I don't think Azeris will leave their cities en-masse to move to live in an area close to the conflict zone.
Rustam Muradov
The chief peacekeeper is the Hero of Russia Rustam Muradov. He is a fighter. He worked on peace between Ukraine and Donbas, has fought in Syria, helped to liberate Palmyra and Deir-ez-Zor (the toughest region with lots of ISIS). He fought against men whom Aliyev and Erdogan brought from Syria, so to suggest that he could be pro-Azeri just because he is from Dagestan is wrong.
I met a 60-year old Artsakhtsi grandpa with a rifle who was headed to the front line. If you think he will go to Yerevan, build a house, and forget about the loss of his home, then you have no idea who these people are. Expect a partisan war. I won't be surprised if Armenians infiltrate deep within Azeri-controlled regions and cause problems for local administration.
I don't know international law but I think Armenia or Artsakh should vote and recognize a legal status for Artsakh. Putin said it's hard to help Artsakh if Armenia hasn't officially recognized it. Russia helped Crimea after it voted for independence. It's my personal opinion.

videos: artillery strikes near Shushi

Armenian soldiers shared a video that claims that Iskander (or other sources say SCUD) and Smerch were used against Azeris on Shushi outskirts. [the fired general Movses Hakobyan had also claimed Armenians used Iskander but didn't specify when and where]

Corruption Prevention Committee asks Parliament to suspend Tsarukyan

Pashinyan administration created the Corruption Prevention Committee (CPC) institute last year to fight corruption. It consists of 4 board members: 1 nominated by the ruling party, 2 by opposition parties, 1 by the judicial branch.
Its job is to find a conflict of interest and vet public officials. CPC has asked the Parliament to consider taking action against BHK leadeMP Gagik Tsarukyan.
The Parliament voted to ask the Constitutional Court to strip Tsarukyan from his MP mandate. Tsarukyan is accused of running a business empire (Multi Group, etc.), which is against the law that prohibits MPs from simultaneously being businessmen due to conflict of interest.
Tsarukyan argues his allies are running his companies and they make all the decisions, and that this is a political witch-hunt against him. His critics point out that he even "slipped up" a few times and "admitted" that he still runs the companies.
[Tsarukyan is Armenia's known wealthiest man and a former oligarch (many argue he still is) who runs multiple companies while maintaining political power. Earlier this year he was charged with buying voters in the 2017 elections and tax evasion. That investigation began in 2019 from an unrelated incident, in which a construction company, allied with Tsarukyan, paid a bribe to Yerevan official. The NSS raided the construction company and found paperwork, including names, allegedly showing that the company was paid by Tsarukyan to buy voters in 2017. There was at least one witness testimony.
In a separate incident, Tsarukyan's right-hand man Arustamyan was charged with paying a large bribe to the former regime (UCOM case) to exempt Tsarukyan's business from taxation. The same right-hand-man was also charged with stealing large sums from the budget meant for building the North-South highway in Armenia.] , , ,

politics & molitics

12:45: the former Constitutional Court judge Kim Balayan (the judge in WikiLeaks case who was reportedly influenced by Kocharyan regime in 2008) has joined opposition ARF leader Gegham Manukyan and will hold a hunger strike. He demands Pashinyan's resignation.
He believes Pashinyan did not have the right to sign the agreement without the Constitutional Court's approval. [other believe it's merely a statement rather than a legally binding agreement]. ,
14:20: The Justice Ministry, Armenian representative in the European Court for Human Rights, the NSS, and the Central Bank held a meeting to discuss legal steps regarding Azerbaijan's involvement of Syrian jihadists in the war.
14:40: Himnadram released a report about the donation fund. $53m has already been transferred to state coffers.
15:07: the government shakeup continues. Finance Minister Tigran Khachatryan and deputy Defense Minister Makar Ghambaryan are out. ,
15:10: Education Ministry will issue grants to nine schools located near borders to reinforce their security walls and built bomb shelters. The "Safe school" project was launched in 2019 and has helped 6 schools so far.
16:17: Mother See of Holy Ejmiatsin church will form a new office tasked with working with international colleagues to protect Armenian religions and cultural sights that are under Azeri control.
17:01: ruling QP party held a session. Artsakh President Arayik was also present to discuss the Artsakh aid topic. Opposition media had earlier circulated rumors that Arayik wants to resign, which is why he went to Moscow yesterday to discuss the "terms". The ruling party said no such topic was discussed during today's meeting.
The party discussed ways to keep families informed about missing soldiers. "Instead of having them go from one building to another, they should stay home and we should inform them twice a day about the progress," said a QP MP.
Three QP MPs will travel to Russia for meetings. ,
18:28: Pashinyan presented the new Education Minister Vahram Dumanyan. "We need to reform our mentality to achieve our goals," said the Pashinyan.
21:38: when will the government end the Martial Law? When the army sends a clear signal that it's OK to do so, said a ruling party MP. They will hold a Parliamentary discussion tomorrow. The opposition parties have been asking for its suspension because it prevents them from holding legal demonstrations.
21:59: the police found Kalashnikov and 100 bullets in a car during a checkpoint stop in Yerevan. Several similar incidents were recorded across Armenia. ,

Withdrawal from "Kelbajar"

Armenian troops began withdrawing from the north-western part, which is one of the 7 adjacent regions to Nagorno-Karabakh. They took the "Welcome to Artsakh" sign with them so Azeris wouldn't vandalize. The process is monitored by the Red Cross.
The army also blew up a military facility before leaving.
Withdrawal video:
Patrick Lancaster interviews soldiers in Artsakh:

foreign response & diplomacy

The French city of Դեսին-Շարպիո has urged the govt to officially recognize Artsakh. The resolution mentions Azerbaijan's recruitment of Syrian jihadists and war crimes against Artsakh civilians.
Spanish Congress has accepted another resolution from Jon Inarritu, who stayed in Artsakh during the war.
The resolution reaffirms deep friendship with the Armenian people, emphasizes the need to protect Armenian cultural and religious centers in the territories under Azeri control
MFA Ayvazyan discussed Artsakh topic with the Deputy Secretary of State Biegun.
President Sarkissian visited Jordan where he met King Abdallah and the local Armenian community. ,
Putin called Pashinyan and Aliyev to discuss Artsakh and details from the recent visit of the Russian envoy to AM and AZ.

choo choo, mothe******r

Yerevan is still working on purchasing new buses so you won't bend over to a complete stranger for half an hour in marshutka. The competition to win a license to build the buses will begin next month.
Two companies participated in the first bid earlier. None were accepted due to poor technical specifications and lack of documents.
Meanwhile, Yerevan is also importing mid-sized 8-meter buses larger than marshutkas but smaller than the regular long buses.

2021 is canceled, forever 2020

Yerevan municipality was supposed to spend $210,000 on New Year's celebrations. They decided to give it to Stepanakert for infrastructure repairs. Additionally, several organizations run by Yerevan will have their budgets slashed and redirected to Stepanakert.

sappers & aid

Russian sappers continue to remove the mines from the main roads, settlements, and in between their outposts. The risky areas will be mapped. Sappers received equipment from Russia.
The second convoy of Russian humanitarian aid with 22 trucks has arrived in Artsakh. ,

edited videos

NSS has found that some of the videos recently circulated from Azerbaijan, allegedly showing Armenian POWs, were fake. Some were designed for psychological warfare. The agency urges internet users not to take everything they come across on social media for granted.

wine from Hadrut

"Kataro" wine is produced in Artsakh's Hadrut region which is occupied by Azerbaijan. The product is now considered scarcity, so those who own some bottles began selling it for 5x the price.

two churches

Dadivank and Amaras are two famous Armenian churches from the early Christian period. They are located outside of Nagorno-Karabakh territory per-1990s map, therefor the area has to go under Azeri control. Russian Kommersant outlet was able to verify that the two monasteries are under Russian peacekeepers' control.Ամարասը-ռուս-խաղաղապահների-վերահսկողության-ներքո-է/409602

process to find missing soldiers & POWs

The process to find POWs and bodies continues. The Red Cross will spend $49m in the Karabakh area instead of the planned $11m. They'll hire 500 more workers.
"Both sides can find the bodies within their territories, but they cannot collect them from the buffer zone," said Red Cross. Today they visited Armenian POWs in Azerbaijan.
Families of missing soldiers gathered in front of the Defense Ministry then the Russian embassy with the hope to learn news about their relatives. They wrote a letter to Russia asking to secure the ability to collect bodies from areas under Azeri control.
"The process of exchanging prisoners depends first of all on the Azerbaijani side. We will work with international colleagues," said Artsakh HR Ombudsman Beglaryan.
Artsakh MFA met Red Cross representatives to discuss the process of finding missing soldiers.
Pashinyan met the family members of missing soldiers and POWs to discuss the location, identification and searching process. , , , , , ,

20-year-long monthly aid for soldiers' families

104 families of fallen soldiers have already received aid from "1000plus" Soldiers' Insurance Fund. The Fund processes only several dozen cases a week because the process requires familial/marital relation verification and document collection. The local authorities will help to expedite the process.
Families of deceased or 1st-degree disabled soldiers receive a one-time 10 million Drams ($21,000), followed by a monthly $400-$600 payments for the next 20 years. Those with less severe disabilities receive half of the aforementioned aid. Those with over 3 children receive an extra $200/mo.
Workers in Armenia are required to pay 1000 Drams from paycheck towards the "1000plus" Soldier's Fund. The Fund had earlier urged businesses to "double" the amount by matching whatever is paid by workers. Dozens of businesses join this initiative every week. "Some large businesses began responding. This could encourage others."
(you can donate at

they protect the land

The army awarded several soldiers for acts of bravery. Lt Colonel Balayan organized a defense and reconnaissance, destroyed 1 tank, 1 armored vehicle, and 1 transport vehicle.
Private Verdyan evacuated wounded soldiers while under enemy fire.
Dozens more:
The History Museum of Armenia is collecting photos of soldiers who died fighting, as part of an archive to be presented later.

watch out, this kid will rip you off

$2 for a single walnut? NAY. $2 for a single walnut with proceeds donated to soldiers? SIGN ME UP.
Armavir resident Vahe has been selling walnuts. He collected 4 million Drams for soldiers.
Interview with Vahe:

nature protection

The Nature Ministry found 28 instances of businesses illegally exploiting or harming nature between November 2-13. They were issued 13 million in penalties.

regional kerfuffle

Erdogan is under internal pressure by opposition again over the worsening economy and COVID response. "If we don't implement a 2-week quarantine, things will go under control."
UNICEF 2020 placed Turkey at the bottom when it comes to working with children. A third of children are poor. Only 53% are happy with their lives; 90% in Netherland, 89% in Mexico.
720,000 kids are part of child labor, some as little as 5 years of age.
11,446 is the number of 16-year-olds who married last year. "Even in Ottoman Empire the age of marriage was 17 for girls and 18 for boys," says opposition.
Internal and foreign debt exceeded 1 trillion Liras in 2018, and 1.9 trillion in 2020. "Bad borrowing policy led to an extra 135 billion Lira debt. This is what Erdogan's presidential system and his son-in-law's stubbornness brought us."
Turkish Lira began strengthening after Erdogan's son-in-law Borat Albayrak left the Minister's position. However, Lira began declining again on November 23th, reaching 8.58 per $1. ,

Armenia's GDP under COVID

GDP shrank by -9.1% in 3Q year-over-year.
It grew +39% (thirty-nine) in 3Q compared to 2Q, due to post-COVID lockdown recovery.
In the July-September period, the GDP Per Capita was $1,212.
Share of GDP by industry in 3Q: agriculture & fishing 17%, Manufacturing Industry 12%, trade & auto repair 11%, construction 7%, real estate 7%, financial & insurance 6%.

inflation & economy

As the economists predicted earlier, the COVID, war, and devaluation of neighboring countries' currencies will put pressure on the Armenian Dram. Too valuable means the products you produce are non-competitive abroad, while cheap Dram means social issues for the general population. It needs to be balanced.
Today $1 was worth 512 Drams, compared to 495 last month. The Central Bank says they're monitoring the trend and will take steps to keep the prices and financial stability.
"We also had some devaluation in the initial COVID period. Today we have some uncertainty, which contributes to devaluation. Investors are less likely to use the resources. However, inflation will be manageable. It's within the limit set by the Central Bank," said a Parliamentary official Artak Manukyan. , ,

free breast cancer drugs

Earlier this year, the Healthcare Ministry began providing free "Her2" breast cancer medication to women. 132 patients are being treated. "They receive treatment in accordance with international guidelines. In the coming years, will be healthy and return to their daily lives fully."
Before the medication became free, 40% of women would reject the treatment due to high costs. This would lead to metastasis within 2 years. A 12-month treatment will reduce the chance of metastasis by 50%. ,

don't waste water

A subsidized infrastructure upgrade in Lusaghbyur will allow villagers to expand irrigated lands by 35 hectares, reduce water usage and waste, restore a local water network. 98 farms will be connected to the network.

diasporans picking tomatoes

A group of Armenian diasporans visited Armenia to participate in a charity agricultural initiative.

sports news

Something happened, and soccer star Henrikh Mkhitaryan began playing well again. 8 games, 5 goals, 4 goal passes for Parma. The fans declared him the best player in the match against Parma.
There is talk about extending his contract with Roma by the end of this year, says La Gazzetta Dello Sport. ,
Skilling Open 2020 chess tournament continues among the top players. Levon Aronyan is at 12th place. Dutch Anish Giri continues to lead.
The tournament was created by Magnus Carlsen. Executive director Magnus Carlsen. Producer Magnus Carlsen. В главных ролях, Магнус Карлсен.

COVID stats & news

+1977 tested. +813 infected. +26 deaths. +3845 healed. 26069 active.
Healthcare Ministry: the numbers from the past week indicate a reduction of infections. We went from 2k daily cases during the war, to 1.4k nowadays. We saw this decline during the first wave, too. It's possible that it could rise again, so stay vigilant.
70-80% of the population would need to be infected for there to be a collective immunity. Our known cases are only 127k.
The WHO is aware of 6 instances of "double-infection". Its definition isn't clear right now. We don't know if they are were infected again or the first infection was never properly treated.
Already-infected people should also follow safety precautions: wash your hands, wear a mask, stay away from others. We're headed to the flu season in addition to COVID.
Five experts from WHO traveled to Armenia to help treat patients in serious condition.
New COVID rules for funeral services. The director will have to appoint a supervisor responsible for sanitizing the area, ensuring there is running water, air ventilation three times a day, etc.
Russia will involve 40,000 volunteers this year to test the SPUTNIK 5 corona-vaccine. The initial results indicate a 91.4% success rate within 28 days and 95% within 42 days.

you can help Artsakh & Armenia (soldiers' medical help) (for Artsakh & Armenia) (U.S. tax-deductible)

archive of older posts

Armeniapedia has been archiving my daily threads:
submitted by ar_david_hh to armenia [link] [comments]

Dec/4/2020 news wrap-up: \\ housing construction & repairs in Artsakh \\ demographic stats \\ political polls \\ foreign affairs \\ war vs agriculture \\ DNA sequencing \\ banking & economy \\ other stories

Your 11-minute Friday report in 2861 words.

Artsakh's official recognition

Armenian MFA welcomed the decision by the French National Assembly that urges the French govt to officially recognize the Republic of Artsakh.
Azeri MFA will summon the French ambassador again to raise a complaint. ,
MFA Ayvazyan to OCSE: Karabakh conflict will be resolved only if the international community recognizes the Artsakh population's right to self-determination. During the war, the international community witnessed what we had been saying for 26 years, that the Karabakh conflict is about the right of the native population to live free in their homeland. The international community now has the perception that Artsakh cannot be under the jurisdiction of Azerbaijan under any circumstances

COVID travel

During an EAEU economic bloc meeting, Pashinyan spoke about the need to lift the ban on the entry of Armenian (and other) citizens to Russia, which was put in place by Russia earlier due to COVID.
"We have been actively involved in all integration processes. These days we have felt the full support of our friends. We thank the Russian Federation for its invaluable assistance in the fight against coronavirus," said Pashinyan.

minimum 3-year experience

... will be required to become a director of a government-run ՊՈԱԿ organization if a QP bill is approved by the Parliament. It was approved by a special committee today.
The candidate, who must be an adult citizen with higher education, will also take exams and undergo a multiple-stage job interview.
LHK suggested videotaping the job interview process. The QP author agreed to amend the bill.

update: education reforms / optional or mandatory exams? / governing boards

Yesterday the govt introduced a new bill aimed at financing science, bringing postgraduate programs to European standards, etc. It also limited the university board size to 12 (half appointed by the university, and the other half by members of civil society and business). It also prohibits 12 members from being affiliated with political parties.
Several deans at the Yerevan State University criticized the government and opposed the bill because "it will allow the Minister to appoint the rector for 5 years".
They also want the Armenian Language exam to remain mandatory for admission and reverse the decision to make it optional for the 2021-2022 season. The government earlier decided to give the universities the flexibility to decide for themselves whether to require this exam or not, so most universities chose to make it optional. The critics want the universities to be forced to require this exam in 2021-2022.
The Education Ministry invited critics to discuss the bill.
A group of rectors met the Ministry to discuss the process of appointing rectors and directors, which goes like this: universities must form the governing council [presumably the 12-member body] within a year of law's implementation. Before they are formed, the existing boards will continue their duties and the [presumably Minister] will have the right to appoint directors & rectors [so it's presumably a temporary right before the new boards are formed]. Critics also say this is against another law.
Education Minister Dumanyan said they had already discussed it with legal agencies and found no issues, but they will discuss the bill more in the Parliament when it's introduced.
"The founder of state universities is the State, and the State should be fully responsible for the effective operation of each state university. I consider my main mission as the Minister to overthrow the atmosphere of distrust and the unhealthiness," said Minister Dumanyan. , , , ,

Russian doctors & peacekeepers

... cleared Stepanakert's southern suburbs from 10 cluster bombs. 40 local residents received medical care in a mobile field hospital. ,
Russian MoD Shoygu: peacekeepers accompanied 30k refugees to their homes (half of those who returned). 50 hectares and 17.5km of roads were cleared of >1,000 explosives. Lachin corridor and the 28-km road to Stepanakert were cleared so the civilian traffic has resumed. Peacekeepers accompanied 3,500 vehicles.

agricultural losses due to land transfers

95k hectares of arable lands were lost, 50k of which were used for grains. In 5 regions of Artsakh, the losses account for 90% according to unofficial approximation.
450 hectares of legume lands were lost, which accounts for 30% of the total.

Jalal Harutyunyan

... the former Artsakh army chief who was wounded, has been discharged from the hospital. He'll receive outpatient care. He was allegedly saved by a Martuni resident named Robert, according to reporters. ,

Artsakh war veteran Jirayr Sefilian:

Could have we prevented the war? No, but we have done nothing since 1994 to build a strong army. We were given an opportunity to build a free and strong country but we sustained our army only artificially. Don't blame the soldiers for politicians' mistakes. After 25 years of negligence, and after PM's resignation, the entire political system needs to unite to build a country.
We certainly have an opportunity to straighten our curved back. We have the will and abilities. The upcoming geopolitical changes will also be in our favor. Yes, our situation is difficult today, but we will come out of it stronger. ,

PM continues to receive calls for resignation / Kocharyan comments

Pashinyan's critics continue to demand his resignation. A group of diplomats working abroad, and businessmen, called for PM's resignation, saying not enough efforts were put to strengthen ties with Russia, neighbors, and other states. ,
Masis mayor Davit Hambardzumyan wrote, "It's time to take to the streets and make our voices heard in anger and protest. Pashinyan must resign." [Relevant: the mayor was earlier charged with organizing a masked-gang and attacking anti-Serj protesters in 2018, before allegedly damaging cars so the regime could frame protesters as violent.]
Robert Kocharyan gave an interview during which he blames Pashinyan for the war and giving bad orders which "led to the destruction of armed corps in the south because they were told to attack instead of holding their ground for 10 days and defending".
"If I were the Prime Minister, Aliyev would not dare to start a war," said Kocharyan, adding that the army was not ready for war the "air war" despite the early warning signs since 2016.
Kocharyan said Pashinyan should have purchased TOR units [the govt argued TOR are too expensive and would be destroyed just as quickly, making them even less efficient]. He said the OSA units were old and ineffective. [the govt argued that the OSAs were modernized and successfully shut down Israeli-made drones in July and October].
He repeated the fired general Movses Hakobyan's criticism that the "supplementation of the regular army was replaced with unit-based recruitment and warfare".
"Pashinyan should have accepted Lavrov's Plan [give away 7 regions without Artsakh's status] in the initial period when Azeris had only captured 4 kilometers in the south," said Kocharyan.
Kocharyan is against holding new elections for at least a year to avoid "emotional" decisions. , , , ,

POWs and soldiers

Deputy PM Avinyan met the US ambassador Tracey and discussed the topic of exchanging POWs "all for all".
Artsakh govt says Azerbaijan continues to delay the process of exchanging bodies. Bodies of 693 Armenian soldiers have been recovered so far. The Red Cross has involved the begin search operations in areas south of Zangelan, Fizuli, Jabrayil, and Hadrut.
Russian peacekeepers negotiated with Azerbaijan to repatriate two Armenian POWs who were apprehended earlier in one of the 7 regions adjacent to Artsakh.
Armenia and Azerbaijan gave the list of POWs to the Red Cross.

the joint Turkish-Russian monitoring base

The November 10th Statement allowed only Russian peacekeepers but Turkey can send a group of experts to Azerbaijan to monitor the situation. They will join Russian experts.
BBC says this monitoring base will be allegedly located 15km away from Artsakh near Azeri city Barda, as agreed upon earlier that it wouldn't be in one of the 7 adjacent territories.

lobbying in the US

ANCA has lobbied to remove an anti-Armenian part of a resolution pushed by the Turkish lobby in the US. "The amendment would have called for a one-sided report on the status of selectively identified internally displaced persons in Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, and Azerbaijan."

Turkey has arrested two Russian NTV journalists

... for allegedly filming inside Baykar drone producer's facility without permission, according to YeniŞafak outlet. NTV says they haven't heard back from their reporters since December 3rd. They aren't being kept in a civilian detention center. The Russian embassy is investigating.

the Grey Wolves extremist-terrorist organization

... was banned in France and could be banned in Germany too after Parliamentarians expressed support for a ban. The GW extremists sent threatening letters to the Armenian community of Germany during the war. Germany Die Welt published an article about it.

Azerbaijan's largest weapon suppliers

Russia, Turkey, and Israel are the usual suspects, but they also purchase $339 million Euro weapons from the European states beginning 2013. Czechia and Ukraine supplied artillery units and tanks.
Belarus sold Polonez units. They also purchased stuff from Pakistan, Bosnia, Slovakia, and the South African Republic.
Out of all OSCE countries, only the United States refused to sell weapons to Armenia and Azerbaijan.

public office changes continue

QP MP Argishti Mekhakyan will resign and become a deputy governor of Armavir province.
Ambassador to Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan Gagik Ghalachyan has been recalled.

COVID stats

+3398 tested. +1184 infected. +23 deaths. +1762 healed. 21842 active.

Central Bank about the economy during COVID and war:

Bank deposit reductions during the pandemic and the war happened at a much lower level than was anticipated [people withdrew savings due to pandemic, then on October many war volunteers withdrew cash for the family before leaving to front lines]. This reduction has slowed down significantly and now has a positive trend.
Risky loans increased during COVID, but the rise was smaller than we had witnessed during economic crises in the past. This is due to banks' prompt action and more responsible behavior by the public. ,

you think 2021 will be better? :)

F.U., says the United Nations, which predicted a serious humanitarian crisis around the world. 270 million people could die from hunger caused by COVID.

anti-corruption: ex-leader of Arabkir charged with embezzlement

Investigative Committee said: ex-leader of Yerevan's Arabkir district made sure that his friend received a 1500 m2 land from Arabkir Park for only $38,000 in 2007. A year later, the friend resold it for $360,000. A felony case is launched over the embezzlement. He is wanted by police.

poll: should there be new elections?

46% yes, 42% no, 13% don't know.

poll: should Pashinyan resign?

45% yes, 38% no, 17% don't know.

poll: have you read the 6-month plan of action published by Pashinyan?

42% yes, 56% no, 2 don't know.

poll: should Armenia keep the Parliamentary system or return to semi-presidential?

37% Parliamentary, 33% semi-presidential, 30% don't know.

poll: which countries are a threat to Armenia?

87% Turkey, 71% Azerbaijan.

poll: is Armenia safer now, from an external threat, than it was before the war?

35% yes, 57% no, 8% don't know.

stats: population size, fertility, and demographics

Total permanent population -5,600 (-0.2%) and stood at 2,959,700 in January of 2020 vs 2019.
Natural population change was +9,800 (more births than deaths).
Men lived 73.1 years and for women 79.5 on average.
who and where
64% urban, 36% rural.
47% men, 53% women.
Average age 36.9 (34.8 men, 38.8 women)
64% were working age (16-62). 21% under 15. 15% over 63.
1,000 workers take care of 566 non-workers (young and elderly).
birth rate
The fertility rate has increased from 1.572 to 1.599 but it's still below the desired 2.150.
12.2 births per 1,000 population, down 0.1.
The average age of women during the first birth was 25.2, and 27.6 in general.
3rd and subsequent births accounted for 25% of all births, up by 2.4% from last year.
32% of births were outside of marriage.
death rate
Death rate +1.7%. It's 8.9 in urban and 8.7 in rural areas, per 1,000 population.
75% were from cardiovascular and cancer.
temporary workers who migrated
5% of household members left home to find work elsewhere in Armenia or abroad. Between 2014-2019, some 14% of household members left their homes for >3 months to find work.
From those who had left and haven't returned yet: 19% migration was between Yerevan & provinces, 12% between Artsakh & Armenia, and 69% moved abroad (90% of whom to Russia).
From those who had left and already returned: 9% were between Yerevan & provinces, 11% between Armenian & Artsakh, 80% from another country.
Between 2014-2019, some 85,000 migrants moved abroad for work, 32% of whom stay abroad for over a year. The average annual number (միջին տարեկան թվաքանակը) of those who haven't returned yet is 16,000.
3.7% of household members expressed a desire to move abroad for work within a year, 0.5% to move to Yerevan, 95.8% didn't want to move.

300 new apartments in Artsakh capital Stepanakert

... are being built right now. They'll be ready by 1H21. Stepanakert's hotel will be renovated soon and house 100 people. The reconstruction of 25 apartment complex buildings will complete soon. ,

DNA analysis and sequencing in Armenia

Education Ministry said: lately you've been asking about Armenia's DNA-analysis capabilities for legal and medical purposes. In December-2018 we purchased the first genetic sequencing "Applied Biosystem 3500" device. It's being used by the Forensic Scientific Center. We're in the process to purchase the second device.
The device studies short tandem segments specific to the human genome that can find relatives if a blood sample is provided. Lately, we've been using it to identify deceased soldiers; 260 cases so far.

new road repairs in Armenia

Yerevan municipality says now you can drive from Tbilisi Street to Davtashen or Zovuni in 10-15 minutes because of a new road that was repaired for the first time since the 1990s. It bypasses Komitas-Davtashen traffic.
Qarakert's three roads were renovated. They connect to an interstate highway and serve 15,000 locals.

the entrance to Jrvej Forest Park could become free

And all businesses should undergo nature-protection examinations, said Nature Minister Romanos during a visit to the park. "We need a well-kept and well-maintained city park without the current trash that you see at every step."

soccer coach

Armenian national team's coach sporting director [as corrected by readers] Himenes won't extend the contract when it expires. Under this watch, the Armenian team advanced to League B in Nations League. He will continue to act as an adviser and help develop the sport in Armenia.

new modern soccer stadium

Soccer Federation still plans to build a new modern stadium that meets UEFA standards. "There were investors interested in the project. They held a meeting with us and the govt, but the COVID and the war brought uncertainty. We need to restart the work and find new connections," said Federation chief Melikbekyan.

no grant for you!

Soccer Federation chief says someone mistranslated something which resulted in false rumors claiming that UEFA gave a 2.25 million Euro gift to the Armenian soccer team for winning the Nations League group.

boxer Gor Yeritsyan

Spoiler alert: he won the 14th consecutive fight by KO-ing Mexico's Montes in the 6th round.

Johny the dog traveled from Artsakh to Armenia

... and has been waiting in front of a hospital entrance for his wounded owner, for 20 days. Visitors bring him food and water. He is your valet. Some people visit the hospital just for meeting and petting Johny.
Johny runs towards the hospital door every time someone opens it. Maybe this time it's Romik Aghekyan, his accomplice?
Romik found him in an abandoned destroyed house. He was treated and fed during the war. The dog had gone through a minefield.

top-5 bestselling documentary books in October

5) The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, by Sharma Robin.
4) Emotional Intelligence, by Daniel Goleman.
3) "Explosions in Turkey and ..... Not Only. ASALA, from Inside", by Karo Vardanyan.
2) 21 Lessons for the 21st Century, by Yuval Harari.
1) Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, by Yuval Harari.

humanitarian aid

The Red Cross has so far donated 4350 parcels of aid, 17,000 pieces of hygiene items, 14,000 bedding items, and 1,400 kitchen appliances to Artsakh refugees.
The My Step Foundation is financing a buffet in Stepanakert to make the food free for locals.
The "Armenian-Artsakh" foundation has collected $15m in aid in the past 5 months. The largest donors were AmeriCares, Direct relief, and MAP International.

you can help Artsakh & Armenia (soldiers' medical help) (for Artsakh & Armenia) (U.S. tax-deductible)

archive of older posts

Armeniapedia's archive of daily news threads:


All the accused are considered innocent unless proven guilty in the court of law, even if they "sound" guilty.
submitted by ar_david_hh to armenia [link] [comments]

Nov/1/2020 wrap-up: \\ War in Artsakh (Karabakh) \\ captured Syrian jihadist gives damning details; POW murders; Turkish involvement; drugs \\ Azerbaijan bombs Iranian Mosque \\ battlefield & analysis \\ "surprise" incoming? \\ international response & diplomacy \\ humanitarian aid & demonstrations

Your Sunday report contains 4200 words. 17-minute read.

about the drugs that Azeri soldiers take

It's been documented several times that the Syrian jihadists and Azeri infiltrators shoot up numbing/performance drugs before they attack. On the 0:25-0:35 second mark in the video below, the Armenian soldiers, who had just finished fending off an attack, show what they claim to be drugs under the possession of one of the infiltrators:

Azeri army instructed jihadists to kill civilian POWs / captured jihadist reveals details / recruitment / drugs

One of the jihadists recruited by Azerbaijan was captured a few days ago. His name is Muhhrab Muhammad Al Shkheri [transliteration], a Syrian national born in May/3/1975 in Tottah, Hama, Syria. He has three children (12, 11, 9) and a wife. He worked as a laborer in Syria. In 1988 he was jailed for a month for accidentally killing his little brother (Mazen) by discharging a handgun.
After the 2016 ISIS attack, he took his family on a motorcycle to the Sinjar area where his uncle lives. After a month, ISIS reached this area too, so they had to flee to a refugee camp in Atmi village (Sarmati area).
Muhrab is given a lawyer and a translator during the interrogation by Armenian prosecutors. He was informed that he's charged with terrorism and other crimes per Armenian law. (he isn't a regular POW because international law doesn't protect the hired mercenaries)
"Around September 18th, a month before I went to Azerbaijan, another refugee camp resident told me about the Karabakh war. Suleiman Shah group leader Abu Hamsha sent a recruiter Abu Hussein 23 (a digit in the name?) who offered my uncle Muhammad Al Khaled to gather young fighters. My neighbor Hussein told me he had accepted the recruitment offer, and encouraged me to join. The next day I decided to join him.
Neighbor and I were registered by Abu Hussein 23. We spent two days in a special apartment with six other recruits. Abu 23 told me we'll to go Killis city, where various groups (Sultan Murad, Hamza, etc.) have command centers. 17 of us were taken to Al Ghus entry point in a Kia truck. There were other trucks with around 250 recruits.
We went to the outskirts of Kilis where Suleiman Shah group commander Abu Hamsha was also managing other smaller groups. Colonel Mahmoud was tasked with choosing suitable soldiers. 250 were chosen and 10 sent back. The 250 split into groups of 50.
We were in Kilis on October 17th. At 23:00, all 250 of us were told to cross the Turkish border on foot. Turkish border guards knew and let us freely enter without questions. Abu Hamsha organized the crossing.
There we met Turkish police cars who asked no questions. Five buses took us to a civilian airport in Turkey. At the airport, they didn't ask for our passport. They told us to quickly run and get in a jet. There I saw a Turkish soldier, wearing military insignia, who quickly shut down the jet door behind us.
After an hour of flight, we landed at another Turkish airport. 50 Turkish soldiers met us there. They stood between two jets. We walked through them and boarded the other jet that had an Azerbaijani flag. On October 18 we landed in Azerbaijan, where 30 soldiers wearing Azeri uniforms met us. They knew who we were. No questions asked. We got in vehicles and went to a military base, where they gave us uniforms and weapons.
The uniform was an Azeri army one. Abu Hamsha (commander) was also there. They gave him a white Toyota pickup truck. Azeris told us we're supposed to fight against Armenians. There were also Turkish soldiers wearing Turkish army uniforms.
On the 3rd day, 250 of us went to an area managed by commander Abu Hamsha, where we met another group of 250, again under the control of Abu Hamsha. Some of them were killed or wounded in battles. We spoke with them, they were from Idlib and other cities. There were about 430 of us, with another 70 dead or wounded.
After two days in Abu Hamsha's place, we were told to prepare to fight. In the morning 200 of us got in white Toyota pickup trucks and traveled 100km through hills and mountains. In the route, we saw villages with Azeri and Turkish soldiers present.
Two Azeri soldiers accompanied us. The direct supervisor of our 200-man group was Sheikh Ibrahim who wore civilian clothing but had a weapon. Artillery was sticking us from two directions. The leader divided us into groups of 25. My new immediate supervisor became Rauadd [transliteration].
We were told to cross a gorge on foot and reach an abandoned Armenian village 1km away. They told us to capture it. They didn't come with us. They told us to leave no survivors, even if civilians. When we approached the village, Armenians opened fire from both sides of the gorge. I was wounded in leg and arm. I asked my fellow soldiers for help but they just left.
Q: did you and others use drugs?
A: commander Abu Hamsha said anyone who is scared or has a weak heart can take pills. After taking them the person would become fearless. Other members of our group were using it.
Q: did they offer you money to fight against Armenians?
A: Abu Hamsha said my monthly salary was $2,000. I didn't get paid; it was supposed to be done at the end of the month.
Q: where did the money come from?
A: Turkey was paying us through Abu Hamsha.
The militant has a message: I urge my fellow Syrians to stay in Syria and not to travel to Karabakh regardless of conditions, even if you're in poverty and forced to eat soil. I regret my actions. I fell into a trap. If you can see or hear me, return to Syria, and find honest work. I left my wife and children alone and now no one takes care of them.
Video of the jihadist:
Same video:

another Syrian militant is captured alive / was paid extra to behead

13:37 Pashinyan: There is now complete and comprehensive evidence that thousands of mercenaries were recruited from Syria, transferred by Turkey to Azerbaijan, and involved in military aggression against Artsakh. This is an international criminal network and its discovery cannot be without consequences. There will be new evidence in the near future.
13:47 MoD: we have captured another Syrian militant alive.
15:50: Syrian militant Youssif Alaabet al Hajii was captured by Artsakh Hero Vladimir Balayan's son Alexei and his unit.
The militant is from village Ziradiya, Jisr Shuur, Idlib. Born in 1988. Married. Five children. Says he went to Karabakh to fight against qafirs (non-believers) in exchange for $2,000, plus $100 for beheading each qafir (Armenian).
Video of militant: , ,

Armenian soldier's message to Syrian mercenaries, in Arabic:

what does "localized battles against infiltrators in the forests" mean exactly?

Patrick Lancaster: Artsakh Hospitals Under Attack

20-minute documentary:

Azerbaijani soccer club official's comments raise the ire in Russia

Yesterday we learned that Azerbaijan's Garabag FC club's PR manager Ibrahimov called for a genocide against Armenians, and the murder of Armenian women and children.
Russian govt-run [likely the most famous] TV show anchor Vladimir Solovyov lost his cool over the comments:
"Does the leader of Azerbaijan want to comment on Ibrahimov's message? Maybe Ibrahimov himself will go and murder Armenian children in the clinic that they recently bombed? [referring to Azerbaijan's bombing of a Stepanakert maternity center a few days ago] Will he personally burn down the newborns? Adolf Hitler also wanted to kill [long list].
And this is coming from a citizen of a country that is brotherly with us. Now they have a new generation that calls for the murder of anyone who is Armenian.
Did I get that right that he will go and kill Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov because someone wrote Lavrov is part Armenian? How about PM Mishustin? Did I get that right?
How about the 30,000 ethnic Armenians that Aliyev claims to live in Baku "and feel very good"? How about all the Armenians of Karabakh that Aliyev promised a bright future?
Are there felony cases against the genocide inciters, yet? Ah… no, of course not. It's more comfortable for them to launch a felony case against me," said Solovyov. [in the last part he might be referring to Azeri govt filing a felony against a fellow media personality from WarGonzo outlet]

... it also raised the ire in Armenia

Education Ministry: Azerbaijan's education system has long taught hatred towards ethnic Armenians, so the Garabag soccer club official's statement wasn't a surprise. It once again proves that Artsakh people's safety is impossible under Azeri rule. "Succession for salvation principle" is the only solution.

Artsakh Parliament MPs defend their constituency in the front lines // Russian reporters draw parallels with Ukraine & Syria conflicts

The aforementioned Russian TV host Vladimir Solovyov (Moscow) interviews Russian WarGonzo reporter Semyon Pegov (Stepanakert).
Solovyov: how bad is it?
Pegov:: it's not "bad" bad. The heaviest battles were in the first days. The blitzkrieg failed. Now it's different warfare. In some locations Azeris advance, while in others Armenians do.
Solovyov: so who is fighting against whom? My viewers don't understand the army composition.
Pegov: Republic of Armenia's army doesn't take part. Artsakh has an army called "Artsakh Defense Army". Those who mobilized from Armenia go there as a separate force and aren't part of the Armenian Army. There are also those who are complete volunteers who aren't part of Armenian mobilization forces.
I just spoke with Artsakh Parliament Speaker. They are all up in arms and in uniforms, all 23 men. Four of them are already fighting in the most immediate front lines. They are fighting in the districts that they represent in Parliament. It's the first time I meet politicians like these, with exception of Zakharchenko in Donbas.
Solovyov: Azerbaijan used white phosphorus bombs. We know that Ukraine used them in Donbas. We also know about Ukrainian cargo jets very recently made trips to Baku. Is this Ukrainian phosphorus? Someone said Turkey also used phosphorus in Syria.
Pegov: It's a similar story as in Donbas. Azeris want to burn down the forests to pave way for their infantry because Armenians know the forests better. It's absurd that Azeris accused Artsakh of burning down their own forests. This was also done in north-western Syria.
Solovyov: some anti-Russian figures say Turkish weapons are better than Russian ones. Are there Russian weapons that can help Artsakh? If not, why?
Pegov: there is a severe shortage of modern weapons here, especially for air defense. I have no idea why we [Russia] can't help Artsakh with this. If the air was "closed", this war would have a completely different turn of events. Most Armenian air defense units are older OSA.
An attack on Artsakh is an attack on Russia from a different front. Turkey installed similar Bayraktar drones in Ukraine.
Solovyov: I think this is all Turkey's revenge for Russia's actions in Syria. What we see in Artsakh is what we will see in Donbas soon.
Pegov: Yes. And it's also revenge for Crimea, too. When some of our Russian politicians say "Artsakh is a foreign war, let's just give those 7 regions to Azerbaijan, etc." It's the same as to say let's give away Crimea and it won't affect Russia. These officials are detached from reality… Do we want terrorists a few kilometers from us?
Solovyov: well they already are. [referring to Azerbaijan recruiting Syrian jihadists]
Pegov: we can still hit the terrorists in the teeth. Sure, we can't directly get involved, but we can aid Artsakh indirectly. We need to help. In the northern front, Armenians have serious successes. Some Armenian soldiers are already sitting in Azeri trenches. I can't reveal all details. As for the southern front, they were pushed back due to numerical and technological differences. What Armenians do right now deserves respect.
Solovyov: Pegov… which one of your family members is Armenian?
Pegov: Me? No one. Why?
Solovyov: Well, the Azeri trolls keep trying to find Armenian blood in me. One day it's my mother (who is Jewish), the next day someone else. They need to find an ethnic excuse to justify my political stance.
Someone wrote Emmanuel Macron's mother's grandfather was an Armenian named Frederick Massonyan, "an enemy by ethnicity". This was written by Hamid Hamidov, an author at Russian "Echo Moskvi". They still use him as a commentator to cover the Karabakh conflict. I could feel the "Reich" when I read his comments.
Pegov: how is that different from the actions of some of the groups that Russia has declared as terrorist organizations? I would have recognized the Azerbaijani army as a terrorist organization, too, since they brought the Syrian terrorists.
Solovyov: Pashinyan keeps requesting aid from Russia but Armenia itself hasn't clarified what Artsakh is. Is it part of Armenia? Is it an independent state? Why and whom should we help?
Pegov: 99.9% of Artsakh residents support Russia. The only other place with that level of support was Crimea. Even in Donbas, fewer people supported Russia. We need to support the people of Artsakh.

November 1 // battlefield & analysis // international response & diplomacy

8:16: video showing Armenian air defense shooting down a drone near a town.
11:00 Artsakh govt: Azeris used military aviation against Martuni city at night and in the morning. There are heavy damages. They used GRAD and Smerch missiles against Avetaranots and Szneq villages. No civilian casualties.
Martuni water network works at 30% capacity. No electricity. ,
11:31 army: at night the battles continued in the north, southeast, and southwest. We suppressed the artillery that they used against Shushi. The enemy tried to use 10 light (non-armored) cars to advance towards Avetaranots village (6km from Shushi) but was found and destroyed. They retreated after sustaining heavy losses.
The attack resumed in the morning. The army maintains full control of the situation across the borders, locates enemy movements, and takes appropriate steps. ,
11:43: actress Yelena Borisenko has thanked everyone who provides media coverage from Artsakh, including WarGonzo's Semyon Pegov. "Today we paid farewell to our Adam. He left with a smile. Life will never be the same again. We will all turn into warriors. We will live in great Armenia."
11:56: soldiers reading poems and performing songs in the front lines:
chad alert:
13:02: MFA Mnatsakanyan gave an interview to Russian Sputnik news, and accused Azerbaijan of unwillingness to achieve a ceasefire.
13:11 army: Azerbaijan has so far lost 6997 soldiers, 6 TOS, 669 tanks and armored vehicles, 25 aircrafts, 16 helicopters, 241 drones.
13:24: Turkish MFA visited Azerbaijan.
13:34 The National Interest: U.S. sanctions could ease the tensions between Armenia and Azerbaijan.
13:46: 61 schools and 10 kindergartens have been damaged by Azerbaijani bombing since September 27.
13:52: WarGonzo reporter filmed the damage done to the "Gohar Agha" Iranian Mosque in Shushi. Azeris dropped a shrapnel bomb which heavily damaged the nearby parked car, too.
Mosque video:
13:56 Foreign Minister of Iran: we're almost certain that terrorists took part in the clashes. We've said that it won't benefit anyone. Iran will not tolerate their presence. They may not be immediately at our border right now but they're nearby.
Turkish govt-controlled media: Iranian president says terrorists are being deployed near the border with Iran. What should we call Iranian groups stationed in Syria/Iraq/Yemen? ,
14:18 Artsakh MoD: last evening [already reported by Artsrun] Azeris tried to attack in Martuni and Shushi directions. Near Martuni we made a strategic retreat for better positions. It's part of a strategy.
Near Shushi, we were able to predict the Azeri actions and destroyed the vehicles and personnel after they gathered in the same location. From now on, Azeris can call this location the "Hell Gorge". They sustained heavy casualties and failed their plan here.
At the moment, our soldiers confidently control their positions and are ready to respond.
14:26: army published photos of soldiers from the front lines:
15:33: the army shot an Azeri drone near Stepanakert.
16:19: famous rapper Narek from Mets Hayq group is also in the front lines. He published a photo:
16:29: Spanish Congressman Jon Inarritu and his team visited Armenia "to learn about the Turkish-Azeri aggression".
Video from Congressman:
18:12 Artsakh govt: the rumors about an airstrike against president Arayik Harutyunyan's car fleet are false.
18:29 Artsakh govt: Azeri drone bombed an emergency firefighter vehicle in the north-east. It was delivering drinking water to civilians. The crew wasn't injured. Not the first time the Azeri army target civilians.
18:30 Pashinyan to Al Jazeera: Azerbaijan responded to the peaceful 1988 movement by using force against civilians, just as they bomb them today...
Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan means Karabakh without the Armenian population...
Karabakh takes special care of Mosques. The one in Shushi was very recently renovated. If you visit the town you'll see how beautiful it is unless Azeris have already bombed it [spoiler: they did, but luckily it hit the outer wall].
[Al Jazeera reporter noted that earlier they visited Sushi and filmed that Mosque.]
More: , ,
18:39: the army shot two more Azeri drones near Stepanakert. Four more explosions were heard later.
18:46: video showing the forest fires along the Stepanakert-Martuni road, caused by Azerbaijan's intentional bombardments, including with phosphorus bombs. The forests are often used as shelter by civilians.
18:48: Russia denied rumors that two of its soldiers were killed while patrolling the Armenian borders.
19:01: Armenian civilians running to take cover in Stepanakert during a bombing:
19:37: WarGonzo showing the civilian infrastructure damage in Shushi:
20:05: Armenian troops neutralized an Azeri group and captured their commander's (Toyota?) pickup truck. The video is likely from yesterday.
20:45: the army has awarded several soldiers.
Major Babayan Ando received the Medal of Courage for selfless bravery during a defense.
Eight female and male doctors and Majors received Medal of Courage for evacuating and saving the wounded. Several others received similar medals.
22:00 army spokesman Artsrun's briefing: in the morning, Azeris and terrorists continued to attack in various directions, mainly with small groups, mainly localized, sometimes with artillery and air attack and military aviation. No significant positional changes happened today. The battles continue.
Today we showed you the second hired terrorist who explained how they were recruited and paid, and how Azeris used them against us. There will be many more surprises, regardless of how many times Turkey and Azerbaijan try to refute their utilization of hired terrorists.
We possess details on where they are deployed, what their mission is. I must say that the decision to use these mercenaries in the front lines tells us that Azerbaijan's land army is seriously damaged, and their main hope is these mercenaries.
We're very well aware of Turkish involvement in the Azeri army. The control is, essentially, in the hands of Turkey. It's somewhat fair to say that there is no such thing as Azeri Armed Forces anymore.
When the Azeri army catastrophically failed during July battles [Armenia took a position within its territory, Azeris attacked but failed], Turkey decided to take control of the Azeri army. All the "great Azeri high-tech and weapon" that some international experts talk about has nothing to do with Azerbaijan. It's all Turkish-Israeli and is mostly controlled by Turkey.
Their technological superiority, however, won't last long. We have a surprise for the non-existent government of Azerbaijan. We know that they'll try other measures, but we're prepared.
Q: are the foreign maps, circulated on social media by some blogs, accurate?
A: most of them can have inaccuracies in multiple directions. I don't recommend using them. Follow us, we are transparent and we give you reliable information. Artsakh is small. Everyone can see what's happening and where.
I'll say this again. When you hear good news, it shouldn't cause excessive euphoria. The war is still heavy and hard. Similarly, when you hear bad news, that doesn't mean things are falling apart.
Our soldiers are in full control of the situation and they get stronger every day. Our people and diaspora stand with them. We will win.
23:02: an Ohio House Representative plans to introduce a resolution to officially recognize Artsakh and to condemn the Turkish-Azeri aggression.
23:29: Azerbaijan bombed the civilian infrastructure of Martuni.

COVID stats

+5,392 tested. +2,441 infected. +510 healed. +28 deaths. 34,691 active.

Humanitarian aid & demonstrations

11:25: Johnson & Johnson held fundraising to help civilians who suffered during the war.
13:04: Armenian demonstrators gathered in front of Capitol Hill to raise awareness of the war crimes against Artsakh civilians.
13:15 Education Ministry: on November 3rd there will be a book and souvenir sale in Northern Avenue. The funds will be donated to and
13:20: 103-year-old Lebanese-Armenian grandma Qnarik Markosyan donated $1 million to to help Artsakh.
13:38: Avraam Russo, a famous Russian-Armenian-Lebanese singeshowman, will organize online charity concerts on November 1-2 and donate the revenues to Artsakh's Armenian population.
15:25: Diasporan Armenians are looking for various ways to fundraise for Artsakh. These ladies are preparing handmade bracelets and providing piano lessons to donate the income to
16:08: Olympics and world champion wrestler Arthur Alexanyan has joined the "Recognize me? Recognize Artsakh" campaign on social media.
16:26: Armenians demonstrated in Canada:
17:57: a mother baked a bread and went barefoot to the recently bombed Shushi church to have it blessed before sending it to his son in front lines.
20:06: world-famed Japanese pianist Takahiro Akiba performed Arno Babajanyan music in Nagano, Japan. He dedicated it to Armenian soldiers who died fighting.
22:04 BREAKING NEWS: legendary 6-time Super Bawl champion coach Bill Belichick (New England Patriots) has expressed solidarity with Armenians.
“I stand with you during these difficult times. I have learned that throughout Armenian history, regardless of any adversity or tragedy, the Armenian people have continued to thrive. I hope and pray for peace, justice, and the safety of the brave soldiers that are fighting for their nation’s recognition and freedom,” Bill Belichick said. ,
22:09: Armenians are currently holding a demonstration in front of the New York Times newspaper office in New York. They protest the extremely biased coverage featured by NYT's Turkey-based reporter Carlotta Gall which is often published in Google News and other places.

regional news

Georgian elections. Ethnic Armenian MP Samvel Manukyan from the Javakh region is reelected with 63% of votes. He represents the ruling Georgian Dream party, which has won the elections with 48% votes.
The opposition organized protests; they want new elections. Georgian President welcomed the fact that the elections were peaceful in predominantly Armenian and Azeri regions of Georgia. , , ,
The death toll from the earthquake in Izmir has reached 62, with 940 injured.
Kurdish PKK group blew up a Turkish pipeline in Mardin (Turkey) that was transporting oil from Syria to Turkey. 3 died, 25 injured.
Someone vandalized the Armenian genocide memorial in Lyon, Frace with graffiti.
Emmanuel Macron criticized Recep Erdogan for being aggressive towards NATO allies.
article by Spectator: it's time to expel Turkey from NATO. "After 20 years in power, Erdogan isn't hiding his ever-increasing Islamist trends, and works against Western interests."
Russian INTER RAO energy giant, run by Putin's ally Igor Sechin, had recently canceled the plans to build a nuclear power plant in Turkey. Turkish media outlet Dünya believes it's related to conflicts in Karabakh, Libya, and Syria (Russia and Turkey support opposing sides).
Boston Celtics' Turkish basketballer Enes Kanter: Terrorism has a new face. 10 years and 31 conflicts against 10 countries (Greece, Russia, Cyprus, Syria, Libya, Iraq, Armenia, France, Saudi Arabia, Kurds). The world must realize that the Erdogan regime is the author, and not Turkey. Let's stop this dictatorship and build a peaceful world.
[Kanter's father was sentenced to 15 years in prison in 2018 for being critical to the Erdogan regime. Kanter will soon receive a U.S. citizenship.]
Roma's midfielder Henrikh Mkhitaryan passes the ball that ends with a goal. Video:

How to donate to Artsakh (international, medical help for former soldiers) (international, for Artsakh) (U.S. tax-deductible, for Artsakh)
Prior events:
October 31, October 30, October 29, October 28, October 27, October 26, October 25, October 24, October 23, October 22, October 21, October 20, October 19, October 18, October 17, October 16, October 15, October 14, October 13, October 12, October 11 , October 10, October 9 , October 8, October 7,October 6, October 5, October 4, October 3, October 2, October 1, September 30, September 29, September 28, September 27
submitted by ar_david_hh to armenia [link] [comments]

Oct/27/2020 news wrap-up: \\ War in Artsakh (Karabakh) \\ battlefield map & analysis; press briefing \\ Pashinyan addresses nation \\ more evidence of jihadists hired by Azerbaijan; confirmed deaths \\ Azeri soldier reveals preparation details \\ international response \\ demonstrations & donations

high-profile Syrian jihadist is confirmed dead

A high-profile militant from Hamza Division, hired by Azerbaijan to fight in Artsakh, was killed by an Armenian artillery strike.
The Hamza Division (Firqat al-Hamza) has announced the death of commander Adel al-Shakhir. He was a long-time fighter who recently went to Artsakh.
Syrian SOHR humanitarian organization has confirmed the death of 19 more militants, including the aforementioned commander, who was in charge of leading groups in Artsakh. SOHR alone has identified 188 dead militants. ,

jihadist is captured by Syria / exposes details about Karabakh deployment

Syrian Al Hadas outlet reports that the Syrian army has captured militant Amin Imad es-Sayed from pro-Turkish Sultan Murad cell. He was serving in city Afrin for 350 Liras per month ($50). He gave details about his commander Abdel Rahim Rahman Turkmani.
He said the militants for Artsakh are collected from various groups. Thousands have been recruited for $2,000 salary with 3-month contracts. He revealed many militants have already died.
He also gave details about how they smuggle stolen oil through Turkey.

died for $2,000 (minus commanders' share)

Syrian sources have confirmed the death of another prominent Syrian militant recruited by Azerbaijan.
The body of Abu Maria (Maisar Ali Musa Abdullah al-Juburi) from Deir ez-Zor has reached Syria today via the Jarablusa entrance with Turkey. He is originally from Iraq and was a former member of Jabhat al-Nusra.

collection of reports about the jihadists recruited by Azerbaijan & Turkey

The Conflict Intelligence Team has an article that provides details about the militants. It contains [older] links to several international articles and interviews with militants and their families. The article also dismisses fake news circulated by the Azeri government about Armenia allegedly hiring Kurds/Assyrians from abroad.

"SNA mercenaries in Azerbaijan: the Visual Evidence"

Another collection of info about jihadists recruited by Azerbaijan.

more evidence of jihadists in Azerbaijan

Photos taken next to an Azeri wall poster:
The Azeri military school toom where jihadists took the photos:

October 27 events / battlefield & footage / international response & diplomacy / demonstrations & donations

It turns out Formula-1 pilot Max Verstappen did not write the widely circulated message in support of Artsakh. It was likely a troll who used his name.
23:55 army released footage showing volunteers from Tavush Province undergoing training before deployment.
00:09: on the topic of non-official high-ranking deaths in the Azeri army. There are allegedly 13 Lieutenant Colonels and 2 Colonels on the list of deceased. Names and photos in the link. One of them was confirmed officially; he was a National Hero of Azerbaijan.
00:12: Olympics silver-medalist wrestler Mihran Harutyunyan will join Russian-Armenian MMA fighter Edward Vardanyan and travel to Artsakh for humanitarian work.
00:32: there was a giant cross in an intersection in one of the southern fronts. Azeri soldiers vandalized it after capturing the area.
00:48 Washington Examiner: "Erdogan triples down on imperial fanaticism."
Erdogan offered three repudiations of the democratic international order. First, he attacked France over its commitment to defend its democratic values and way of life.
Second, Erdogan pledged to keep fueling the bloody war between Azerbaijan and Armenia.
Third, he promised new assaults on Greek sovereignty.
7:20: the Armenian Youth Federation has installed tents and will hold a hunger strike in the United States. The demonstrators want the official recognition of Artsakh and sanctions against Turkey and Azerbaijan.
8:41 Artsakh govt: the night was relatively calm. The tension remains in the center-east.
9:21: army reminded family members not to secretly send smartphones to their relatives in front lines because the cell connection can be intercepted by the enemy, which would then give away the location of the soldier(s).
9:27: Artsakh president Arayik Harutyunyan has replaced the Minister of Defense Jalal Harutyunyan with Mikael Arzumanyan; the latter is promoted to Lieutenant General.
"Jalal received a wound while in front lines. I wish him a speedy recovery. There is no threat to his life. He will return soon."
Fake news was circulated on the internet allegedly showing the "drone strike against a vehicle convoy that killed Jalal Harutyunyan". The latter was wounded while in an outpost.
9:56 Jerusalem Post: "How Turkey manufactured a 'crisis' with France over 'cartoons". [Artsakh war is mentioned]
10:52: Armenians held demonstrations in front of Walgreens, Comcast, and Verizon offices in Washington D.C., and urged them to cancel ties with BGRGroup lobbyist organization which helps to cover up the Azeri aggression.
11:24 Armenian MoD: between 10:00-10:15, Azerbaijan violated the ceasefire and used a drone against a position within the Republic of Armenia's southern border. Armenian MoD will have to respond by returning fire.
12:40 Armenian MoD: The shootout continued. Armenia returned fire. Some soldiers were wounded. Azeris used a drone.
13:01 Armenian MoD: we took preventative measures. Azeris sustained significant losses.
14:02: army released footage showing the aftermath of the earlier Azeri attack on the Armenian border; smoke is seen in multiple locations.
15:16 Armenian MoD: we're monitoring the situation in the south. We know every Azeri movement. No one died and no equipment was destroyed on the Armenian side during the 10 am incident. We know the location of Azeri firing points. If this happens again, we will strike all of them.
11:33: army released footage showing the destruction of Azeri equipment.
11:46: a video from south-west front interviewing the soldiers who shot two drones and several armored vehicles. "They left some of the vehicles running and fled."
12:09: the church has collected another round of $380k in donations from its global branches for Artsakh.
12:44: photo of one of the Azeri drones that were shot down last night after intruding in the Republic of Armenia territory:
12:50: Azeri soldiers invited the EuroNews journalists to the northern village Mataghis captured by them in the first week, to brag about their deeds.
It turns out Armenians are positioned on the hills next to Mataghis. An Armenian missile barely missed the car that was transporting the reporters, whose car had a military camouflage. The footage shows how the missile flew inches away.
12:54: The city council of French city Bouches-du-Rhone approved a resolution in support of Artsakh, condemned the aggression against citizens' rights, and urged the French govt to act. The city donated 50k Euros to Artsakh.
13:21: prosecutor's office gave a briefing about POWs. There are 17 Armenian POWs in Azerbaijan. The ECHR was contacted to demand fair treatment.
Two Azeri POWs were questioned by Armenian prosecutors. They receive medical and other necessary care.
Another man that was earlier presented as an Armenian-speaking Azeri infiltrator turned out to be an Armenian man, who was at the wrong time at the wrong place.
13:39: army has identified and published the names of 35 soldiers who died fighting. Total 1,005.
Some activists were able to independently learn of names of 1,200 Azeri dead soldiers. The total number is >6,000.
13:45: Ilham Aliyev gave an interview to RIA Novosti. He accused the Minks Group of "monopolizing" the role of mediators and "freezing the conflict instead of solving it".
13:46: the father of the legendary artilleryman Albert Hovhannisyan has donated his Mitsubishi to the army.
Journalist Tatul Hakobyan has done the same with his jeep.
13:48 spokesman Artsrun Hovhannisyan: It is interesting how history repeats itself 27 years later. In 1993, Azerbaijan violated all ceasefire agreements (read Kazimirov's book). The results are known.
14:18 Spanish Senator Charles Garcia to govt: Does the government of Spain have information on the volumes of arms sold by Spain to Turkey and Azerbaijan during the last 5 years?
Will the Spanish government take diplomatic steps against Turkey and Azerbaijan for the aggression unleashed against the Artsakh Republic?
What steps are being taken for the recognition of the Artsakh Republic?
14:39: Ombudsman published a map showing the location where 39 civilians were killed and 122 wounded from an indiscriminate bombing by Azerbaijan.
14:57: the government of the Netherlands has prepared a report which states their awareness that Turkey has recruited militants to help Azerbaijan in the Artsakh war.
The govt will raise the topic in a NATO meeting and ask member Turkey to be productive and help establish a ceasefire.
15:05: Iranian army general Abdolrahim Mousavi instructed to install more air defense systems near the north-western borders and to "punish Takfir terrorists near Iranian borders" if necessary to secure the Iranian population.
15:12: Iran has sent a special envoy to Moscow to discuss the conflict.
15:17: Yezidi-Armenians held a demonstration in front of the U.S. embassy in Yerevan.
15:20: there haven't been any new cases of spies being busted. A few weeks ago the NSS busted a former army officer who was allegedly collecting info about equipment location and other data.
A second suspect is a group of foreign citizens who were gathering info on troop movement and positions. All suspects are currently under arrest.
15:29: the army has awarded medals to several soldiers.
Two Lt. Colonels received Combat Cross for precision artillery strikes that caused heavy casualties. Several others received Combat Service for similar work.
A Private and a Sergeant, for shooting 2 drones and a tank.
A Private for blowing up Ural transport vehicle with soldiers inside.
A military doctor Artsakh Barseghyan, for evacuating a total of 16 wounded soldiers while under fire.
Mekhak Safaryan, for organizing the evacuation of a total of 50 soldiers under difficult circumstances.
And others, for various acts of courage...
15:37: the Investigative Committee will send a group of 150 volunteers to the front lines.
15:42: the State Symphony Orchestra of Armenia will have open-air concerts between Oct 30 - Nov 2. The revenues will be donated to , the official fund that helps wounded soldiers and their families.
15:46: the US Chess Federation held a charity competition to help Artsakh. Grandmasters Vladimir Hakobyan (AM) and Samuel Sevyan (US) played against 29 guests. The $2,500 collected from the entry fee was donated to Himnadram.
16:11: soccer star Aras Ozbilis sold his jersey on eBay auction for $1,025 and donated it to Artsakh.
15:58: video shows Iran moving more military equipment to its northern borders.
16:06 an Azeri POW reveals details: after the July training with the Turkish army, some Turkish personnel didn't leave. They held 10-15-day training in our platoon to teach mountain warfare. I saw them in other units, too.
I was also told soldiers would arrive from Pakistan, too.
We underwent training in the mountains and were told to get ready for war. The Turkish personnel didn't wear names or tags on their uniforms. We referred to then as "commander".
On September 20-21, our battalion left the facility with Ural and Kamaz trucks towards Gyulistan (north-west, maybe near Mrav mountain). Our commander Ahmad Hanifayev told us that the Armenian positions only had 5-7 soldiers and that we have to storm and take over as many as possible.
The army uses Israeli and Turkish drones but they are controlled from the rear. I have no knowledge of who flies the drones.
Some of our artillery units were installed in [civilian] settlements where dense gardens/forests exist.
16:20: throughout the month-long war, Azerbaijan has received over 100 cargo flights with weapons. 70 from Turkey, 20 from Israel, Belarus, and Ukraine.
More details:
16:37: a former official Vazgen Manukyan suggested for the govt to step down and hand over the power completely to the military. The military responded by basically saying are you out of your mind Vzgo.
16:39: The Human Rights Ombudsman Tatoyan met the group of French Parliamentarians and presented evidence of war crimes by Azerbaijan.
16:51: Lusine Mirzoyan migrated from Martakert to Yerevan for safety. She gave birth to her 8th child today. "The law says a woman with 10 children is officially a Hero Mother. I still have 8," said the woman. [can't tell if this was a joke, but it's funny anyway]
103 Artsakhtsi kids were born in Yerevan since September 27th.
17:12: businessman Eduardo Eurnekian has donated $3.5m to Artsakh via
17:36: army released footage showing a column of trucks, presumably belonging to Azerbaijan's jihadists, being blown up.
17:40: Europe isn't happy with Erdogan's calls to boycott French products, citing a EU-Turkey agreement that requires free trade of goods.
17:51: video featuring the volunteer doctors who help save lives in the front lines.
18:01: Greek City Times writes that the F-35 jets that the U.S. planned to sell go Turkey were sold to Greece instead, and have already joined the fleet.
18:11: the king of Bahrain Sheikh Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa has responded to president Sarkissian's letter by preparing a statement on behalf of the Gulf Cooperation Council. The statement urges the Security Council to intervene and establish a ceasefire.
18:23: Armenian MoD refuted claims by Azerbaijan about firing missiles at Azerbaijan's Barda region (north-east from Artsakh).
"This false accusation once again shows the need to install a ceasefire verification mechanism on the borders."
18:25: MFAs of Russia and Turkey discussed the conflicts in Artsakh, Syria, and Libya.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo spoke with Pashinyan and Aliyev and urged to respect the ceasefire. Pashinyan informed him that Azerbaijan violated it the third time. , ,
18:31: European Parliament MP Lars Patrick Berg has called for international pressure against Azerbaijan.
19:20: the Parliament has approved the bill to create աշխարհազոր volunteer army in Armenia. It's meant to better organize self-defense forces by giving local authorities more rights to gather volunteers who are not already part of reserves. Volunteers will be paid, undergo training, and carry weapons. The bill drafted pre-war.
19:27: Parliament approved a bill to regulate the process of collecting certain items from citizens that can be useful for the army, in the event the army is short of those supplies. There will be a compensation if the property is damaged.
19:23 Artsakh govt: the situation is stable-tense. The center-east continues to be shelled, near Avetaranots and Madatashen villages. There were infiltration attempts. The artillery is working.
Throughout the day, Martuni and Lachin were bombed. 3 women were wounded in nearby Nngi village, which doesn't have military objects; illegal cluster bombs were used.
Capital Stepanakert was calm during the day. ,
20:36: footage shared by Armenian soldiers showing the aftermath of a battle that left Azeri soldiers dead during an unsuccessful infiltration attempt. Armenian soldiers are seen passing around items taken from Azeris:
20:43: գետնի Քիսո Turkish Lira falls to a new record low. 8.16 for $1.
21:00 Pashinyan addresses the nation: proud citizens of Armenia, Artsakh, and the diaspora. It's been a month since the Turk-Azeri-terrorist army wage a war against Artsakh and Armenians. Thousands of bombs have been fired at civilians, thousand of drones. The enemy attacked with tanks, jets, helicopters, Azeris, mercenaries, Turkish and Pakistani special forces.
A month ago they had a plan to bring Artsakh to its knee. Yet today, although wounded, Artsakh is standing, thanks to primarily our heroic army and heroic public.
This cruel but heroic process reassures us that Artsakh will continue to stand because our spirit is unbreakable.
The war has entered a stage where every moment it collapses the illusions that the opponent had. The military-political leadership of Azerbaijan has fed so much "victory news" to the Azeri public, that every moment the Azeri public awaits news about Artsakh's final fall.
The Azeri public, however, will not receive that news. They will not get it. And it is this indefinite expectation of this news that will collapse the Azeri plans to invade Artsakh.
Artsakh's people, Armenian people, all Armenians will fight until the end for every tree, for every stone and every millimeter, and the counter-attack at the right moment will have a disastrous effect and will collapse the opponent. Developing that moment [counter attack] is the task of the Artsakh army and we must aid them in any way possible.
To solve the aforementioned problem we need national unity. Military orders must be carried out unconditionally. Those who disobey must be held accountable because Artsakh is at stake.
I'm aware that my yesterday's speech [about Armenia's willingness for "painful" mutual compromise] raised some questions and discussions. It was aimed to inform the international community about our constructive stance and the determination to secure rights for Artsakh.
We must use the energy for Artsakh. Everything and everyone for Artsakh. Every part of the govt works to resolve problems and improve efficiency. Our resources aren't unlimited, but Artsakh's defense army has enough weapons and the potential to carry out its missions.
Yes, we have many enemies around the world, but we also have allies who have/are/will stand next to us. Armenian people won't forget that.
We must defend Artsakh's right to self-determination. This war must be a top priority for all of us, and we will win. This war has radically changed the perception of the Artsakh war around the world.
International leaders today openly state that Azeris and Turkey are the aggressors. The use of terrorists by Azerbaijan has been confirmed in the world. This was possible partly due to our diplomatic work.
Diplomatic work is done to show the world that Azerbaijan has never wanted to go for any concessions. This fact gives international legitimacy for Artsakh Armenians to fight until the end.
Let's agree not to be afraid of anything and not to allow the internal and external actors to stoke doubt in our free and happy future.
You are a victor, Armenian nation. Go and take your victory, create your victory, and have no doubt that your government will not stop guiding you the way to victory.
Glory to freedom, glory to the Republic of Armenia, Glory to the Republic of Artsakh, Glory to the Armenian army and the soldier, Glory to children who will live in free and happy Armenia, free and happy Artsakh. Thank you.
21:06 first lady Anna Hakobyan: many women have contacted me to volunteer after I announced plans to join the front line along with 13 other women. Call [redacted number] if you want to join.
21:35: Trump said he's disappointed that the ceasefire was violated.
ANCA urged the U.S. government to kick Azeri banks out of the global SWIFT financial transaction network for violating the ceasefire and targeting civilians. Dashnaks are working on promoting a sanctions package.
22:00 army spokesman Artsarun's briefing: in the morning Azeris launched an attack in different directions. They shelled civilian settlements, as mentioned earlier.
The northern front was relatively less tense.
The fight continues against infiltrator groups in several villages in the center-east [map shows slightly north of Hadrut]. It's mostly inside forests. It's usually small groups that carry light weapons. They flee and hide after our attack. Later they try to infiltrate from other locations. These light-intensity fights happen 24/7 here.
In the south, there are battles along the Vorotan river basin [which stretches north towards Lachin]. Today Azeris tried to organize an attack with the use of drones and artillery towards Lachin [further north] and towards the Armenian border [further north-west], but they were repelled and did not succeed.
As you can tell by the map [presents a map], after having some success in the plain flatlands, Azeris and international terrorists are trying to attack the mountains, but successes are not easy for them. That's a harder task and the battles are heavier for them.
The war continues. It's slightly different now, however. The battles aren't as heavy and fast, although they are still heavy battles on mountains, forests, and gorges.
Several infiltrator groups were neutralized today. A few more routed, leaving behind equipment.
The nature of today's war is slightly unusual, slightly difficult. The enemy has lost its overwhelming advantage and equipment advantage, partly due to the terrain of warfare, the improvement of our tactics, our experience.
Therefore the situation is slightly different today. I can't give you all the data dynamically because the dynamics are not the same anymore, it has changed.
Be confident. We will win.
22:04: meet the men who defend the borders:
McDonald's' franchise branch in Azerbaijan has supported the Azeri aggression against Artsakh on its Instagram account.
22:26: there are unofficial unconfirmed reports of the death of Azeri Lieutenant General Colonel Ibrahim Heynulla Mais oglu nicknamed "cobra".
22:43: ANCA has urged Joe Biden to recognize the independence of the Artsakh Republic.
23:00: Azeri movie theaters are boycotting Mel Gibson's gözəl movies after he voiced support for Artsakh and Armenians.
Mel Gibson > Ronald McDonald. Change my mind.
23:04 Pashinhyan to Spanish EFE outlet: Artsakh residents don't want independence just for having it; it's a necessity for survival.

COVID stats

+3,397 tested. +1,600 infected. +26 deaths. +652 healed.

Central Bank about the economy

The Central Bank predicts that the GDP will decline by 7% instead of 6.2% that was calculated before COVID's second wave and the war.
12-month inflation was 1.4%. The Services sector is still heavily affected by COVID, which will delay economic recovery.
The upcoming ban on Turkish products won't cause any significant price hikes for Armenian consumers.
Money held in savings accounts declined by "tiny 1%" for two reasons: compensating for COVID-related income decline, and soldiers cashing out some funds for the family before they leave for front lines.
The refinancing rate will remain the same 4.25%. The interest rate on funds obtained from banks will be 2.75%.


Parliament approved the acceptance of a $3.8m grant from Japan, aimed at healthcare-related purchases and serving the mountainous population.

How to help Artsakh (medical help for former soldiers) (international donations) (tax-deductible in the U.S.)
You've read 3778 words.
Prior events:
October 26, October 25, October 24, October 23, October 22, October 21, October 20, October 19, October 18, October 17, October 16, October 15, October 14, October 13, October 12, October 11 , October 10, October 9 , October 8 , October 7, October 6, October 5, October 4, October 3, October 2, October 1, September 30, September 29, September 28, September 27.
submitted by ar_david_hh to armenia [link] [comments]

Nov/3/2020 wrap-up: \\ War in Artsakh (Karabakh) \\ Artsakh recognition \\ Azerbaijan targets kindergarten & clinic \\ battlefield & analysis \\ Pashinyan criticizes Israeli drone sales \\ geopolitics; Turkey; Europe; Kurds \\ jihadist report \\ donations & demonstrations \\ Azeri MoD "fired"

Your Tuesday report contains 3538 words. 14-minute read.

Pashinyan criticizes Israel // terror in Vienna // geopolitics

Pashinyan on October 4: Europe should expect Turkey at the gates of Vienna if the current situation in Karabakh isn't assessed properly.
Erdogan on October 16: Not one European will be able to walk safely on the streets if they keep up their current attitude toward Turkey.
Followed by: radical Turkish groups chase cops, attack Armenians, and "search for more" in France. Three terrorist attacks in France and Vienna. Armenian genocide memorial and consulate vandalized in France.
Pashinyan to Jerusalem Post before Vienna attack: Israel should ask itself if it wants to be in the same group with terrorists and Turkey. Israeli weapons are being used by Azerbaijan in the genocide of the Karabakh population. Israel is actively engaged in this conflict.
As for the humanitarian aid that Israel offered to Armenia, they should perhaps send it to the terrorists and mercenaries as a logical continuation of their policies.
The mercenary situation in Karabakh should be the subject of an international investigation.
Jerusalem Post article: Israel has lined up with Turkey, terrorists and Syrian mercenaries in backing Azerbaijan in the current conflict with Armenia, and will eventually suffer the consequence of that unholy alliance, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan told The Jerusalem Post in an exclusive interview on Monday.
Pashinyan after the interview: it is unfortunate that just hours after my interview to Jerusalem Post Israel was targeted - although indirectly - in Vienna. (synagogue incident)
Pashinyan today: It is obvious that a hybrid world war has started and the longer the world continues to ignore it, the more noticeable it will become. This war is equally directed against Christians, Muslims, and Jews.
Nagorno Karabakh, by the way, is the anti-terrorist front of that war, and without exaggeration, the fate of civilization is also decided here. Civilization must win. We stand with you, Vienna.
Austrian PM Kurz to Pashinyan: thank you for the words of solidarity. It means a lot to us. Together we will defend our values.
European Parliament MP Marco Dreosto: the Armenian Prime Minister had warned Europe a few days ago that if you don't face Erdogan, you will face them at the gates of Vienna. Not even at the gates. What happened today was in the heart of Vienna.
MFA Mnatsakanyan: Barbarity and terrorism smearing around. Now in Vienna. Very angry about this heinous attack. In full solidarity with Austrian friends. Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh are fighting those terrorists sponsored by Turkey and their client Azerbaijan.
Artsakh president Arayik: No country in the world is safe from terrorism. I strongly believe that terrorism should not be associated with a particular religion, civilization, people, or ethnic group.
Interview to JP: , , , , , , , ,

more evidence that Azerbaijan endangers its civilians / artillery too close

CBC media went to Azerbaijan. The locals in Terter complained about Armenians firing at their houses. CBC "accidentally" recorded how Azeri artillery missile units fired at Armenians while located within or immediately next to the Azeri civilian settlement, thus endangering their own civilians.
The exact segment:

Azerbaijan's use of chemical white phosphorus bombs

Video showing how Azerbaijan uses the prohibited weapon against the Armenian soldiers:

a few more things

Unconfirmed/unverified report says Azeri Colonel Agayev Vugar Ahmad, and Lt. Colonel Nail Rafail oglu Orucov were killed near Kubatlu. , , ,
Video: Armenian soldiers shoot an Azeri drone.
Another video showing the moment the second Syrian jihadist was captured alive:
Video of children playing war. They even simulate the evacuation of wounded fellows:
Patrick Lancaster filming the damage in Martuni. "Artsakh Civilians Killed & Schools Under Fire."

November 3 // battlefield & analysis // international response & diplomacy

00:43: Azeri government claims to have started an investigation against Azeri soccer club Garabag FC's PR manager Ibrahimov for writing "kill all Armenians, women, children" comment. There has been an international movement to pressure Adidas, other sponsors, and UEFA to act on it. The Azeri government says the case is in court. UEFA is independently investigating the official.
Blogger Alexander Lapshin comments:
8:30: 2,000 members of HHK party have signed up for the army. Some have already joined. 5 deaths and 20 wounds in their ranks.
8:42: the 25-member Spanish delegation, led by Congressman Jon Iñarritu and consisted of lawmakers and journalists, is still in Armenia. They visited various places, met officials, the church leader, and condemned the Turkish-Azeri aggression.
9:01 Artsakh govt: the night was calm in civilian settlements but in the morning Azerbaijan used Smerch missiles against Martuni and Shushi. No injuries.
Damage in Shushi:
9:18 army: at night, there were defensive battles in the east, south-east, and south. Our precision strikes destroyed one tank, automotive equipment, and infantry. The battles continue.
In the east, the army decided to conduct a tactical retreat to take more favorable positions for future operations.
In the south, a precision strike destroyed the attacking enemy vehicle and infantry. The enemy retreated to its original position after sustaining losses.
In the north, a suppressive fire ended the enemy's attack preparations.
9:40: Spanish/Catalonian city of San Hilario Sacalm has condemned the Azeri aggression and the targeting of civilians.
9:53 (video): the army has issued awards to four soldiers. While fighting in the southern front a few days ago, they infiltrated the enemy's rear and destroyed an entire crew of grenade launchers. They returned after confiscating valuable documents and weapons. The video shows some of the captured documents and personal items:
11:16: demonstrators brought a coffin in front of the UN embassy in Yerevan to protest its inaction. The coffin had the picture of the president of The United Nations General Assembly Volkan Bozkir, a Turkish diplomat. Funeral music was played. A candle was lit. Prayer read.
UN Human Rights Commissioner Michelle Bachelet: Artillery strikes in the disputed enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh could amount to war crimes. I urge both sides to halt attacks on civilian areas, schools, and hospitals. ,
11:29 (video): life continues in Stepanakert. People are cleaning up debris from the bombings. "We will win," chanted some residents.
12:03 (video): the internet has a new star. Diasporan-Armenian Lil' Harut dressed up in army uniform and took a coffee cup to mimic Artsakh president Arayik Harutyunyan's iconic "coffee with the boys" photo. His sister stood nearby as a warrior. A star is born.
The parents decided to launch a fundraiser "Haroutig & Lori Fundraiser for Armenia fund."
12:27: Azerbaijan used a new type of banned weapon in Artsakh. It's a 40cm cluster munition that burns. Its use against civilians is prohibited by the Geneva Convention.
12:41 Belgian singer KeyOh: You don’t need to be Armenian to stand up for Armenians. You just need to be Human.
12:43 (video): artillerymen train before the deployment.
12:53: another major Italian city has officially recognized the independence of the Artsakh Republic. This time it's Palermo.
12:57 army spokesman Artsrun: the battles continue in the east. The opponent is suffering heavy losses. Glory to our army.
13:00: winter is coming, keep calm and թխա. Will the Syrian jihadists, who are used to desert warfare, be able to adapt? Chief meteorologist Gagik Surenyan predicts lots of snow in the Artsakh mountains.
13:03 Armenian MoD: the Azeri claim that we shot at Fizuli and the nearby villages is false. No shots were fired from Armenia.
13:04: Russia has conducted airstrikes in northern Syria, north-west of Idlib. 35 pro-Turkish terrorists from the Failak Al-Sham group were killed. (Some of its members are in Artsakh).
14:02 ruling party MP Alen Simonyan: it's inappropriate to reveal all details, but Russia remains truthful to its security agreement with Armenia. We appreciate that. There are formal actions, but also informal ones that aren't always talked about.
14:05: the president of Ukraine denied selling the phosphorus bombs to Azerbaijan: "I understand, Sarik [person who wrote him a letter], it really hurts. Terrible when you see what a real war is. Ukraine has never supplied a phosphorus bomb anywhere. Especially where it is already hot, and where hotheads want to solve some "geopolitical issues". We have a large Armenian community who are part of our society."
14:14: The leader of Iran Ali Khamenei has criticized the presence of Syrian jihadists at its borders and said "If Tehran feels threatened, it will respond decisively."
14:16: the army shared video/photos of an aftermath of a battle. "As a result of the ongoing battles on the south-eastern front line (Shekher-Karmir Shuka-Taghavard line), which took place in recent days, the Army and volunteers have organized a real "hell" for the enemy in our forests and valleys.
The terrorist groups and special forces units have suffered and continue to suffer heavy human and military losses. At present, in the areas of the deployment of enemy forces, reconnaissance and operations are underway."
Armenian troops fired at the first car with RPG. The survivors were chased and neutralized up the hill. The second car was ambushed with machine guns. The defense was organized by nearby village residents who serve as volunteers.
Shortly after the fight:
14:58 Little boy: Վը՞նց անինք, վըր էլ վափշե մեր Արցախումը կռիվ չինի (how to prevent wars?)
President Arayik: Ծանդր հարց ես տվալ: Էդ հարցի պատասխանը մինն ա. Պիտի ուժեղ ինինք: Եթե ուժեղ չինինք, կռիվ ա լինելու, եթե ուժեղ ինինք, վըխընալու են կռիվ անին, գիտացե՞ր: (be strong)
15:40 (photo): Azerbaijan had earlier bombed a WW2 cemetery in Martakert.
15:47: The French city of Grenoble passed a resolution to express solidarity with the Artsakh people and urged the federal govt to launch a fund to aid them.
15:49: photos of soldiers from front lines.
15:51: Russian-Armenians sent another cargo jet with humanitarian aid.
16:05: Artsakh Human Rights Ombudsman met the Iceland Parliament MP Birgir Thorarinsson and the President of the "One Free World International" human rights organization Majed El Shafie. The guests criticized human rights violations by Azerbaijan.
16:36 Armenia MoD: Azerbaijan has just bombed positions in the Republic of Armenia's southern borders with Iran. Several bombs landed in Iran.
16:40 army: Azerbaijan has lost 7,095 soldiers, 6 TOS, 658 tanks and armored vehicles, 26 aircrafts, 16 helicopters, 251 drones.
16:50: president Sarkissian met the deputy mayor of Paris Anush Toranyan to discuss Artsakh.
Deputy-mayor of Paris: if Artsakh loses, Armenia will lose. And if Armenia loses, Europe will lose. ,
16:57 army: after yesterday's unsuccessful attack in the north-west (Qarvachar) which left many dead bodies, Azerbaijan used smoke grenades at Armenian positions at 1:30 pm. They attempted to extract the dead bodies from the gorge.
Armenian side opened fire with artillery and grenade launcher. Two Azeri soldiers died.
At 1:40 pm, a group of 30 Azeris tried to infiltrate Armenian positions. Mortar fire resulted in casualties and they retreated to original positions.
At 2:30 pm, the army noticed that Azeris were gathering for another attack and launched a preemptive strike, killing 4 soldiers.
17:36 army: Azerbaijan targeted civilian settlements throughout the day. Military aviation against Martuni, artillery against Shushi, and a РСЗО (Smerch?) missile in Shahumyan.
18:15: a social media user wrote a letter revealing that several Artsakh officials had left Artsakh during the war instead of staying for help. The Parliament fired three employees for doing so.
18:27 Russian MFA Lavrov: we urge foreign actors to prevent the transfer of mercenaries from the Middle East to Karabakh, whose number already reaches 2,000. The internationalization of the conflict worries us. Vladimir Putin spoke about this with Erdogan on October 27th.
Artsakh president Arayik: I want to assure Mr. Lavrov that during the anti-terror operations we destroyed (KIA or WIA) over half of the aforementioned terrorists. And soon we will wage a more decisive struggle to eliminate the rest. This is our last war, and we intend to fight until the end. The families of terrorists deserve to know the truth.
Syrian SOHR activists: another group of 230 militants were sent to Karabakh. 22 more militants have left Karabakh and returned home. We've counted 240 deaths. , ,
18:49 MoD: the heavy battles continue in east and south-east. At 2:10 pm we shot two tanks and captured one armored vehicle. The opponent has lost manpower.
19:10 president Sarkissian to RBK: all roads other than negotiation lead to a deadlock… Why did they attack in late September? The U.S. is busy with elections while the world battles COVID.
20:59 WarGonzo reports: Turkey has "fired" Azerbaijan's Minister of Defense Zakir Hasanov for having close ties to Russian generals.
Earlier, when Azeri Army General Chief of Staff Najmeddin Sadigov opposed the Turkish takeover of the army and said "Are you gonna let Turks take your wives, too?", at the time, Turkey pressured Ilham Aliyev to fire every Azeri general who went to Russian military schools. Defense Minister Hasanov is currently a symbolic figure without access to war details. ,
21:03: Azerbaijan dropped a bomb near a children's center in Stepanakert. Two houses and a car burned down elsewhere; two injured. Shushi was bombed with Smerch missiles.
21:53 (combat video): The artillery observer identifies the Azeri infantry location, calls an artillery strike, Azeri soldiers run, Armenian snipers monitor and pick them up.
21:56: Ukraine had stopped the delivery of P-18 radar station components to Azerbaijan when the war began, claims the Ukrainian media.
22:00 army spokesman Artsrun's briefing: Azeris and terrorists attacked all fronts this morning. The battles continue in forests between Hadrut-Shushi. An infiltrator group was destroyed near Taghavard village [video published earlier]. Anti-infiltrator activities continue in several villages.
In the morning, south of Martuni, Azeris used armored vehicles, air force, and artillery to attack. After losing several armored vehicles and soldiers, they were thrown back. Our artillery kept working on them all day.
Near afternoon in the north-west (Qarvachar), under the pretense of evacuating their dead bodies, Azeris used smoke grenades to infiltrate the buffer zone. They were found and destroyed; the rest retreated.
Let me tell you something about the "We Will Win" slogan that I often use. We have a wonderful writer Syune Sevada. Today she remembered, that many years ago, when I congratulated her over something, I had told her a sentence, and she has since kept that in her mind.
It goes like this: "When it feels that we're exhausted and cannot fight the enemy any longer, they think about the same simultaneously. And if you can carry on a little longer and put a little more effort, you will win."
We will win.
Q: yesterday, Ilham Aliyev listed more "liberated villages" in Jabrayil and Zangila regions which are located further south. Doesn't this contradict their own statements of having captured those southern lands weeks earlier? Are there Armenian-controlled enclaves in the south?
A: I can't comment on Armenian-held enclaves because it could contain military secrets. As for Aliyev's self-contradiction, yes indeed. Even Azeri citizens have noticed it. They were mocking Aliyev on social media "why are you liberating the same villages multiple times?"
Q: what's the reason that battles aren't as intense anymore? Our diplomacy or their army has weakened?
A: Azeri army losses.
Follow official news. The battles continue. They aren't severely heavy. Our army is in FULL control of the situation. In many places, after repelling the enemy attack, they chase the enemy and improve our positions. Be confident. We will win.

regional news

U.S. military base
When asked whether the U.S. could remove the military base from Turkey's İncirlik, a State Department official said "The United States is looking at opportunities for either rotational or permanent U.S. presence across the whole European continent". The official visited Greece, Cyprus, and Bulgaria. ,
Turkish economy & public survey
The Consumer Price Index in Turkey rose by 12% in October YoY. Food & Beverages +16%. Products & Services +27%.
Over a quarter of Turkish citizens are pessimistic about the future of their economy, shows the Turkish Metropoll survey in October.
60% said it's a result of wrong economic policies, 46% said the powers are too centralized, 45% incompetent management, 23% blamed it on a foreign conspiracy.
75% are concerned about currency Lira's devaluation.
Turkey's economic team is headed by Finance Minister Berat Albayrak, the son-in-law of President Erdoğan. His company used to help the terrorist organization ISIS to smuggle stolen oil out of Syria, per leaked documents. , , ,
Turkish-Kurdish relations
The topic of relations with Kurds is more active in the Turkish media lately. On November 1st, a group of Kurds organized a march in Berlin's Kreuzberg district, where 200k Turks live. A Turkish outlet accused Kurds of provocations during the march, however, Kurds blamed it on local Turkish provocateurs and cited the peaceful nature of their march. The German police intervened.
Last week, Kurdish rebels blew up a pipeline in Iraq's Kurdistan region. It was transporting oil through Turkey. [earlier I erroneously reported that the explosion was within Turkey]. The local authorities are anxious because the explosion caused $10million/day in damages.
Turkish army says they increased the fight against Kurdish rebels and reported several options in Turkey and Syria.
false flag attack
Russia claims to have evidence that pro-Turkish Syrian jihadists plan to attack Turkish troops in Idlib, videotape it, then spread the propaganda to claim it was done by the Syrian government forces, in order to provoke a fight.
you shall not pass
Russian Parliament MP Vitali Milonov had earlier visited Artsakh and expressed solidarity. Azeri govt banned him from ever visiting Azerbaijan because he didn't get "Azerbaijan's permission" before visiting Artsakh (Azeris consider it their land, therefore a "permission" is needed).
The Russian MP says he's been receiving death threats against himself and his family from Azeri social media users. He plans to contact the Russian authorities.
He gave a strong speech in Russia and called some of his colleagues "prostitutes who took Turkish Lira and Dollar to ignore the genocide of Armenians in Artsakh." ,
corruption bust
OCCRP has busted an alleged corruption involving Azeri government officials. Azerbaijan's State Water Committee chief Ahmad Ahmedzadeh's son owns a luxury property in London's most prestigious district. It was purchased with an offshore firm called "Vremax".
Vremax had recently received a $3 million "payment" from a Turkish construction tycoon. What's the connection? The Turkish tycoon was granted a license by the Azeri Water official to build a large dam in Azerbaijan.
100 manat for ambulance
Azeri user Sahin Usubov writes: the mother of a fallen soldier Ismailov Elvin Elchinoglu felt unwell. We had to call an ambulance. The private clinic's vehicles were all busy.
After waiting for 2-3 hours, we called the Central clinic. The operator never expressed condolences. The first words were "you have to pay 100 manats($60), if you want, we can send the ambulance."
The ambulance arrived on time. Neither of the workers expressed condolences. They just asked who is the one making the payment. We had the means to pay, so we did. Was the fallen soldiers' family suppose to die if they didn't have money?
check-mate… Turkey wins
Savcı Sayan, a bright mayor of a Turkish town, plans to set a new world record by beaming the largest-ever laser image… on mount Ararat… from the side viewed by Armenians. He wants to beam the flags of Turkey and Azerbaijan. [make sure to spend a lot of money on it, Bilbo]

Other Armenian news

COVID stats: +2,991 tested. +1,328 infected. +1,133 healed. +22 deaths. 35,381 active.
The Metsamor Nuclear Power Plant will undergo a major 140-day renovation in 2021, which will put a strain on the rest of the electricity industry. This could possibly raise the prices, but there have been efficiency improvements in the electric grid overall, so the impact on pricing won't be clear until January. The NPP's renovation will extend its lifespan.
The High-Tech Ministry's 2021 budget is ready. They plan to spend money on military-industrial research & development, cybersecurity, and improve access to the internet.
Labor Ministry is working on a package to aid the wounded citizens with physical therapy, social aid, education, etc.

How to help Artsakh & Armenia (international, medical help for former soldiers) (international, for Artsakh) (U.S. tax-deductible, for Artsakh)
Prior events:
Nov 2, Nov 1, October 31, October 30, October 29, October 28, October 27, October 26, October 25, October 24, October 23, October 22, October 21, October 20, October 19, October 18, October 17, October 16, October 15, October 14, October 13, October 12, October 11 , October 10, October 9 , October 8, October 7,October 6, October 5, October 4, October 3, October 2, October 1, September 30, September 29, September 28, September 27
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