Aleafia Health Niagara Greenhouse Deemed EU GACP Compliant

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Aleafia Health Investors

A depository/discussion around Aleafia Health's goal to bring about a revolution in medical cannabis! And sell some recreationally too.

Emblem Cannabis

A depository/discussion around Emblem Corp and its business of bringing medical and recreational cannabis to the masses.

Am I (Retail Investor) an Investing Genius or Just Lucky?

Originally published February 5, 2021 on
Having sat through a cannabis gold rush before, and the ensuing fallout, we have some thoughts on the sequel to 2017-18.
The level of “loud voices” is growing louder. And lord, some of the loudest and most bombastic could not find an MDA if their life depended on it. (And that isn’t a euphemism, that happened yesterday with an argumentative and opinionated loud voice on social media).
“Buy this”… because I own it. “Here are the reasons (the company) says I should invest in (the company) ….”
“Don’t buy that”… because I don’t own it. “Here are the hot takes that I have decided to parrot from others in social media”.
Molly laid out a warning yesterday about the level of noise and bullshit investors are being bombarded with on our subReddit yesterday. Great reading!
We are in a hype environment. Fundamentals of companies have not changed dramatically but the perception has. The regulatory landscape is now more welcoming in USA, but still very much unknown as to final state and timing.
Interestingly, those chiming in on how a Republican Senate would allow “moat building” are now full-on “legalization is coming, let’s dance in the streets!”.
States will be allowed to do their thing within their borders, pretty much as they have been. But if you want your product to cross a border it will have to abide by Federal rules when dropped and operationalized. (Medical has preceded recreational in almost all jurisdictions, and the thinking is it will in US federal too). Should this happen it will impact cultivators and processors more than retail shops.
Retail shops may have their own issues. “Social Justice” issues have held up Illinois rollout, and it will be interesting to see what federal views (FDA), legislation and state response are to the Democrat lead initiatives.
Do fundamentals matter? Not right now. When the tide goes out, they will.
In Canada, we have two money incinerating companies back stopped by strategic cash. Neither has shown much in the way of operating efficiency/competency. Yet, investors are assured that this time Daddy took the keys, or the oversight is better now. Oversight was the same as the day the cheque from the strategic investor cleared and their proxies installed on the board and in the c-suite. Until signs of change manifest in the financial statements it is all words. The HOPE of being profitable in the US of A, and the big cash balance they can deploy, seems to suffocate thoughts of past stumbles and ongoing ineptitude.
One of the lone company’s to be showing promise has to buy sales to keep their facilities churning at levels to keep them +EBITDA. You can talk about synergies, Europe, CPG extensions, but the bottom line is they (and many others) built too large of a footprint for Canada and exports. Hindsight is 20-20.
The next group of Candian companies have diluted the crap out of investors and have yet to stem the bleeding. This latest stock price surge has allowed a new load of cash to come in. The i-banks have unloaded on retail yet again. And retail fell for it, yet again.
Zombies will be staggering around even longer now. Much to my chagrin. It isn’t fun spreading crap and finding bodies under the rug.
TheCannalysts believe rec sales are stalling (listen to the next Inside the Ropes, we go through it). The last big “catalyst” was the ramp to 80 stores a month in Ontario. A drop in January (potentially double digits) after a likely reasonable December holiday buying season is a possibility. A 28-day February follows. The media will likely not differentiate that the $ drop is due to three less days than January (which is one of the reasons we run the daily purchases metric). Back-to-back monthly “decreases” could spook investors.
We might not see an uptick in Canada until March, which will be reported in late May by StatsCan, but those March quarter ends will tell the story by mid May. (Canopy year end is March 31, so financials will drop by end of June). Aphria Feb 28 Q, due by mid April, will include SweetWater revenue. This might occlude a soft to negative Canadian recreational figure with December sell in compensating for soft mid to end quarter sales. The Ontario covid December through February and counting lockdown ennui, limiting retailers to click and collect and delivery, might provide further headwinds.
IF that happens, what will happen with perception on the Canadian names?
The US is different, in that the companies’ viability is further along than in Canada. But does the viability support the stock price? What needs to happen that is not within the companies control for them to support the price? Will regulatory meteors strike, like they have in Canada. (Hey, New York state is on its third year of “this year we are legalizing”). Have founders ensconced themselves with long dated warrants and options?
(An aside… Molly and I have been discussing the impact of long dated in the money warrants and options. It is interesting to note if a company issues a convertible debenture and the strike is in the money, the company reacts quickly to take the further increases to the debt holder – who has funded the operations – off the board. But when the same c-suite, entrenched by multi voting super shares to ensure matters of control, are deep in the money -off the backs of new shareholders and paid out converts – there’s a lack of the same urgency (I dropped a Q on Molly unannounced on the latest Inside the Ropes – which is in edit – on the subject).
But you are saying: “Blue, that’s fundamentals. It doesn’t matter.”
Agreed, right now it doesn’t. Not one lick. You know how I can tell? The flotsam and jetsam of Canada and US cannabis are ALL rising.
In the USA there are going to be Harvest One, Maricann, RavenQuest, CannTrust, Aleafia Health, WeedMD, Hexo, Organigram, VFF, Supreme, Sundial … type of companies. There are going to be Aphria’s, Aurora’s, Canopy’s and Cronos’. And there will be better ones too.
Every flavour you can imagine.
Molly’s slog through Tier 3 operators confirms that the US has its share of slugs. And those slugs’ stock prices are also benefiting right now.
We harp on fundamentals. This a “fundamental” store. If you are looking for technical analysis, you are in the wrong spot. In the short term the best fundamentals may not equate to the best stock price.
Our subReddit Community members hated when we harped on the operating metrics of Aurora and Canopy in 2017-2019. The outcries were loud and often…
Wait until rec!
Wait until 2.0 formats launch!
Wait until Ontario opens more stores!
We are in 2021, third year of adult use, they are still trying to get their Canadian operations fixed. (I was chuckling with Molly and Cyto the other day upon reading comment upon comment of “my faith in (insert company here) has paid off” when said company has delivered a Golden Sombrero or even a Platinum Sombrero of negative gross margins.)
Others hated that we “favoured” Aphria operationally. (We certainly favour good operators, regardless whose name is on the masthead. Numbers and trends speak to us.) Operationally they have outperformed a very weak peer group.
Canada is like Triple AAA sports (Major Junior Hockey for us Canadians or NCAA football and basketball). A great player in Triple AAA might go on to be Hall of Famer, might be average or a flop. Only time will tell. Some, by virtue of being a high draft pick and a big signing bonus (think… those who got strategic money), will get a shot at the majors given they have been invested in. But generally, a dog in Triple AAA becomes a dog in the majors, if they get there. They could be “coached up” but those that need coaching up after being a high draft pick probably have some missing ingredients, or had some blemishes that were apparent yet overlooked when they were younger.
Did Aphria and Tilray double their stock price (insert every other Canadian company and their increase) in two months because of fundamentals? Hell no! They are riding a wave. The questions become: how much higher is the wave AND how far out will the water level recede?
Big bets. Big risk. Big returns or Big bags?
In a hype market, retail investors seem to be oblivious to the difference between fundamentals and hype. You can make a lot of money in a hype market. Thinking you are a genius because you hit the lottery seems to be common theme for retail investors.
But when that crazy hype cools, and the tide goes out, we see that folks get very uncomfortable in their positions that they were previously boldly trumpeting their “unrealized gains”.
Aphria was three years between $20 stock prices. And if you account for dilution, Aphria is not yet at the 2018 $20. Three years is forever for many. And I can say that I am surprised how quickly it climbed (and that goes for most of the Canadian industry).
I have scaled down my Aphria position rather substantially from its peak and still hold an oversized chunk. BUT, when hype overran my comfort zone, I sold in January 2018 and took out my entire initial investment and let the unrealized gains ride. I rebuilt the same number of units just shy of what I sold on de-risking events through 2018-2020, all but one purchase sub C$8.50. I have sold that accumulation and then some. I am three years closer to retirement right now, thus that, coupled with knowledge gleaned since the start of this journey in March 2016, has me more cautious now.
I have set stop losses for more units, but I am willing to let a portion ride. That is a benefit of being in at a low price. Would I add here? Not a chance.
For those riding the USA wave. Change takes time. Legislation takes time. Sometimes you get stupid regulations (I am looking at you Health Canada and most of the provinces) that hobble progress.
In Canada it took from 2015 to October 2018 from Trudeau being elected to first legal gram sold. The USA, at the federal level, will likely take that much time to implement.
This is not a “set and forget” industry to invest in. “If you believe in the industry just jump in” is the biggest load of horseshit out there.
I hold around 30 Blue Chips, a few in each sector. I have started selectively adding from my cash position after a long hiatus, save for a March 2020 sector rotation. My target right now, solid performers who should do well in the continuing covid environment.
I do a hundred times more due diligence on weed stocks than I do on my Blue Chips.
But as I always harp… my reality is not yours. My portfolio, age and risk appetite are very likely not yours. And they certainly are not the wallstreetbets gamblers reality.
Right now, putting new money at risk comes with a lot of uncertainty. In the cannabis sector or any other overheated sectors.
Don’t get me wrong. We want you to be rich and successful. If your “at risk funds” stress you out while the market is going up, they will be a load if it should go south. Cannabis investing can change your life for good as well as for bad. I witnessed in 2018 an entrepreneur who went all in Aphria at $12-14, after selling his business that he built over decades, bailed at a loss, loaded into Cronos and it dropped… I wonder how he is doing. He went from the biggest cheerleader to very very bitter in a very short time.
Know what is unknown. There are going to be a ton of opinions on the “unknown”, and in the current environment those opinions are leaning on heavily bullish scenarios. Don’t get in over your head. As I don’t know if I can take three years of pissing and moaning, again. The couch got worn out last time.
And, slowly circling back to the title of the post … I was lucky (stock rebounded faster than I thought possible), knowledgeable (I baby sit my cannabis investment like an eagle on a nest. I know what is in the financials and MDA because of the level of analysis we do), I de-risked (when hype overran fundamentals in 2018 I took out my initial investment, and sold again now as the merger, combined debt, need for dilution, slowing of sales has me wickedly thankful for a $20 exit on a portion of my position), I reloaded as events de-risked (as Aphria was stringing “Progress Quarters” together and de-risking events like Diamond license happened), I was patient (but Progress Quarters allowed that to happen), and importantly early.
Best of luck to all.
The preceding is the opinion of the author and is in no way intended to be a recommendation to buy or sell any security or derivative. The author has a position in Aphria and will not start one or divest (EXCEPT FOR IN PLACE STOP LOSS) in the next five days. The author has no position in any of the other mentioned companies and will not start one or divest in the next five days.
submitted by GoBlueCdn to TheCannalysts [link] [comments]

Happy Cakeday, r/aleafia! Today you're 2

Let's look back at some memorable moments and interesting insights from last year.
Your top 10 posts:
submitted by AutoModerator to aleafia [link] [comments]

Medical Prospects?

Why go medical when the market is shrinking right? There are less medical patients as of June/2020 (303,221 patients) than there were back in April/2018 (307,397 patients).
Those people seeking medical documents did so for a couple of reasons. A huge chunk were people who just wanted a legal way to get their mitts on some weed. However, I think a big one was to actually get their medicine. Hence why there are still ~300,000 people using that route.
For a select few, it’s even covered by their insurance.
Well with few covered by insurance, and cheap recreational options, why pursue the niche medical market?
Perhaps there will be other way of increasing availability of funding/coverage for medical cannabis sooner than we think...
Cannabis Catalyst in Canada are running thin ... the next big news is that the biggest Unions in Canada are entering the fray ... it began w/ LiUNA & $WMD therefore I fully expect the Ontario Teachers Union & Autoworker Unions like Unifor to start dipping their toes.
BettingBruiser is not always right, but he often is.
Let’s take a look at Unifor:
It represents ~310,000 members in Canada.
There’s been a bit of chatter from some of their locals on cannabis coverage:
“President of Unifor Local 444 Dave Cassidy told some of his members have also raised the issue of offering coverage for things like CBD oil.”
Unifor as a whole previously did a deal with Sunniva in 2019 to send Unifor members to Sunniva’s clinics. But now Sunniva is defunct and is in CCAA proceedings.
Unifor’s latest round of bargaining reports all make mention of cannabis. From the one with Ford:
Annual limit of $500 where prescribed by physician due to illness or medical condition. Following conditions need to be met prior to approval: Age 25 or over; suffering from chronic neuropathic pain or spasticity due to MS or nausea due to chemotherapy, and deemed last resort treatment for above.”
So currently not really an amazing prospect of revenue. But if coverage were to change, having a group ready to use your products wouldn’t hurt.
submitted by IvanSkavar to aleafia [link] [comments]


Canadian Cannabis Industry stocks look like they turned the corner on proving their profitability & viability & are ready to go back up to their full potentials.
Adult Recreational Sales of Cannabis 2.0 have gone up due to hoarding like toilet paper & sales will keep growing during self isolation rules in Canada.
Cannabis 2.0 & derivatives are legal in Canada & the government is the biggest distributor & they also retail too. You can buy it online, at a store or get it delivered. They definitely will be expanding Cannabis Sales for taxes for all the Covid19 Aid & Cash they are giving to citizens & businesses.
Here's the Canadian Cannabis Stocks trading on the TSX, USA (NYSE & Nasdaq) & some European exchanges:
  • Aurora Cannabis Inc (ACB)
  • Aphria Inc. (APHA)
  • Canopy Growth Corporation (CGC / WEED)
  • Cronos Group Inc (CRON)
  • HEXO Corp (HEXO)
  • OrganiGram Holdings Inc. (OGI)
  • Tilray Inc (TLRY - not on TSX)
  • Village Farms International, Inc. (VFF)
They all are near their 52 week lows & are Short Squeeze candidates. ACB popped a bit since their last Q3 May 14 ER but there's still lots of room to go up. HEXO is next on June 11.
They're stocks are all very volatile right now because they just turned the corner & should reach their full potential again but they've been heavily shorted for the past year.
Investors must think ACB is the leader of the Cannabis Industry because when it's stock makes large moves, up or down, it pulls the rest with it.
During the Industry Shakeout Stage, there will be lots of M&A & buyouts, so buckle up your seat belts because the wild ride is not over yet.
Past Big Stock Pick winners that I posted about in the past before their run up:
Good luck & always do your Due Diligence before investing.
UPDATE Recently Added Stocks trading on TSX & OTC:
  • Aleafia Health Inc. (AH)
  • Charlotte's Web Holdings, Inc. (CWEB)
  • Fire & Flower Holdings Corp. (FAF)
  • The Supreme Cannabis Company, Inc. (FIRE)
  • MediPharm Labs Corp. (LABS)
  • The Green Organic Dutchman Holdings Ltd. (TGOD)
  • Neptune Wellness Solutions Inc. (NEPT)
  • VIVO Cannabis Inc. (VIVO)
  • Zenabis Global Inc. (ZENA)
For those that want to get into a more safer Cannabis Industry investment, this is it. It also pays a nice quarterly dividend from lending out their shares for short selling.
Horizons Marijuana Life Sciences Index ETF (TSX: HMMJ)
Horizons Marijuana Life Sciences Index ETF (TSX: HMMJ)
Diversified exposure: Unlike an investment in the stock of a single Marijuana company, HMMJ provides exposure to a diversified group of companies within the industry, reducing single security risk (although an ETF provides diversification, it may also limit the upside potential of owning an individual stock)
Rebalanced quarterly: The Marijuana industry is rapidly growing and evolving. Quarterly rebalances seek to ensure the composition of HMMJ reflects the changing leadership and drivers of growth within the industry
More HMMJ Due Diligence:
What the Ancients Knew: A Sacred Plant Used for Hundreds of Conditions (July 31, 2019):
Cannabis, an Ancient Sacred Plant, is totally natural, has no dangerous side effects when used properly, and is chock-full of hundreds of healing phytonutrients, including antioxidants.
In fact, ancient healing systems such as Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine referenced Cannabis in their texts as far back as 2600 BC.
Medical Marijuana for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD):
Canada’s Aurora Cannabis (ACB) surges after hours making a CBD deal to enter the lucrative U.S. market (May 20, 2020):
Aurora Cannabis to Strategically Enter the United States with Acquisition of Reliva, LLC A Market Leading Mass Retail CBD Platform
CBD global market growing at CAGR of 32.0% over 5 years to US$1.252 Billion in 2024 (April 20, 2020):

Heavily Shorted Cannabis Stocks = Short Squeeze Candidates
The Marijuana Industry Is in Recovery. Curaleaf’s Chairman Is Upbeat (May 19, 2020):
Pot producers have done better than many businesses during the Covid-19 crisis, with American operators growing sales by some 30% sequentially in the March quarter. Even so, you can count the industry as among the economy’s recovery plays when humans come out from hiding.
Aurora Cannabis shares skyrocket on hopes worst is behind Canadian weed company (May 19, 2020):
According to Ladenburg Thalmann analyst Glenn Mattson, as quoted by MarketWatch, Aurora has made strides in its reorganization plan announced in February. "We think ACB can become a solid cash-flow generator simply from the Canadian operations and, with a strong market position in Canada, the company can create significant value from here based on this one market," Mattson wrote in a note to clients. "We do think that it will look to expand into the U.S. but not until federal legality is more clear."
South Korea’s sovereign-wealth fund disclosed Monday that it had acquired a chunk of Aurora stock. Switzerland’s central bank also recently boosted its Aurora holdings.
Potential USA Federal Legalization
U.S. cannabis companies say legalization would be an economic savior (April 27, 2020):
Cannabis is a revenue generator — and therefore, a tax generator, adds Boris Jordan, executive chairman for U.S.-based Curaleaf. “One of the programs by the federal government right after the Great Depression was to focus on tax revenue generation,” Jordan tells CNBC. “They lifted prohibition on alcohol and therefore started to tax it — and it became a major revenue generator for both the federal and the local governments around the country.”
Governments earned $186M in pot taxes in 5.5 months of legalization on Oct 17, 2018: StatsCan (Jun 19, 2019):
“My approach is to make sure that the taxation of cannabis is consistent with the goal of keeping cannabis out of the hands of kids and out of the black market,” federal Finance Minister Bill Morneau told the House of Commons last February [2019]. “That means keeping the taxes low so we can actually get rid of the criminals in the system.”
They've made a lot of progress. Everyone will prefer the competitively priced Cannabis 2.0 products over the black market stuff. They're all sealed with ingredient & THC & CBD strength. Drug Dealers are Covid19 Super Spreaders. I'll stick to government sealed & certified stuff. After all, they're helping everyone, so I'll help me, help us through more taxes. ;)
Honestly, all the unlicensed producers & retailers have been shut down due to even more potential fines & even criminal charges due to Covid19 Rules, while legal ones are all open as "essential" businesses.
Everything you should know about legal weed in Canada (including how to get it)
And why you might (or might not) want a prescription.
Some insurers cover the costs of prescription cannabis, but most don’t. Come tax time, prescription cannabis costs are considered an eligible medical expense, so you’ll be able to claim them on your tax return.
Hemp Biofuel Could Ease Our Dependence On Fossil Fuels (Oct 25, 2019):
The cannabis plant is the gift that keeps on giving. This magic plant gives us CBD oil, THC, hemp fibers and even fuel! Researchers have made hemp into two types of biofuel: biodiesel and ethanol.

Study: Cannabis Could Prevent COVID-19 Infections (May 16, 2020):

There's lots of potential with Tobacco & Alcohol cross-over products. There will be deals with Biotech too, if not already. Possibly even in clean energy too with Hemp Biofuel.
There's even some word about a possible Covid19 Vaccine or preventative products based on Cannabis.
Novel combinations of cannabinoids “may become a useful addition to the treatment of COVID-19,” the researchers wrote. “They may also be used to develop additional easy-to-use preventative strategies such as mouth wash and throat gargle products that may be tested for their potential to decrease viral entry via the oral cavity and may be used both in clinical practice and at-home treatment.”
In experiments with 3D human cell cultures mimicking various diseases, certain high CBD cannabis strains—developed by the researchers labs, in no relation to the cannabis available in legal and recreational markets in Canada or the US—demonstrated abilities to shut down coronavirus’s favorite “pathway: a receptor called ACE2.
“Our work could have a huge influence — there aren’t many drugs that have the potential of reducing infection by 70 to 80 per cent”.
At the University of Lethbridge, Drs. Igor and Olga Kovalchuk, of the Plant Biotechnology Laboratory, are studying how medical cannabis cultivars helps combat symptoms of the COVID-19 virus.
Quarantined Americans embrace cannabis, reshaping an industry (May 22, 2020):
A lot of the increase has come from regular users, especially millennials, Brightfield’s data show. Among people who’ve used cannabis in the last year, 34 per cent said in late March that they’re using it more frequently, and 16 per cent say they’re using higher doses or doing longer sessions.
For millennials, those numbers are higher: 41 per cent use more frequently, and 20 per cent use higher doses.
Not all the increase in sales is for recreational use. Curaleaf said it’s also witnessed an increase in patients and older clientele.
“A lot of the users coming into the sector now are people who never used before,” said Curaleaf’s Jordan. Many of them are over 60 “and asking for pain relief, sleep aids, anxiety relief -- and it’s mostly not smokable.”

“Think about where cannabis was a few years ago -- illegal,” said Chris Melillo, Curaleaf’s senior vice president of retail. “And now we’re essential.”
Aurora Cannabis: Blossoming Opportunity in a Battered Industry (May 21, 2020)
The dot-com bubble almost two decades ago inflicted painful stock losses on historically bullish investors. Mega-caps like Apple saw its equity crash, only to later grow far beyond once expensive valuations. New products were in inning one of a fruitful road to ubiquity. I believe a similar opportunity is materializing in the cannabis sector today.
Cannabis Stocks Surge on Report of Benefits in Fighting Covid-19 (Update: May 22, 2020)
Some strains of medical marijuana said to block coronavirus pathways into cells.
Cannabis Canada: Pot generates $8.16B toward Canada's economy, StatsCan says (Apr 30, 2020)
Canada's cannabis industry generates about $8.16 billion to the country's economy, according to latest data from Statistics Canada. The legal cannabis industry contributed about $3.96 billion to Canada's gross domestic product as of February, StatsCan said. That's up 215 per cent since recreational cannabis was legalized in Oct. 2018. Meanwhile, StatsCan said the illicit market is estimated to contribute $4.13 billion to the country's economy. That's down about 21 per cent since Oct. 2018.
Why Village Farms Stock Crushed It Today (May 22, 2020)
Shares of Village Farms International (NASDAQ: VFF) were soaring 22.6% as of 3:50 p.m. EDT on Friday. The cannabis and greenhouse produce company didn't announce any news of its own, but there were several other developments that were likely behind Village Farms' big gain.
One potential factor for the Village Farms' jump was Statistics Canada's release Friday morning of data showing that cannabis sales in Canada skyrocketed in March. Also, results from a study were announced on Thursday that found that some cannabis strains could help prevent the novel coronavirus from entering host cells. In addition, Bank of America reinstated coverage on big cannabis producer Canopy Growth (NYSE: CGC) with a buy rating, which could be viewed as a positive sign for the entire Canadian cannabis industry.
NY Gov. Cuomo Says He'll Work To Pass Cannabis Legalization: 'It's A Complicated Issue' (May 26, 2020)
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has announced intention to enact cannabis legalization in the near future.
“I believe we will, but we didn't get it done this last session because it's a complicated issue and it has to be done in a comprehensive way, ” Cuomo said during a Friday press conference.
Cuomo also said it was the federal government's obligation to financially aid the city at this time. Just as the airline and hotel industries are getting assistance, so should the city's health care workers, he said.
Cuomo added that he was in favor of marijuana legalization and affirmed that he had worked arduously to pass that into law for years, but ultimately without success.

May 26, 2020: Comparing Canada’s 17th month of recreational cannabis sales with Colorado's figures indicates that the country’s market may grow to CA$14 BILLION ($10.16B) by the end of 2024, Zuanic said in the industry note.

Oregon sees record breaking $89M in Marijuana Sales in April for the second-straight month, Oregon broke sales records for legal marijuana. (May 27, 2020)

Aphria (APHA) Shoots 4.5% Higher on News of Move to Nasdaq (May 27, 2020)

Aphria said that one of the main reasons for the move was to save money. Listing on the NYSE, considered a prestige exchange, can be very costly, and like many other marijuana companies Aphria has at times struggled with profitability. The company also said the Nasdaq was a better fit given that exchange's emphasis on environmental, social, and governmental (ESG) principles.
ACB & HEXO should do the same imo.
submitted by extriniti to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Expectations for Q1-2020 (due out by May 15 2020)

In the Q4-2019 conference call a few things were stated that show some promise for Q1-2020 and going forward.
Aleafia had a wholesale contract at $2.50/g to be finished delivery by January/31/2020 with a remaining 1,718kg on it, totalling $4,295,000 in revenue. That leaves another ~2,282kg that they had sold as of the date of the release of financials (March/18/2020). So did they sell it at $2.50/g? No indication either way, but with more and more producers dropping off the map and being unprofitable being able to grow and sell their own, it seems like that wholesale price wouldn't have dropped all that much.
A lot of the cannabis that is currently on the books for many LPs has been there for a looong time and is likely unsaleable at this point. So there probably is a constraint on supply to some extent.
Though total Canadian medical patient count growth had slowed (not stopped) since legalization, as of Sept/2019 there were still 369,614 total patients. Aleafia had shown a complete stalling and actual loss of patients from Q3-2019 (10,298) to Q4-2019 (10,249). Was it due to shortage of product that has now been remedied? Time will tell.
Just in March Aleafia hired a new VP Sales and Business Development, Raffaele Spadafora, who had initially shown promise in his time at Tilray (though Tilray's focus has switched to recreational), and has a decent resume. I doubt we'll see the effects in any immediate time frame (not in Q1-2020 anyway). Where is Kesara Wellness and Well & Ness (this image is from their May/2019 investor presentation) when you need them?
Sitting waiting wishing over here. Looks like Q1 probably won't be saving the day, though it will likely be decidedly better than this last Q4. Rec sales couldn't have decreased again, could they?
submitted by IvanSkavar to aleafia [link] [comments]

Revenue Predictions

Q3-2019 Q4-2019 (Guesstimates)
Canadian Recreational $2,152,000 $2,152,000
Canadian Medical $1,450,000 $2,000,000
Consultation Services $714,808 $714,808
Research $417,755 $417,755
Canadian Wholesale $224,000 $2,366,666
FoliEdge Academy - $0
One Plant - $0
International CannaPacific - $0
International Montu Brands - $0
International Acnos Pharma - $0
Total Revenue $4,958,563 $7,651,229
Total Expenses $8,459,697 ?
The Gap to Profitability $3,501,134 ?
Canadian Rec - Assuming remaining at least constant, what with all the new retail store openings and specifically of new F&F stores. Symbl (Aleafia's only rec brand currently) has been modestly to decently stocked across the OCS, as well as AlbertaCannabis the BCCannabisStore, and is being sold in Saskatchewan. Could be a bit more, though not expecting less.
Canadian Medical - At end of Q3 Emblem had 10,298 (up 48% from 6,959 at end of Q2). Guessing they've continued at a health clip, this partnered with Emblem price drops in December, should continue to show growth.
Consultation - Assumed constant. Was an average of $713,814 over last 3 quarters.
Research - Assumed constant. Was an average of $468,195 over last 3 quarters.
Canadian Wholesale - Aleafia announced a wholesale dried flower sale of $7,100,000 on Dec/2/2019, to be shipped in "up to three shipments, all of which will be completed before January 31, 2020." I'm assuming 1/3 of this will have happened prior to Dec/31/2019. Could have been more or less.
FoliEdge Academy - I've assumed $0 here, though there could be something here per the courses available Dec/9/2019.
One Plant - I've assumed $0 here, as the first One Plant store opened (Stouffville) on Dec/30/2019, and then the 2nd (Barrie) on Jan/7/2020. As well, at some point in early 2020 Smok Cannabis (Ajax) officially became a One Plant location. Hopefully will see some revenue starting here in Q1-2020.
*** I've been made aware that businesses do not report income unless they own 50% of a business. So One Plant wouldn't show up either way. Not sure of the nitty gritty on that revenue.
CannaPacific - I've assumed $0 here, but on Sept/24/2019 Aleafia announced "the first prescription from a physician for an Aleafia Health product was written earlier this month", but didn't mention it in their financials. Could be popping up as early as Q4.
Montu Brands - I've assumed $0 here, as the deal with Montu was announced Nov/28/2019 with the caveat that "the shipment is expected to be completed in late 2019, following receipt of necessary Health Canada export permits." No news on this since.
Acnos Pharma - I've assumed $0 here, since Aleafia is not yet EU-GMP certified. They only submitted their Site Evidence Package (SEP) to have their Paris license amended for Phase 2 on Nov/14/2019 - and that's just for Health Canada to get it up and running in the first place. It is "“purpose-built to meet European Union Good Manufacturing Practices (“EU-GMP”) certification requirements.” Nothing has been mentioned regarding EU GMP since. Looking at examples around the industry, specifically Aphria, their site was inspected June/16/2019 and approved EU GMP on January/21/2020. That's a 7 month wait. So again, not expecting revenue there for a little while.
Would love to hear anyone else's take.
submitted by IvanSkavar to aleafia [link] [comments]

There's more than one reason Aleafia is backing off of dried cannabis.

(Disclosure - I have no idea if Aleafia is backing off of dried cannabis - this is simply a description of why it might make sense).

There's been a big question mark around Symbl's continued supply of it's dried cannabis products (where are they?). "Why is there not more focus on the flower?"
They are medically focused, and combustible cannabis is out the window for medical. Smoking = bad.
However, there is another, perhaps more pertinent reason. MONEY. I say "forget flower".

Here's an outlay of what Emblem's High THC cannabis products sell for (see below for math):
Form Price Per Gram Price Per KG
Dried - MED/REC $8 -> $11 $8,000 -> $11,000
Oil (20mg/ml THC) - MED/REC $12.8 -> $27 $12,800 -> $27,000
Oral Sprays (25mg/mL THC) -MED/REC $16.6 -> $24 $16,000 -> $24,000
Capsules (6mg THC per cap) - MED $39 -> $41 $39,000 -> $41,000
I'm just looking at THC, CBD would come into play in the extraction and I don't know exact cost of that.
International prices are even higher in Europe. Remember the more refined it gets as a medication, the more it actually will be used as a medication and priced as such.


Here's a review of the Canadian inventory levels for cannabis to give an idea of what the market as a whole is up to. A lot of companies are moving toward oil.
Keep in mind that a lot of that dried inventory is earmarked for eventual oil production as well.
Month Dried Cannabis Sales (KG) Total Cannabis Inventory -Finished + Unfinished (KG)
Oct 2018 6,346 115,303
Nov 2018 7,285 117,731
Dec 2018 7,600 130,633
Jan 2019 7,307 137,802
Feb 2019 6,683 143,814
Mar 2019 7,626 174,519
Apr 2019 8,874 214,198
May 2019 9,524 262,420
June 2019 9,976 312,251

Month Cannabis Sales (L) Total Cannabis Oil Inventory -Finished + Unfinished (L)
Oct 2018 6,241 50,828
Nov 2018 7,393 60,669
Dec 2018 7,818 69,931
Jan 2019 7,943 83,933
Feb 2019 7,270 96,378
Mar 2019 7,921 102,312
Apr 2019 8,202 119,883
May 2019 9,816 127,880
June 2019 9,614 141,181

C02 extraction efficiency has been quoted at around 78%. Or for every gram of 20% THC dried flower that is extracted there will be 0.156g of THC recovered.
Symbl dried cannabis sells at ~$8 -> $11/g ($8,000 -> $11,000/kg)
Symbl's 20mg/mL THC oil (20mg/mL - 30mL).
It contains 600mg THC. That works out to about 3.9g of dried flower used to make this product. It sells for ~$106 on the OCS, ~$50 in AB, and ~$75 in BC.
That range for oils is from ~$12.8/g -> ~$27/g (~$12,800/kg -> ~$27,000/kg)
Symbl Atmosphere THC oral spray (25mg/mL- 15mL).
It contains 300mg THC. That works out to about 2.4g of dried flower used to make this product. It sells for ~$58 on on the OCS, $50 in AB, and I believe when it was available it was ~$40 in BC.
That range for oral sprays is from $16.6/g -> $24.1/g (~$16,600/kg -> $24,166/kg)
submitted by IvanSkavar to aleafia [link] [comments]

Aleafia Health Announces $35 Million Public Offering of 8.5% Convertible Debenture Units

Aleafia Health Announces $35 Million Public Offering of 8.5% Convertible Debenture Units submitted by 170807 to weedstocks [link] [comments]

Points of Interest from the Webcast

Webcast Link - and Transcript on Seeking Alpha
4:02: Referring to medical sales: "From June to July, our order count increased by 165%." Then much later in the call...” I think we've already surpassed our Q2 medical sales this quarter.”
Have to wait another quarter to see the full effect here. But I imagine that July 20th price cut had a lot to do with this. If they can double their med sales that can’t hurt.

6:01: "Previously, all cannabis sold by Aleafia Health was wholesaled to other licensed producers. This quarter, in contrast, saw 100% percent of revenues from the sale of cannabis go to high margin medical or adult use markets."
They don't break it down into medical and recreational sales this time, so we're left a bit in the dark as to what's what. But we do know that so far they're cutting ties with that CannTrust supply agreement.

9:28: 3 questions are asked during the question period: 1.) Aphria Supply Agreement update, 2.) When will supply from outdoor and Niagara produce revenue, and 3.) Prospective margins.
The answers left something to be desired. But who asked them is what's interesting. Arron Grey (linkedin link) was hired March 6 2019 by A.G.P./Alliance. They said he "further cements our position in the Consumer and Cannabis sectors."
Since being hired March 6th, Aaron Grey has initiated coverage on:
Canopy Growth;
and was also on Village Farm's conference call today, as well as GrowGeneration's May 7th.
I believe he is also covering KushCo.
He's on webcasts to ask those questions for a reason. Coverage could possibly soon follow.
submitted by IvanSkavar to aleafia [link] [comments]

Aleafia's setting itself up to have its cannabis extracts recognized through performing Clinical Trials

Canabo's Dr. Neil Smith had specifically stated that this is Aleafia's plan. They have their own network of clinics set up to run clinical trials at a fraction of the cost of the traditional method.
Aleafia has partnerships with German company Acnos to distribute medications for clinical trials.
Also their partner CannaPacific states they have "a robust clinical trial pathway", and Aleafia has already started sending cannabis oils to Australia.
They have a Product Data Science Fellow, Dr. Graham Merry, who's sole job is to "lead Aleafia Health’s ongoing medical cannabis research".
This is what they mean when they say they are medically focused. No one seems to notice or care but there it is.
submitted by IvanSkavar to aleafia [link] [comments]

Dearth of medical coverage / Research may be the only way forward

After contacting WSIB for their numbers back in November 2019, and receiving this report, I learned something interesting and frankly not surprising. Not many people are having the medical cannabis covered by insurance.
This shows that the average amount paid out per prescription quite high at $700/month.
Per the most recent Health Canada numbers) the average medical cannabis user uses 2g/day. So at 60g per month x $10/g = $600/month. Real medical patients - as in the ones who can currently get insurance coverage due to their real medical conditions are few and far between, but may use more cannabis than the average medical user. Makes sense.
Here's a summary of that report:
G/L Year Unique Claim Count Prescription Count Amount Paid Avg. Amount Paid
March 33 171 $80,521.85 $465.44
April 25 48 $50,812.28 $1,058.59
May 23 61 $41,267.52 $665.61
June 27 72 $66,113.76 $893.43
July 32 103 $81,065.62 $779.48
August 30 76 $62,767.28 $804.71
September 30 73 $44,528.86 $601.74
That's a total of at most a few hundred (hard to interpret these numbers - are they cumulative?) out of 187,444 Ontario medical cannabis patients as of Sept/2019.
Most important to note is that WSIB operates in Ontario, and covers over 5,600,000 people. The real shocker here is the fact that SO FEW PEOPLE ARE BEING COVERED.
The entire industry is basing coverage off of the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC)'s guidelines. There's some more detail on that right here.
To add fuel to this lack of support for medical cannabis amongst physicians, in Dec/2019 this article was published in the College of Family Physicians of Canada: Cannabis industry and medical cannabis clinics need regulation. It states:
"The evidence for medical cannabis is very limited, and its harms are substantial. Health Canada should require the industry to produce an evidence-based product monograph listing the indications, contraindications, and dosing of cannabis."
and goes on to further recommend:
"Family physicians should only prescribe cannabis to patients with neuropathic pain, at a maximum dose of 400 mg per day with 9% THC and an equal amount of cannabidiol."
While this development is not exactly a warm welcome, it is at least an acknowledgement that medical cannabis is being noticed and addressed by many more who have the power to prescribe it.
There is no big push from physicians (that I'm aware of) to increase coverage currently. Save for from those with a passion for cannabis. Enter all those working to provide research and hard facts to the medical community. That includes Aleafia's very own Dr. Michael Verbora and Aleafia Labs. Haven't received any update on Aleafia Labs since these news releases:
October 29 2018 - Aleafia to Launch Cannabis R&D Division Aleafia Labs
October 30 2018 - Aleafia Labs Partners on Cannabinoid Pharmacogenetics Study
February 4 2019 - Aleafia Health to Accelerate Research Division with Appointment of Product Data Science Fellow
February 15 2019 - Aleafia Health Announces new President of Clinic Operations

There was also of course the two studies they released in 2019:
January 25 2019 - Aleafia Health Study Indicates 45% of Patients End Benzodiazepine Use Following Medical Cannabis Treatment
March 18 2019 - Aleafia Health Funded Study Finds Increase in Employment Among Epileptic Medical Cannabis Patients
Nothing new posted from either Aleafia, Aleafia Labs or Canabo on sagepub or the Health Canada Clinical Trial Database but I'll be keeping an eye out. Would love to hear more about what they are working on and will share it if I learn of anything (though I'm sure we'll all hear at once).
submitted by IvanSkavar to aleafia [link] [comments]

(Further) Confirmation that OnePlant is already making headway in Canada

OnePlant confirming that they are partnered with the Ajax "Smok Cannabis".

Q: Do you have a partnership with Smok Cannabis in Ajax, ON?
A: yes we do.
Q: Hey all. Any chance your partnership with Aleafia means any of these products will be coming to Ontario Canada?
A: yes we are in the process of bringing all @oneplantlife brands to Canada soon

The Smok Cannabis website is currently a placeholder, so we can't peruse their catalogue yet.

Four of OnePlant's eleven brands are already registered to various companies in Canada. No others have been registered since that post.
submitted by IvanSkavar to aleafia [link] [comments]

Marijuana Stocks (Complete List)

Marijuana & Cannabis Stocks (Complete List)
Symbol Company Name
ACAN Americann Inc.
ACCA Acacia Diversified Holdings, Inc.
ACNNF AusCann Group Holdings Ltd.
ACRGF Acreage Holdings Inc.
ADHC American Diversified Holdings Corp.
ADVT Advantis Corporation
AEGY Alternative Energy Partners Inc.
AGEEF Halo Labs Inc.
AGGHF Agrios Global Holdings Ltd.
AGTK Agritek Holdings, Inc.
AHGIF Alternate Health Corp.
ALEAF Aleafia Health Inc.
ALGWF Alliance Growers Corp
ALYI Alternet Systems, Inc.
AMFE Amfil Technologies Inc.
AMMJ American Cannabis Company, Inc.
APPB Applied Biosciences Corp.
AQSZF Aequus Pharmaceuticals Inc.
AREVF Arev Brands International Ltd.
ASNT Arias Intel Corp.
ATHC Accelerated Technologies Holding Corp.
ATTBF Abattis Bioceuticals Corp.
AUSAF Australis Capital Inc.
AXIM Axim Biotechnologies, Inc.
AYRSF AYR Strategies Inc.
BABL Buildablock Corp.
BAYP Bayport International Holdings, Inc.
BBRRF Blueberries Medical Co.
BCCI Baristas Coffee Company Inc.
BHHKF Benchmark Botanics Inc.
BIOIF Biome Grow, Inc.
BKKSF Trutrace Technologies Inc.
BLDV Blue Diamond Ventures, Inc.
BLEVF Beleave Inc.
BLGO BioLargo, Inc.
BLGVF Belgravia Capital International Inc.
BLLXF Blox Labs Inc.
BLONF Co2 Gro Inc.
BLOZF Cannabix Technologies Inc.
BMMJ Body and Mind Inc.
BNGI Bangi Inc.
BOSQF Yield Growth Corp.
BTTR Better Choice Company Inc.
BUGVF Bougainville Ventures
CAAOF Cannabis One Holdings Inc.
CADMF Chemesis Intl Inc.
CANL CannLabs Inc.
CANN General Cannabis Corp.
CANQF CanaQuest Medical Corporation
CANVF Cannvas Medtech Inc.
CANX CannAwake Corporation
CAVR CAVU Resources Inc.
CBDG THC Farmaceuticals, Inc
CBDS Cannabis Sativa, Inc.
CBDY Target Group Inc.
CBGI Cannabusiness Group, Inc.
CBIIF CB2 Insights Inc.
CBIS Cannabis Science, Inc.
CBMJ Canna Consumer Goods, Inc.
CBWTF Auxly Cannabis Group Inc.
CCAN Canadian Cannabis Corp.
CGOTF Citation Growth Corp.
CGRW Cannagrow Holdings, Inc.
CHMJF Chemistree Technology Inc.
CHOOF Choom Hldgs Inc.
CIIX, Inc.
CLSH CLS Holdings USA, Inc.
CLSK Cleanspark, Inc.
CNAB United Cannabis Corp.
CNBX Cannabics Pharmaceuticals Inc.
CNGGF Cann Group Ltd.
CNNXF Cannamerica Brands Corporation
CNPOF Canopy Rivers Inc.
CNTMF Cansortium Inc.
CNXXF Cannex Capital Holdings Inc.
COSM Cosmos Holdings Inc.
CPTRF Captor Capital Corp.
CRLBF Cresco Labs Inc.
CRXPF Crop Infrastructure Corp.
CSAXQ CSA Holdings Inc.
CSSI Costas, Inc.
CTST Canntrust Holdings Inc.
CTTH CTT Pharmaceutical Holdings, Inc.
CURLF Curaleaf Hldgs Inc.
CURR CURE Pharmaceutical Holding Corp.
CVSI CV Sciences, Inc.
CWWBF Cannabis Growth Opportunity Corp.
CXBS Corix Bioscience, Inc.
CXXIF C21 Investments Inc.
CYLC County Line Energy Corp.
DATI Digital Asset Monetary Network, Inc.
DEWM Dewmar International BMC, Inc.
DIGP Digipath Inc
DIRV DirectView Holdings, Inc.
DKSC Dakshidin Corp.
DMAN Demand Brands, Inc.
DMGGF DMG Blockchain Solutions Inc.
DNAX DNA Brands, Inc.
DPWW Diego Pellicer Worldwide, Inc.
DUTV Digital Utilities Ventures, Inc.
DVLP Golden Developing Solutions, Inc.
DYMEF Dionymed Brands Inc.
EAPH Easton Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
EEVVF Eve and Co Incorporated
EGRN Evergreen-Agra Global Investments, Inc.
EHOS Ehouse Global, Inc.
EHVVF Ehave Inc.
EMBI Emerald Bioscience Inc.
EMHTF Emerald Health Therapeutics Inc.
EMMOF Emblem Corp
EPAZ Epazz, Inc.
ERBB American Green, Inc.
ETII EnviroTechnologies International, Inc.
ETST Earth Science Tech, Inc.
EVAHF Theramed Health Corporation
EXMT Anything Technologies Media Inc.
FFRMF Future Farm Technologies Inc.
FIFG First Foods Group, Inc.
FLOOF Flower One Holdings Inc.
FLURF FluroTech Ltd.
FLWPF Flowr Corp.
FNNZF Fincanna Capital Corp.
FRLF Freedom Leaf Inc.
FRLI Frelii, Inc.
FSDDF FSD Pharma Inc.
FSPM Fusion Pharm, Inc.
FUAPF Global Cannabis Applications Corp
FWDG FutureWorld Corp.
GABLF Gabriella’s Kitchen Inc.
GBHL Global Entertainment Holdings, Inc.
GBHPF Global Hemp Group Inc
GBLX GB Sciences, Inc.
GCAN Greater Cannabis Co Inc.
GCGX Global Consortium Inc.
GDET GD Entertainment & Technology, Inc.
GEATF International Cannabrands Inc.
GGBXF Green Growth Brands Inc.
GGTTF GTEC Holdings Ltd.
GHIL Green and Hill Industries, Inc.
GLDFF Golden Leaf Hldgs Ltd
GLLA Gilla, Inc.
GLNNF Glance Technologies Inc
GLPH Gala Pharmaceutical, Inc.
GNAL Generation Alpha, Inc.
GNBT Generex Biotechnology Corp.
GNCP GNCC Capital, Inc.
GOHE Global Payout, Inc.
GOIG GoIP Global, Inc.
GPLS Geopulse Exploration, Inc.
GRCO Greenbelt Resources Corp.
GRLF Green Leaf Innovations, Inc.
GRSO Grow Solutions Holdings, Inc.
GRNH GreenGro Technologies, Inc.
GRUSF Grown Rogue International Inc.
GRWC Grow Capital, Inc.
GRYN Green Hygienics Holdings Inc.
GSRX GSRX Industries Inc.
GTBIF Green Thumb Industries Inc.
GWPD GP Solutions, Inc.
GYST The Graystone Company, Inc.
HERTF Heritage Cannabis Holdings Corp.
HHPHF High Hampton Hldgs Corp.
HIPH American Premium Water Corporation
HIRU Hiru Corp.
HITIF High Tide Inc.
HLIX Helix TCS, Inc.
HLSPY Heliospectra AB
HMLSF Horizons Marijuana Life Sciences Index ETF
HMPQ HempAmericana, Inc.
HPNN Hop-on, Inc.
HQGE HQ Global Education Inc.
HRVOF Harvest One Cannabis Inc.
HRVSF Harvest Health & Recreation Inc.
HSTRF Blissco Cannabis Corp.
HZEMF Horizons Emerging Marijuana Growers Index ETF
ICNAF Integrated Cannabis Company Inc.
ICNB Iconic Brands, Inc.
IDTA Identa Corp.
IDVV International Endeavors Corp
IGNG Imaging3, Inc.
IGPK Integrated Cannabis Solutions, Inc.
IGRW Interactive Health Network
IGXT IntelGenx Technologies Corp.
ILUS Ilustrato Pictures International Inc.
IMLFF InMed Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
INLB Item 9 Labs Corp.
INNPF Innovative Properties Inc.
INQD Indoor Harvest Corp.
IOGIF Pond Technologies Hldgs Inc.
IONKF Ionic Brands Corp.
ISOLF Isodiol International Inc.
ITHUF iAnthus Capital Holdings, Inc.
ITMC Itoco Inc
IVITF Invictus MD Strategies Corp.
JTBK Jetblack Corp.
JWCAF James E Wagner Cultivation Corp.
KALTF Kalytera Therapeutics Inc.
KALY Kali, Inc.
KAYS Kaya Holdings, Inc.
KGET Kleangas Energy Technologies, Inc.
KGKG Kona Gold Solutions, Inc.
KHRNF Khiron Life Sciences Corp.
KNRLF Kontrol Energy Corp.
KOSK One Step Vending Corp
KOVR Korver Corp.
KSHB KushCo Holdings, Inc.
LBUY Leafbuyer Technologies, Inc.
LDSYF Lifestyle Delivery Systems, Inc.
LFCOF Lift & Co. Corporation
LFER Life on Earth, Inc.
LGBI Cannabiz Mobile, Inc.
LGGCF LGC Capital Ltd.
LHSIF Liberty Health Sciences Inc
LIBFF Liberty Leaf Hldgs Ltd.
LIHTD Citation Growth Corp.
LIHTF Liht Cannabis Corp.
LQSIF Alcanna Inc.
LRSNF Global Health Clinics Ltd.
LRZZF City View Green Hldgs Inc.
LTTSF Lotus Ventures Inc.
LVBX LevelBlox, Inc.
LVGI Limitless Venture Group Inc.
LVRLF CordovaCann Corp.
LVVV Livewire Ergogenics, Inc.
LXRP Lexaria Bioscience Corp.
MCIG mCig, Inc.
MCOA Marijuana Company of America, Inc.
MCTC MCTC Holdings Inc.
MDCL Medicine Man Technologies Inc.
MDTR Medtainer, Inc.
MEDIF Medipharm Labs Corporation
MEDT MediaTechnics Corp.
MGCLF MGC Pharmaceuticals Ltd
MGWFF Maple Leaf Green World, Inc.
MICWF Micron Waste Technologies Inc.
MJARF Mjardin Group Inc.
MJMJ The MaryJane Group, Inc.
MJNA Medical Marijuana, Inc.
MJNE MJ Holdings, Inc.
MJOGD SecurCapital Holdings Corp.
MJTK CannaSys, Inc.
MLCG ML Capital Group Inc.
MMJFF Matica Enterprises Inc
MMJJF MMJ Group Holdings Ltd.
MMNFF Medmen Enterprises Inc.
MNTR Mentor Capital, Inc.
MPHMF Callitas Health Inc
MRMD MariMed Inc.
MRNJ Metatron Inc
MRRCF Wayland Group Corp.
MSPC Metrospaces, Inc.
MSRT MassRoots, Inc.
MVEN theMaven, Inc.
MYDX MyDx, Inc.
MYHI Mountain High Acquisitions Corp.
MYMMF MYM Nutraceuticals Inc
NACNF National Access Cannabis Corp
NBGV NewBridge Global Ventures, Inc.
NCAP Northsight Capital, Inc.
NDEV Novus Acquisition & Development Corp.
NDVAF Indiva Ltd.
NEXCF Nextech AR Solutions Corp.
NGBL Notis Global, Inc.
NGMC Next Generation Management Corp.
NGTF Nightfood Hldgs Inc.
NOBDF North Bud Farms Inc.
NOSUF Nerds On Site Inc.
NOUV Nouveau Life Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
NRXCF Neutrisci Intl Inc
NSHSF Nanosphere Health Sciences Inc.
NSPDF Naturally Splendid Enterprises Ltd.
NUGS Cannabis Strategic Ventures
NUVG Nuvus Gro Corp
NXGWF Next Green Wave
NXTTF Namaste Technologies Inc
OCBM Preferred Commerce Inc.
ONCI On4 Communications, Inc.
ORGH OrgHarvest, Inc.
ORHOF CannaRoyalty Corp.
ORVRF Orchid Ventures Inc.
OWCP OWC Pharmaceutical Research Corp.
OWVI One World Ventures, Inc.
PAOG PAO Group, Inc.
PDPR Marathon Group Corp.
PHBI Pharmagreen Biotech Inc.
PHCG Pure Harvest Cannabis Group Inc.
PHOT Growlife Inc.
PHVAF Phivida Holdings Inc.
PJET Priority Aviation, Inc.
PLNHF Planet 13 Holdings Inc.
PLPL Plandai Biotechnology, Inc.
PLPRF Plus Products Inc.
PLSI Phoenix Life Sciences International Ltd.
PLYZ Plyzer Technologies Inc.
PMCB PharmaCyte Biotech, Inc.
PMPG Premier Products Group, Inc.
PNTV Players Network (THE)
POTN Potnetwork Holdings, Inc.
PPJE PPJ Healthcare Enterprises, Inc.
PRCNF Pure Global Cannabis Inc.
PRPM ProTek Capital, Inc.
PRVCF PreveCeutical Medical Inc.
PSIQ Profile Solutions, Inc.
PURA Puration Inc.
PVOTF Pivot Pharmaceuticals Inc.
PVSP Pervasip Corp.
QILFF Organic Flower Invts Group Inc.
RBII Rising Biosciences, Inc.
RDDTF Radient Technologies Inc
REFG Medical Cannabis Payment Solutions
RGST Rogue Station Companies, Inc.
RIGH RightSmile, Inc.
RLLRF Sugarbud Craft Growers Corp.
RLLVF Relevium Technologies Inc.
RLTR Reeltime Rentals, Inc.
RMRK Rimrock Gold Corp.
ROMJF Rubicon Organics Inc.
RSHN RushNet, Inc.
RSSFF Affinor Growers, Inc.
RVVQF Ravenquest Biomed Inc.
RVVTF Revive Therapeutics Ltd.
RYMDF Relay Medical Corp.
SAGD South American Gold Corp.
SARSF Canada House Wellness Group Inc.
SAYFF 3 Sixty Risk Solutions Ltd.
SCNA Smart Cannabis Corp.
SETO SETO Holdings, Inc.
SGMD Sugarmade, Inc.
SIGO Sunset Island Group, Inc.
SING Singlepoint, Inc.
SKTO SK3 Group, Inc.
SKVI Skinvisible, Inc.
SKYF SKY440, Inc.
SLGWF Slang Worldwide Inc.
SMKC Smoke Cartel, Inc.
SNIPF Snipp Interactive Inc
SNMN SNM Global Holdings
SNNVF Sunniva Inc.
SODE Social Detention, Inc.
SOLCF Sol Global Invts Corp.
SPLIF Nutritional High Intl Inc.
SPRWF Supreme Cannabis Co Inc.
SRUTF Sproutly Canada Inc.
STMH Stem Holdings, Inc.
STNN EPHS Holdings, Inc.
STWC STWC Holdings, Inc.
SUTI SUTIMCo International, Inc.
SVSN Stereo Vision Entertainment, Inc.
SVVTF Tilt Holdings Inc.
SWRM AppSwarm, Inc.
TAUG Tauriga Sciences, Inc.
TBPMF Tetra Bio-Pharma Inc.
TCNNF Trulieve Cannabis Corporation
TGGI Trans Global Group, Inc.
TGIFF 1933 Industries Inc.
TGODF Green Organic Dutchman Holdings Ltd.
THCBF THC BioMed Intl Ltd.
THCT THC Therapeutics, Inc.
TKCI Turnkey Capital, Inc.
TLOOF Trackloop Analytics Corporation
TNYBF Tinley Beverage Co, Inc.
TRLFF True Leaf Medicine International Ltd.
TRSSF TerrAscend Corp.
TRTC Terra Tech Corp.
TTTSF Trutrace Technologies Inc.
TWOH Two Hands Corporation
TXTM ProText Mobility, Inc.
UAMM UA Multimedia, Inc.
UPPR Upper Street Marketing, Inc.
..........Full List continued HERE (*too long for Reddit Posting Format)
submitted by OTCWATCH to OTCSocialNetwork [link] [comments]

Dive Bar Pub Crawl 2018 - Third Six

I'm doing a tribute to the 24 days of Christmas by going over the financial statements of 24 companies that are considered downrange, speculative, and just plain high risk.
The legal cannabis industry already has a ton of risk in it - but this stuff - is only for thrill seekers. All opinions are my own, and certainly not a recommendation for or against any of them, or to buy or sell.
I've limited myself to 45mins to each, and kept to most recent financial statements You'll likely know more about the company than me if you're following them. This is only my reactions with a brief commentary about what I see in their financial statements.
I haven't been consistent in following them all over the past year: some I have, others not.
The second one of this here
CMM - Canabo Medical Inc.
Scratched! Guess there’s another slot open for a Dive in this year’s Crawl! I did take a run at Aleafia’s financials a few weeks ago though. Their ‘merger’ with Emblem hadn’t yet been announced. Alefia ‘Just Said No’ to cultivation by the looks of it. Best choice for them, at least on the face of it.
ISOL - Isodiol International
Price Then: $11.50 Price Now: $1.71
Well then. International operations do attract cost (their G&A is bracing), as does business dev. Especially in Brazil. When a company with a net book value of $2.7MM costs $36MM (takes me back to Canopy buying 2 money losing greenhouses with a net book value of $6MM for $86MM at the time).
ISOL’s still shopping too. Round Mountain looks like ISOL tossed them a life preserver. One will have to trust mgmt as to quality/fit of underlying assets. I didn’t detail, it’s only a half million, they bought it for what looks like working capital, I assume it saved them from insolvency.
A pretty sweeping and broad horizon is presented by these statements - in a company looking internationally. They’ve got a clean professional presence (I’ve seen them at pretty much every trade show I’ve attended), yet, $12MM in op costs per quarter based on $8MM in sales for same….sheesh.
Margin relatively static as well. That needs to improve, and sales need to triple+ to support ops. They lost $6MM per quarter this year, sales modestly up Q over Q.
IMH - Invictus MD
Price Then: $1.40 Price Now: $0.81
Few things here. While I don’t get the warm and fuzzies from this (what the elves are taking these days apparently does give you that & they swear by it), it looks better than it did last year. I have concerns over sales, margins, and the assets in subs. Wrote one off this year. Only 9 months to find out it’s a mutt? Honestly, this company requires far (far) more time to get a handle on. Will do on website. Needs a full once over to be fair.
MDM - Marapharm Ventures (now: LIHT CANNABIS)
Price Then: $0.92 Price Now: $0.17
Sigh. Another that needs more time. Where is Quadron when you need them?
Nothing stand out - at least in terms of company differentiation or size. Boring. And leveraged. The Full Spectrum thingy hits their financials like landing an 8 ft fish in a 7 ft boat. I’d need to deconstruct that ‘asset’ to get any strong utility out of this. I’d really want to have a handle on it - and management - if I was to go anywhere near this outfit. Doesn’t look unfairly priced. Unless you ask the people who placed at $0.865, $0.70, and $0.50 during the year.
Ugliest thing I see is them issuing shares for $0.38 and $0.04 to retire debts, when the share price was $0.80 and $0.40 respectively. If I was one of those in the private placements, I’d be coming out of my shoes on that (Note 14). Even if it was only $40k. Speaks to quiet desperation at one point.
Whether there’s a viable business in here….tune in next time for another episode of ‘Dive Bar Pub Crawl’. As I see it….this would take far too much time for the level of interest I have in it. Unless Full Spectrum is a home run…..
ATT - Abattis Biocuetical Corp.
Price Then: $0.48 Price Now: $0.08
Man, what a difference a year makes. I’ve largely avoided looking over last years’ Crawl as reference, except to skim for major points. This one remains clear in my memory…it looked like a complete mutt then. Only thing they looked good at was producing press releases. They’re still kicking, as is the rate of news releases/month. They have begun paying a formal IR front end, so maybe this will slow down. Or perhaps speed up. Can’t tell. Ah well, latest fins I can find are somewhat old (Sept release. Amended too :( ). New ones should be due pretty quick.
Gonna stop there. I’ve got a stitch in my side, and a headache. If I ever get my hands on the mug who suggested this one….the elves heads are collectively a ‘bag of cats’, and the little buggers staged a walkout. They’re outside singing Woody Guthrie songs and burning pallets. This totally sucks. As does Abattis’ financials.
They offer low friction on tokens perhaps, but any cash put toward this thing will probably have the friction of a canvas bag re-entering the atmosphere. Poof. My personal choice for ‘Dive Bar of the Year’. Curiously, it’s not an easy title to take.
IN - Inmed Pharmacuetical
Price Then: $1.47 Price Now: $0.37
TGIF - Friday Night Inc.
Price Then: $1.20 Price Now: $0.37
I looked at these guys as recently as July. I also met up with them at MJBizCon in Vegas. I asked for a look at their facility….they never did get back to me. I won a laptop bag and some nice swag at the booth on a business card ‘draw’, it didn’t help getting a tour tho. I really wanted to see it…the financials got me curious in last year’s Crawl, and I strongly get the sense I’m missing something of note in them. Seems an incomplete story tbh. Maybe just some mild indigestion.
And….for a region notorious for $70 eights in top shelf, I was also curious why they were recording sub $5 revenue on grams. Got the annuals now….
There’s a reason price softening is lower in this one compared to others - at least they are in production & they have a product suite (at least in their booth at MJBizCon). No retail frontage (?) would explain the shitty sales price. I have somewhat of a soft spot for Canadian business, and I’d hope that relatively early movers would be seeing this start to ramp.
As my trip to the US revealed - the US is a hyper-competitive compartmentalized environment. I do believe vertical integration is requisite for a company with this breadth and spend.
Gonna sit in on the next call on these guys, and try and get a (the) story. Looks like false starts in build out, and challenges ramping. Sales are growing. They don’t look to be peddling a ’take me out’ story or stance…but….I have blind spots on this one.
Because of Abattis, the elves are now wearing balaclavas and carrying home-made gas masks. Told me they are going for a stroll. I gave the RCMP a heads up. Gotta keep up good community relations and all.
submitted by mollytime to TheCannalysts [link] [comments]


On Aleafia's year end financial statements as of Dec/31/2018, on page 9 they show a list of their ownership and subsidiaries (here are those financials).

Of note, the inactive companies are not all inactive anymore, as per the Canada's Business Registries website search tool.

Breaking them down one by one:
  1. Aleafia Inc. - Enough said - it's active.
  2. Canabo Medical Corporation - also enough said - active.
  3. 2412550 Ontario Inc. - part of the amalgamation with Canabo - inactive.
  4. Aleafia Farms Inc. - Doesn't show up - not sure why?
  5. Flying High Brands Inc. - Inactive. Registered Ma27/2018.
  6. Mexican Hat Holdings Ltd. - It's now inactive. It's a legacy corp acquired through various RTO's of previous iterations of the shell that Canabo merged into to list, way back. I did a comment explaining this.
  7. Aleafia Brands Inc. - Now active. Registered Nov/20/2018.
  8. Aleafia Retail Inc. - Now active. Registered Nov/20/2018.
  9. 2672533 Ontario - Now active. Registered Dec/21/2018.

So, cleaning that up we are basically left with:
  1. Aleafia Inc. - Enough said - it's active.
  2. Canabo Medical Corporation - also enough said - active.
  3. Aleafia Farms Inc. - Doesn't show up - not sure why?
  4. Flying High Brands Inc. - Inactive. Registered Ma27/2018.
  5. Aleafia Brands Inc. - Now active. Registered Nov/20/2018.
  6. Aleafia Retail Inc. - Now active. Registered Nov/20/2018.
  7. 2672533 Ontario - Now active. Registered Dec/21/2018.

4, 5, 6, and 7 of this abridged list are what interest me.
4 - As you can see in this Material Document from Nov/28/2018, Aleafia Brands Inc. is actually licensing the brands from Flying High Brands Inc., so that covers that.
5 - Aleafia Brands Inc. is likely putting together the portfolio of One Plant brands that are crossing over from the USofA to Canada, highlighted in this post. Likely to see them popping out closer to rec legalization 2.0.
6 - As you can see in this other Material Document from Nov/28/2018, Aleafia Retail Inc. is actually licensing the right to One Plant (at least 9.9% ownership), so that is up and running.
7 - This is a question mark. It could be FoliEdge Academy...or, I am led to believe it will be the ecommerce platform they touted back on February/15/2019. Kesara Wellness has been mentioned on their website for some time, and has yet to be announced. I'm thinking it's that. has been registered as a website since Dec/20/2018.


Just some food for thought.
submitted by IvanSkavar to aleafia [link] [comments]

09-06 12:04 - 'Check our aleafia health guys. ALEAF.' by /u/smashedbuds removed from /r/germany within 694-704min

Check our aleafia health guys. ALEAF.
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Author: smashedbuds
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Studies, ongoing. Research and what may yet come...

"I don’t think it’s all about patient numbers. I think it’s really more about how we’re going to be able to utilize this research, and how that revenue is going start really for the first time."
As has been known since October 29 2018, Aleafia launched a R&D division, 'Aleafia Labs'. They did this to:
"leverage the company’s existing patient database and intellectual property to advance the development of proprietary cannabis products. R&D activities will focus on the development of cannabis products that may act as a replacement for addictive prescription opioids and sleeping aids."

Since Aleafia's purchase of Canabo, they have been increasingly performing research studies with a constant supply of slowly increasing revenue coming in. This new distinction with Aleafia Labs is formalizing this aspect of the company and will likely, despite all of their current and incoming medical and recreational cannabis offerings, direct the future of the company.

TLDR at the end!

We know that Aleafia's Canabo clinics are gathering data points, as many as 400 per patient. What hasn't been discussed here is how that can be turned into revenue. This article from April 19th 2017 sheds some light.
"We may save the insurance $70-to-$80 a day on one patient, so that’s hugely valuable. When we go back to the insurance industry and say ‘do you have any more of those’, their answer is usually either hundreds or thousands of them. That’s a revenue source that we’ve just started to tap into but it seems quiet promising and has huge margins. We only see that increasing because of the value that we provide to the insurance industry sometimes saving them $20-to-$30 thousand on one patient per year."

Saving insurance companies money could become a revenue source. We obviously haven't seen the model, but I'm waiting with baited breath.
Here are a some studies that have already been mentioned by Canabo:
Partnership with Tweed on Various Chronic Conditions [Feb/10/2015]
Partnership with CannTrust on a Range of Chronic Conditions [Ma12/2015]
Partnership with Terra Life Sciences to Develop Treatments - [May/15/2017]
Partnership with Tilray re Opioids for Chronic Pain (n=1000) - [Oct/5/2017] 1
Partnership with Cronos on Sleep Study - [Sept/20/2018]
Partnership with Guided 420 Genetics + AKESOgen for Cannabis Patient Genetic Screening Tools - [Oct/30/2018]
Benzodiazepines Study (n = 146) - [Jan/25/2019]

1.) Looking at page 12 of this Mackie Research report, we can see that this is funded by Tilray.
2.) Also, on page 12 of the Aleafia investor presentation uploaded March 14th, they mentioned: "epileptic patients improved employment status in first of its kind, 4000 patient study. To be published in Journal of Drug Issues".

I wonder how many more of these studies they have cooking, ready to announce. And then how many they are already readying publication of. Rather than a cannabis company, it may make sense to actually look at Aleafia as a research-oriented company with access to cannabis patients, that also currently sells medical and recreational cannabis.

Aleafia has a foundation of research and has relationships with Canopy, CannTrust, Chronos, Tilray, and Terra Life Sciences. They got somethin' goin' on.
submitted by IvanSkavar to aleafia [link] [comments]

Current extraction capacity (Assumptions Inc)

I’ve looked through every Emblem and Aleafia MD&A, and they never exactly say in kg how much they can currently put through their extraction facility per month or year.
They do say that Emblem started extracting oils in Dec/2016 and expected to ramp up to as high as 5,000 bottles per month.
They never specified if that meant 60mL or 30mL. I expect that the “bottleneck” had as much to do with their bottling equipment as their extraction equipment.
But I’ll ballpark using 60mL bottles,...they say a 60mL bottle is equivalent to 10g cannabis.
Considering they use CO2 equipment and ~1,000kg 10% THC cannabis input would likely yield ~64kg THC...that means that approximately 15.625kg of input 10% THC flower equals 1kg THC.
I know, I know, that’s a lot of guesswork. (I haven’t found many other guesses out there, but I’m open to others’ opinions).
I think the math pretty much works itself out from there:
60mL bottles = 10g
5,000 bottles x 10g = 50,000g or 50kg
50kg x 15.625 = 781.25kg/month.
Or 9,375kg annual throughput capacity (assuming 10% THC as the input flowetrim).
Also, the Phase 3 expansion is alleged to increase capacity by 50,000kg [per year].
So, we can surmise* that the phase 3 expansion will be able to extract about 3,200kg of pure THC/year.
*I went ahead and assumed:
A. A lot of things.
B.A bunch of other stuff.
submitted by IvanSkavar to aleafia [link] [comments]

Aleafia and Emblem deal discussion

Post ReplyAleafia and Emerald deal discussions.
from mattwats82 via /CANNABISfuturus sent 56 minutes ago
As an Emblem bagholder I couldn’t understand this deal when it was first announced but after looking deeper into Aleafia I am stoked for this merger
Sep 20 - Aleafia Partners With Cronos Group on Medical Cannabis Sleep Study
Oct 2 - Aleafia Submits Application to List on NASDAQ
Oct9 - Aleafia to Launch Industry First 60,000 kg Secure Outdoor Grow Expansion
Oct 17: Aleafia Launches Three New Clinics, Telemedicine Treatment in Significant Expansion
Oct 29: Aleafia to Launch Cannabis R&D Division Aleafia Labs
Nov 1 - Aleafia Labs Partners on Cannabinoid Pharmacogenetics Study
Nov 14 - Aleafia Health to Launch Global Cannabis Education Platform with D2L
Nov 21 - Aleafia and Serruya Private Equity Reach Agreement for National Retail Dispensary, top Performing Brands and $10M Investment
Jan 7 -Aleafia Completes Phase One Construction and Retrofitting of Niagara Greenhouse Facility
Jan 14 - Aleafia Fulfills First Transaction Under Cannabis Supply Agreement with CannTrust
Jan 18 - Aleafia Health Completes Strategic Investment in Australia’s CannaPacific Pty Limited (Benic also got on Midas letter and said they would be announcing other countries shortly)
Jan 25 - Aleafia Health Study Indicates 45% of Patients End Benzodiazepine Use Following Medical Cannabis Treatment
Feb 4 - Aleafia Health to Accelerate Research Division with Appointment of Product Data Science Fellow
Feb 15 - Aleafia Health Announces new President of Clinic Operations (and says they will be launching an ecommerce and education platform within 3 months)
Feb 21 - Aleafia Health Named Top Performing Company of the Year for TSX Venture 50
submitted by Larry-Shwa to CANNABISfuturus [link] [comments]

Julian Fantino, who once compared weed to murder, defends opening medical marijuana business

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 83%. (I'm a bot)
The former Toronto police chief and politician who once compared legalizing weed to legalizing murder is defending his decision to open a company connecting patients with medical marijuana.
I'm involved in the medical aspect that helps people greatly through the dispensing of medically prescribed marijuana cannabis.
People suffering from chronic pain, people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, sleep deprivation, the post events form cancer treatment - these are the things we're involved with right now.
We're talking about me today, as a responsible, educated, informed citizen who's had the experience of knowing the benefits of medical cannabis for people who are suffering from ailments that are normally not well cared for by plying them with opiates.
The freshly opened Aleafia total health clinic in Vaughan, Ont., where patients can be assessed and connected to medical marijuana.
We are involved with very ethical and honourable people, financed totally by family and friends, who believe, as we do, in the benefits of medical cannabis to help people suffering from various ailments and trying to lessen the dependency on opiates, which a tragedy in this country.
Summary Source | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: people#1 medical#2 marijuana#3 cannabis#4 Fantino#5
Post found in /nottheonion.
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TORONTO – Aleafia Health Inc. (TSX: AH, OTC: ALEAF) is pleased to announce that its Niagara Greenhouse facility has been deemed European Union Good Agricultural and Collection Practices (“EU GACP”) compliant following a review and inspection from certified auditors.With EU GACP, flower grown at the Niagara Facility can now be exported to certain international markets, including Israel. r/aleafia: A depository/discussion around Aleafia Health's goal to bring about a revolution in medical cannabis! And sell some recreationally too. TORONTO, Feb. 11, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Aleafia Health Inc. (TSX: AH, OTC: ALEAF) (“Aleafia Health” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce the launch of its new Canadian cannabis portfolio Sunday Market TM.Under the Sunday Market family are four new distinct brands, each tailored to a specific consumer segment and featuring its own roster of cannabis products. Aleafia Health Inc is a vertically integrated cannabis health and wellness company which owns three cannabis product and cultivation facilities where it produces a diverse portfolio of commercially high-margin derivative products including oils, capsules and sprays. The company operates national network of medical cannabis clinics and has seen over 60,000 patients to date.  Add To Watchlist ... So, on November 12, 2019, Aleafia Health Inc. released their interim financial statements for the period ending September 30, 2019 which stated that the company had booked quarterly revenues of $5,289,531 and was holding $8,469,882 in accounts receivable. At first glance, these figures might be some cause for concern as the accounts receivable to sales ratio of 1.6 (well above 1.0) implies ... Aleafia Health to Appoint Two New Independent Directors TORONTO, Feb. 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Aleafia Health Inc. (TSX: AH, OTC: ALEAF) ("Aleafia Health" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that the board of directors (the "Board") has appointed Lu Galasso and Carlo Sistilli as independent directors to the Board. Aleafia Health owns three important licensed cannabis production facilities, including the first large and legal outdoor cultivation facility in Canada’s history. We manufacture a diverse portfolio of commercially proven and profitable derivatives such as oils, capsules, edibles, sublingual strips and arcs. Aleafia Health operates the largest national network of medical cannabis clinics and ... TORONTO, Dec. 04, 2020 — Aleafia Health Inc. (TSX: AH, OTC: ALEAF) (“Aleafia Health” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce the launch of high potency CBD 50 oils, further strengthening the Company’s growing line of cannabis products for wellness oriented consumers. It will be sold to adult-use consumers as SymblTM High CBD 50, and […] Find more subreddits like r/aleafia -- A depository/discussion around Aleafia Health and bring about a revolution in medical cannabis! (unofficial) search About Aleafia Health: Aleafia Health is a vertically integrated and federally licensed Canadian cannabis company offering cannabis health and wellness services and products in Canada and in international markets. The Company operates medical clinics, education centres and production facilities for the production and sale of cannabis.

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