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Competitive Budget Deck Masterpost (January 2021)

i'm starting to feel like modern Yugioh is a clown car, and every time the banlist apprehends the first few clowns that lead the format, 4-5 more step out to take their place. we didn't even have Linkross in handcuffs yet before VFD took the wheel and Vanity's Ruler got into the passenger seat. happy new year
This post will give recommendations for decks that can generally do well while generally remaining in the $50 to $150 price range.
Decks are grouped into four "tiers" and listed alphabetically by tier. Decklists are built prioritizing simplicity and effectiveness on a budget. Not all of them are perfect, but this post is not an F. Unless there is a particularly offensive deckbuilding error that you want to point out, please don't use this thread to nitpick at the sample decklists. Don't feel obligated to stick to the sample lists either; you should experiment and play cards that feel comfortable and/or optimal to you.
Feel free to leave suggestions for budget players, whether it's a budget tech choice for one of the decks on this list or whether it's a different deck that you think can compete in the coming months.
[Last updated: 23 Jan 2021]
Previous version: October 2020 Post

S Tier

The best bang for your buck. Decks in this category have the capacity to top premier events, though they're almost always supplemented with expensive power cards.


Price: $100 Imgur | DuelingBook

Virtual World

Price: $150 Imgur | DuelingBook

A Tier

Strong decks, but limited either by a lack of access to powerful staples or by the natural ceiling of the deck. You could still top a regional with one of these decks on a good day.


Price: $75+ Imgur | DuelingBook
  • Control + backrow deck with incredible recursion and the ability to come back from almost no resources
  • Altergeist have seen sparse success ever since FLOD, and are a respectable budget contender. They've have had a fairly modest showing online, and saw recent success with a top 8 finish at LCS 9. That deck was a Dogmatika variant piloted by Lars Junginger, playing the recently released Artemis, the Magistus Moon Maiden to make it slightly easier to summon Ecclesia in some hands.
  • The Dogmatika engine is viable even on a modest budget. It's possible to simply play Dogmatika Punishment as a powerful trap capable of utilizing your extra deck, and even a single copy of Ecclesia (around $20 each right now) goes a long way for improving the power of this package. Of course, the deck is also perfectly playable as pure Altergeist.
  • Budget players are most hurt by a lack of Pot of Extravagance, Infinite Impermanence, and Evenly Matched. The first three of these cards have reprints, but none are quite cheap enough yet to be easily accessible on a budget.
  • The extra deck is extremely flexible (as Altergeist are typically played with Extravagance, anyway) and several options are simply tech cards, such as Elder Entity N'tss.
  • Main deck trap choices are also extremely flexible. Torrential is quite powerful against Virtual World, but this could easily be swapped out for many other cards depending on your budget, available card pool, and locals demographics.
  • The release of Blazing Vortex in early February also brings along an incredibly powerful staple card in Pot of Prosperity. Altergeist, along with virtually every other deck that enjoys running Pot of Extravagance currently, will appreciate Prosperity as well. Many OCG decks are choosing to play both Extrav + Prosperity in their decklists. Of course, Prosperity is also a Secret Rare, and is virtually guaranteed to be around $100, so this is not applicable on a budget.


Price: $150 Imgur | DuelingBook
  • Floaty combo/control deck with 4 maindeck Prank-Kids that all float into any other Prank-Kid when used for a Link or Fusion summon
  • Got a great boost in Phantom Rage with Prank-Kids Meow-Meow-Mu, a Link 1 Prank-Kid monster that makes this deck incredibly consistent and turns any single Prank monster into full combo.
  • Prank-Kids Place is a little pricey, currently sitting at around $17 per copy in NA. While it contributes to your overall consistency (as it's equivalent to any Prank name), you can definitely get away with cutting copies of Place if your budget is tight.
  • Notably took 1st place at the Canadian Remote Duel Invitational in mid-January, piloted by Hanko Chow.
  • This deck appreciates the inclusion of Predaplant Verte Anaconda (currently over $30 apiece in NA) which can dump Thunder Dragon Fusion to help field Battle Butler, your main win condition. It was dropped from the provided list for budget reasons, but it's a great inclusion if you have a copy already. In conjunction with cards like Link Spider, it also improves your ability to play through disruption and through Nibiru.
  • This deck has many characteristics of a great deck, but suffers from similar problems as Zoodiac in that it struggles to play through disruption on your normal summon, or cards like Ash negating your first Prank-Kid effect. The inclusion of Polymerization in the main deck helps to combat this, but also popular are builds that don't play Poly at all and instead just load the main deck with handtraps and powerful staples like Forbidden Droplet.
  • Pot of Desires is included in this example main deck to help boost consistency and overall power, but some players opt not to run it.


Price: $50+ Imgur | DuelingBook
  • Link-based midrange deck with a lot of recursion and a special in-archetype technique, where 1 Link Monster is used as the entire Link material to summon another copy of that monster, granting bonus effects
  • The deck is somewhat halfway between control and combo, establishing respectable boards turn 1 with a fairly compact engine, allowing many handtraps to be played. Their real strength comes in turn 3 and beyond, where their arsenal of free summons from the GY, coupled with their stellar resource recycling, easily overwhelm the opponent.
  • The majority of the deck is dirt cheap and is mostly able to be built with commons from SOFU+SAST supplementing 3 copies of Structure Deck: Soulburner.
  • Accesscode Talker is a huge part of this deck's success, able to steal games easily with the help of Update Jammer. Accesscode is not at all affordable on a budget, so the sample list plays Zeroboros instead. Owning one copy of Accesscode is a tremendous improvement to this deck's strength.
  • Salamangreat has found little competitive success in bigger online tournaments this format, but still regularly performs well in smaller events, remote duel locals, and the like. It's also a fairly safe choice, as it's somewhat unlikely we see further Salamangreat hits on the next banlist.
  • The provided list plays Rivalry + Strike, a potent option allowing you to sometimes win games even into established boards. Strike is quite solid in the current format, as even the combo decks don't usually end on ways to punish a lot of set backrow.
  • Parallel eXceed is an optional card, and can be cut in favor of more backrow or handtraps. On one hand, it allows you to more easily link climb when going second, and can easily add a Dweller or Bagooska to your board going first (Dweller is very good right now, as well). On the other hand, players may prefer to run more defensive cards instead of eXceed.


Price: $100+ Imgur | DuelingBook
  • Subterrors are a control deck with a focus on flipping monsters face-down and generating constant advantage with Subterror Guru.
  • Pure Guru control is the most played variant, and is more or less a stun deck that tries to abuse Guru as much as possible. While most Guru lists online are Numeron and/or Dragoon hybrids, the pure version saw some success earlier this format at the Benelux Remote Duel Extravaganza, finishing top 4. You can watch that deck profile here, and the sample list is generally based off of that list.
    • While Dragoon isn't budget-friendly, the Numeron engine is very accessible for little cost, and is a viable variant of this deck as well. Numeron cards aim to make Number S0: Utopic ZEXAL going first or simply OTK going second. S0 is an extremely powerful card that can prevent the opponent from playing the game entirely if it resolves. If you are interested in this version, you can check the Subterror list on the previous budget post.
  • The sample list doesn't have a complete extra deck, mainly because it doesn't play Extravagance and you barely go into the Extra Deck to begin with. Relinquished Anima is a decent option if you can shell out the $7-8 for it, since sometimes you can turn Fiendess into Anima. Apart from that, provided Extra Deck options include anti-Maximus cards for the Dogmatika matchup, and Aussa + Zoodiac Drident in case you face a Zoodiac player. Taking their Zoo monster and then slapping your Drident on top can be potent.
  • This deck usually plays Extravagance over Desires, but Desires is quite a serviceable replacement. Similarly to Altergeist, this deck also enjoys Pot of Prosperity post-BLVO.

B Tier

Like the above category, but generally weaker, less consistent, and/or impacted harder by a lack of access to a certain card(s).


Price: $100+ Imgur | DuelingBook
  • Dinosaurs are an aggressive deck with consistent access to Evolzar Laggia/Dolkka and Ultimate Conductor Tyranno, a formidable boss monster with incredible OTK power and disruption.
  • Dinosaur's strength tends to be largely meta-dependent, particularly how well it can counter the existing top decks. During the previous two combo-infested formats with decks like Dragon Link and Adamancipator running around, Dinos had several extremely impressive showing at events, such as TeamSamuraiX1's win at the first NA Remote Duel Invitational, as well as all three first-place players at LCS 7 (a 3v3 event) playing Dino.
  • In the current format, Dinosaurs are struggling. The Virtual World matchup is difficult, and it's hard for Dinosaur to build to beat all of VW, Drytron, Eldlich variants, and the plethora of rogue decks running around. Additionally, Mystic Mine is not very potent this format as both Virtual World and Eldlich have in-engine outs to the card, which is another blow to the Dinosaur strategy. Finally, the popularity of handtraps like Skull Meister and Artifact Lancea in the side or even the main deck are also reasons this deck has declined.
  • The provided variant still plays Mine, as it has utility breaking boards. Deckout is a much less reliable strategy against VW and Eldlich, but you can still stall for some turns until you can make a push for game. The addition of Cosmic Cyclone is also an attempt at neutering cards like Chuche and Conquistador.
  • If you wanted to build this deck without Mines, you would have to find replacements for quite a few cards (and frankly, Dinosaur does not have very many good ones). Most power staples are not budget, such as Lightning Storm, Talents, Droplet, etc. This deck also really appreciates Pot of Extravagance, which still sits barely out of budget range at around $25 each in NA.
  • Budget Dino must also deal with the lack of Animadorned Archosaur, an extremely powerful addition to the deck that opens up many new combos. However, sitting at around $60 per copy, the card is inaccessible on a budget.
  • The provided list plays the Simorgh combo, bringing out the WIND barrier statue on turn 1 to steal games. Though a full extra deck is provided, very few cards are actually needed, as the deck typically plays Extravagance anyway.

Dragon Link

Price: $100-150+ (depending on Extra Deck) Imgur | DuelingBook
  • Dragon Link is a Link-centric combo deck that was a dominant force in the meta for about half a year, but lost a lot of resilience and power with the recent bans to Linkross and Dragon Buster Destruction Sword.
  • The provided budget version of this deck actually has a ton of extra deck flexibility due to not needing to play Synchro/Link cards related to the Halq/Kross package, meaning that you can play Knightmares, anti-Dogmatika cards, etc. This also means that the budget version doesn't actually care about the Linkross ban at all.
  • This deck has seen a great deal of variation online, playing a variety of different engines and tech cards. A few of these include Vylon Cube + Smoke Grenade, the Rose Dragons, several different Dragonmaid cards, and even an FTK variant involving Earthbound Immortal Aslla piscu. However, few of these are viable for budget players, especially if you do not own a copy of Halqifibrax.
  • An interesting option the deck has is to use Union Carrier to equip handtraps such as Artifact Lancea. On the opponent's turn, Hieratic Seal can be used to return the handtrap to your hand, making it live immediately. This is something you may want to consider in the main deck if you frequently have to deal with decks like Virtual World and Dinosaur. Another option is to equip Ally of Justice Cycle Reader to Carrier (they're both machines) and then bounce it to hand, as a weapon against Drytron. Carrier isn't in the example list, but this is a really interesting option to consider.
  • With Linkross out of the picture, playing Fibrax alone is an option if you either already own a copy or can afford the $20 needed to obtain one. You may have to retool your combos to incorporate Fiber, but the card can definitely add flexibility and resilience to your deck if you use it well.

Paleozoic Frogs

Price: $50+ Imgur | DuelingBook
  • Backrow-heavy control deck that summons its Traps to the field as monsters and pressures the opponent with Toadally Awesome
  • After being absent from the budget post for about a year, Paleo makes its triumphant return as its boss monster, Toad, returns to 3. Toad's reprint in Maximum Gold also brought this card down from $20 each to just a few bucks, making the entire deck extremely cheap.
  • As a control deck, Paleo suffers from more weaknesses compared to Eldlich, Altergeist, and Subterror. Notably, the engine tends to bleed advantage unless you've managed to maintain access to Swap Frog, and you can be quickly outpaced by stronger decks. However, in games where you can establish a Toad early, or where you can maintain control with your backrow, you can do quite well.
  • Paleo saw a surprising amount of success in various remote duel events this format, though some of that success is likely due to the format being unexplored and some sort of "new toy syndrome" as Toad recently went from 2 to 3.
  • Paleo struggles to out Dragoon, especially without access to Ice Dragon's Prison, a $40 card. An interesting option catching on in the meta lately is the use of Mirror Force cards, particularly Quaking and Storming, as they both pressure Dragoon. Still, the card puts quite a lot of pressure on this deck.
  • Speaking of Dragoon, some Paleo players opt to play that package in this deck as well. Swap Frog is a one card Dragoon as you can simply dump Ronin, turn Swap into Almiraj, and then revive Ronin to make Verte from there.
  • Fiend Griefing is presented as an interesting option which is very decent in the current meta, particularly vs Drytron. Combining it with Absolute King Back Jack is a classic combo that Paleo played a long time ago in 2017, during early Zoo formats.

Shaddoll (Magistus)

Price: $100+, can be closer to $50 with fewer copies of Schism Imgur | DuelingBook
  • Classic Fusion-based archetype from 2014, debuting in Duelist Alliance. Somewhat of a midrange combo deck that can slow the game down with El Shaddoll Winda or be very aggressive with El Shaddoll Construct
  • Winda is a troublesome floodgate that many decks struggle to out, especially combo decks such as Drytron. Shaddoll cards are currently played in several Dogmatika variants due to the sheer power of Winda and the utility of Shaddoll Schism.
  • The current meta is favorable for Shaddoll not only due to Winda being effective vs Drytron, but also due to Ariel being very strong against a large chunk of the format, including Eldlich variants. Her ability to banish 3 cards from the GY is so strong that some decks are splashing in Sinister Shadow Games + Ariel just for that option, which we saw played in some of the 60-card Eldlich decks at LCS 9.
    • The growing popularity of Shaddoll cards has also caused Shaddoll Schism to go up in price substantially. Currently, it's around $17, but it may continue to rise.
  • The deck's biggest problem has always been its inability to consistently resolve a fusion spell on turn 1. Invoked Shaddoll was a popular hybrid in earlier formats, but with the release of the Magistus archetype in GEIM, Shaddolls got access to Rilliona and Magistus Invocation. This is an improvement since Magistus Invocation can fuse from hand and field whereas the regular Invocation can only fuse from hand when summoning Shaddolls. Additionally, Artemis provides a super convenient way for the deck to turn any Shaddoll into a LIGHT monster, which is important for summoning Construct.
  • While the full Dogmatika package is very expensive due to Nadir Servant being a $75 card, one option is to play just one copy of Ecclesia (around $20) along with Maximus and a playset of Dogmatika Punishment. Maximus and Punishment have a ton of synergy in the Shaddoll deck in conjunction with Apkallone's GY effect, and this combination is deadly even on a budget.
  • Other normal summons such as Mathematician and even Gale Dogra are potent on this deck, and can be played in addition to Rilliona or as a replacement for her. Yet another option is to run 1 copy of the now-cheap Eldlich the Golden Lord as a LIGHT monster for Shaddoll Fusion that can easily revive itself.
  • Another popular variant is a very trap-heavy list, sometimes cutting the Magistus cards entirely. PAK and SirEmanon's YouTube channels both have their own takes on this, if you're interested.


Price: $50+ Imgur | DuelingBook
  • Floaty destruction-based archetype that generates advantage when its cards are destroyed, enabling its gimmick of using your opponent's monsters to Link Summon.
  • Can be built to go first or to go second quite effectively. Since going second is very difficult this format, the provided list aims to go first, playing a bunch of trap cards.
  • Fairly modest online performance, doing alright at smaller events and more recently finishing top 8 at the second YuGiJoe online series as well as occasional Luxury events. After the December banlist, Unchained has rapidly gained popularity in online remote duel events, and is one of the more prominent rogue decks this format. This success could be because the format is generally slower compared to previous ones, and many destruction-based cards such as Torrential Tribute are very popular currently, which this deck enjoys.
  • Mega-Tin reprints of Abomination's Prison as well as their Link 2 have helped make this deck a great deal more affordable. I:P Masquerena being more affordable is also a nice boost, though it's by no means essential in this deck.
  • This deck's best weapon is its opponents being unprepared for it. Playing improperly into backrow or Unchained floats can very quickly be fatal. It also matches up decently into some backrow decks as well as Dogmatika variants, which rely on destruction-based removal from Dogmatika Punishment and Elder Entity N'tss.

C Tier

Decks in this category have the capability to be just as good as the ones above at times, but often tend to suffer from multiple problems including consistency and power.

Burning Abyss

Price: $100+ Imgur | DuelingBook
  • Versatile control-based Graveyard toolbox deck that has been swinging in and out of meta relevance since its release way back in 2014.
  • Gradually got more and more cards back from the banlist, with Cir and Graff being unlimited on the December 2020 list. The deck is now more or less "full power" with the exception of Beatrice, who is still limited.
  • The deck aims to establish Beatrice on turn 1 backed up with trap cards. The BA cards as well as Beatrice are extremely floaty, so this deck can put up quite a fight in grind games. Fiend Griefing is a solid card in the current meta, and is excellent in the Burning Abyss deck as you can send Farfa for further disruption, Graff/Scarm for followup, or Back Jack for more traps.
  • This deck was frequently mixed with Phantom Knight cards back in 2016 (often called PK Fire). Nowadays, Phantom Knight decks are typically either built pure or with an extremely compact BA engine. While it's possible to play a more dedicated hybrid build, the release of PK Torn Scales combined with most key BA cards being unlimited means that it's just better to focus on one or the other.
  • Many other options are playable - Desires for draw power, playing more traps, more handtraps, etc. Consider Needle Ceiling over Torrential as it can be harder to pull off, but combos better with Trap Trick. Players with access to Ice Dragon's Prison should play it, and adventurous duelists can even opt to play Fire Lake of the Burning Abyss.
  • As a deck easily capable of churning out Rank 3 Xyzs, you also have easy access to Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS Sky Thunder, one of the most powerful extra deck cards in the format. If this is an accessible option, it should be played.

Sky Striker

Price: $100+ Imgur | DuelingBook
  • Spell-heavy control deck that usually maintains only one monster on the field at a time, in the extra monster zone.
  • Formerly an extremely dominant control deck, modern-day Striker no longer accrues infinite resources through resolving Engage multiple times, but instead is easily able to kill you with an Accesscode Talker push after whittling down your LP and resources for a turn or two. The standard combo involves laddering from Halqifibrax -> Selene -> Accesscode and then dismantling your opponent's board before swinging for game.
  • You may have noticed a problem: if you're on a budget, you can't use Accesscode. This is a pretty big blow to the deck's overall strength. Some players opt for alternatives such as the Utopia Double package, which Zoé Weber played in the second EU Remote Duel Invitational last format. Another option is to simply not run it at all, and close games the old-fashioned way.
  • In previous formats, this deck was oftentimes played like an anti-meta going second deck, packing tons of removal cards and usually 3 copies of Mystic Mine in the main deck. In the current format, this strategy is a lot more difficult due to several factors - it's very hard to go second this format in general, and Mine is a lot less effective vs the top decks right now.
  • Instead, the sample list plays a going-first strategy with powerful trap cards like There Can Be Only One and Solemn Strike. It's possible to build this deck to go second, but you'd probably want to play board breakers instead of trap cards, and potentially also maindeck PSY-Framegear Gamma.
  • Yet another way to play this deck involves (surprise) Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon and multiple copies of Red-Eyes Fusion. Instead of using cards like Widow Anchor and Afterburners to muscle through disruption and stick a Mystic Mine on the field, you use them to get to your Dragoon and either win the game immediately or put yourself in a position where your opponent can't play through the Dragoon disrupt.
  • Roze is the most expensive card in this list. If your budget is tight, you can definitely cut her down to 1.


Price: $100+ Imgur | DuelingBook
  • Xyz-focused deck with a gimmick allowing you to use any one Zoodiac as the entire Xyz material requirement for another Zoodiac. This lets you stack Zoo Xyz monsters on top of each other, making use of their effects.
  • Plays a compact engine combined with around 20 slots dedicated to handtraps, traps, and draw power. This deck is also commonly played as a hybrid deck, oftentimes with Eldlich and sometimes with Dogmatika cards. Both of these options are quite expensive, so they are not shown.
  • The deck's strength in competitive play comes almost entirely from Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS Sky Thunder, an extremely powerful Xyz monster that Zoodiac can effortlessly make due to Zoodiac Boarbow. Zoo is also easily able to summon Zeus with many materials, allowing it to repeatedly nuke the board.
  • Budget Zoo without Zeus is extremely weak by comparison. Relying solely on Drident + handtraps is not a reliable win condition, so cards like Parallel eXceed and Pot of Avarice are included in the sample list to give this deck a boost. While Megaclops is a troublesome boss monster in some matchups, the big three decks (Drytron, Virtual World, and Eldlich) generally don't have much trouble dealing with it.
  • Even with Zeus, the deck has been struggling in the current competitive meta. Noteworthy is its performance at LCS 9, where out of a whopping 51 Zoodiac variants that entered the tournament, only 1 survived until top 16.


Decks to watch out for, oftentimes due to recent online success or new support being announced. Some might also be decks that could potentially be on the main body of the post, but need a little more time to prove themselves.


Price: $100 (for now) Imgur | DuelingBook
  • Link-focused deck that plays a variety of Beast, Beast-Warrior, and Winged Beast monsters. The maindeck Tri-Brigades cheat out powerful Link monsters, provided your GY is set up. This deck also trivially access the Simorgh link, which can sometimes seal games on its own through the WIND Barrier Statue.
  • In the current format, Tri-Brigade has seen fairly sparse success, usually mixed with Zoodiac. However, BLVO gives us Tri-Brigade Kitt, a great boost to this deck and a fantastic combo piece.
  • Further support in LIOV and beyond is also very promising, making this deck a potentially solid investment for the future.
  • The Tri-Brigade core is currently quite cheap, but this could change in the future depending on hype and the market.
  • owo


Price: $100-150 Imgur | DuelingBook
  • Control deck with an extremely powerful Link 1 monster, Traptrix Sera, that pumps out constant advantage.
  • The sample list incorporates a very small Dogmatika engine. Dogmatika Punishment itself is very cheap, and is one of the best generic traps in the game right now. Just 1 copy of Ecclesia (around $20) provides a substantial power boost to this mini-engine, as dumping one copy of Titaniklad with Punishment and grabbing an Ecclesia for next turn is extremely powerful. Another option is to dump El Shaddoll Apkallone, then adding and discarding Ariel in order to trigger her effect and banish 3 cards, which is insane value.
  • If you can't get Ecclesia, you could simply play just Punishment as a generic trap. Another option is to play pure Traptrix, incorporating more power traps/handtraps, and quite frequently the Utopia Double package as well.
  • This deck is definitely still getting support, as LIOV brings a new Link 2 and main deck monster.

Plunder Patroll

Price: $100+ Imgur | DuelingBook
  • Pirate archetype with ridiculous recursion and a unique tag-out and equip mechanic based on Attributes being used in the game.
  • The pirates become equips for one of (currently) three Patrollships, extra deck monsters that can all discard Plunder Patroll cards in hand to fuel powerful effects. The ships become stronger when manned (equipped with) a Plunder card, with bonuses such as ignition effects becoming quick effects, or being able to replace the discarded card with a new one from the deck.
  • Many Plunder lists play Forbidden Droplet, as it has great synergy with the cards. Without Droplet, you could fill the space with several different options. This deck chooses to play the Undine package, but you can also go for cards like Foolish Burial Goods, Salvage, Silent Angler, Tenyi Spirit - Shthana, Toadally Awesome + Bahamut Shark, or just more generic staples.
  • This deck is getting at least one more support card in LIOV, that being Ravenwing. Many people speculate that they'll also get another Patrollship of a new attribute, which would be a huge buff to the deck.

Honorable Mentions

  • Megalith, Madolche, Pendulum decks, Cyber Dragon, Orcust, Mermail Atlantean, Magical Musketeers, Crusadia (Guardragon), ABC, D/D, Generaider, and more - Decks that are fairly decent but have been left off of the post to make room for other decks that have seen more recent success or have fewer budget resources online.
  • Dragonmaid, Eldlich, Infernoid, Invoked variants, HERO, etc - Decks that are pretty good but are sorta in limbo due to some expensive individual cards, such as Chamber Dragonmaid, Cursed Eldland, Invocation, etc.
  • Cubics, Phantasm, Chain Burn, Evilswarm, Yosenju, Dinomist, and much, much more - Unfortunately, there is not enough room to cover every single decent, super-cheap deck.
I hope to keep this post updated for the foreseeable future. Feel free to leave any comments or suggestions.
submitted by JebusMcAzn to yugioh [link] [comments]

[MAIN] Disney Magic (Castle, Train, Steamboat, & Minifigs) - 602 @ $2

[MAIN] Disney Magic (Castle, Train, Steamboat, & Minifigs) - 602 @ $2
CANADIANS: PM me for Canadian PayPal to avoid fees.
Day/Time: 12/6 @ 10AM
Item Names:
Set Price / Justification:, unless otherwise indicated.
Timestamp/pics: &
Price: $1010.77 + $131.40 (13% HST) + $61.83 (shipping & supplies, see:
Fund Spots: 0
Raffle Total/Spots: $1204 + $0 sub fund - 602 spots @ $2
Call spots? Y
Spot limit per person? N
Duration of spot limit? N/A
Location(Country): Canada
Will ship international? Y, winner will pay difference ($40-60 extra to lower 48; ~$55 to LA, see:
Description: Can't/Don't want to go to Disney World this year? Bring the magic of Disney home by winning this raffle!
Payment required w/in 30 minutes of raffle filling, 10 for drama.

PayPal Info: [REDACTED]

Tip BoyAndHisBlob
Number of vacant slots: 0
Number of unpaid users: 0
Number of unpaid slots: 0
This slot list is created and updated by The EDC Raffle Tool by BoyAndHisBlob.
1 cravejosh PAID
2 turkeyjerky2 PAID
3 Nortdort PAID
4 MalHombre PAID
5 acrobbins0 PAID
6 acrobbins0 PAID
7 lonegofyer PAID
8 lonegofyer PAID
9 nik0nguy601 PAID
10 Pull_Up_Selector PAID
11 enchiladasverde5 PAID
12 lonegofyer PAID
13 VR38-R35 PAID
14 Tofusenin PAID
15 Pull_Up_Selector PAID
16 hshamshu PAID
17 gfy4dsny PAID
18 Lis2424 PAID
19 r1955 PAID
20 ddfreebase PAID
21 Lis2424 PAID
22 turkeyjerky2 PAID
23 deezerdog1 PAID
24 lonegofyer PAID
25 JerKing22 PAID
26 TeddyLea PAID
27 fuzzynutspugs PAID
28 deezerdog1 PAID
29 NotSoSasquatchy PAID
30 QueensGambit_88 PAID
31 deezerdog1 PAID
32 Odin_Makes PAID
33 beermoneymike PAID
34 Zunger PAID
35 oznamy PAID
36 mtbtoad PAID
37 ghgaud PAID
38 acrobbins0 PAID
39 spasamsd PAID
40 fuzzynutspugs PAID
41 Nortdort PAID
42 ghgaud PAID
43 acrobbins0 PAID
44 dmented99 PAID
45 Pull_Up_Selector PAID
46 acrobbins0 PAID
47 BananaYana PAID
48 bigdisneyguy PAID
49 TeddyLea PAID
50 CoffeeGulp PAID
51 hshamshu PAID
52 hshamshu PAID
53 hshamshu PAID
54 theycallmesomething PAID
55 r1955 PAID
56 beermoneymike PAID
57 jkizzle0414 PAID
58 fuzzynutspugs PAID
59 lonegofyer PAID
60 deezerdog1 PAID
61 cmendez84 PAID
62 r1955 PAID
63 TragicHaggis PAID
64 beermoneymike PAID
65 NotSoSasquatchy PAID
66 lonegofyer PAID
67 cravejosh PAID
68 lonegofyer PAID
69 _parameters PAID
70 dmented99 PAID
71 jkizzle0414 PAID
72 RandomAbyss PAID
73 acrobbins0 PAID
74 acrobbins0 PAID
75 gattychan PAID
76 Pull_Up_Selector PAID
77 ghgaud PAID
78 turkeyjerky2 PAID
80 ghgaud PAID
81 QueensGambit_88 PAID
82 hobobanana PAID
83 IAmAJediUnicorn PAID
84 acrobbins0 PAID
85 Bosskz PAID
86 ghgaud PAID
87 ghgaud PAID
88 enchiladasverde5 PAID
89 ghgaud PAID
90 azwrona PAID
91 beermoneymike PAID
92 beermoneymike PAID
93 rdlando PAID
94 beermoneymike PAID
95 RandomAbyss PAID
96 fuzzynutspugs PAID
97 oznamy PAID
98 lonegofyer PAID
99 ghgaud PAID
100 cmendez84 PAID
101 hshamshu PAID
102 zipidy928 PAID
103 Odin_Makes PAID
104 BananaYana PAID
105 r1955 PAID
106 beermoneymike PAID
107 zipidy928 PAID
108 Slowcheetah18 PAID
109 JRosePC PAID
110 mattemer PAID
111 ddfreebase PAID
112 JRosePC PAID
113 Odin_Makes PAID
114 spasamsd PAID
115 HarrisG24 PAID
116 JRosePC PAID
117 ddfreebase PAID
118 mtbtoad PAID
119 JRosePC PAID
120 beermoneymike PAID
121 acrobbins0 PAID
122 MilwaukeeMax PAID
123 VR38-R35 PAID
124 Odin_Makes PAID
125 r1955 PAID
126 cmendez84 PAID
127 TeddyLea PAID
128 GamingWithKids PAID
129 RandomAbyss PAID
130 Nortdort PAID
131 Odin_Makes PAID
132 NotSoSasquatchy PAID
133 JRosePC PAID
134 Nortdort PAID
135 VR38-R35 PAID
136 iowajim3 PAID
137 sleeperx PAID
138 rdlando PAID
139 cmendez84 PAID
140 cravejosh PAID
141 JRosePC PAID
142 oznamy PAID
143 NotSoSasquatchy PAID
144 TeddyLea PAID
145 HarrisG24 PAID
146 JRosePC PAID
147 CJHal PAID
148 bigdisneyguy PAID
149 JRosePC PAID
150 themadowl PAID
151 gattychan PAID
152 Slowcheetah18 PAID
153 IAmAJediUnicorn PAID
154 BananaYana PAID
155 gfy4dsny PAID
156 Odin_Makes PAID
157 -William-0523 PAID
158 Lollerskates1337 PAID
159 nik0nguy601 PAID
160 sleeperx PAID
161 BananaYana PAID
162 nik0nguy601 PAID
163 ghgaud PAID
164 dmented99 PAID
165 TragicHaggis PAID
166 gfy4dsny PAID
167 acrobbins0 PAID
168 lonegofyer PAID
169 CoffeeGulp PAID
170 lonegofyer PAID
171 acrobbins0 PAID
172 TheyveTakenMyWheezy PAID
173 sleeperx PAID
174 mattemer PAID
175 fuzzynutspugs PAID
176 erme525 PAID
177 deezerdog1 PAID
178 acrobbins0 PAID
179 -William-0523 PAID
180 TeddyLea PAID
181 acrobbins0 PAID
182 Zunger PAID
183 CJHal PAID
184 PhosphorDreams PAID
185 BananaYana PAID
186 hshamshu PAID
187 ddfreebase PAID
188 Odin_Makes PAID
189 NotSoSasquatchy PAID
190 deezerdog1 PAID
191 TragicHaggis PAID
192 Odin_Makes PAID
193 acrobbins0 PAID
194 Bosskz PAID
195 BananaYana PAID
196 Odin_Makes PAID
197 JRosePC PAID
198 RandomAbyss PAID
199 acrobbins0 PAID
200 Odin_Makes PAID
201 Top_Outcome2181 PAID
202 viper84040 PAID
203 jkizzle0414 PAID
204 mtbtoad PAID
205 sleeperx PAID
206 hshamshu PAID
207 bigdisneyguy PAID
208 Odin_Makes PAID
209 TeddyLea PAID
210 acrobbins0 PAID
211 HarrisG24 PAID
212 mtbtoad PAID
213 themadowl PAID
214 HarrisG24 PAID
215 Odin_Makes PAID
216 HarrisG24 PAID
217 TeddyLea PAID
218 questionwords PAID
219 RandomAbyss PAID
220 hshamshu PAID
221 CJHal PAID
222 turkeyjerky2 PAID
223 Odin_Makes PAID
224 Lis2424 PAID
225 acrobbins0 PAID
226 Top_Outcome2181 PAID
227 CeeCeeM8627 PAID
228 HarrisG24 PAID
229 JRosePC PAID
230 TragicHaggis PAID
231 acrobbins0 PAID
232 acrobbins0 PAID
233 QueensGambit_88 PAID
234 TheSEOCowboy PAID
235 JRosePC PAID
236 iowajim3 PAID
237 JRosePC PAID
238 rdlando PAID
239 CoffeeGulp PAID
240 lmontoyajr7 PAID
241 acrobbins0 PAID
242 JRosePC PAID
243 theycallmesomething PAID
244 acrobbins0 PAID
245 acrobbins0 PAID
246 TeddyLea PAID
247 Top_Outcome2181 PAID
248 bigdisneyguy PAID
249 r1955 PAID
250 beermoneymike PAID
251 mattemer PAID
252 gattychan PAID
253 JRosePC PAID
254 IAmAJediUnicorn PAID
255 r1955 PAID
256 VR38-R35 PAID
257 sleeperx PAID
258 Lollerskates1337 PAID
259 cmendez84 PAID
260 acrobbins0 PAID
261 thegreatchief1 PAID
262 cmendez84 PAID
263 acrobbins0 PAID
264 MalHombre PAID
265 TragicHaggis PAID
266 BananaYana PAID
267 Odin_Makes PAID
268 questionwords PAID
269 JRosePC PAID
270 JerKing22 PAID
271 PhantomMGC PAID
272 dmented99 PAID
273 hshamshu PAID
274 questionwords PAID
275 QueensGambit_88 PAID
276 spasamsd PAID
277 QueensGambit_88 PAID
278 HarrisG24 PAID
279 JRosePC PAID
280 beermoneymike PAID
281 hshamshu PAID
282 acrobbins0 PAID
283 TheSEOCowboy PAID
284 TragicHaggis PAID
285 VR38-R35 PAID
286 Nortdort PAID
287 spasamsd PAID
288 beermoneymike PAID
289 BananaYana PAID
290 TheSEOCowboy PAID
291 gfy4dsny PAID
292 mattemer PAID
293 r1955 PAID
294 hshamshu PAID
295 TheSEOCowboy PAID
296 CJHal PAID
297 zipidy928 PAID
298 cmendez84 PAID
299 acrobbins0 PAID
300 gattychan PAID
301 cmendez84 PAID
302 JRosePC PAID
303 hobobanana PAID
304 PhantomMGC PAID
305 cmendez84 PAID
306 zipidy928 PAID
307 CJHal PAID
308 thegreatchief1 PAID
309 cmendez84 PAID
310 themadowl PAID
311 lonegofyer PAID
312 NotSoSasquatchy PAID
313 GamingWithKids PAID
314 zipidy928 PAID
315 acrobbins0 PAID
316 -William-0523 PAID
317 JRosePC PAID
318 NotSoSasquatchy PAID
319 fuzzynutspugs PAID
320 theycallmesomething PAID
321 deadlypantstx PAID
322 beermoneymike PAID
323 JRosePC PAID
324 deezerdog1 PAID
325 TeddyLea PAID
326 NotSoSasquatchy PAID
327 MCOC_Dhakkon PAID
328 JRosePC PAID
329 themadowl PAID
330 JerKing22 PAID
331 beermoneymike PAID
332 MalHombre PAID
333 ddfreebase PAID
334 themadowl PAID
335 JRosePC PAID
336 Bosskz PAID
337 Abedzzz PAID
338 cmendez84 PAID
339 TragicHaggis PAID
340 NotSoSasquatchy PAID
341 sancoli PAID
342 thegreatchief1 PAID
343 JRosePC PAID
344 mattemer PAID
345 cmendez84 PAID
346 JerKing22 PAID
347 NotSoSasquatchy PAID
348 bigdisneyguy PAID
349 acrobbins0 PAID
350 BananaYana PAID
351 PhantomMGC PAID
352 azwrona PAID
353 fuzzynutspugs PAID
354 JerKing22 PAID
355 JerKing22 PAID
356 Abedzzz PAID
357 acrobbins0 PAID
358 theycallmesomething PAID
359 cmendez84 PAID
360 acrobbins0 PAID
361 dmented99 PAID
362 iowajim3 PAID
363 iowajim3 PAID
364 JRosePC PAID
365 IAmAJediUnicorn PAID
366 BananaYana PAID
367 TragicHaggis PAID
368 acrobbins0 PAID
369 TragicHaggis PAID
370 beermoneymike PAID
371 sleeperx PAID
372 VR38-R35 PAID
373 heavyboots79 PAID
374 PhantomMGC PAID
375 beermoneymike PAID
376 hshamshu PAID
377 TeddyLea PAID
378 Odin_Makes PAID
379 TragicHaggis PAID
380 acrobbins0 PAID
381 PhosphorDreams PAID
382 VR38-R35 PAID
383 PhantomMGC PAID
384 JRosePC PAID
385 Abedzzz PAID
386 Vando130 PAID
387 acrobbins0 PAID
388 JRosePC PAID
389 HarrisG24 PAID
390 hshamshu PAID
391 gattychan PAID
392 TragicHaggis PAID
393 CoffeeGulp PAID
394 JRosePC PAID
395 JRosePC PAID
396 rdlando PAID
397 acrobbins0 PAID
398 NotSoSasquatchy PAID
399 CoffeeGulp PAID
400 acrobbins0 PAID
401 Zunger PAID
402 TragicHaggis PAID
403 VR38-R35 PAID
404 acrobbins0 PAID
405 hshamshu PAID
406 sancoli PAID
407 mattemer PAID
408 TeddyLea PAID
409 acrobbins0 PAID
410 Lollerskates1337 PAID
411 hshamshu PAID
412 nik0nguy601 PAID
413 zipidy928 PAID
414 theycallmesomething PAID
415 thegreatchief1 PAID
416 Top_Outcome2181 PAID
417 Pull_Up_Selector PAID
418 dmented99 PAID
419 Odin_Makes PAID
420 hshamshu PAID
421 acrobbins0 PAID
422 TeddyLea PAID
423 mattemer PAID
424 JRosePC PAID
425 hshamshu PAID
426 sleeperx PAID
427 r1955 PAID
428 QueensGambit_88 PAID
429 lmontoyajr7 PAID
430 jimfromcraigslist PAID
431 TheSEOCowboy PAID
432 thegreatchief1 PAID
433 zipidy928 PAID
434 sancoli PAID
435 JRosePC PAID
436 mtbtoad PAID
437 Pull_Up_Selector PAID
438 JRosePC PAID
439 iowajim3 PAID
440 IAmAJediUnicorn PAID
441 hobobanana PAID
442 dmented99 PAID
443 nik0nguy601 PAID
444 JRosePC PAID
445 TragicHaggis PAID
446 questionwords PAID
447 bigdisneyguy PAID
448 bigdisneyguy PAID
449 r1955 PAID
450 beermoneymike PAID
451 gattychan PAID
452 BananaYana PAID
453 MalHombre PAID
454 hshamshu PAID
455 acrobbins0 PAID
456 r1955 PAID
457 Odin_Makes PAID
458 Lollerskates1337 PAID
459 CoffeeGulp PAID
460 oznamy PAID
461 r1955 PAID
462 cmendez84 PAID
463 BananaYana PAID
464 sleeperx PAID
465 Bosskz PAID
466 VR38-R35 PAID
467 BananaYana PAID
468 IAmAJediUnicorn PAID
469 r1955 PAID
470 ghgaud PAID
471 zipidy928 PAID
472 CoffeeGulp PAID
473 sancoli PAID
474 TragicHaggis PAID
475 Bosskz PAID
476 VR38-R35 PAID
477 ghgaud PAID
478 BananaYana PAID
479 cmendez84 PAID
480 JRosePC PAID
481 Bosskz PAID
482 cravejosh PAID
483 bigdisneyguy PAID
484 bigdisneyguy PAID
485 TeddyLea PAID
486 acrobbins0 PAID
487 mtbtoad PAID
488 oznamy PAID
489 gattychan PAID
490 fuzzynutspugs PAID
491 zipidy928 PAID
492 acrobbins0 PAID
493 NotSoSasquatchy PAID
494 acrobbins0 PAID
495 viper84040 PAID
496 JRosePC PAID
497 questionwords PAID
498 TragicHaggis PAID
499 Bosskz PAID
500 Odin_Makes PAID
501 gattychan PAID
502 dmented99 PAID
503 MalHombre PAID
504 dmented99 PAID
505 MCOC_Dhakkon PAID
506 cmendez84 PAID
507 mtbtoad PAID
508 deezerdog1 PAID
509 hshamshu PAID
510 IAmAJediUnicorn PAID
511 r1955 PAID
512 beermoneymike PAID
513 erme525 PAID
514 JRosePC PAID
515 dmented99 PAID
516 gattychan PAID
517 acrobbins0 PAID
518 beermoneymike PAID
519 Bosskz PAID
520 cmendez84 PAID
521 acrobbins0 PAID
522 -William-0523 PAID
523 fuzzynutspugs PAID
524 acrobbins0 PAID
525 Top_Outcome2181 PAID
526 acrobbins0 PAID
527 CeeCeeM8627 PAID
528 NotSoSasquatchy PAID
529 viper84040 PAID
530 hshamshu PAID
531 JRosePC PAID
532 gattychan PAID
533 IAmAJediUnicorn PAID
534 NotSoSasquatchy PAID
535 JRosePC PAID
536 turkeyjerky2 PAID
537 beermoneymike PAID
538 JRosePC PAID
539 mtbtoad PAID
540 hshamshu PAID
541 sancoli PAID
542 HarrisG24 PAID
543 acrobbins0 PAID
544 Zunger PAID
545 rdlando PAID
546 sleeperx PAID
547 cmendez84 PAID
548 bigdisneyguy PAID
549 CoffeeGulp PAID
550 Slowcheetah18 PAID
551 mattemer PAID
552 ghgaud PAID
553 acrobbins0 PAID
554 zipidy928 PAID
555 Lis2424 PAID
556 VR38-R35 PAID
557 hshamshu PAID
558 IAmAJediUnicorn PAID
559 cmendez84 PAID
560 JRosePC PAID
561 JerKing22 PAID
562 JRosePC PAID
563 JRosePC PAID
564 VR38-R35 PAID
565 NotSoSasquatchy PAID
566 IAmAJediUnicorn PAID
567 beermoneymike PAID
568 deezerdog1 PAID
569 jkizzle0414 PAID
570 Odin_Makes PAID
571 Bosskz PAID
572 JerKing22 PAID
573 mattemer PAID
574 cmendez84 PAID
575 JerKing22 PAID
576 Pull_Up_Selector PAID
577 spasamsd PAID
578 JerKing22 PAID
579 Bosskz PAID
580 mattemer PAID
581 jkizzle0414 PAID
582 Odin_Makes PAID
583 r1955 PAID
584 fuzzynutspugs PAID
585 hshamshu PAID
586 hshamshu PAID
587 MilwaukeeMax PAID
588 hshamshu PAID
589 PhantomMGC PAID
590 deezerdog1 PAID
591 VR38-R35 PAID
592 hobobanana PAID
593 BananaYana PAID
594 acrobbins0 PAID
595 sleeperx PAID
596 Zunger PAID
597 TheSEOCowboy PAID
598 PhantomMGC PAID
599 HarrisG24 PAID
600 gfy4dsny PAID
601 CoffeeGulp PAID
602 acrobbins0 PAID

submitted by HorizonXP to lego_raffles [link] [comments]

My first Five Bingo Reviews

These are my first five bingo reviews, concentrating on books that are not well known or are useful to others filling out their bingo card. Two are kind of not fitting. Charles De Lint is mentioned a lot, but seldom individual books. Enjoy!
Skate the Thief
By Jeff Ayers
What I am using it for—Book about books, becoming undead for more reading time, stealing books, and learning to read are central to the plot
What I could be using it for—Aro/Ace, optimistic, features ice and cold, magical pet, necromancy
Why did I read this and how did it end up on my bingo card-- I met the author online and liked him. Had no idea I’d be doing book bingo, but was looking at what I read this year, I went that has Necromancy, and books.
Skate, ten-year-old member of a thieves guild called the Ink gets caught breaking into an old eccentric’s house. Old eccentric named Bellamy who happens to be a lich. Reason he became a lich? Because he wanted more time to read, without bothering to poop, eat, sleep, or other distractions, and we later have his word that he found a way around the usually unspeakably evil ritual needed to become a lich.
Thing is, he wants to read some tomes that other nobles in town own, who won’t loan them out. So, in exchange for a place to stay, not killing her or turning her over to the authorities and reading lessons so she can grab the right books, she becomes his thief and must sneak into their houses and borrow the books and return them once Bellamy is done. The lich believes stealing is wrong but unauthorized borrowing is acceptable.
She’s also telling the thieves guild that she’s working on a big score. So, between the Lich and the thieves guild and the nobles she’s borrowing from there should be no complications whatsoever. The concept of a ten-year-old girl caught between her new wizard patron who is widening her world and the guild which trained her, and which would not approve of her leaving works. We see her loyalty wavering between both the wizard, who happens to be undead and the guild which genuinely has given her a home.
It is not a perfect novel. No, it’s a decent popcorn novel. Sometimes you feel like you could read the background out of a D&D Monster Manual. Sometimes Skate seems a little older than ten, but it is a memorable and enjoyable read.
The Wind in His Heart
By Charles De Lint
What I am using this for—Optimistic, and yes it meets hard mode.
What I could be using it for— Canada, magical pet (best dog ever), politics.
Why did I read this and how did it end up on my bingo card—Charles De Lint is one of those authors who I used to like a lot but hadn’t read in a few years. Halfway through Kings of the Wyld, it showed up on the book of the month, so I mentally moved it up from my intended Canadian Author read and slotted in a Charles De Lint. I picked this up with the intention of covering Canadian authors. But after reading this, I said this is so friggin optimistic and heartwarming it had to be in optimism.
I say this as the person who hates optimism in a lot of ways, or rather cheap, Hallmark Channel optimism and was dreading this square. But this is optimism that feels earned and is about mostly good people trying to do the right thing or getting better and by the end you find yourself saying, ‘these are the kind of people I would like to be like’.
This takes place mostly on or around the fictional Kikame Indian Reservation in Arizona nearer Las Vegas than Phoenix based on the description and shares the same universe as Newford. Steve, a self-described desert rat sees a van that dumps a teenage girl on the side of the road middle of the desert. He comes down and helps her. She ends up digging up the secret from his past that pushes half the plot. Meanwhile, Thomas, working at a reservation convenience store meets a strange woman in a 50’s black Cadillac limo.
From there the book adds multiple PoV’s come in, weaving in together but following Steve (the Desert Rat) Sade (The Girl) or Thomas’ (boy minding the store) overall story, with the exception of bringing in one character related to Steve’s secret very early. Not all of the protagonists are human.
It is one of my two favorites on the bingo card.
By W. Michael Gear
What I am using this for—2020
What I could be using it for— Exploration, and politics (with Cannibals!) If you consider the entire series, ghosts (haunted spaceship), big dumb object, magical pet, romance, politics. While this is a continuing series each book is written in a way that stands alone
Why did I read this and how did it end up on my bingo card— I read most of the Donovan Series in January/February. This came out in May, so I read this quickly. This is my excuse my favorite series nobody I know is reading and put it on the card. W. Micheal Gear is one of my generally non-SFF authors who occasionally writes SFF and is best known for his ‘People of’ books with his wife, Kathleen O Neal Gear. A trained archeologist, his work shows and favors small but important details.
Premise—Idea of the series, there is a planet, Donovan with a colony that is barely hanging on due to a very dangerous ecosystem and an unsolved time dilation problem which means scheduled arrivals have not arrived and when they do, the new arrivals face a continuing culture clash with those already settled. It feels very close to Deadwood meets Avatar (blue people, not Airbender).
Thoughts—Starship Ashanti has arrived over the skies of Donovan. Its transit from Earth was supposed to take three years. It has taken ten. As a result, the surviving passengers resorted to cannibalism, which has evolved into a messianic cult. Most of the crew has spent ten years barricaded behind a welded shut bulkhead. Both of these circumstances have done wonders for the mental stability for those aboard as they arrive on Donovan.
So, what does the settled populace of Donovan do with these people and how do you integrate them into your society?
There are really are several plots here. The largest is what do you do with those who transgress social norms and what does society do with them (and writing this I can’t help but think of those who stormed the U.S. Capitol), especially if you’re a small society that needs manpower, skills, and safety? How do you recover from taking horrible action?
Answer is they shelter and comfort the crew. This includes dealing with several suicides and one major, well-written intervention. They also send the cannibals to a small, isolated settlement until they can prove themselves. What do you do if you’re in a population that has decided to do horrible things, and you have your first chance to get out, but people are still looking at you sideways? The plot switches viewpoints between established characters from the colony and the crew and passengers of the Ashanti, including, disturbingly the viewpoint of the leader of the cult who believes it is his duty to eat the universe (meaning all the colonists eventually) which is unflinchingly disturbing and members of the cult who want a normal life.
The second is a man vs nature plot that is a standard series fare as the ecology and Donovan is a very hostile wilderness setting. But it also deals with problems like prion infection among the passengers, interactions among earthly and extraterrestrial ecology in a very hard science sense of the word that is compelling and believable.
Did I like it? Well, yes, but I felt it was a little weaker than previous books in the series and I’m hoping it doesn’t run out of steam.
Mussorgsky Riddle (Book One Fable and Fugue)
By Darrin Kennedy
What I am using this for—Audio Book
What I could be using it for— Optimistic, exploration if exploring a dreamscape counts, magical pet not quite (dream pet)
Why did I read this and how did it end up on my bingo card— The author is in my writing group and he’s published repeatedly by a fairly good small press, Falstaff Books. I wanted to see if there was a quality difference between mostly big five audiobooks I’d been listening to. This was going to go in optimistic, but Charles De Lint melted optimism like the Ark of the Covenant melts Nazis in Raiders of the Lost Ark.
The book follows Psychic Mira Tajador and she hired to get into the mind of Anthony Faircloth, a young boy who is autistic in all but name and also semi-catatonic due to recent trauma. His mother, desperate, hires her. The title comes from Mira’s sessions with Anthony, whose favorite music is Mussorsky’s Pictures in an Exhibition and whose interactions in Anthony’s dreamscape is based on it.
The fact that Anthony’s older brother is the prime suspect in his girlfriend’s murder will surely have no impact on the plot and nothing to do with anything.
The book does a lot of things right. From others, I’ve heard the descriptions of Charlotte are spot on. Anthony and his siblings are believable but at times feel like they were out of the ’80s. There is a nice romantic subplot that will be continued in book two and Mira feels right for a newly divorced mother. All plot points are thought out and add something.
Yet I find it hard to care about any of the characters, connect or care about them. The audio performance is competent yet doesn’t suck me in or repel me.
This book in bingo for me is what Cho Chang is for Harry Potter, i.e., great for someone else but not me. Still, I probably won’t read book two. Still, someone else may find it a good fit.
For someone more into classical music, more into a not quite standard Urban Fantasy, it might be right up your alley. Alas, for me, I just shrugged and said, “what’s next.”
That said, I’ll probably look at one of his newer works, this being his first, published in 2015. I find myself curious about how his work has evolved.
Library at Mount Char
What I am using this for—Humor, hard mode, hell yes
What I could be using it for— Magical Pet, Exploration (of a neighborhood with zombies and scary dogs), Necromancy, School
Why did I read this, and how did it end up on my bingo card— I thought a book called Library at Mount Char, would be on books. Some people hold that opinion and have used it for that spot. No, there are books, but it has really little to do with books and reading. But I was laughing at this book and along with it.
Then I looked at few other bingo spots that kind of had me saying…. Do I have to read that? I thought other readers had that same feeling.
I was looking forward to reading Orconomics or Pratchett. I will after I finish my bingo card.
But for everyone who was inwardly dreading reading something humorous, this is the book for you.
First of all, this is not a straight comedy and there is a lot that is horrific triggering stuff. There are also moments where you are sitting, laughing out loud.
This is the kind of comedy where a girl and a guy meet in a bar. She asks him to do her a favor, and it doesn’t go quite well. Then, about 2/3rds through, CNN is on in the background, the words Presidential Line of Succession is being talked about as the White House is burning and the Capital just exploded. The girl tells the guy, matter of factly, that all that is not important. Pretty soon, most people will have worse things to worry about.
In a lot of ways, this is a genuine horror novel, but there is a ton of humor in it, mostly due to the girl, Caroline, and her siblings acting unironically, with lines like ‘I thought blood loss might be a problem’. All twelve were adopted at age eight by Father and taken to the Library (more of a school) at Mount Char. Father was something akin to God, with an attitude like the Joker and the power of one of Neil Gaiman's Endless.
The librarians have been trained in twelve catalogues – one category per child, with strict instructions on not discussing/sharing your catalogue with another. They learn depending on catalogue, things like how to bring back the dead, how to understand and interact with all animals, or in Caroline’s case how to speak all languages, ever.
They neglect many of the things that make us human, they mostly speak their own language and come off as very naïve when interacting with normal humans. It’s questionable whether they are human, and they refer to humans as Americans.
Now Father has disappeared, and when they try to approach the library, they get incredibly sick.
So, they recruit Steve, current plumber and former small-time burglar to get them into this library.
It goes from there.
submitted by Kerney7 to Fantasy [link] [comments]

[Thank You] for the lovely cards over the holidays!

I've received a lot of holiday happy mail and it has made me so cheerful :) Thank you to everyone that sent me cards the past while! Hope that you all have a wonderful New Year's Eve! Don't mind my mini novel lol I like to write a lot in response to what people send me in their cards.
I did an exchange that I had so much fun with! I joked with my parents about there being other people that love crafting just as much as I do. In the New Year, I'll be organizing another exchange to swap blank postcards, washi tape samples, and stickers. It was so cute getting to see all cute stuff that people sent! It also gave me some ideas of how I can improve my mail sending :)
Here is a link to photos of all of the mail that was mentioned in this post.
u/josephineismyhero Thank you for the lovely wreath card! I really like the foil border :) It made me super happy when I opened my mail to find shiny cards. Also I love that the poinsettia tape that you used to seal the envelope matched the stamp! I hope that you had a wonderful holiday season! Cheers to 2021!
u/fieldofcabins Thank you for the cute sock card! I love how the foil looked on the green background of the card :) I love being cozy this time of the year and ya can never go wrong with fuzzy socks! Also your washi tape and stickers were super cute! Thanks for including a little tree drawing - so adorable! I sent out a card in response to this one so hopefully it doesn't take too long to arrive. Hope that you had a great holiday season!
u/ReinaKelsey Thank you for the adorable foil wreath card with the bird :P By the way, your handwriting is super pretty! I'm happy that you enjoyed the card that I sent to you. This was such a fun exchange! I absolutely loved the added touch of photos of your pets. I haven't gotten photos developed in so long - I love the texture (I know I'm weird lol). Would you be okay if I turn the photos of your kitties and pupper into postcards? I think that a lot of animal lovers would be just as excited as I was to receive pet photos :) I loved all of the stickers that you picked out for me - so many kitties :D Best thing ever lol. That's super cool that you made your own eggnog! I love that stuff but haven't tried making it before. Maybe for next year I'll give that a go. I'm the same way with my pets - I enjoy taking breaks from schoolwork to go cuddle with them. Or when I play The Last of Us I take cat breaks to distract me from the creepy enemies. Smudge is such a pretty cat :) If you go on my profile, I posted a photo of her from today of her playing with some new shiny toys. She loves bringing balls and leaving them on my bed. Then she talks as if to declare her successful hunt lol what a weirdo. Happy that you enjoyed the wax seal :) I've been having so much fun doing that the last few weeks. Just wish that it didn't make it harder for the envelope to fit through the slot lol. Hope that you have a wonderful New Year!
u/DPClamavi Thank you for the beautiful multi-view card! Also I love the purple foil washi tape that you used! The leaves are super cute :) I definitely agree that this would be such a pretty place to visit! I love historical places and would love to visit more in the future. I used to live in Alberta and the architecture wasn't as cool as it is in Nova Scotia - AB has a newer design than NS. One of my favorite historical sites in NS is Citadel Hill in Halifax. It is shaped kinda like a star and was a vantage point to protect the harbor. At noon every day they fire a canon there which can be heard throughout the city. Hope that you have a wonderful New Year!
u/Rainey7778 Thank you for the beautiful foil snowflake card! I loved reading your cursive writing. Not many people do that now. I remember learning how to do it in grade 3 back in Alberta. I don't write like that to often but I find that some of my letters kinda turn cursive if I'm writing fast. It is such a pretty style. I'm also working on learning how to do calligraphy. I'm happy that you liked the card that I sent you :) Thank you for the well wishes! I'm excited to start my last semester of my undergrad next week. It is hard to believe that I'm finally graduating. It has been a long road! That is cool that you are doing a Masters degree right now. Sounds like you are getting close to finishing too :) I feel your pain about lack of sleep lol. December was filled with so many assignments - my last one was submitted on Dec 25th at 4am lol. One of those days I wrote 3900 words - I think that was a new personal record :P When the last one was submitted I kept feeling like I was supposed to do something still since I was so used to being busy at that point. Catching up on my sleep, watching tv, and playing video games has been refreshing. That's cute that you bake with your mom just like me :) It is one of my favorite holiday traditions. Those colored eggs sound interesting - I looked them up and saw that they are a Ukrainian tradition. I'm Ukrainian on my mom's side lol we mostly just eat perogies. I love learning about holidays from around the world. I hope that you had a wonderful holiday season. Best wishes with the rest of your studies in the New Year!
u/thewholebowl Thank you for the cute flower card! I really appreciate you picking out a botanical card for me :) I absolutely love plants since I'm studying them in school. I agree that it has definitely been a crazy year. I had my last in-person class back on March 16th. Now I'm supposed to graduate in the spring. Feels weird that I didn't get closure of experiencing my last class of my undergrad. Doing everything online has been strange since I'm used to doing Biology labs every semester. I've been really enjoying sending and receiving cards through here these past few months. It has made me feel more connected to the outside world. It has also been interesting learning how people are coping around the world and the new hobbies that people have started. I took a course on graphic novels this semester and it was the first time in years that I read one. My favorite one that we read was Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi. I used to read the Bone series and Scott Pilgrim in junior high. I hope that you have a wonderful New Year!
u/luxsloth Wow! You put so much care into this! It made me super happy to receive your card and goodies :) Thank you for swapping with me! Your envelope was adorable and I love that you addressed it to me and Luna (she didn't climb the tree which I'm so thankful for since she is still a kitten lol). The penguin card was super cute and I loved how you included an envelope to hold the stickers and washi tape. I'm excited to use these on the cards that I send out! Everything that you picked out is my taste! I'll be adding some of this stuff to my laptop too. Lol the sad kitty one remined me of the Pity Party song by Melanie Martinez - such a catchy toon. The foil doggos were so cute too :P I'm happy that you are enjoying this group so far. I love it! It has been my escape these past few months. Getting happy mail is so much fun and sending it has been a nice change from just doing homework. That's cool that you found the bear card at flea market. I've been keeping my eyes peeled for cards. Since I first started sending cards on a site called Postcrossing back in 2014, I've noticed that Nova Scotia doesn't have as many places that sell postcards. When I do find them I stock up. Lol there's a local place that gets a kick out of me because I usually buy at least 100 at a time from them. Hope that you had a great holiday season on the West Coast! Cheers to 2021! And thank you again for swapping with me!
u/delightful_broth Thank you for the cute kitty card and goodies! I had so much fun doing this exchange! I've been doing good - thanks for asking :) I'm excited to set up some furniture today and then ring in the New Year with my family. It has been a relaxing season filled with lots of time playing video games and watching tv. Just what I needed after the busy semester with school. Doing four courses online was a lot busier than doing them in person lol. I am so happy that you picked out so many kitty things for me - they are the best. I adored the mini envelope that you used to hold the stickers! Did you make that yourself? It gave me the idea to look up a pattern so that I can do that to hold my goodies in the future. I have some colorful paper that would be perfect for that craft. Gift wrap would be cool to use for making it too. Your kitten sounds cute :) Luna is almost a year old now (Feb 6) - she's our youngest. Our other four cats are 12+ years old so she keeps them on their toes :P I've been keeping my eyes out for cards and stationary at my local thrift stores too but haven't found much. I did find some cool stamps and a postcard book a few months ago that was styled like paintings. I used to love going to those stores to look for Polly Pockets - the ones that came in little hard cases. Loved those growing up :) Lol yeah I've ordered from Aliexpress before and sometimes it takes so long that I forget that I ordered something. Think my longest time was like six months. They have a good selection of stuff though! That's cute how you met your bf :P Hopefully in the New Year you guys can visit once travel restrictions ease up a bit. I love sending Canadian snacks when I do Secret Santa. It makes me realize how many snacks that I find normal that would be strange to others. Like ketchup or all dressed chips. So yummy! This time of the year I love getting cozy. I usually drink a ton of tea, light a candle, and watch some tv in bed. I recently got a weighted blanket and oh my is it awesome (feels kinda like a hug lol). It is the best when my cats come cuddle while I do this. It's a nice break between semesters (start the next one next week). Hope that you had a great holiday season. Thank you again for exchanging with me! :D
u/KK6321 Thank you for the lovely unicef card! I didn't know that they made cards :) It brought back memories of helping with fundraisers that my school had in elementary. The washi tape that you used was so pretty! The blue trees one is super wintery :P I'm happy that you liked the card that I sent :) It has been cute reading about how many people have a tradition of baking this time of the year. I'm gonna make some more stuff this week so that when I start school next week I have something to snack on in my online classes. Love that you used blueberries that you picked! I haven't picked those in so long. When I was a kid, there was a place that we lived that had a bunch of blueberry bushes in the back. I loved getting fresh ones. I planted some strawberries and raspberries in our yard this summer and it was wonderful eating them. Lol our chickens went after them sometimes because they like red things. They also ate a bunch of my tomatoes and hot peppers. Hope that you like the pizza dough recipe! Funny enough, that's what I had for dinner last night :) Thanks again for the card. I hope that you have a wonderful New Year!
u/pastelspace Thank you for the pretty sponge card! I agree that they are super cool :P I learned a bit about them in one of my biology courses and it was so interesting. I also love jellyfish and how they work to survive. It is crazy how complicated such small creatures can be. We had a few Man-of-war jellyfish here in Nova Scotia this summer - not very common here but sometimes they come up with the current from warmer places. That's awesome that you are so close to school and nature. My university is near Point Pleasant Park in Halifax. Hurricane Juan destroyed a bunch of trees there when I was a kid but it is till very pretty. The trees are slowly recovering :) I'm about 45mins from there. In the Spring, there are a bunch of peepers in the nearby stream. I love listening to them sing at night - sounds like there are thousands of them! We caught a toad in our yard last summer and a frog this year. I hope to see the colony of peepers one day - we only moved to this area last summer. Phasmophobia is a pretty cool game. I've been watching Let's Plays of it for a while. Since I'm on a break from school, I've been able to play games again. Been playing Cyberpunk 2077 and Death Stranding lately. Lol I've already sunk about 70hrs into Cyberpunk since it came out. It's a little glitchy on my PS4 but nothing too game breaking - plus it can be pretty funny sometimes. I once had a burning car ask me to get into was actually a glitch lol the car wasn't supposed to be on fire. Animal Crossing is a lot of fun too :P I used to play it on the GameCube and my DS. Now I borrow my brother's Switch to play the new one. Have you played Stardew Valley? That game is a lot of fun too. It is like a cross between Zelda and Harvest Moon. Hope that you had a great holiday season full of lots of gaming! Best wishes to the New Year!
submitted by smileyfangs to RandomActsofCards [link] [comments]

Been trying to find online work and coming up dry. Found a place that pays poorly, but still feels like a success. Details about Cambly in comments if you're at all interested.

Hi all. I'm gonna try to make this sound the least scammy as possible, lol. I know suggesting places to get income online always sounds like someone is trying to recruit for a pyramid scheme, so I'm gonna be as frank and open about this job as possible.
I quit my old job because it made me suicidal. No joke, I felt awful after every shift and was just thinking very dark thoughts every fucking day. So I quit, and bam! Very little money, and very few opportunities.
I got my TEFL (an online english teaching certificate) for $30 on Groupon and felt very thrifty. I decided I was going to work for the popular English online websites, and somehow make a killing. I applied to GoGoKid, Palfish, iTutorGroup, etc, and did not get good experiences with the hiring process, had to work super early (I live in canada, so shifts were at like 4am), or I wasn't getting bookings at all. I was discouraged and poor.
Long story short, I came across Cambly as kinda last resort. The pay is not good. Straight up. It's 0.17$ USD per minute talked. If you talk for an hour straight on Cambly, you get paid $10.20 USD for that hour - in comparison, an app like palfish pays you $16-18USD per hour taught. But I was getting so few bookings with other companies and desperate tbh. Here's my impression after working for Cambly for a bit:
- You don't need a bachelor's degree or a TEFL/teach english as a second language certificate to work there. You need to be a native English speaker with steady internet, a headset, a computer, and a webcam.
- Set your own hours. Unlike PalFish, which caters to only people in China, Cambly has clients from across the world. This means that there are always students using the app - I've spoken to people in Korea, Japan, Brazil, and even recent immigrants to the USA And Canada. There are hours that have more calls than others (I'll get to that in a sec), but calls are made on the app 24/7 just because Cambly customers are located worldwide.
- Payment is through PayPal. No sketchy third-party payment app. I really like this part.
- Payment once a week, on Mondays, as long as your account has over $20USD to be paid out.
- Approval for working at Cambly happens very fast.
- There's no minimum or maximum hours that you need to work. If/when you acquire regular students, however, it would be best if you send them a quick DM on the cambly website whenever you go on vacation/take a leave of absence, in example.

- You're not guaranteed $10.20USD an hour. You get $0.17 per minute talked. That means if no one calls, you don't get paid* (there are some exceptions, I'll explain down below).
- You need a webcam, headset, and computer to do this. It's definitely not a job you could do in a loud cafe or something.
- You need to speak English. I'm pretty sure there aren't any living requirements however, e.g. if they deem you to speak English well enough, it doesn't matter if you currently reside in a non-English speaking country. This could be good if you live in a country where the cost of living is low - you will be paid in USD, so if USD is worth a lot in your country, the pay may be considered good for the low level of work.

This week, I've worked 5 hours and have thus far made $47.43USD. I live in Canada, so that's $60.38 Canadian (pre-tax, you are technically working for yourself so this isn't taxed income, and you'll need to do your own taxes come tax season). This is much less than my prior job. However, compared to some suggestions I've seen on Reddit (surveys, content farms, etc), it doesn't seem to be too awful considering it's a fairly easy job.
Cambly focuses mainly on teaching English through conversations. I often just sit and talk with the client about the weather, the virus, their job, etc. A lot of times, the callers are kinda lonely. I've spoken with immigrants who are new to their countries and want to practice English, but are too scared to practice it by going outside. I've generally had very nice conversations on Cambly, and it's been genuinely fun to speak to people from all different parts of the world.
I would suggest having a general knowledge of the following countries - Brazil, Japan, Saudi Arabia, and South Korea. Most of your callers will be from here, and they really appreciate it when you know even just a few things about their country. It's not required, but even just taking a quick glance at wikipedia pages for these countries may help you come up with speaking topics.

Cambly works in three ways:
  1. you can just log on at random and be available to talk. if you choose this way, there is NO GAURANTEED PAY. If you log on and Cambly is very slow, and you get no calls for an entire hour of availability, you will make $0. Now the good thing is, you can have Cambly running in the background, so you don't have to stare at the empty Cambly call screen for an hour (just make sure you have your ringtone on so you can hear incoming calls if you're on another internet tab).
  2. You can sign up for "priority hours". Priority hours are hours that Cambly believes there will be an influx of students on the site. This is typically at night (tonight I worked from 9-12 as priority hours and got lots of calls) or on the weekends (weekends are suuuuper popular on Cambly). But let's say Cambly predicted wrong, and you get 0 calls. Just for signing up for the Priority Hour, you get a guarantee of 15 minutes of pay ($2.55USD). Again, this is VERY LITTLE - it's also pretty rare. Cambly usually is good at predicting when they're busy, so if you sign up for priority hours, you're gonna get calls. But just in case, you have a gaurantee of $2.55 just for showing up.
  3. Once you do a few hours of calls, you'll have some students requesting to book you specifically as a tutor. After the call ends, you can send them your schedule (which you create yourself on the Reservations tab) and they can book a time slot that you have opened up for a lesson with you. Many tutors on Cambly don't talk to random students very much, and only teach to 'regulars'. It takes awhile to build up a full schedule of regulars, but this is an option for you.
****When booking Priority Hours, you may notice a Priority Hour with a gold 30 in the right corner. This means that if you sign up and show up for this priority hour, you're guaranteed 30 minutes of pay even if no one calls (these priority hours are rarer than typical priority hours, and usually only occur when Cambly predicts a huge influx of calls during those hours). That means that no matter what, you'll be paid $5.10 for showing up for that hour. Still not great, but better than nothing.

Webcam (if you don't have one): this. It has a wide angle lens and the quality is decent (not as good as it says it's gonna be, but decent enough). There are many like this one on Amazon, and models similar to it in stores are like $80 (very overpriced). Take a peak and buy something that is cheap but has decent reviews. **this is NOT an affiliate link lol
Headset (if you don't have one): i'm iffy on this one. It's comfortable enough and the sound quality is good, but it hurts after a long while of wearing it - note I have a biiiig head, so if you have a normal sized head, it's probably gonna work for you. But again, shop around and find a cheap but well-reviewed headset. DON'T CHEAP OUT TOTALLY - you will regret if you get a pair that were $10 but make your head ache in 10 minutes. Shop smart!

*if* you found this at all helpful and want to sign up for Cambly, you can use my referral link (YOU DON'T HAVE TO) here. I have never referred anyone before so I don't even know what I get out of it lol, but I'm sure there's some form of monetary value in it from Cambly toward me. But honestly, if you don't want to use my referal, just go to I'll still answer questions in the comments regardless as to whether you use my code (I saw with Palfish groups that people will only help you if they use your code - doesn't sit right with me. Ask questions regardless of using my code or not).

Feel free to ask questions below! I'm in a Cambly facebook group and I see a lot of people averaging around $200 USD per week for working mainly Priority Hours. Let's say you work 30 minutes out of every hour at Cambly - $200 USD pre-tax would be 39 hours-ish worked. I will say, Priority Hours are usually more busy than that, but I don't want to oversell to you and say "you will always make at least $10 an hour!" Cause you won't, at least not until you have regulars who book hour sessions.
Hoping this could help some people who are in a bind and need any amount of money from online work. This pays better (to me) than surveys or Swagbucks or any of that stuff. Hope it helps one of ya!
submitted by Disastrous-Ad9661 to povertyfinance [link] [comments]

[MAIN] Disney Magic (Castle, Train, Steamboat, & Minifigs) - 602 @ $2

[MAIN] Disney Magic (Castle, Train, Steamboat, & Minifigs) - 602 @ $2
CANADIANS: PM me for Canadian PayPal to avoid fees.
Going to bed at 12AM EST, so spot delay after that.
Day/Time: 10/23 @ 9PM
Item Names:
I'll do my best to ensure you get a full set of minifigures, but no guarantees.
Set Price / Justification:, unless otherwise indicated.
Timestamp/pics: &
Price: $1010.77 + $131.40 (13% HST) + $61.83 (shipping & supplies, see:
Fund Spots: 0
Raffle Total/Spots: $1204 + $0 sub fund - 602 spots @ $2
Call spots? Y
Spot limit per person? N
Duration of spot limit? N/A
Location(Country): Canada
Will ship international? Y, winner will pay difference ($50-80 extra to lower 48; ~$72 to LA, see:
Because I've been shipping a ton, I qualified for a shipping rate discount, so extra shipping to LA is actually $55. That should make the range roughly $40-$60 extra to the lower 48.
Description: Can't/Don't want to go to Disney World this year? Bring the magic of Disney home by winning this raffle!
Payment required w/in 30 minutes of raffle filling.

PayPal Info: [REDACTED]

Tip BoyAndHisBlob
Number of vacant slots: 0
Number of unpaid users: 0
Number of unpaid slots: 0
This slot list is created and updated by The EDC Raffle Tool by BoyAndHisBlob.
1 cravejosh PAID
2 who_ate_the_cookie PAID
3 cytos PAID
4 acrobbins0 PAID
5 who_ate_the_cookie PAID
6 VR38-R35 PAID
7 Nathan_Lego_Raffles PAID
8 Bosskz PAID
9 Bosskz PAID
10 Bosskz PAID
11 dmented99 PAID
12 beermoneymike PAID
13 RandomAbyss PAID
14 acrobbins0 PAID
15 brotherkyle1 PAID
16 ApathyInWool PAID
17 VR38-R35 PAID
18 Lis2424 PAID
19 viper84040 PAID
20 ChiquitaPrincesa PAID
21 cytos PAID
22 PhantomMGC PAID
23 beermoneymike PAID
24 ChiquitaPrincesa PAID
25 Bosskz PAID
26 who_ate_the_cookie PAID
27 Lollerskates1337 PAID
28 acrobbins0 PAID
29 AnonRobot2014 PAID
30 ApathyInWool PAID
31 Lis2424 PAID
32 beermoneymike PAID
33 bigdisneyguy PAID
34 fuzzynutspugs PAID
35 acrobbins0 PAID
37 ChiquitaPrincesa PAID
38 VR38-R35 PAID
39 PhantomMGC PAID
40 cytos PAID
41 seekup33 PAID
42 VR38-R35 PAID
43 Odin_Makes PAID
44 Lis2424 PAID
45 acrobbins0 PAID
46 LTpicklepants PAID
47 acrobbins0 PAID
48 bigdisneyguy PAID
49 Lollerskates1337 PAID
50 Odin_Makes PAID
51 Slowcheetah18 PAID
52 highlandtown_clipper PAID
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54 AnonRobot2014 PAID
55 sinman2224 PAID
56 beermoneymike PAID
57 Xterminator5 PAID
58 ghgaud PAID
59 who_ate_the_cookie PAID
60 LTpicklepants PAID
61 Odin_Makes PAID
62 CalicoRosePawIsland PAID
63 bigdisneyguy PAID
64 Lollerskates1337 PAID
65 seekup33 PAID
66 fuzzynutspugs PAID
67 who_ate_the_cookie PAID
68 who_ate_the_cookie PAID
69 CalicoRosePawIsland PAID
70 hobobanana PAID
71 LTpicklepants PAID
72 AnonRobot2014 PAID
73 who_ate_the_cookie PAID
74 TragicHaggis PAID
75 MudIsland PAID
76 jakubf3tt PAID
77 NotSoSasquatchy PAID
78 ghgaud PAID
79 TragicHaggis PAID
80 AnonRobot2014 PAID
81 VR38-R35 PAID
82 acrobbins0 PAID
83 brotherkyle1 PAID
84 brotherkyle1 PAID
85 brotherkyle1 PAID
86 brotherkyle1 PAID
87 brotherkyle1 PAID
88 brotherkyle1 PAID
89 cravejosh PAID
90 mjkeezy PAID
91 brotherkyle1 PAID
93 jakubf3tt PAID
94 dom2d PAID
95 Kbacklash PAID
96 Kbacklash PAID
97 seekup33 PAID
98 mjkeezy PAID
99 ghgaud PAID
100 JRosePC PAID
101 Kbacklash PAID
102 mjkeezy PAID
103 NotSoSasquatchy PAID
104 the_blackness PAID
105 acrobbins0 PAID
106 the_blackness PAID
107 beermoneymike PAID
108 Kbacklash PAID
109 who_ate_the_cookie PAID
110 BillCosbyGANG PAID
111 BillCosbyGANG PAID
112 BillCosbyGANG PAID
113 BillCosbyGANG PAID
114 BillCosbyGANG PAID
115 Odin_Makes PAID
116 Odin_Makes PAID
117 viper84040 PAID
118 SenorRojo PAID
119 ChiquitaPrincesa PAID
120 la122685 PAID
121 cravejosh PAID
122 SmallGingerLady PAID
123 la122685 PAID
124 ChiquitaPrincesa PAID
125 Lollerskates1337 PAID
126 NotSoSasquatchy PAID
127 the_blackness PAID
128 who_ate_the_cookie PAID
129 cytos PAID
130 gattychan PAID
131 Ultramegadon PAID
132 SmallGingerLady PAID
133 bigdisneyguy PAID
134 PhantomMGC PAID
135 RandomAbyss PAID
136 acrobbins0 PAID
137 cytos PAID
138 PhantomMGC PAID
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140 VR38-R35 PAID
141 mjkeezy PAID
142 AnonRobot2014 PAID
143 Lollerskates1337 PAID
144 jakubf3tt PAID
145 AnonRobot2014 PAID
146 Lollerskates1337 PAID
147 acrobbins0 PAID
148 bigdisneyguy PAID
149 TragicHaggis PAID
150 Bosskz PAID
151 SmallGingerLady PAID
152 llewxam1989 PAID
153 AnonRobot2014 PAID
154 PhosphorDreams PAID
155 acrobbins0 PAID
156 Kbacklash PAID
157 AnonRobot2014 PAID
158 acrobbins0 PAID
159 Bosskz PAID
160 NotSoSasquatchy PAID
161 JeanMachine36 PAID
162 gattychan PAID
163 PhantomMGC PAID
164 who_ate_the_cookie PAID
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167 mjkeezy PAID
168 sinman2224 PAID
169 SenorRojo PAID
170 jakubf3tt PAID
171 SmallGingerLady PAID
172 dom2d PAID
173 ApathyInWool PAID
174 CalicoRosePawIsland PAID
175 jakubf3tt PAID
176 wacowillie3281 PAID
177 Kbacklash PAID
178 Odin_Makes PAID
179 TragicHaggis PAID
180 Odin_Makes PAID
181 eeeky PAID
182 Nathan_Lego_Raffles PAID
183 JRosePC PAID
184 JeanMachine36 PAID
185 JeanMachine36 PAID
186 turkeyjerky2 PAID
187 seekup33 PAID
188 Nar_Shaddaa_Resident PAID
189 CalicoRosePawIsland PAID
190 gattychan PAID
191 NotSoSasquatchy PAID
192 RedditNewslover PAID
193 NotSoSasquatchy PAID
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195 TragicHaggis PAID
196 acrobbins0 PAID
197 acrobbins0 PAID
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199 viper84040 PAID
200 Lollerskates1337 PAID
201 ApathyInWool PAID
202 ApathyInWool PAID
203 bigdisneyguy PAID
204 JRosePC PAID
205 TragicHaggis PAID
206 jakubf3tt PAID
207 seekup33 PAID
208 ApathyInWool PAID
209 viper84040 PAID
210 NotSoSasquatchy PAID
211 NotSoSasquatchy PAID
212 mjkeezy PAID
213 JeanMachine36 PAID
214 jakubf3tt PAID
215 ApathyInWool PAID
216 Lollerskates1337 PAID
217 ApathyInWool PAID
218 dmented99 PAID
219 jakubf3tt PAID
220 ApathyInWool PAID
221 who_ate_the_cookie PAID
222 turkeyjerky2 PAID
223 jakubf3tt PAID
224 brotherkyle1 PAID
225 VR38-R35 PAID
226 la122685 PAID
227 RandomAbyss PAID
228 gattychan PAID
229 seekup33 PAID
230 PhantomMGC PAID
231 LTpicklepants PAID
232 JRosePC PAID
233 ChiquitaPrincesa PAID
234 la122685 PAID
235 jakubf3tt PAID
236 SmallGingerLady PAID
237 sancoli PAID
238 cytos PAID
239 Slowcheetah18 PAID
240 LTpicklepants PAID
241 r1955 PAID
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243 cytos PAID
244 SmallGingerLady PAID
245 la122685 PAID
246 highlandtown_clipper PAID
247 Bosskz PAID
248 bigdisneyguy PAID
249 NotSoSasquatchy PAID
250 acrobbins0 PAID
251 JeanMachine36 PAID
252 LTpicklepants PAID
253 ApathyInWool PAID
254 RedditNewslover PAID
255 ghgaud PAID
256 the_blackness PAID
257 viper84040 PAID
258 LTpicklepants PAID
259 the_blackness PAID
260 acrobbins0 PAID
261 viper84040 PAID
262 RedditNewslover PAID
263 Slowcheetah18 PAID
264 eeeky PAID
265 NotSoSasquatchy PAID
266 eeeky PAID
267 acrobbins0 PAID
268 brotherkyle1 PAID
269 ChiquitaPrincesa PAID
270 LTpicklepants PAID
271 TragicHaggis PAID
272 JRosePC PAID
273 NotSoSasquatchy PAID
274 cytos PAID
275 fuzzynutspugs PAID
276 LTpicklepants PAID
277 LTpicklepants PAID
278 gattychan PAID
279 gattychan PAID
280 dmented99 PAID
281 JRosePC PAID
282 acrobbins0 PAID
283 ApathyInWool PAID
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