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Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms OR Fluffy's Birthday Party

Saturday, December 18th
I wake up and my back is fucking killing me. Megan closed the spa last night and she's quitting her (shitty) second job and her last day is Saturday so she's gone in early to get everything wrapped up and her exit interview. I decide to clean up my garage a bit and get some work done around the house. The morning starts off with some eggs and breakfast sausage with a tall glass of simply grapefruit. Life isn't great, but it could be a lot worse.
We are all having a little chat about life, weekends and women as I move charcoal and my dads tools around the garage when suddenly my good buddeh u/fluffy_butternut tells everyone that regular women are not damaged enough for me to enjoy. Not only is this HIGHLY insulting to me, but it reflects poorly on Megan as well.
rewind to several months before
Mrs. Fluffy emailed the whole reddit gang and told us we are invited to a surprise birthday party for the big guy. She gave us instructions/time/place, etc and everything. She did a TON of work to plan this and it shows. I was under the gun at the courthouse with a trial and I wasn't able to commit to the event and all of us have stuff going on so the odds of anyone being able to make it were not good. However, I kept her email, and her cell number on a burner.
cut to present
Did he really go there? He really went there. It's fucking on like Donkey Kong. I pull out a burner and send a message to Mrs. Fluffy asking her if the plans are still the same. She tells me when he will be arriving at the venue and I tell her I'm gonna make a big fucking scene. She is ecstatic at this idea.
I grab my packed bag from the closet and jump in the F350. I grab two organic bean to bar 88% endangered species chocolate bars for Megan and I stop by her work. She's busy, so I leave the chocolate for her at her station. I give her co-worker a note to hand to her when she gets out.
"Dear Megan, out for revenge. Back tomorrow - Will."
I start driving to MSY and traffic down I-10 isn't bad for a saturday. I phone Delta on the way there and book tickets for the flight. The only thing available is MD88 service connecting in Laguardia. In First. Being no stranger to the slightly elevated service and highly elevated price business model, I book the flight. I'm a little early so I make my way to the nearly brand new Delta Sky Club at MSY. It's new, the gumbo is tasty, the wifi is fast. Life isn't bad. Until I get the phone call from Megan.
Me: Hi sweetie
Megan: what the fuck does "out for revenge mean?"
Me: It means I'm out for revenge. I gotta do some things.
Megan: What things? We're supposed to have dinner with my brother tomorrow night!
Me: Uh. It's a long story. How was your exit interview?
Megan: It was fine. I'm leaving early today.
Me: Did you go back to your station yet?
Megan: No
Me: You should stop there again before you leave.
Megan: Why?
The airport PA screeches boarding announcement for my flight.
Me: They're calling my flight. I gotta run.
Megan: Flight? What?
Me: Gotta hop. Buy potatoes. See you tomorrow night!
I hang up and hightail it for the gate. I pop in and see the pilots before we leave and ask them what are the odds we get 31 via the expressway today. He says he was just loading it into the box. I tell him the last time I did 31 via the expressway into LGA at the Delta Museum sim, it was not good. In fact it was the worst thing to hit new york since a bunch of muslims on a tuesday in September. He laughs.
The ride into LGA is smooth as the HMG STG delivery schedule. New York is WINDY as fuck today and bumpy. I peer out the window of the left side of the plane and I get a beautiful close up photo of the statue of liberty and Ellis island. Wait. We're supposed to get 31 via the expressway. We should be on the localizer for LGA runway 4. That puts us right over my aunts place in Bay Ridge looking at the Verazanno. We're not getting 31, they're probably going to take us up over central park, back over da bronx and then in via 22.
Sure enough, we land on 22 and I ask the pilots what happened and they said the winds shifted and they had to turn the airport around. Eh, no biggie. I've seen it once, I'll see it again. It's a great approach to fly and if you ever get to experience it, it's fucking magical.
We land at LGA a few minutes late and the weather is cold, crisp and windy. I have a short connection but I head to the LGA sky club in terminal D. Life is good. I crack the laptop and do some work and as I close the laptop as they call my flight I see the very beginnings of light snow. I'm from Louisiana. I've never seen snow before. This scares me. I walk to the gate and I board in group 1 and take my first class seat. The plane is half empty. I walk up and chat with the pilots and they tell me that with the snow we are going to deice with type 1 fluid and anti ice with type 4 fluid. We will be a little delayed. As I gaze out the window from my seat, it's snowing and blowing even more.
Ten minutes later, the boarding door closes and we start to push back. Conditions have worsened significantly. We can't see the next plane in front of us, things have turned into not quite whiteout but very concerning to this southern boy. The pilots tell us we are number 3 for the deicing truck and I gaze out onto the runway.
It's whiter than an Ohio MAGA rally.
Fuck me to tears.
We deice as I check the weather in Pittsburgh. Rain/Freezing rain/Snow/wintry mix. I've never driven in snow. Fuck. Pucker factor increasing. I pull out my burner and send a message to Mrs. Fluffy and tell her I'm at the deice pad and will be there soon. We have a bumpy ride all the way across Pennsylvania and land about 30 minutes late. Hertz has me in the presidents circle but there is not a single car with local plates.
I downgrade to a 2020 white Toyota Corolla since it's the only thing with PA plates on it and I hightail it to the venue. I talk to the waitstaff and tell them I'm crashing the party and ask them to get me a tray and a vest with a nametag. The staff is laughing their ass off at my idea. I message Mrs. Fluffy and she thinks the idea is HYSTERICAL. She can't wait. I tell her I'll be there at 645.
T minus 60 minutes until Fluffy Arrival
I've never been to this part of Pennsylvania. To be honest, I am a Philly guy. The people there are angry, drunken, profane and love cheese steaks. They're my kind of people. I've never been to a Sheetz or Primanti Brothers. However, fluffy tells me some stories about how he and his wife have a good time over at the meadows. I have NEVER been to a racino before, and ever since I was nearly arrested at Wynn Las Vegas - I've been a little scared. However, it's just down the road and as some of you know, I just came into a shit ton of money.
This is not going to end well.
I drive down interstate 79 and whip into the north parking garage at The Meadows.
My pre-packed bag has four days of clothes, underwear, socks and PJ's, two kruggerands and $10,000 in cash just in case i need to flee the country. I pull out the ten dimes and make my way into the racino. The Meadows is HUGE. I get past the security checkpoint and walk around and I don't see any table games. I see a large well appointed poker room and see two craps tables working at the other end of the hall. I have no idea what table limits or odds are.
I saunter up to the table.
Me: How's the temperature guys?
Degen1: Eh it's up and down.
Me: As long as it's not as cold as outside amirte?
Degen2: haha yeah yinz been outside today? freezing rain and that!
Me: I don't know these words but whatever.
The point is on 6.
I drop $10,000 on the table.
Me: Change only. Gimme 1 small and 9 thousands.
Pit Boss: do you have a players club card?
Me: never played here before, don't worry about it for now.
Pit Boss: Okay!
The dice come out, it hits jimmy hicks and the dealers pay out all the bets. I look at the table, the minimums are $5 and everyone has pass line and numbers. NOBODY has true odds. Fuck it. Time to show them how it's done.
I drop $10 on the pass line.
Dice are out. Point is four. I look up and down the table and nobody is making odds bets. I look down at my rack and drop $100 behind my bet.
Dice come out. Six hard.
Me: Hey pit boss! How much can I put behind the line?
Pit Boss: We'll let you go to 10x, so we can take $100 on your pass line. It looks like you got $100 there but we'd count it out and if you were over we'll give you the extra back.
Me: solid, thanks!
I look down at my watch. Fluffy is due to arrive at 1900hrs. I told Mrs. I would be there at 1845. It's 15 minutes to drive from the garage to the party which means I need to be on the highway at 1830 which means I need to be out of the casino and cashed out and walking to the garage by 1825. She sends me a message asking me where I'm at. I tell her I'm at the meadows and.....fuck it's 1821.
Fuck it. Go big or go home.
I take my pass line up to $500 and shove $5000 behind the line. Everyone at the table is looking at me funny. I give $2400 to the dealers and tell them to split me the 6/8.
Pit Boss: are you SURE you don't want a players club card?
Me: no time! throw them bones!
The whip slides the dice over to the fella next to me. He throws.
Dealer: Four hard, four the hard way, four.
Everyone at the table is looking at me funny. My $500 pass line bet has paid even money. The $5000 behind the line pays true odds on a 4, at 2:1. I look down at my watch. 1829. The dealers are stacking and distributing chips with a fervor.
Me: Take down my 6/8 and color me up.
Dealer: You got it boss!
As they color up my chips, I tell Mrs. fluffy I just won a ton of money at the meadows and I'm cashing out now. I take a $100 chip, hold it up and ask if the dealers want to play it or drop it
Dealer: It's up to you man, we don't mind.
I plant the chip down on the pass line and tell them put half on the pass line ferda boys, drop the other half. They all LITERALLY clap and thank me.
Me: One more thing, where's the cashier?
They point me to the cage with the aplomb of a new airport ramper. I leave the casino with a giant wad of cash bulging in my jeans. There's no line and they count out all my cash quickly. I look down at my watch as she's counting out the last of the small bills. 1835.
Fuck. I'm going to be late. I hate being late. I jog out to the north garage and hightail it back up interstate 79.
I have never driven in snow, at night, or for that matter driven in Pennsylvania before until now. It's snowing, it's dark, the speed limit is 55 and I am the SLOWEST guy in the right lane at 80 and people are passing me going WTF ARE YOU DOING GET OFF THE ROAD judging by the horns and the flashing headlights. I am HAULING ass back up to the venue and I park the Toyota in a handicapped spot as I race into the venue. I find Harriet, the party planner she hands me a vest with a nametag.
My transition from Will the gun dealer to Mario the waiter will completed as soon as he arrives. I get fluffy's favorite drink and a plate of some food set up on a tray and I hide in the back waiting for his arrival. Here's a photo. https://imgur.com/yZP2FuI
As if it were choreographed to the minute, Mrs. Fluffy walks him in the front door at 7PM to a room full of people as a birthday surprise. He had not seen it coming. He begins making the rounds seeing everyone and saying hello. It's a big party so it takes some time. I hang back for a few minutes and let him do his thing and I give my phone to one of his friends and tell them to get this next part on video as I put on the vest and adjust the nametag.
Friendo: Sure thing "mario"
Me: shut up and just do some good camera work!
I take the tray of beverage and minature charcuterie plate over to fluffy as he's greeting the party guests and sneak up behind him. He's taking his grand old time working the room. In my best italian Pittsburgh native accent I can muster, I'm holding the tray and I walk in front of him and put on a great big smile.
Me: Can I get yinz something to drink? Or some charcuterie and that?
Fluffy: .......
(I now feign anger)
Fluffy: What.....are you.........doing here?
Me: Mrs told us about it and I figured I should give you a hard time after your comments this morning. Would you like some food? You know, airplane noises make the food taste better. Or are you a little too old for that? Lets give it a try!
(I grab a carrot stick and fly it into his face by making very loud airplane noises in a ballroom full of fluffy's closest friends and family making a gigantic scene with people wondering is this a joke or what horrors are about to come next. No, this is not a joke, this really happened. Ask anyone who was there.)
Fluffy: I'm good thanks
Me: you sure? (more airplane noises followed by a carrot slice raping his mouth)
Fluffy is shocked and awed. I tell him to go work the room and to have a happy birthday party. There's an open bar and I help myself to a double ginger ale, neat.
I find some millennials and we chat about Hawaiian shirts and stuff and they think my comedy is HILARIOUS. Unlike most of reddit. Fluffy saunters over and we chat some more and he's wondering WTF. I told him the wife planned it all months in advance.
Fluffy: You know u/xxxwirtydhorexxx is here.
Me: That's really funny.
Fluffy: No, he's really here.
Me: Bullshit. Then where is he?
Fluffy: He's right in front of you, 12 o'clock.
I don't see him. Then I look down and there's a guy in a boonie hat. I didn't recognize him without the dress.
Me: Oh dear god. He's really here isn't he?
Wirty gets up and walks over and he's like HI! I THOUGHT IT WAS YOU!
We have a bunch of really really awkward conversation that involves him inviting me to sit next to him and me running over to Mrs. Fluffy asking her to save me from wirty. She finds a spot at her table by her kids for me.
I forget his present, even though his wife said no presents and there's a table full of booze, scratchers, and gun stuff. I drive back up to the hotel to grab it and give it to him. He has no idea what it is. You all should ask him about it. I give it to him and Wirty starts complaining about normies.
Fluffy: Where are you staying?
Me: The Hilton just down the street
Fluffy: Oh, the one on the top of the hill?
Me: That's why it's the HILL-ton.
Everyone groans. Me and wirty talk and he weirds me out and demands to stand next to me in the group photo. I tell more jokes and the millenial group loves me. We close the place down and head back to fluffy's hotel.
BOY HOWDY LET ME TELL YOU.........if you thought MY stories were longwinded and pointless you have not met some of fluffy's friends! His local raconteur buddy was telling us at 145AM his story about being fucked by the Virginia state police for speeding. Yeah. I dump him off at his hotel and I head back up to my room. It's 3AM by the time I shower and sleep.
My alarm wakes me up at 9AM. My back is killing me. My head is pounding. It's 21 degrees outside. Fuck this noise. I go back to sleep.
The hotel phone rings.
Me: Go for Hayden
Operator: I have a fluffy butternut on the phone for you.
Me: Go ahead and connect us
Operator: Thank you
(sound of dial tone)
I'm not making this up. I grab my phone and call fluffy and we have brunch at the meadows with the mrs. It's fun, we talk guns, life, liberty and the pursuit of extra sides of marinara.
I hang out with them at the slot machines until it's time to head to the airport. I gas up at the sheetz next to the racetrack and I fly back home in coach since my status on delta is radioactive dirt. The incoming flight is late from Atlanta which means we leave late for Atlanta and i get back home 2.5 hours later than I expected.
Laundry is running and I am unpacking as Megan walks in the door.
Me: Hi!
Megan: Hi. Back from revenge so soon?
Me: Yeah. I'm actually late. How was dinner with your brother?
Megan: Good. He took me to olive garden. So tell me what was so important you had to go out for revenge and come back the next day?
(I tell her the story)
Megan: Wait a minute. Your friend insulted you as a joke, so you bought a last minute first class ticket to new york and pennsylvania to fly to his surprise birthday party to yell at him in person, in january in 21 degree weather?
Me: Yeah.
Megan: Why would you do that?
Me: Well he said that you're damaged goods. He wasn't insulting me, he was insulting you. I didn't like that.
Megan: You cannot be serious.
Me: I am serious.
Megan: and don't call you Shirley?
Me: You're weird.
Megan: I'm not the one that just flew across the country to go "out for revenge", and I'm the weird one?
Me: (goofy smile)
Megan: (goofy laughter)
Have a lovely holiday weekend everyone!
submitted by FCattheOG to guns [link] [comments]

Lessons learned from my first Vegas trip

Some friends of mine got married in Vegas last weekend. This was my first trip so here are some of the lessons I’ve learned after 6 days 5 nights. This is a long post, but hopefully someone will find it helpful.
Spirit Airlines: this is a cheap way to get to/from Vegas. Expect that they charge a-la-cart for food, drinks, checked bags, overhead bin space, extra legroom and they don’t provide wifi or inflight entertainment. The luggage limit is 40 pounds. If you don’t print your boarding pass at home, it will cost you $10 a ticket to have them do it at the airport. The ticket prices for my wife and I were such that we got the first row upgrade (lots of extra leg room) one checked bag and still came out ahead. If you are tall buy additional leg space or prepare for an uncomfortable flight.
Shuttle from Airport to Hotel: This was $11 per person, if I had it to do over again… I would have just used UbeLyft
Walking: Wow, I walked a lot. My watch and phone both confirm about 60 miles of walking. (Did a lot of exploring on my first trip to Vegas). Wear REALLY comfortable shoes and/or carry flip-flops
Monorail: At one point I just didn’t want to walk back to the hotel and took the monorail to nearby. $5 a person. The view was OK, I am sure it is by far the fastest way to get around, but my hotel was still a bit of a walk from the nearest stop.
Ride Share: I had never used UbeLyft before this trip. This makes your life so much easier. My first trip was with the “GOOGLE_MAPS” code that I got when looking to see how far a walk I had to meetup with some friends. It ended up being a free ride (before tip). I had gotten a Lyft coupon handed to me on the strip for $10 off my first 5 rides…so these all ended up being less than $2 (again before tip, I gave every driver a $5 tip).
I preferred Lyft over Uber mainly because the price was about the same, but a driver that had placards for both said that Lyft took a little less of a commission.
Once I used all of my Lyft rides, I got a code for my wife $5 off 10 rides from a driver (who also gets a little something every time their code is used)
Finally, I sent an Uber invite to my wife… we got a $20 credit on her account and another $20 on mine.
Hotel #1 Circus Circus: This was the cheapest place to stay. Absolutely do not stay here if you are over 6’5” … the light fixtures in the hall are very low hanging. Expect that you will be approached constantly by time share representatives (more on that latter) and good luck not getting offered a free sample of face cream. This hotel just kind of made me feel sad. From parents ignoring their kids to gamble to generally being run down. If you are going to spend time in the heart of the strip, it is a bit of a walk
Hotel #2 Balley’s: We spent the last two nights at Balley’s. Everything was cleaner. This was more centrally located on the strip. I liked it much better than Circus. There were timeshare reps here too, but I think there was only one stand and they were nowhere near as aggressive.
Food My wife had been playing a cell phone game that earned rewards. We ended up with 3 buy-one-get-one on various buffets
Circus Circus Buffet: At par with standard buffet places (Old Country Buffet, Golden Corral, etc…). I might be a bit soured on this because there was a screaming 4 year old for most of the meal.
Aria Buffet: Best buffet by a long shot. The food was amazing (especially the desert bar with the white chocolate mousse cake pops and gelato) and by far the best selection. Don’t bother with the “all you can drink” upgrade, the drinks are so weak I think you would hit water intoxication before you would get tipsy from their rum punch.
MGM Grand buffet: This was better than Circus, but in fairness I was a bit buffet’d out by this point. (But with a BOGO it is hard to beat a good dinner for two for $45)
McDonalds: (OMG I am so lame, I went on vacation and ate at the golden arches)… This was a quick easy breakfast when running out and about for less than $5 for the two of us.
Walgreens/CVS: I keep seeing people complain about $10 bottles of water (which I never saw)… but seriously there is a Walgreens on nearly every block; prices may be slightlyhigher than at home but much cheaper than hotel
Ellis Island: Expect a bit of a wait, this is a great value (probably why it is called out in the FAQ) and everyone knows. I was with a group of 5 that ate their late night and the bill was $35 (including 2 orders of steak and eggs). The food is a bit better than most generic casual dining. (Also, be careful how much money you light on fire in the casino waiting for your table. It can quickly turn an amazing deal into a less than amazing deal)
White Castle: I’d never eaten at a White Castle before… now I have. Perhaps this is better after drinking but I am not a fan
Mexi place in Circus: Chimichanga FTW!
Vince Neil Tatuado at Circus: Nightly karaoke and good appetizers (drinks were quite weak)
Taco Bar in Balley’s: WTF $18 for Nachos!!! Oh crap that is a lot of food. Wow, this was assembled by someone that understands how to make nachos without having you end with a pile of dry chips. Ugggg too full. Huh, that’s all this cost! This was a great deal.
Firefly Tapas: Get the bacon wrapped dates (everything was good but seriously, get the bacon wrapped dates)
Herbs and Rye: Awesome little bar (the first non-watered down drinks I had)
Boarder Grill (at Mandalay Bay): The most expensive meal I had in Vegas… but also the best quality food. The Banh Mi sliders were amazing
Must See: We only made it to one show “Vegas the show” which was amazing. Fountains are the Balagio are great but I almost preferred the very small one by the Wynn (you are right by it, the music is classic Vegas rat pack, if it is hot and windy you get the coolness of mist from the fountains). Freemont at night: this is a $8-12 Lyft from the strip and if you have any promo… it costs little more than the tip to get to/from.
Timeshare: We ended up getting to Vegas about 12 hours earlier than expected, giving us an extra day. The moment (literally) I walked into the hotel I was approached by someone trying to get me to go to a 90 minute timeshare presentation. And offering us two tickets to a show, $100 in dining/gambling vouchers, and about another $100 in various incentives. My thought was for the two of us together, we don’t make $100 an hour… might as well go to augment our experience.
First of all ~90 minutes is more like 4 hours Expect a very hard sell Expect sales people that have been exceptionally well coached on how to overcome any objections Expect that if you are contemplating but can’t buy now (for whatever reason) that there is always another product to sell you
Make sure that you take your phone and look at reviews (and figure out if the product they are selling is worth its value to you).
Several of the hotels/casinos had timeshare representatives looking for customers. They do everything they can to get you to their presentations. They look like hotel employees “welcome to , are you just getting to Vegas? Let me get your welcome kit”
TL;DR Use Sprit Air is cheap… but will nickel and dime you for everything, UbeLyft, Circus Circus is cheap but sad, My Vegas Rewards can save you a little money, watch out for timeshare reps
submitted by skot123 to vegas [link] [comments]

(LONG) The Ultimate Trip Report: 7.5 Action-Packed Days in Mid-October. Lots of Budget-Friendly Activities!

Just returned from the most epic week in Las Vegas with my husband! We budgeted about $1000 per person for the week, all expenses included. We went over by a couple hundred in the end. We planned a lot of activities and sightseeing in advance to avoid gambling too much out of boredom. We weren't very lucky at anything except blackjack, but we were able to leave Vegas at only $40 in the hole between the two us, which I consider a moderate success! And we weren't bored for a minute!
Day 1 (Wed 10/19)
Day 2 (Thurs 10/20)
Day 3 (Fri 10/21)
Day 4 (10/22)
Day 5 (Sun 10/23)
Day 6 (Mon 10/24)
Day 7 (Tues 10/25)
Day 8 (Wed 10/26)
Thanks for reading! I might try to come back and add some pictures and links here as I get the chance. Feel free to ask me about anything we did!
submitted by happenedinvegas2 to vegas [link] [comments]

My run-down of where to drink/get beer in Las Vegas, NV. (x-post from r/beer)

This is my write-up of my favorite places (so far) here in town. Thought you guys might like it too.

Awhile Back I did a beer write-up for a new co-worker who also has a love for great beer. Here's that write-up. It's from a local's point of view, but there are some Strip locations in there too for the tourists. Enjoy!
Who’s ready for some beer? There are a bunch of cool places in town, so here is the rundown of my favorites.
(The shortened links go to a Google search for each place. Some of the websites aren’t available at work, so e-mail this to yourself at home and you can see all the beer glory when you get there).
Places to buy beer:
Places that Brew Beer:
BJ’s Restaurant and Gordon Biersch are the big chain breweries here in town. But here’s some with more of a local flavor.
It. Is. Awesome.
They have their own brewed beer and house mixes (the 38-special is one I highly recommend). They are a Packer bar on Sundays, but they have great sports bar food with kind of a German feel to it. There are a lot of sausage-based entrees. I love their rib-eye sandwich and chicken strips appetizer with medium sauce. Along with their own brews, they also have guest brews from around the nation and the rest of the world. This is definitely worth going to.
Places for Fancy Shmancy Beer
Here is my hands down, “you can die happy if you gone here”, place. Like Todd English’s it’s a little more upscale, but you don’t need to get super dressed up or anything. The “upscale” part applies more to the price than anything. The food here is great which is why it is a little pricey. But the main attraction is the beer. They have a huge list (that you get to scroll through by iPad) of bottles, drafts, cans and cask beers. Cask beer, if you don’t already know, is the purest form of beer delivered straight from the barrel. Because of this it is usually around room temperature, but it is really good. But who has the final say on what awesome beers get selected for such an establishment? I’m glad you asked.
You have heard of wine sommeliers that have devoted their life to the knowledge and drinking of wine. Well, beer has that too. A Cicerone is the same concept, but for a much more delicious product (beer!). And The Public House is home to the only Cicerone in the entire state of Nevada. His name is Russell Gardner and he is like a beer magician. You tell him what kinds of beer you like, and what you’ll be eating, and he’ll find the beer that matches you. Russell has an amazing mustache/beard thing going on and is just a really cool guy. Here’s Russell.
The Public House is my favorite beer spot in Vegas. Hopefully you’ll like it as much as I do.
Places That Eat, Sleep, and Breathe Beer
EDIT of my first EDIT: Fine, by popular demand, Aces and Ales gets a longer section.
EDIT2: And for the sake of all that is good and holy, stop mentioning the Yard House. Every write-up I do, someone mentions how I forgot the Yard House. I love 150 draft beers but 1.) it's a chain, and I wanted a more local write-up and 2.) these are my favorite places, not every place in Vegas. Please give out suggestions for your favorite places as well so I can try them out and maybe add them to my list!
EDIT3: My mini-post in another obscure thread. More of the same but, as you can see, I did mentioned Aces and Ales. I swear, I like Aces and Ales.
submitted by BeerTodayGoneToday to vegas [link] [comments]

Visiting 28th-1st... Are we doing it right? Can you help us do it better!?

My lovely girlfriend and I will be visiting May 28th through the 1st. Below are some ideas we got from this subreddit (THANK YOU!!) I think we got a lot covered but I'm sure there's even more. Any suggestions would be totally appreciated! But first.. a bit of info about us. Its going to be random.. Sorry.. But thanks all at the same time:
We are in our early 20s (old enough to drink). We like to drink. We are Ent friendly. We like to eat (DUH). Not really interested in going to 'clubs'. Free is always good. Cheap is nice too but that doesn't mean we wont indulge in some fine dining or a nice show (We already have tickets to BMG and Vegas The Show). Walking isn't a problem (We will get a bus/Monorailpass). The lady will probably wanna 'shop'. Not really my thing. That is all I can think of right now.
Ok so here's our list:
Not Free:
submitted by faqall to vegas [link] [comments]

My suggestions for a fun/cheaper Vegas trip

I got back from Vegas a few days ago and it was great. I like to save money so I thought I would share a few tips and tricks to save money and still have a blast.
I would definitely spend a few hours just walking around to all the casinos on the strip. The best part about this is if you sign up for the Player's Club (free) in each casino, they will usually give you some sort of incentive. Treasure Island gave me $10 in slot play. Whatever you win off that $10, you get to keep. Most other casinos have a similar incentive.
If you want to see a show, then check out Tix4Tonight. They are all over the strip. They sell discount tickets for shows that are showing that night. Usually they are the cheapest, but I bought tickets to Cirque du Soleil and when I went to pick up the tickets at Treasure Island, I found out their last minute tickets were cheaper. Definitely check first.
During my stay, I found out there are also a bunch of smaller, less known shows. These tickets are significantly cheaper and sometimes free. Nathan Burton's comedy magic is a free show at the Flamingo. Be sure to pick up tickets in advance as they sell out fast. Be on the lookout for these shows in coupon books (which you can find everywhere).
Free Drinks!
If you like to drink and you like gambling, then you're in luck! Sitting at the penny slots, I had free cocktails constantly served to me. Just remember to tip your waitresses! $1 seemed to do the trick.
If you are at a table game such as Craps or Blackjack, then expect tons of drinks to be thrown at you. The casino wants to get intoxicated so you are a little looser with your money. As long as you moderate your drinking, you can keep a nice buzz and not lose too much money.
If you are staying on the Strip then you will quickly come to realize that table games are expensive. Most minimums on table games are $5 and $10 at Caesars Palace and the Bellagio. There is one casino on the Strip, however that is a little cheaper. Casino Royal, which is across the street from The Mirage and next to Harrah's, has $3 Craps and $4 Roulette.
If you really don't want to spend that much money (like me) then I suggest you take a little trip downtown. Go to any northbound bus stop and buy a $7 24 hour pass. Hop on the bus and get off on Fremont Street. If you want to play some Roulette, then go to the El Cortez casino where they have $1 minimum and $.25 chips. Want to play Craps? Go the Western which is a little further down the street from El Cortez. They have $1 Craps.
If you are staying on the Strip then I suggest dinner at Ellis Island Casino at least a few times. It is just off the strip here. Ask for the Steak Special and you will get this for $7.99. Yes, that is right, you get a soup or salad, steak, green beans, potatoes and a beer, all for $7.99.
Harrah's has a "Million Dollar Pull" where you just go up and play a slot machine for free with the chance to win $1 million. Even if you don't win a million, you will always win something. One of the prizes they have is a $20 dining voucher for any Harrah's property, which includes: Caesar's, Imperial Palace, Rio, Harrah's etc... The dinner buffet at Harrah's is $20, so there is a free meal!
When you are downtown playing some cheap table games, make sure you grab dinner at Binion's. Just sign up for their player's club and they will give you a buy one get one free entree coupon for their cafe. My girlfriend and I ate a full meal for a total of $10 there, delicious.
I know there is a ton I am leaving out, so please add any tips!
submitted by Drama__Llama to vegas [link] [comments]

ellis island casino las vegas steak dinner video

Ellis Island Hotel and Casino is small by Las Vegas standards with just over 300 hotel rooms and a mere 10,000 square feet devoted to gaming. Although small in stature, Ellis has been able to successfully lure tourists away from the Strip via their differentiated offerings and strong value proposition for years. The complete steak dinner at Ellis Island is the best-value meal deal in a city full of good-value meal deals. It’s a 10-ounce filet-cut sirloin, which comes with salad, garlic green beans, choice of potato, and fresh microbrewed beer, all for $6.95. Las Vegas’ Ellis Island Casino & Brewery welcomes visitors under behind Bally’s) to check in on its legendary steak special, one of So if you enjoy dinner while listening to what Restaurant menu, map for Ellis Island Casino & Brewery located in 89109, Las Vegas NV, 4178 Koval Ln. Ellis Island Casino & Brewery: $7.99 Steak Dinner - See 1,901 traveler reviews, 376 candid photos, and great deals for Las Vegas, NV, at Tripadvisor. Ellis Island Casino & Brewery: Thanksgiving dinner - See 1,897 traveler reviews, 363 candid photos, and great deals for Las Vegas, NV, at Tripadvisor. When I was in Las Vegas last year I did go to Ellis Island and purchased the $6.99 steak dinner. The dinner was okay, nothing real special. The restaurant and casino was somewhat rundown. I recommend you go to the Las Vegas forum at the Trip Advisor website. Ellis Island Casino & Brewery: $7.99 Steak Dinner - See 1,903 traveler reviews, 376 candid photos, and great deals for Las Vegas, NV, at Tripadvisor. Ellis Island Hotel and Casino is home to popular on-site restaurants in Las Vegas such as Metro Pizza, Village Pub and Café, BBQ Island, and Julio's Tacos.

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