Beaumont Tiles

hexagon tiles bathroom blue

hexagon tiles bathroom blue - win

Really struggling with planning a bathroom remodel. Need help on tile.

I'm redoing my bathroom and really struggling with choosing showewall/floor tile. I really like this blue tile for my shower, but I'm not sure if I also want this on the floor and all the way around the bathroom (half-wall). I was considering this for the shower and the same tile in a medium gray for the floor, but wonder if that is too much hexagon pattern?
Does anyone have tips or tricks for selecting matching types of tile in small bathrooms? Is there any tool I can use to plug this tile in and see what it might look like?
submitted by pax-augusta to DesignMyRoom [link] [comments]

[Transcripts] Disparity- Chapter 2: Another Bed

Wiki/Chapter list = First Chapter = Previous = Next

The last thing Jasmine remembered before fading to sleep was Xant lifting her body off the ground. When she awoke it was to more comfortable surroundings. Well, as comfortable as an alien barracks could get, she supposed.
The bed was a bunk cut into the wall in a hexagon shape and was large enough to fit her and 10 of her closest friends. The 'mattress' that lined the bunk was made of a thick gel that warmed to your body temperature on touch, something that Jasmine still had not gotten used to.
She was alone in the gigantic room, made for someone closer to Captain Rynard's size than her own. A military base filled with enormous dinosaur space marines needed to be impressive, but she was still wrapping her mind around the scope of it all.
Jasmine yawned and stretched her hands above her head, happy to see that some food and her clothes, neatly folded, were at her feet. The second-skin-like grey jumpsuit, the blue sari and a selection of scarves were waiting for her, as well as her custom pressed 'citizen grade' plastic armour. The entire suit split open in the back and would 'snap' into place once she had activated the suit with her chin. Jasmine scratched her head, figuring out what she would wear when her fingers brushed against a short curl of hair.
Her second hand joined the first, running through almost five centimetres worth of hair. She was finally past the stubble stage! She let out a small squeal of glee and jumped to get dressed, now if only she could find a mirror...
The jumpsuit and armour were first. She slipped the grey suit on and zipped it up at the back. It was incredibly, almost embarrassingly, form-fitting, and especially snug around the waist and chest. The armour was no better, since it had been purposefully moulded to fit her exact measurements. It conformed exactly to her physique, but it definitely held everything in a little better.
The room, like most of what she observed of the aliens, was devoid of personal items. At a glance there was a desk and stool to work and eat at, a meal dispensary in the corner, a bathroom, closer to a carwash than an actual bathroom, and an inbuilt, voice-activated, automatic wardrobe.
There were a few more details that made the room a little more noteworthy. The hexagonal steel tiles of the walls tessellated together like snake scales, a change from the sterile white on Uleesia station. A holographic projection of alien language repeated itself in a screen saver-like fashion next to an enormous glass weapon safe - she recognised the build from the security wing back when she was in Esaander company, perhaps this was for more personal use?
Next to the safe was Rynard's power armour, bulky, angular and littered with battle damage, and looking like a zord stepped right off of a Power Rangers set. Pinned to its left shoulder was a faded but cared for green captain's cape, with a white trim and two small medallions of silver, or maybe steel? Ranks earned in battles long passed, no doubt.
Jasmine nibbled on the standard-issue preserved waurdess ration while she looked for her companions. She could certainly hear them. Despite the thick steel walls, Rynard's voice rumbled through loud and clear. Xant's was practically non-existent, but then the Zenthi didn't speak with 'words' like humans and sulin did. Xant's thoughts filtered through his translator, projecting them out into sound for others to hear, a universe-changing piece of tech that didn't just translate words, but thoughts and ideas.
The same translator technology had been grafted into Jasmine's brain, projecting not only her thoughts, but her personality and emotions for others to feel. Xant's presence permeated her senses, he felt like a cool river’s stream. It was comforting to know she could feel him wherever he was.
Rynard was right beside him, his presence as large as he was in life, brute strength concealed in a warm, lazy haze. Jasmine giggled, Rynard felt like a bear taking a nap. In between the pair were three distinctive auras she was already very familiar with. They were the other survivors of the Rajavan abduction, fellow earthlings of the canine persuasion: Sieglinde, Kimiko and Spades. The door opened automatically on approach, and the human was ambushed by the pack of excited dogs.
"She's awake!"
"Namegiver came back!" was the welcoming call of her four-legged friends. Jasmine knelt down, hugging and petting them as soon as she was able.
"Of course I'm back! I'm not going anywhere! I hope you were all well behaved for Friend Xant and Friend Rynard!"
"They were as pleasant as can be expected," Xant replied cordially.
"Welcome back Jasmine. I trust you are well-rested?" Xant was a curious-looking alien, like a cross between a pangolin and a killer whale. His skin was a shiny, smooth black and green, his face sported a long snout with hidden razor teeth, and kind brown eyes stared at her, above which two long and expressive antennae-like ears wiggled to express his happiness.
Rynard seemed to snicker at the remark and Xant did his best to ignore the jolly giant dino.
"I am surprisingly refreshed." Jasmine smiled back, rising to her feet to hug her friend. "I'm a bit stiff in the joints, but I'm sure a little walk around the place will sort that out! After all, I was in stasis for…how long?"
"Two [weeks]," Xant reminded her, happy to be talking with her again. "But I'm afraid our walks will be limited to the office and hab room for now." Xant offered her a crate to sit on at the makeshift table, a larger steel crate of some sort with a white stencilled logo moulded into the plastic, a single planet with a 13 pointed star above it.
"Huh? Why?" she asked, confused. "And where's Nako?"
"The Lieutenant Commander is currently making arrangements for us, arranging safety measures and clearances for certain wings of the facility," Xant explained.
"I thought my translator made me safe…" Jasmine's shoulders slumped.
"You are safe now, relatively," Xant began, while Rynard interrupted,
"But the facility ain't safe for you. " He chuckled. "Military ships and stations aren't exactly built for someone of your shortness, you'd be more likely to be stepped on or run over than be freq-fried like a citizen. Xant's armour might be up to protocol but Jasi, you might as well be naked with that flimsy shellac." Jasmine patted down her grey armour. She'd already grown very attached to it.
"So until you both have military-grade armour and can function in it properly," at this Rynard looked pointedly at Xant, "you're both to be escorted around the facility, either by myself or Sir Nako, and I don't have orders to let you leave."
"So we're stuck here until everyone else is finished with the red tape?" Jasmine asked for clarification.
"Bureaucracy at its finest," Xant chuckled, lifting up a dataslate for Jasmine. "But we do have some work to help us pass the time. Would you be interested in running through some topics with me, Jasmine?"
"Please accept, Jasi," Rynard insisted with a laugh. "He's been compiling 'subject matter' for you two to talk about for the entire journey ship-side."
"Ignore the captain, he's just not one for intellectual discussion," Xant retorted with a smirk.
"I ain't designed for sittin' still and burping facts all day!"
"I'm glad that you've come to terms with your insurmountable shortcomings, Capt’."
Jasmine looked between the pair, wondering where the tension that used to be between them had vanished to. They were bickering like old friends.
"You two seem to be getting along better," she stated, taking a sip of water out of the shallow bowl on the table. “Ugh, the water here’s not so great.”
"Yes, well, we had quite some time to discuss matters, intellectual or otherwise, while quartered on the Refined. I've been teaching him the finer points of formal discussion and he's showing me the value of banter in camaraderie." Xant tilted his head to the side. “Perhaps the water would taste better if you did not share the bowl with the dogs.”
Jasmine's face turned green as she immediately put down the ceramic bowl.
“You said something about work to help pass the time?”
Rynard laughed so hard he began thumping his tail with amusement.
Xant rightfully ignored him, and Jasmine's embarrassment, and opened a fresh dataslate.
[Transcripts of Dr Uru’Nav Xant, Unaffiliated. These Transcripts are for research purposes only, Source these transcripts with accreditation to Dr Uru’Nav Xant to comply with the Corporations act and in service of the Cultural Expansion initiative. Rejuvenation Dynasty ]
Dr Xant: This is Dr. Uru’Nav Xant, unaffiliated. Subject, would you state your name and title for the record?
Jasmine: I am Jasmine Anne Howe, the Namegiver, sole surviving human of my Rajavan abduction from Earth.
Dr Xant: Thank you, Namegiver Jasmine. For this record, we will be discussing, as best we can, the human language.
Jasmine: Well, first off, there is no human language, we have hundreds of languages, thousands if you want to count dialects into that. Geeze, when I think about it there’s probably more than a hundred dialects of English alone...
Dr Xant: Then we will speak in broad terms - human language as it refers to writing, speaking, pictographs and the ability to convey concepts.
Jasmine: Okay, well that does narrow it down. So, it's more about how we exchange information, rather than the words themselves?
Dr Xant: That is correct. The GC translator allows for the instantaneous transfer of information, so comparing a Creator level language built without such technology is a fascinating conceit for discussion.
Jasmine: If you say so! I’ll do my best, but I'm not an expert, I haven't had to worry about studying English since I dropped out of university!
Dr Xant: There we are with our first concept, ‘studying’ the language, how long does it take to learn a human language fluently?
Jasmine: Uhhh, heh, well, there’s an old joke that some people can speak a language their whole lives and never learn to do it correctly. But for the record’s sake, I’d say 15 to 16 years, with continuous expanding vocabulary.
Dr Xant: Could you explain, ‘continuous expanding vocabulary’?
Jasmine: Uhh, yeah okay, umm, well, English is my native tongue, which means it's the language I was born learning and can speak the most fluently. I know a few words in other languages, mostly ‘please’ and ‘thank you’s’ and a lot more swear words from other languages, but the point I’m trying to make is that my native tongue is forever changing. English picks up words from other languages easily and incorporates them into the whole, it’s also very easy to change the meaning of established words and make up whole new ones entirely!
Dr Xant: Are other human languages not as adaptable?
Jasmine: Well, I know a lot of them have waaaay more rigid grammar structures and don't change as quickly as English does. With English, the rules are more like guidelines.
Dr Xant: And these guidelines require rigorous study?
Jasmine: Yes, you can get by with everyday words and phrases, but if you want to do anything in academia, law, politics or literature you need to study. Word meaning and context can change every 5 to 10 years in living speech, what was corrected 20 years ago may not be correct now, and ‘legalese’ is different entirely.
Dr Xant: Does this continuous metamorphosis of your language contribute to the difficulty of human translators? [for context: according to Jasmine, humans have not developed an accurate universal translator]
Jasmine: Well, you’d think so, but it's actually the opposite! Because the world is changing so fast and becoming more and more connected through the internet (our planet-spanning communication/information system) people are picking up others' languages and using them in everyday speech more than ever! Some people even combine alphabets to convey different sentiments!
Dr Xant: Different alphabets? Can you demonstrate that for us Jasmine?
Jasmine: Oh damn now you’ve put me on the spot, uhh, can I have the illustration dataslate for a moment?
[note: Jasmine’s illustration]
(ಠ益ಠ) ( ;゚д゚) ( ノ ^ ω ^ )ノ゚ (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Jasmine: These use different alphabets and syntax to create new context for sentences. Because most of our translation is words and not the text, we created little ‘emojis’ to express tone and emotions with the different symbols!
Dr Xant: The human frequency equivalent! Absolutely fascinating that your species, despite not being sensitive, still implemented such measures into your lexicon. Can you give me an example?
Jasmine: Of course! Ahem,
(Happy/Curious) What do you mean? ( ノ ^ ω ^ )ノ゚
(Worried) What do you mean? ( ;゚д゚)
(Angry) What do you mean? (ಠ益ಠ)
(Ragequit) What do you mean?! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Dr Xant: The expressiveness is absolutely incredible! Oh! The expressions match your facial motions because humans read emotion through such interactions, fascinating, fascinating! I will have to create a separate transcript for this discovery.
[Session Terminated]

Wiki/Chapter list = First Chapter = Previous = Next

Book 1- Transcripts

Book 2- Transcripts: Zero

Book 3- Transcripts: Dreams

Book 4- Transcripts: Disparity

Patreon Squiggle Story Studios

Buy Transcripts and Transcripts: Zero on Amazon!

submitted by squigglestorystudios to HFY [link] [comments]

[FT] Clearing out my Storage! TONS of Fossils, Rare Clothing, Furniture, DIYs, and more for sale! [LF] Specific furniture, Bells, Extra DIYs

Edit: Got a ton of replies, will be sticking to processing comments I've gotten already! I will post a new thread when I'm ready to trade again.
Looking to clear out my storage! I've got a wide variety of things to offer. If any of the listed items below have a variant and I didn't list it, please point it out and I'll let you know. I did the best I could just by looking at them.
In return for my items I'm looking for fair offers from amongst the following. I know some of these items are rarer and others, and in turn I know I have some rarer items amongst my own:
What I have available will be a long list but I will break it down by the following categories, so use Ctrl+F to find the category (or item!) you're looking for. All items are first-come, first-serve!
I will ignore and block PMs or direct chats coming from anyone who doesn't comment on this thread.



  • Aluminum Briefcase (Gold Bars)
  • Aroma Pot
  • Baby Bear (Floral)
  • Board Game x2
  • Bottled Ship (Green)
  • Cardboard Box x8
  • Cartoonist's Set
  • Cassette Player (Yellow)
  • Cat Grass
  • Coffee Cup (Yellow)
  • Coffee Cup (Fancy) x2
  • Cream and Sugar
  • Cushion
  • Desk Mirror (White)
  • Dinnerware
  • Dolly (Red)
  • Electronics Kit
  • Essay Set x2
  • Floor Sign x2
  • Football x2
  • Fortune-Telling Set
  • Fragrance Diffuser (white)
  • Garden Gnome x2
  • Glass Holder with Candle (purple)
  • Globe
  • Hourglass x3
  • Incense Burner x2
  • Kettle
  • Knifeblock
  • Lantern
  • LCD TV 50 in. (Blue)
  • Magic Kit
  • Metronome x2
  • Microscope
  • Microwave (Light Blue)
  • Mixer
  • Moss Ball
  • Mug
  • Nail-art Set
  • Newton's Cradle
  • Nintendo Switch
  • Oil Lamp
  • Paper Tiger
  • Pedal Board
  • Portable Radio
  • Portable Record Player (Blue)
  • Pro Tape Recorder (Blue)
  • Protein Shaker Bottle (Chocolate)
  • Recycled-can thumb piano
  • Sewing Machine
  • Shell Speaker
  • Simple Kettle
  • Soup Kettle
  • Stand Mixer (Red)
  • Stovetop Espresso Maker
  • Sturdy Sewing Box
  • Throwback Skull Radio (Red)
  • Tissue Box
  • Tool Box
  • Typewriter (Blue)
  • Unfinished Puzzle (pink)


  • Bathroom Towel Rack
  • Fish Doorplate (Blue)
  • Fish Doorplate (Green) x2
  • Fish Print (x2)
  • Fishing-boat flag
  • Floral Swag x2
  • Hanging Scroll (Purple)
  • Heart Doorplate (Yellow)
  • Imperial Hanging Shelves (Red)
  • Iron Doorplate
  • Mobile (Sea Creatures)
  • Party Garland (Black and Gold)
  • Pot Rack (Yellow)
  • Potted Ivy
  • Retro Radiator
  • Tapestry (Rooster)
  • Wall-mounted Candle
  • Wall-mounted tool board


  • Aqua Tile Wall
  • Arched-window Wall
  • Bamboo-screen Wall
  • Bank-vault Wall
  • Beaded-curtain wall
  • Beige art-deco wall
  • Black Botanical-tile wall
  • Black-crown wall
  • Black hallway wall
  • Blue Blossoming Wall
  • Blue delicate-blooms wall
  • Blue honeycomb-tile wall
  • Blue molded-panel wall
  • blue painted-wood wall
  • Blue Subway-tile Wall
  • Botanical-tile wall
  • Brown-Brick Wall
  • Cafe-curtain Wall
  • Chocolate Hallway Wall
  • Common Wall
  • Crepe Design Wall
  • Cute White Wall
  • Desert Vista
  • Gray Diner Wall
  • Gray Molded-panel wall
  • Green Blossoming Wall
  • Green Delicate-blooms wall
  • Green Honeycomb-tile wall
  • Green Intricate Wall
  • Green-paint wall
  • Green painted-wood wall
  • Lattice Wall
  • Marine Pop Wall
  • Modern Tearoom Wall
  • Orange Molded-panel wall
  • Orange-paint wall
  • Perforated Board Wall
  • Pink-crown wall
  • Pink-playroom wall
  • Purple Desert-Tile Wall
  • Rammed-Earth Wall
  • Red Art-Deco Wall
  • Red heart-pattern wall
  • Red Intricate Wall
  • Red Perforated-board wall
  • Retro Flower-Print Wall
  • Rice-Paddy Wall
  • Server-Room Wall
  • Skull Wall
  • Soothing Tearoom Wall
  • Stately Wall
  • Strawberry-Chocolate Wall
  • White Botanical-tile Wall x2
  • White-brick wall
  • White hallway wall
  • White Painted-wood wall
  • White simple-cloth wall
  • Yellow heart-pattern wall
  • Yellow intricate wall
  • Yellow playroom wall
  • Yellow simple-cloth wall
  • Yellow-striped wall


  • Arabesque Flooring
  • Arched-Brick Flooring
  • Argyle Tile Flooring
  • Artsy Parquet Flooring
  • Black-brick Flooring
  • Blue Desert-Tile Flooring
  • Blue Dot Flooring
  • Blue Mosaic-Tile Flooring
  • Blue paint flooring
  • Blue Rubber Flooring
  • Brown Brick flooring
  • Brown Iron Parquet Flooring
  • Camo Flooring
  • Cool-paint flooring
  • Cork Flooring
  • Cute-Paint Flooring
  • Dark Block Flooring
  • Dark Herringbone Flooring
  • Dark Wood Pattern Flooring
  • Flagstone Flooring
  • Gold Iron Parquet Flooring
  • Gray Vinyl Flooring
  • Green Vinyl Flooring
  • Hexagonal Floral Flooring
  • Imperial Tile
  • Kitschy Tile
  • Light Parquet Flooring
  • Modern Wood Flooring
  • Monochromatic Tile Flooring
  • Parking Flooring
  • Pine-Board Flooring
  • Rattan Flooring
  • Red-Brick Flooring
  • Rose Flooring
  • Rush Tatami
  • Rush Tatami Flooring
  • Sandy-Beach Flooring
  • Simple Purple Flooring
  • Simple white Flooring
  • Skull-print Flooring
  • Stone Tile
  • Sumo Ring
  • White-brick Flooring
  • White Honeycomb Tile
  • White Iron-parquet Flooriung
  • White Mosaic-Tile Flooring
  • White-paint Flooring
  • Yellow Floral Flooring


  • Blue Argyle Rug
  • Blue Kitchen Mat
  • Blue Medium Round Mat
  • Blue Persian Rug
  • Brown Argyle Mat
  • Colorfuyl Vinyl Sheet
  • Fish Rug x3
  • Green kilim style carpet
  • Green Kitchen Mat
  • Peach Checked Rug x2
  • Purple Heart Rug x2
  • Red-design Kitchen Mat
  • Shanty Mat
  • Simple Medium Brown Mat
  • Simple Pink Bath Mat
  • Simple Small Brown Mat x2
  • Simple Small Purple Mat
  • Snowflake Rug
  • White Wooden-Deck Rug
  • Yellow-design Kitchen Mat
  • Yellow kilim-style Carpet x2
  • Yellow Kitchen Mat
  • Yellow Small Round Mat
  • Yellow Stripes Rug

Fashion Items


  • After-school jacket
  • Apron
  • Argyle Vest
  • Athletic Jacket (Blue)
  • Baggy Shirt (Grey)
  • Basketball Tank (Green(
  • Caridgan-shirt Combo (pink)
  • College Cardigan (Red)
  • Comedian's Outfit Blue)
  • Comedian's Outfit (Yellow)
  • Cowboy Shirt (Blue)
  • Cycling Shirt (Pink, Green, and Blue)
  • Denim Jacket (blue)
  • Dotted Raincoat (Gray, Blue)
  • Dress Shirt (Pink)
  • Fish-Print Tee x3
  • Front-Tie Button-down shirt (Blue)
  • Fuzzy Vest (Blue)
  • Gingham Picnic shirt
  • Graduation Gown (Green)
  • Hand-knight Tank (Blue)
  • Kids' smock (Red, Yellow, Green)
  • Labelle Coat (Blue)
  • Labelle Knit Shirt (Blue)
  • Layered Shirt (Orange)
  • Parka Undercoat (Green)
  • Pom-Pom Sweater
  • Relay Tank (Yellow)
  • Rubber Apron
  • Sailor-Style Shirt (White)
  • Simple Parka (Yellow, Blue)
  • Sleeveless Tunic (Purple, Orange(?))
  • Space Parka (Purple, Pink)
  • Tailored Jacket (Green)
  • Thick-stripes shirt (Red/Black)
  • Top Coat (Blue)


  • Boa Shorts (Green)
  • Bomber-Style Skirt (Black)
  • Cargo Shorts (Green)
  • Casual Pants (Black)
  • Elephant Print Pants
  • Flare Skirt (Black, Red, Pink, Light Blue)
  • Formal Shorts (purple)
  • Labelle Shorts (Blue
  • Outdoor Shorts (Yellow)
  • Tiered Skirt (Green)
  • Workout pants (Green)


  • Butterfly Visiting Kimono (Blue)
  • Checkered Jumper Dress (Brown)
  • Dragon Suit
  • Dreamy Dress (Pink)
  • Full-body tights (red)
  • Hot Dog suit
  • Instant-Muscles Suit (Blue)
  • Jester Costume (red/green)
  • Jumper Worksuit (Green)
  • Labelle Dress (Blue)
  • Mariachi Clothing (Green)
  • Parka Dress (Blue)
  • Rugby Uniform (Blue)
  • Space Suit
  • Steampunk Costume (Red)
  • Toga (Red, Purple)
  • Baseball Cap (Black/yellow)
  • Cavalier Hat
  • Cycling Cap (Red, Purple)
  • Eggshell
  • Jockey's Helmet (Blue)
  • Knit Hat (Every color)
  • Mesh Cap (Purple)
  • Paperboy Cap (Red)
  • Small Silk Hat (Red)
  • Soft-Serve Hat (Gray/Sesame(?)
  • Wizard's Cap (Blue, Purple)
  • Bun Wig (Pink)
  • Fairy-Tale Hood (Pink)
  • Mohawk Wig


  • Dog Nose (White
  • Drinking-straw Glasses (Green)
  • Ladder Shades (Yellow)
  • Rhinestone Shades (Purple)
  • Round Shades (Purple)
  • Star Shades (Blue)


  • Flowery-dot tights (Pink, blue)
  • Labelle tights (Blue)
  • Neon tights (pink, purple)
  • Patterned Stockings (White, Black)
  • Striped Socks (Black/white)
  • Embroidered Shoes (White)
  • Paw Slippers (Brown)
  • Walking Shoes (Pink)

Handheld + Bags

  • Fish Pochette x3
  • Tackle Bag
  • Bear Umbrella
  • Blue Dot Parasol
  • Fish Umbrella x4
  • Lacy Parasol
  • Purple Shiny-Bows Parasol
  • Acanthostega
  • Amber
  • Ammonite
  • Ankylo Skull
  • Ankylo Tail
  • Archaeopteryx
  • Archelon Tail
  • Australopith
  • Brachio Pelvis
  • Brachio Skull
  • Brachio Tail
  • Coprolite
  • Deinony Tail
  • Deinony Torso
  • Dimetrodon Skull
  • Dimetrodon Torso
  • Diplo Neck
  • Diplo Skull
  • Diplo Tail
  • Diplo Tail Tip
  • Dunkleosteus
  • Eusthenopteron
  • Iguanodon Skull
  • Iguanodon Torso
  • Juramaia
  • Left Megalo Side
  • Left Ptera Wing
  • Left Quetzal Wing
  • Mammoth Torso
  • Megacero Skull
  • Megacero Tail
  • Megacero Torso
  • Ophthalmo Skull
  • Ophthalmo Torso
  • Pachy Skull
  • Pachy Tail
  • Parasaur Skull
  • Parasaur Tail
  • Parasaur Torso
  • Plesio Body
  • Plesio Skull
  • Plesio Tail
  • Ptera Body
  • Right Megalo Side
  • Right Ptera Wing
  • Right Quetzal Wing
  • Sabertooth Skull
  • Sabertooth Tail
  • Spino Tail
  • Spino Torso
  • Stego Skull
  • Stego Torso
  • Trilobite


  • Bamboo Bench Sold!
  • Bamboo Candleholder
  • Bamboo Speaker
  • Bamboo Stool Sold!
  • Bamboo Wand
  • Bunny Day Arch
  • Bunny Day Bag
  • Bunny Day Crown
  • Bunny Day Lamp
  • Bunny Day Stool
  • Bunny Day Table
  • Bunny Day Vanity
  • Bunny Day Wand
  • Cardboard Table
  • Cherry Wall
  • Garden Wagon
  • Golden Seat
  • Iron Garden Bench
  • Iron Garden Bench
  • Ironwood Chair
  • Knitted-Grass Backpack
  • Leaf
  • Log Round Table
  • Magazine Rack
  • Mum Cushion
  • Natural Garden Chair
  • Natural Square Table
  • Peach Dress
  • Pear Bed
  • Pot
  • Sandy-Beach Flooring
  • Sandy-Beach Flooring
  • Shell Bed
  • Shell Speaker
  • Shell Table
  • Small Cardboard Boxes
  • Tall Garden Rock
  • Trophy Case
  • Tulip Surprise Box
  • Wobbling Zipper Toy
  • Wooden Toolbox
I will be monitoring this thread on and off, so please comment below if you are interested in anything!
submitted by GoneWithLaw to ACTrade [link] [comments]

[LF] Antique Bed (Black), Diner Neon Sign (Pink), some Fossils, and more! [FT] Anything in my catalog of furniture, bells, extra fossils

Edit: I am monitoring this thread on and off, but trades are still open! Please note that I will not accept blind PMs without commenting on here first, and I will PM you after confirming interest in a trade/sale in the comments below!
For purposes of actually being found via the reddit search function, I'm going to list off everything currently purchasable in my catalogue below, and every item I want. For purposes of quickly scrolling through, please use Ctrl+F for "Looking For" and "For Trade" to quickly get to each list!
Please ask about my color variations! I've listed color variants below only for items I want and a small handful of clothing that I have, I would need to go through my whole catalog again to get color variants for items I have.
I'm fine with cataloging instead of outright swaps. I can also offer bells for whatever you've got.
[Looking for]:
[For Trade]:
Furniture, Walls, Floors, Songs, etc.:
  • Acnh Nintendo Switch
  • Aluminum Briefcase
  • Amp
  • Analog Kitchen Scale
  • Anatomical Model
  • Anthurium Plant
  • Antique Bureau
  • Antique Chair
  • Antique Clock
  • Antique Console Table
  • Antique Vanity
  • Antique Wardrobe
  • Aqua Tile Wall
  • Arabesque Flooring
  • Arcade Combat Game
  • Arcade Fighting Game
  • Arched-brick Flooring
  • Arched-window Wall
  • Argyle Tile Flooring
  • Artsy Parquet Flooring
  • Autograph Cards
  • Automatic Washer
  • Baby Bear
  • Ball
  • Bamboo-screen Wall
  • Barbecue
  • Basic Teacher's Desk
  • Bathroom Towel Rack
  • Beaded-curtain Wall
  • Beige Art-deco Wall
  • Bidet
  • Billiard Table
  • Bingo Wheel
  • Birch Flooring
  • Black Botanical-tile Wall
  • Black Hallway Wall
  • Black Iron-parquet Flooring
  • Black-brick Flooring
  • Black-brick Wall
  • Black-crown Wall
  • Blue Blossoming Wall
  • Blue Delicate-blooms Wall
  • Blue Desert-tile Flooring
  • Blue Dot Flooring
  • Blue Honeycomb-tile Wall
  • Blue Molded-panel Wall
  • Blue Mosaic-tile Flooring
  • Blue Painted-wood Wall
  • Blue Playroom Wall
  • Blue Rubber Flooring
  • Blue Subway-tile Wall
  • Blue Vinyl Sheet
  • Blue-crown Wall
  • Board Game
  • Book
  • Book Stands
  • Breaker
  • Brine-shrimp Aquarium
  • Brown Argyle-tile Flooring
  • Brown Iron-parquet Flooring
  • Brown-brick Flooring
  • Brown-brick Wall
  • Bubblegum K.K.
  • Bunk Bed
  • Cacao Tree
  • Café K.K.
  • Camo Flooring
  • Camp Stove
  • Camping Cot
  • Cardboard Box
  • Cartoonist's Set
  • Cassette Player
  • Cat Grass
  • Cat Tower
  • Champion's Pennant
  • Changing Room
  • Chocolate Hallway Wall
  • Clay Furnace
  • Clothesline Pole
  • Coffee Cup
  • Coffee Grinder
  • Common Wall
  • Concrete Flooring
  • Concrete Wall
  • Cool-paint Flooring
  • Cork Flooring
  • Cream And Sugar
  • Crepe-design Wall
  • Cushion
  • Cute Bed
  • Cute Chair
  • Cute Floor Lamp
  • Cute Red-tile Flooring
  • Cute Sofa
  • Cute Wall-mounted Clock
  • Cute-paint Flooring
  • Cypress Bathtub
  • Cypress Plant
  • DJ K.K.
  • Dark Herringbone Flooring
  • Dark Parquet Flooring
  • Dark Wood-pattern Flooring
  • Dark-block Flooring
  • Dartboard
  • Den Chair
  • Den Desk
  • Desk Mirror
  • Diner Chair
  • Dinnerware
  • Director's Chair
  • Dish-drying Rack
  • Double Sofa
  • Double-door Refrigerator
  • Effects Rack
  • Elaborate Kimono Stand
  • Electric Guitar
  • Electronics Kit
  • Espresso Maker
  • Essay Set
  • Exercise Ball
  • Exercise Bike
  • Fan
  • Fan Palm
  • Fireplace
  • Fishing-boat Flag
  • Flagstone Flooring
  • Floating-biotope Planter
  • Floor Light
  • Floor Sign
  • Folding Floor Lamp
  • Foosball Table
  • Football
  • Forest Life
  • Formal Paper
  • Fortune-telling Set
  • Fragrance Sticks
  • Freezer
  • Futon
  • Garbage Can
  • Garden Faucet
  • Garden Gnome
  • Garden Lantern
  • Glass Holder With Candle
  • Globe
  • Go Board
  • Grand Piano
  • Gray Diner Wall
  • Gray Molded-panel Wall
  • Gray Vinyl Flooring
  • Green Blossoming Wall
  • Green Delicate-blooms Wall
  • Green Honeycomb-tile Wall
  • Green Intricate Wall
  • Green Painted-wood Wall
  • Green Vinyl Flooring
  • Green-paint Wall
  • Hamster Cage
  • Handcart
  • Handy Water Cooler
  • Hanging Scroll
  • Harmonious Wall
  • Heart Doorplate
  • Hexagonal Floral Flooring
  • Hi-fi Stereo
  • High-end Stereo
  • Hose Reel
  • Hourglass
  • Hypno K.K.
  • I Love You
  • Imperial Bed
  • Imperial Chest
  • Imperial Decorative Shelves
  • Jointed-mat Flooring
  • K.K. Adventure
  • K.K. Aria
  • K.K. Blues
  • K.K. Chorale
  • K.K. Condor
  • K.K. Cruisin'
  • K.K. Faire
  • K.K. Flamenco
  • K.K. Fusion
  • K.K. Island
  • K.K. Lament
  • K.K. Lullaby
  • K.K. March
  • K.K. Oasis
  • K.K. Rally
  • K.K. Reggae
  • K.K. Safari
  • K.K. Salsa
  • K.K. Ska
  • K.K. Steppe
  • K.K. Tango
  • K.K. Technopop
  • K.K. Waltz
  • K.K. Étude
  • K.k. Mariachi
  • Kettle
  • King K.K.
  • Kitchen Island
  • Kitschy Tile
  • Knife Block
  • Lab-experiments Set
  • Lantern
  • Lattice Wall
  • Lcd Tv (50 In.)
  • Light Parquet Flooring
  • Long Bathtub
  • Low Screen
  • Macrame Tapestry
  • Magazine
  • Magic Kit
  • Magnetic Knife Rack
  • Mama Panda
  • Marimba
  • Menu Chalkboard
  • Metronome
  • Mic Stand
  • Microscope
  • Microwave
  • Mini Fridge
  • Mini-cactus Set
  • Mixer
  • Mobile
  • Modern Tearoom Wall
  • Modern Wood Flooring
  • Money Flooring
  • Monochromatic Tile Flooring
  • Monstera
  • Moss Ball
  • Mountain Bike
  • Mountain Song
  • Mr. Flamingo
  • Mrs. Flamingo
  • Mug
  • My Place
  • Nail-art Set
  • Neapolitan
  • Newton's Cradle
  • Nintendo Switch
  • Oil Barrel
  • Oil Lamp
  • Old-fashioned Alarm Clock
  • Open-frame Kitchen
  • Orange Molded-panel Wall
  • Orange-paint Wall
  • Outdoor Bench
  • Outdoor Generator
  • Paper Lantern
  • Paper Tiger
  • Pedal Board
  • Perforated-board Wall
  • Pet Bed
  • Pet Food Bowl
  • Piano Bench
  • Picnic Basket
  • Pinball Machine
  • Pine-board Flooring
  • Pink Playroom Wall
  • Pink Quilt Wall
  • Pink-crown Wall
  • Plasma Ball
  • Plastic Pool
  • Podium
  • Pondering
  • Portable Radio
  • Portable Record Player
  • Pot Rack
  • Pro Tape Recorder
  • Protein Shaker Bottle
  • Pull-up-bar Stand
  • Punching Bag
  • Purple Desert-tile Wall
  • Rammed-earth Wall
  • Rattan Armchair
  • Rattan End Table
  • Rattan Flooring
  • Rattan Stool
  • Rattan Wardrobe
  • Rattan Waste Bin
  • Record Box
  • Recycled-can Thumb Piano
  • Red Art-deco Wall
  • Red Heart-pattern Wall
  • Red Intricate Wall
  • Red Perforated-board Wall
  • Red-brick Flooring
  • Red-brick Wall
  • Refrigerator
  • Retro Flower-print Wall
  • Retro Radiator
  • Retro Stereo
  • Revolving Spice Rack
  • Rice Cooker
  • Rock Guitar
  • Rocket Lamp
  • Rosewood Flooring
  • Rush Tatami
  • Rush Tatami Flooring
  • Screen Wall
  • Server
  • Sewing Machine
  • Shaved-ice Maker
  • Shoji Screen
  • Shower Booth
  • Shower Set
  • Simple Kettle
  • Simple Panel
  • Simple Purple Flooring
  • Simple Red Flooring
  • Simple White Flooring
  • Skeleton
  • Skull Wall
  • Skull-print Flooring
  • Sleeping Bag
  • Smoker
  • Soccer Goal
  • Soft-serve Lamp
  • Space K.K.
  • Spring Blossoms
  • Squat Toilet
  • Stale Cupcakes
  • Stand Mixer
  • Stately Wall
  • Steep Hill
  • Stone Tile
  • Stovetop Espresso Maker
  • Studio Spotlight
  • Sturdy Sewing Box
  • Surveillance Camera
  • Switch
  • Tape Deck
  • Tatami
  • Tatami Bed
  • Tea Set
  • Telescope
  • Tennis Table
  • Terra-cotta Flooring
  • The K. Funk
  • Throwback Dino Screen
  • Throwback Rocket
  • Throwback Wall Clock
  • Tin Bucket
  • Tissue Box
  • To The Edge
  • Toolbox
  • Toy Box
  • Traditional Tea Set
  • Treadmill
  • Two Days Ago
  • Typewriter
  • Upright Piano
  • Utility Sink
  • Vacuum Cleaner
  • Velvet Stool
  • Wall-mounted Candle
  • Wall-mounted Tv (50 In.)
  • Wandering
  • Water Cooler
  • Weight Bench
  • Whirlpool Bath
  • White Botanical-tile Wall
  • White Brick Wall
  • White Delicate-blooms Wall
  • White Hallway Wall
  • White Honeycomb Tile
  • White Honeycomb-tile Wall
  • White Iron-parquet Flooring
  • White Mosaic-tile Flooring
  • White Painted-wood Wall
  • White Simple-cloth Wall
  • White-brick Flooring
  • White-paint Flooring
  • Wood-burning Stove
  • Wooden-knot Flooring
  • Writing Chair
  • Writing Desk
  • Writing Poster
  • Yellow Floral Flooring
  • Yellow Heart-pattern Wall
  • Yellow Intricate Wall
  • Yellow Playroom Wall
  • Yellow Simple-cloth Wall
  • Yellow-striped Wall
  • Acanthostega
  • Amber
  • Ammonite
  • Ankylo Skull
  • Ankylo Tail
  • Archaeopteryx
  • Archelon Tail
  • Australopith
  • Brachio Pelvis
  • Brachio Skull
  • Brachio Tail
  • Coprolite
  • Deinony Tail
  • Deinony Torso
  • Dimetrodon Skull
  • Dimetrodon Torso
  • Diplo Neck
  • Diplo Pelvis
  • Diplo Skull
  • Diplo Tail
  • Diplo Tail Tip
  • Dunkleosteus
  • Eusthenopteron
  • Iguanodon Skull
  • Iguanodon Torso
  • Juramaia
  • Left Megalo Side
  • Left Ptera Wing
  • Left Quetzal Wing
  • Mammoth Skull
  • Mammoth Torso
  • Megacero Skull
  • Megacero Tail
  • Megacero Torso
  • Ophthalmo Skull
  • Ophthalmo Torso
  • Pachy Skull
  • Pachy Tail
  • Parasaur Skull
  • Parasaur Tail
  • Parasaur Torso
  • Plesio Body
  • Plesio Skull
  • Plesio Tail
  • Ptera Body
  • Quetzal Torso
  • Right Megalo Side
  • Right Ptera Wing
  • Right Quetzal Wing
  • Sabertooth Skull
  • Sabertooth Tail
  • Spino Tail
  • Spino Torso
  • Stego Skull
  • Stego Torso
  • Trilobite
High Profile Clothing:
  • Adventure Dress
  • Ancient Belted Robe (Blue)
  • Bathrobe (White, Blue)
  • Butterfly Visiting Kimono (Blue)
  • Comedian's Outfit (Orange)
  • Crown
  • Doctor's Mask
  • Dog Nose (White)
  • Dragon Suit
  • Dream Dress (all variants)
  • Embroided Shoes (White)
  • Fox Mask (White and Black)
  • Gas Mask
  • Hakama with Crest
  • Halo
  • Hot-Dog Costume
  • Imitation Cow Skull
  • Junihitoe Kimono
  • Kimono Sandals
  • Kung Fu Shoes
  • Labelle Coat (Passion)
  • Labelle Dress (Passion, Ocean)
  • Labelle Knit Shirt (Ocean
  • Labelle Shorts (Ocean)
  • Lacy Parasol
  • Mage's Booties (white)
  • Mage's Hat (All variants)
  • Mage's Robe (Black)
  • Magical Dress (Blue)
  • Maid Dress (Black)
  • Mummy Mask
  • Ninja Costume (Black, Red, Blue)
  • Ninja Mask (All variants)
  • Noble Zap Suit (All variants)
  • Palatial Tank Dress
  • Paper Bag
  • Paper Parasol
  • Paw Slippers (Brown
  • Pharaoh's Outfit
  • Power Boots (Black, Red)
  • Power Helmet (all variants)
  • Privacy Mask
  • Red Chic Umbrella
  • Royal Crown
  • Ruffled Dress (All colors)
  • Samurai Greaves (Black, Gold)
  • Samurai Helmet (All Colors)
  • Samurai Shirt (All colors)
  • Space Helmet
  • Space Suit
  • Steampunk Costume (all)
  • Steampunk Glasses (all)
  • Tailcoat (Black, White)
  • Tiara (All)
  • Toga (Red, Purple)
  • Top Hat (Black, White, Brown)
  • Visual-punk Wig
  • White Shiny-Bows Parasol
  • Wizard's Cap (Blue, Purple)
  • Zap Boots
  • Zori (Aqua, White, Black, Light Pink, Red)
submitted by GoneWithLaw to ACTrade [link] [comments]

[LF] Black Antique Bed, Pink Diner Neon Sign, and more | [FT] Massive Catalogue, a ton of extra fossils, bells (prepare to use Ctrl+F)

For purposes of actually being found via the reddit search function, I'm going to list off everything currently purchasable in my catalogue below, and every item I want. For purposes of quickly scrolling through, please use Ctrl+F for "Looking For" and "For Trade" to quickly get to each list!
Please ask about my color variations! I've listed color variants below only for items I want and a small handful of clothing that I have, I would need to go through my whole catalog again to get color variants for items I have. I will be doing this over time so if you don't see one listed please ask!
I'm fine with cataloging instead of outright swaps. I can also offer bells for whatever you've got.
[Looking for]:
(This will be edited down as I acquire items I need through trades!)
High Priority (Will pay 50k in addition to Nook buying price, or triple Nook's buying price, whichever is higher)!!
Lower Priority (Will pay 25K in addition to Nook buying price, or double Nook's buying price, whichever is higher):
[For Trade or sale]:
Furniture, Walls, Floors, Songs, etc.:
  • Acnh Nintendo Switch
  • Aluminum Briefcase
  • Amp
  • Analog Kitchen Scale
  • Anatomical Model
  • Anthurium Plant
  • Antique Bureau
  • Antique Chair
  • Antique Clock
  • Antique Console Table
  • Antique Vanity
  • Antique Wardrobe
  • Aqua Tile Wall
  • Arabesque Flooring
  • Arcade Combat Game
  • Arcade Fighting Game
  • Arched-brick Flooring
  • Arched-window Wall
  • Argyle Tile Flooring
  • Artsy Parquet Flooring
  • Autograph Cards
  • Automatic Washer
  • Baby Bear
  • Ball
  • Bamboo-screen Wall
  • Barbecue
  • Basic Teacher's Desk
  • Bathroom Towel Rack
  • Beaded-curtain Wall
  • Beige Art-deco Wall
  • Bidet
  • Billiard Table
  • Bingo Wheel
  • Birch Flooring
  • Black Botanical-tile Wall
  • Black Hallway Wall
  • Black Iron-parquet Flooring
  • Black-brick Flooring
  • Black-brick Wall
  • Black-crown Wall
  • Blue Blossoming Wall
  • Blue Delicate-blooms Wall
  • Blue Desert-tile Flooring
  • Blue Dot Flooring
  • Blue Honeycomb-tile Wall
  • Blue Molded-panel Wall
  • Blue Mosaic-tile Flooring
  • Blue Painted-wood Wall
  • Blue Playroom Wall
  • Blue Rubber Flooring
  • Blue Subway-tile Wall
  • Blue Vinyl Sheet
  • Blue-crown Wall
  • Board Game
  • Book
  • Book Stands
  • Breaker
  • Brine-shrimp Aquarium
  • Brown Argyle-tile Flooring
  • Brown Iron-parquet Flooring
  • Brown-brick Flooring
  • Brown-brick Wall
  • Bubblegum K.K.
  • Bunk Bed
  • Cacao Tree
  • Café K.K.
  • Camo Flooring
  • Camp Stove
  • Camping Cot
  • Cardboard Box
  • Cartoonist's Set
  • Cassette Player
  • Cat Grass
  • Cat Tower
  • Champion's Pennant
  • Changing Room
  • Chocolate Hallway Wall
  • Clay Furnace
  • Clothesline Pole
  • Coffee Cup
  • Coffee Grinder
  • Common Wall
  • Concrete Flooring
  • Concrete Wall
  • Cool-paint Flooring
  • Cork Flooring
  • Cream And Sugar
  • Crepe-design Wall
  • Cushion
  • Cute Bed
  • Cute Chair
  • Cute Floor Lamp
  • Cute Red-tile Flooring
  • Cute Sofa
  • Cute Wall-mounted Clock
  • Cute-paint Flooring
  • Cypress Bathtub
  • Cypress Plant
  • DJ K.K.
  • Dark Herringbone Flooring
  • Dark Parquet Flooring
  • Dark Wood-pattern Flooring
  • Dark-block Flooring
  • Dartboard
  • Den Chair
  • Den Desk
  • Desk Mirror
  • Diner Chair
  • Dinnerware
  • Director's Chair
  • Dish-drying Rack
  • Double Sofa
  • Double-door Refrigerator
  • Effects Rack
  • Elaborate Kimono Stand
  • Electric Guitar
  • Electronics Kit
  • Espresso Maker
  • Essay Set
  • Exercise Ball
  • Exercise Bike
  • Fan
  • Fan Palm
  • Fireplace
  • Fishing-boat Flag
  • Flagstone Flooring
  • Floating-biotope Planter
  • Floor Light
  • Floor Sign
  • Folding Floor Lamp
  • Foosball Table
  • Football
  • Forest Life
  • Formal Paper
  • Fortune-telling Set
  • Fragrance Sticks
  • Freezer
  • Futon
  • Garbage Can
  • Garden Faucet
  • Garden Gnome
  • Garden Lantern
  • Glass Holder With Candle
  • Globe
  • Go Board
  • Grand Piano
  • Gray Diner Wall
  • Gray Molded-panel Wall
  • Gray Vinyl Flooring
  • Green Blossoming Wall
  • Green Delicate-blooms Wall
  • Green Honeycomb-tile Wall
  • Green Intricate Wall
  • Green Painted-wood Wall
  • Green Vinyl Flooring
  • Green-paint Wall
  • Hamster Cage
  • Handcart
  • Handy Water Cooler
  • Hanging Scroll
  • Harmonious Wall
  • Heart Doorplate
  • Hexagonal Floral Flooring
  • Hi-fi Stereo
  • High-end Stereo
  • Hose Reel
  • Hourglass
  • Hypno K.K.
  • I Love You
  • Imperial Bed
  • Imperial Chest
  • Imperial Decorative Shelves
  • Jointed-mat Flooring
  • K.K. Adventure
  • K.K. Aria
  • K.K. Blues
  • K.K. Chorale
  • K.K. Condor
  • K.K. Cruisin'
  • K.K. Faire
  • K.K. Flamenco
  • K.K. Fusion
  • K.K. Island
  • K.K. Lament
  • K.K. Lullaby
  • K.K. March
  • K.K. Oasis
  • K.K. Rally
  • K.K. Reggae
  • K.K. Safari
  • K.K. Salsa
  • K.K. Ska
  • K.K. Steppe
  • K.K. Tango
  • K.K. Technopop
  • K.K. Waltz
  • K.K. Étude
  • K.k. Mariachi
  • Kettle
  • King K.K.
  • Kitchen Island
  • Kitschy Tile
  • Knife Block
  • Lab-experiments Set
  • Lantern
  • Lattice Wall
  • Lcd Tv (50 In.)
  • Light Parquet Flooring
  • Long Bathtub
  • Low Screen
  • Macrame Tapestry
  • Magazine
  • Magic Kit
  • Magnetic Knife Rack
  • Mama Panda
  • Marimba
  • Menu Chalkboard
  • Metronome
  • Mic Stand
  • Microscope
  • Microwave
  • Mini Fridge
  • Mini-cactus Set
  • Mixer
  • Mobile
  • Modern Tearoom Wall
  • Modern Wood Flooring
  • Money Flooring
  • Monochromatic Tile Flooring
  • Monstera
  • Moss Ball
  • Mountain Bike
  • Mountain Song
  • Mr. Flamingo
  • Mrs. Flamingo
  • Mug
  • My Place
  • Nail-art Set
  • Neapolitan
  • Newton's Cradle
  • Nintendo Switch
  • Oil Barrel
  • Oil Lamp
  • Old-fashioned Alarm Clock
  • Open-frame Kitchen
  • Orange Molded-panel Wall
  • Orange-paint Wall
  • Outdoor Bench
  • Outdoor Generator
  • Paper Lantern
  • Paper Tiger
  • Pedal Board
  • Perforated-board Wall
  • Pet Bed
  • Pet Food Bowl
  • Piano Bench
  • Picnic Basket
  • Pinball Machine
  • Pine-board Flooring
  • Pink Playroom Wall
  • Pink Quilt Wall
  • Pink-crown Wall
  • Plasma Ball
  • Plastic Pool
  • Podium
  • Pondering
  • Portable Radio
  • Portable Record Player
  • Pot Rack
  • Pro Tape Recorder
  • Protein Shaker Bottle
  • Pull-up-bar Stand
  • Punching Bag
  • Purple Desert-tile Wall
  • Rammed-earth Wall
  • Rattan Armchair
  • Rattan End Table
  • Rattan Flooring
  • Rattan Stool
  • Rattan Wardrobe
  • Rattan Waste Bin
  • Record Box
  • Recycled-can Thumb Piano
  • Red Art-deco Wall
  • Red Heart-pattern Wall
  • Red Intricate Wall
  • Red Perforated-board Wall
  • Red-brick Flooring
  • Red-brick Wall
  • Refrigerator
  • Retro Flower-print Wall
  • Retro Radiator
  • Retro Stereo
  • Revolving Spice Rack
  • Rice Cooker
  • Rock Guitar
  • Rocket Lamp
  • Rosewood Flooring
  • Rush Tatami
  • Rush Tatami Flooring
  • Screen Wall
  • Server
  • Sewing Machine
  • Shaved-ice Maker
  • Shoji Screen
  • Shower Booth
  • Shower Set
  • Simple Kettle
  • Simple Panel
  • Simple Purple Flooring
  • Simple Red Flooring
  • Simple White Flooring
  • Skeleton
  • Skull Wall
  • Skull-print Flooring
  • Sleeping Bag
  • Smoker
  • Soccer Goal
  • Soft-serve Lamp
  • Space K.K.
  • Spring Blossoms
  • Squat Toilet
  • Stale Cupcakes
  • Stand Mixer
  • Stately Wall
  • Steep Hill
  • Stone Tile
  • Stovetop Espresso Maker
  • Studio Spotlight
  • Sturdy Sewing Box
  • Surveillance Camera
  • Switch
  • Tape Deck
  • Tatami
  • Tatami Bed
  • Tea Set
  • Telescope
  • Tennis Table
  • Terra-cotta Flooring
  • The K. Funk
  • Throwback Dino Screen
  • Throwback Rocket
  • Throwback Wall Clock
  • Tin Bucket
  • Tissue Box
  • To The Edge
  • Toolbox
  • Toy Box
  • Traditional Tea Set
  • Treadmill
  • Two Days Ago
  • Typewriter
  • Upright Piano
  • Utility Sink
  • Vacuum Cleaner
  • Velvet Stool
  • Wall-mounted Candle
  • Wall-mounted Tv (50 In.)
  • Wandering
  • Water Cooler
  • Weight Bench
  • Whirlpool Bath
  • White Botanical-tile Wall
  • White Brick Wall
  • White Delicate-blooms Wall
  • White Hallway Wall
  • White Honeycomb Tile
  • White Honeycomb-tile Wall
  • White Iron-parquet Flooring
  • White Mosaic-tile Flooring
  • White Painted-wood Wall
  • White Simple-cloth Wall
  • White-brick Flooring
  • White-paint Flooring
  • Wood-burning Stove
  • Wooden-knot Flooring
  • Writing Chair
  • Writing Desk
  • Writing Poster
  • Yellow Floral Flooring
  • Yellow Heart-pattern Wall
  • Yellow Intricate Wall
  • Yellow Playroom Wall
  • Yellow Simple-cloth Wall
  • Yellow-striped Wall
Fossils (Limited availability!):
  • Acanthostega
  • Amber
  • Ammonite
  • Ankylo Skull
  • Ankylo Tail
  • Archaeopteryx
  • Archelon Tail
  • Australopith
  • Brachio Pelvis
  • Brachio Skull
  • Brachio Tail
  • Coprolite
  • Deinony Tail
  • Deinony Torso
  • Dimetrodon Skull
  • Dimetrodon Torso
  • Diplo Neck
  • Diplo Pelvis
  • Diplo Skull
  • Diplo Tail
  • Diplo Tail Tip
  • Dunkleosteus
  • Eusthenopteron
  • Iguanodon Skull
  • Iguanodon Torso
  • Juramaia
  • Left Megalo Side
  • Left Ptera Wing
  • Left Quetzal Wing
  • Mammoth Skull
  • Mammoth Torso
  • Megacero Skull
  • Megacero Tail
  • Megacero Torso
  • Ophthalmo Skull
  • Ophthalmo Torso
  • Pachy Skull
  • Pachy Tail
  • Parasaur Skull
  • Parasaur Tail
  • Parasaur Torso
  • Plesio Body
  • Plesio Skull
  • Plesio Tail
  • Ptera Body
  • Quetzal Torso
  • Right Megalo Side
  • Right Ptera Wing
  • Right Quetzal Wing
  • Sabertooth Skull
  • Sabertooth Tail
  • Spino Tail
  • Spino Torso
  • Stego Skull
  • Stego Torso
  • Trilobite
High Profile Clothing:
  • Adventure Dress
  • Ancient Belted Robe (Blue)
  • Bathrobe (White, Blue)
  • Butterfly Visiting Kimono (Blue)
  • Comedian's Outfit (Orange)
  • Crown
  • Doctor's Mask
  • Dog Nose (White)
  • Dragon Suit
  • Dream Dress (all variants)
  • Embroided Shoes (White)
  • Fox Mask (White and Black)
  • Gas Mask
  • Hakama with Crest
  • Halo
  • Hot-Dog Costume
  • Imitation Cow Skull
  • Junihitoe Kimono
  • Kimono Sandals
  • Kung Fu Shoes
  • Labelle Coat (Passion)
  • Labelle Dress (Passion, Ocean)
  • Labelle Knit Shirt (Ocean
  • Labelle Shorts (Ocean)
  • Lacy Parasol
  • Mage's Booties (white)
  • Mage's Hat (All variants)
  • Mage's Robe (Black)
  • Magical Dress (Blue)
  • Maid Dress (Black)
  • Mummy Mask
  • Ninja Costume (Black, Red, Blue)
  • Ninja Mask (All variants)
  • Noble Zap Suit (All variants)
  • Palatial Tank Dress
  • Paper Bag
  • Paper Parasol
  • Paw Slippers (Brown
  • Pharaoh's Outfit
  • Power Boots (Black, Red)
  • Power Helmet (all variants)
  • Privacy Mask
  • Red Chic Umbrella
  • Royal Crown
  • Ruffled Dress (All colors)
  • Samurai Greaves (Black, Gold)
  • Samurai Helmet (All Colors)
  • Samurai Shirt (All colors)
  • Space Helmet
  • Space Suit
  • Steampunk Costume (all)
  • Steampunk Glasses (all)
  • Tailcoat (Black, White)
  • Tiara (All)
  • Toga (Red, Purple)
  • Top Hat (Black, White, Brown)
  • Visual-punk Wig
  • White Shiny-Bows Parasol
  • Wizard's Cap (Blue, Purple)
  • Zap Boots
  • Zori (Aqua, White, Black, Light Pink, Red)
submitted by GoneWithLaw to ACTrade [link] [comments]

Looking to trade/sell furniture-wishlist linked

My Wishlists
What I have;
Den chair,
Wedding bench,
Black antique console table x2,
Black antique mini table x2,
Red diner counter table,
Turquoise tool shelf,
Wedding table,
Silver bunk bed,
Red imperial bed,
Green throwback race-car bed,
Black throwback race-car bed,
Red cute DIY table,
Light brown retro stereo,
Black antique clock,
Red upright vacuum,
White & blue retro fan,
Sauna heater,
White toilet,
White long bathtub,
White bathroom sink,
Red & white digital scale,
Blue tile & black plain sink,
Dark brown changing room,
Black water cooler,
Pink Mr. Flamingo,
Blue electric kick scooter,
White mountain bike,
Orange plastic pool,
Natural revolving spice rack,
Berry red rice cooker,
DAL mug,
Brown rattan table lamp,
White cute music player,
Red cute music player,
White rattan towel basket,
Black book stands,
Iron wall rack,
Wooden magnetic knife rack,
Wooden pot rack,
Red snapper fish print,
Purple desert-tile wall,
Blue delicate-blooms wall,
Purple-rose wall,
Red art-deco wall,
Chic tearoom wall,
Standard tearoom wall,
Harmonious wall,
Underwater wall,
Rosewood flooring,
Slate flooring,
Hexagonal floral flooring,
Purple desert-tile flooring,
Underwater flooring,
Apple rug,
Bunny day rug,
Shell rug,
Green portable record player,
Lattice wall
Will edit as items are claimed
submitted by Rowanski to AnimalCrossingNewHor [link] [comments]

[LF] gold rose crown diy, fruit DIYs (not peach), pear hat DIY, infused water dispenser diy, fruit basket diy, shell beach towel, cream momma/papa bear, white climbing wall, beach balls, black silk hat, brown floor lamp, rainbow balloon hat, elephant slides, winter clothing [FT] items, fossils, diy

LF: blue snowflake sweater, blue snowy sweater, blue snowy knit cap, white ski boots, purple ski goggles, blue ski pants, blue skiwear, blue boots, blue pom pom boots
Don’t need yellow elephant slide or red beach ball, no peach diy and only pear diy I need is hat.
[FT] Make an offer,
Furniture: record box, ironing set, red rotary phone, protein shake, homework set, basketball, metal can, clay furnace, paper tiger, fragrance sticks, bathroom towel rack, throwback wrestler, fragrance diffuser, anthurium, dish drying rack, incense burner, dinnerware, bunk bed, red outdoor generator, black cuckoo clock, monstera, red tea set, colorful wheel, cushion, natural antique chair, rattan wardrobe, plastic container, black air circulator, cypress plant, monstera, floating biotop planter, cacao tree, anthurium plant
Wall/Flooring: PINK DINER WALL, DUNGEON WALL, gold iron parquet flooring, dark wood pattern flooring, pink heart-pattern wall, arched window wall, simple red flooring, red dot flooring, aqua tile flooring, beige desert title flooring, green honeycomb tile wall, green honeycomb tile flooring, patchwork tile flooring, red-brick flooring, natural block flooring, blue delicate-blooms wall, orange camo wall, marine pop flooring, monochromatic tile flooring, pink paint floor, abstract wall, purple desert tile wall, white botanical tile wall, colorful tile floor, blue cameo flooring, red perforated board wall, red two toned tile wall, hexagonal floral flooring
Rugs: simple medium brown mat, simple small orange mat, white simple small mat, blue blocks rug, red pursian rug, blue stripes rug, brown argyle rug, 2 red dotted rug, red carpet, rough rug, white wooden deck rug
Clothing: corduroy pants, black ribbon, purple rubber toe sneakers, athletic shorts, long denim cardigan long, doctors mask, pink heart shaped glasses, caterpillar costume, pilots cap, cute sneakers, blue drinking straw glasses, heart shaped hair pin, green round tinted shades, black pixel shades, blue pixel shades, green pixel shades, red pixel shades, jinbei, tambourine, space parka, black silk shirt, orange mesh shirt, dandy hat, fitness tank, black silk shirt
CDs: K.K. Sonata
Fossils: 3 acanthostega, 3 ammonite, ankylo tail, 2 ankylo torso, 3 archaeopteryx, archillion skull, 3 archillion tail, 2 australopith, 1 branchio chest, branchio pelvis, 2 coprolite, dimetrodon torso, diplo skull, diplo pelvis, 2 diplo tail, 2 eusthenopteron, 2 iguanodon tail, left ptera wing, megacero skull, megacero torso, myllokunmingia, 3 ophthalmo skull, patchy skull, 2 parasail tail, 2 plesio tail, 4 ptera body, right ptera wing, spino skull, spino torso, spino tail, stego tail, 3 stego torso, 2 triceratops torso, 2 trilobite
Cataloging (serious offers only): All 8 Garden Gnomes, All 6 Sanrio (Hello Kitty) Amiibo posters, K.K. Slider and Isabelle Amiibo posters, ACNH Nintendo Switch
DIY Recipe Cards: 2 Green Leaf Pile, pot, grass standee, bamboo doll, golden dung beetle, bird house, golden candlesticks, music stand, giant teddy bear
Fruit DIY: Cherry Umbrella, Cherry Wall, Pear Wall, 2 Peach Wall, Peach Surprise Box, Cherry Rug, Juicy-Apple TV, pear rug
open to offers
submitted by TirelessGuardian to ACTrade [link] [comments]

[FS] Various furniture, wallpaper, flooring, clothing. [LF] New DIY recipes, flowers, bells, or specific furniture.

Just getting rid of some of the things I don't use since my storage is reaching it's limit.
[FS/T]**Furniture Housewares:**
**Fashion Items:**

I'm looking for a writing desk, den desk, den chair, writing chair, document stacks, brown/black book stands. Flowers: Lilies, roses, mums, cosmos. I will accept bells, nook tickets or diy recipes as well.
submitted by Darklou to ACTrade [link] [comments]

[LF] pink popcorn machine, almost every inflatable sofa, fruit basket diy, orange wall diy, apple rug/hat/dress DIYs, brown floor lamp, winter clothing in FT list [FT] items, fossils, diy

Edit: ignore the winter clothing I’m not looking for that but can’t edit tile
Also only need green and rainbow inflatable sofa now
LF FRUIT DIY: Fruit Basket, orange wall
Apple: rug, hat, dress
Also looking for pink popcorn machine and every inflatable sofa color except camo and blue, and brown floor lamp
[FT] Make an offer,
Furniture: record box, ironing set, red rotary phone, protein shake, homework set, basketball, metal can, clay furnace, paper tiger, fragrance sticks, bathroom towel rack, throwback wrestler, fragrance diffuser, anthurium, dish drying rack, dinnerware, grey bunk bed, blur bunk bed, red outdoor generator, monstera, red tea set, colorful wheel, cushion, natural antique chair, rattan wardrobe, plastic container, black air circulator, cypress plant, monstera, floating biotop planter, anthurium plant, pink tricycle, red diner count chair, aquamarine diner counter chair, white director’s chair, red double sofa, blue double sofa, blue zen cushion, black air circular, go board, white cushion, electronics kit, upright locker, wheel chair, green throwback wall clock, pro tape recorder, mini cactus set
Wall/Flooring: PINK DINER WALL, gold iron parquet flooring, dark wood pattern flooring, pink heart-pattern wall, arched window wall, simple red flooring, red dot flooring, aqua tile flooring, beige desert title flooring, green honeycomb tile wall, green honeycomb tile flooring, patchwork tile flooring, red-brick flooring, natural block flooring, blue delicate-blooms wall, orange camo wall, marine pop flooring, monochromatic tile flooring, pink paint floor, abstract wall, purple desert tile wall, white botanical tile wall, colorful tile floor, blue cameo flooring, red perforated board wall, red two toned tile wall, hexagonal floral flooring
Rugs: simple medium brown mat, simple small orange mat, white simple small mat, blue blocks rug, blue stripes rug, brown argyle rug, 2 red dotted rug, red carpet, rough rug
Clothing: corduroy pants, black ribbon, purple rubber toe sneakers, athletic shorts, long denim cardigan long, doctors mask, pink heart shaped glasses, caterpillar costume, pilots cap, cute sneakers, blue drinking straw glasses, heart shaped hair pin, green round tinted shades, black pixel shades, blue pixel shades, green pixel shades, red pixel shades, tambourine, space parka, black silk shirt, orange mesh shirt, dandy hat, fitness tank, black silk shirt, green rainbow sweater, lime and purple cycling cap, green cycling cap, silver double bridge glasses, superhero uniform, orange cleats, thief’s outfit, tan open collar shirt, yellow belted dotted dress,
CDs: K.K. Sonata
Fossils: 3 acanthostega, 3 ammonite, ankylo tail, 2 ankylo torso, 3 archaeopteryx, archillion skull, 3 archillion tail, 2 australopith, 1 branchio chest, branchio pelvis, 2 coprolite, dimetrodon torso, diplo skull, diplo pelvis, 2 diplo tail, 2 eusthenopteron, 2 iguanodon tail, left ptera wing, megacero skull, megacero torso, myllokunmingia, 3 ophthalmo skull, patchy skull, 2 parasail tail, 2 plesio tail, 4 ptera body, spino skull, spino torso, spino tail, stego tail, 3 stego torso, 2 triceratops torso, 2 trilobite
Cataloging (serious offers only): All 8 Garden Gnomes, All 6 Sanrio (Hello Kitty) Amiibo posters, K.K. Slider and Isabelle Amiibo posters, ACNH Nintendo Switch
DIY Recipe Cards: 3 Green Leaf Pile, pot, bamboo doll, bird house, golden candlesticks, deer decoration, bamboo grove wall, light bamboo rug, wooden double bed, shell table, leaf umbrella, gold dishes
Fruit DIY: Cherry Umbrella, Cherry Wall, Pear Wall, 2 Peach Wall, Cherry Rug, 2 pear rug, 2 pear wardrobe, pear umbrella, peach hat, pear dress
open to offers
submitted by TirelessGuardian to ACTrade [link] [comments]

[LF] gold rose crown diy, fruit DIYs (not peach), pear hat DIY, cherry speaker DIY, celeste DIYs, giant teddy bear diy, black silk hat, brown floor lamp, winter clothing [FT] items, fossils, diy

LF following winter clothing:
blue snowflake sweater, blue snowy sweater, blue snowy knit cap, white ski boots, purple ski goggles, blue ski pants, blue skiwear, blue boots, blue pom pom boots
[FT] Make an offer,
Furniture: record box, ironing set, red rotary phone, protein shake, homework set, football 🏈 , basketball, metal can, basketball, clay furnace, paper tiger, fragrance sticks, bathroom towel rack, throwback wrestler, fragrance diffuser, anthurium, dish drying rack, incense burner, dinnerware, bunk bed, red outdoor generator, black cuckoo clock, monstera, red tea set, colorful wheel, cushion, natural antique chair, rattan wardrobe, plastic container, black air circulator, cypress plant, monstera, floating biotop planter, cacao tree, anthurium plant
Wall/Flooring: PINK DINER WALL, DUNGEON WALL, gold iron parquet flooring, dark wood pattern flooring, pink heart-pattern wall, arched window wall, simple red flooring, red dot flooring, aqua tile flooring, beige desert title flooring, green honeycomb tile wall, green honeycomb tile flooring, patchwork tile flooring, red-brick flooring, natural block flooring, blue delicate-blooms wall, orange camo wall, marine pop flooring, monochromatic tile flooring, pink paint floor, abstract wall, purple desert tile wall, white botanical tile wall, colorful tile floor, blue cameo flooring, red perforated board wall, red two toned tile wall, hexagonal floral flooring
Rugs: simple medium brown mat, simple small orange mat, white simple small mat, blue blocks rug, red pursian rug, blue stripes rug, brown argyle rug, 2 red dotted rug, red carpet, rough rug, white wooden deck rug
Clothing: corduroy pants, black ribbon, purple rubber toe sneakers, athletic shorts, long denim cardigan long, doctors mask, pink heart shaped glasses, caterpillar costume, pilots cap, cute sneakers, blue drinking straw glasses, heart shaped hair pin, green round tinted shades, black pixel shades, blue pixel shades, green pixel shades, red pixel shades, jinbei, tambourine, space parka, black silk shirt, orange mesh shirt, dandy hat, fitness tank
CDs: K.K. Sonata
Fossils: 3 acanthostega, 3 ammonite, ankylo tail, 2 ankylo torso, 3 archaeopteryx, archillion skull, 3 archillion tail, 2 australopith, 1 branchio chest, branchio pelvis, 2 coprolite, dimetrodon torso, diplo skull, diplo pelvis, 2 diplo tail, 2 eusthenopteron, 2 iguanodon tail, left ptera wing, megacero skull, megacero torso, myllokunmingia, 3 ophthalmo skull, patchy skull, 2 parasail tail, 2 plesio tail, 4 ptera body, right ptera wing, spino skull, spino torso, spino tail, stego tail, 3 stego torso, 2 triceratops torso, 2 trilobite
Cataloging (serious offers only): All 8 Garden Gnomes, All 6 Sanrio (Hello Kitty) Amiibo posters, K.K. Slider and Isabelle Amiibo posters, ACNH Nintendo Switch
DIY Recipe Cards: 2 Green Leaf Pile, pot, grass standee, bamboo doll, basket pack, golden dung beetle, bird house, golden candlesticks, music stand,
Fruit DIY: Cherry Umbrella, Cherry Wall, Pear Wall, 2 Peach Wall, Peach Surprise Box, Cherry Rug, Juicy-Apple TV
open to offers
submitted by TirelessGuardian to ACTrade [link] [comments]

[LF] gold rose crown diy, fruit DIYs, fruit basket diy, cream mama/papa bear, beach towel, blue beach ball, black silk hat, brown floor lamp, red elephant slide, colorful playground gym, zebra springy ride on, winter clothing [FT] items, fossils, diy, red playground gym, pink springy ride on

Don’t need red elephant slide
LF: blue snowflake sweater, blue snowy sweater, blue snowy knit cap, white ski boots, purple ski goggles, blue ski pants, blue skiwear, blue boots, blue pom pom boots
Not looking for peach, pear, or fruit umbrella DIYs
[FT] Make an offer,
Furniture: record box, ironing set, red rotary phone, protein shake, homework set, basketball, metal can, clay furnace, paper tiger, fragrance sticks, bathroom towel rack, throwback wrestler, fragrance diffuser, anthurium, dish drying rack, dinnerware, grey bunk bed, blur bunk bed, red outdoor generator, black cuckoo clock, monstera, red tea set, colorful wheel, cushion, natural antique chair, rattan wardrobe, plastic container, black air circulator, cypress plant, monstera, floating biotop planter, anthurium plant, pink tricycle, red diner count chair, aquamarine diner counter chair, white director’s chair, red double sofa, blue double sofa
Wall/Flooring: PINK DINER WALL, DUNGEON WALL, gold iron parquet flooring, dark wood pattern flooring, pink heart-pattern wall, arched window wall, simple red flooring, red dot flooring, aqua tile flooring, beige desert title flooring, green honeycomb tile wall, green honeycomb tile flooring, patchwork tile flooring, red-brick flooring, natural block flooring, blue delicate-blooms wall, orange camo wall, marine pop flooring, monochromatic tile flooring, pink paint floor, abstract wall, purple desert tile wall, white botanical tile wall, colorful tile floor, blue cameo flooring, red perforated board wall, red two toned tile wall, hexagonal floral flooring
Rugs: simple medium brown mat, simple small orange mat, white simple small mat, blue blocks rug, blue stripes rug, brown argyle rug, 2 red dotted rug, red carpet, rough rug, white wooden deck rug
Clothing: corduroy pants, black ribbon, purple rubber toe sneakers, athletic shorts, long denim cardigan long, doctors mask, pink heart shaped glasses, caterpillar costume, pilots cap, cute sneakers, blue drinking straw glasses, heart shaped hair pin, green round tinted shades, black pixel shades, blue pixel shades, green pixel shades, red pixel shades, tambourine, space parka, black silk shirt, orange mesh shirt, dandy hat, fitness tank, black silk shirt, green rainbow sweater
CDs: K.K. Sonata
Fossils: 3 acanthostega, 3 ammonite, ankylo tail, 2 ankylo torso, 3 archaeopteryx, archillion skull, 3 archillion tail, 2 australopith, 1 branchio chest, branchio pelvis, 2 coprolite, dimetrodon torso, diplo skull, diplo pelvis, 2 diplo tail, 2 eusthenopteron, 2 iguanodon tail, left ptera wing, megacero skull, megacero torso, myllokunmingia, 3 ophthalmo skull, patchy skull, 2 parasail tail, 2 plesio tail, 4 ptera body, spino skull, spino torso, spino tail, stego tail, 3 stego torso, 2 triceratops torso, 2 trilobite
Cataloging (serious offers only): All 8 Garden Gnomes, All 6 Sanrio (Hello Kitty) Amiibo posters, K.K. Slider and Isabelle Amiibo posters, ACNH Nintendo Switch
DIY Recipe Cards: 3 Green Leaf Pile, pot, bamboo doll, golden dung beetle, bird house, golden candlesticks, deer decoration, bamboo grove wall, light bamboo rug, wooden double bed
Fruit DIY: Cherry Umbrella, Cherry Wall, Pear Wall, 2 Peach Wall, Cherry Rug, Juicy-Apple TV, pear rug, pear umbrella
open to offers
submitted by TirelessGuardian to ACTrade [link] [comments]

[LF] gold rose crown diy, fruit basket diy, orange wall diy, apple DIYs, coconut wall planter DIY, beach towel, blue beach ball, black silk hat, brown floor lamp, colorful playground gym, winter clothing and other rare/out of season clothes [FT] items, fossils, diy, red playground gym,

LF: blue snowflake sweater, blue snowy sweater, beige faux-shearling skirt, white ski boots, purple ski goggles, blue ski pants, blue skiwear, blue pom pom boots, red boots,
Also LF other rare clothes or clothes out of season, willing to just catalog other clothes
LF FRUIT DIY: Fruit Basket, orange wall, coconut wall hanger
Apple: wall, rug, hat, dress
[FT] Make an offer,
Furniture: record box, ironing set, red rotary phone, protein shake, homework set, basketball, metal can, clay furnace, paper tiger, fragrance sticks, bathroom towel rack, throwback wrestler, fragrance diffuser, anthurium, dish drying rack, dinnerware, grey bunk bed, blur bunk bed, red outdoor generator, black cuckoo clock, monstera, red tea set, colorful wheel, cushion, natural antique chair, rattan wardrobe, plastic container, black air circulator, cypress plant, monstera, floating biotop planter, anthurium plant, pink tricycle, red diner count chair, aquamarine diner counter chair, white director’s chair, red double sofa, blue double sofa, blue zen cushion, white writing desk, black air circular, go board, white cushion, electronics kit
Wall/Flooring: PINK DINER WALL, gold iron parquet flooring, dark wood pattern flooring, pink heart-pattern wall, arched window wall, simple red flooring, red dot flooring, aqua tile flooring, beige desert title flooring, green honeycomb tile wall, green honeycomb tile flooring, patchwork tile flooring, red-brick flooring, natural block flooring, blue delicate-blooms wall, orange camo wall, marine pop flooring, monochromatic tile flooring, pink paint floor, abstract wall, purple desert tile wall, white botanical tile wall, colorful tile floor, blue cameo flooring, red perforated board wall, red two toned tile wall, hexagonal floral flooring
Rugs: simple medium brown mat, simple small orange mat, white simple small mat, blue blocks rug, blue stripes rug, brown argyle rug, 2 red dotted rug, red carpet, rough rug
Clothing: corduroy pants, black ribbon, purple rubber toe sneakers, athletic shorts, long denim cardigan long, doctors mask, pink heart shaped glasses, caterpillar costume, pilots cap, cute sneakers, blue drinking straw glasses, heart shaped hair pin, green round tinted shades, black pixel shades, blue pixel shades, green pixel shades, red pixel shades, tambourine, space parka, black silk shirt, orange mesh shirt, dandy hat, fitness tank, black silk shirt, green rainbow sweater, lime and purple cycling cap, silver double bridge glasses, superhero uniform, orange cleats
CDs: K.K. Sonata
Fossils: 3 acanthostega, 3 ammonite, ankylo tail, 2 ankylo torso, 3 archaeopteryx, archillion skull, 3 archillion tail, 2 australopith, 1 branchio chest, branchio pelvis, 2 coprolite, dimetrodon torso, diplo skull, diplo pelvis, 2 diplo tail, 2 eusthenopteron, 2 iguanodon tail, left ptera wing, megacero skull, megacero torso, myllokunmingia, 3 ophthalmo skull, patchy skull, 2 parasail tail, 2 plesio tail, 4 ptera body, spino skull, spino torso, spino tail, stego tail, 3 stego torso, 2 triceratops torso, 2 trilobite
Cataloging (serious offers only): All 8 Garden Gnomes, All 6 Sanrio (Hello Kitty) Amiibo posters, K.K. Slider and Isabelle Amiibo posters, ACNH Nintendo Switch
DIY Recipe Cards: 3 Green Leaf Pile, pot, bamboo doll, golden dung beetle, bird house, golden candlesticks, deer decoration, bamboo grove wall, light bamboo rug, wooden double bed
Fruit DIY: Cherry Umbrella, Cherry Wall, Pear Wall, 2 Peach Wall, Cherry Rug, Juicy-Apple TV, pear rug, pear umbrella
open to offers
submitted by TirelessGuardian to ACTrade [link] [comments]

[LF] Amber, Deinony Torso, gold rose crown diy, fruit DIYs, rocket diy, raccoon figurine diy, giant teddy bear, red and black silk hats, two toned color wheel, natural Mr Flamingo, brown floor lamp [FT] items and diy

Last 2 fossils I need: Amber, Deinony Torso
[FT] Make an offer,
Furniture: record box, ironing set, red rotary phone, protein shake, homework set, football 🏈 , basketball, metal can, basketball, clay furnace, paper tiger, fragrance sticks, bathroom towel rack, throwback wrestler, fragrance diffuser, anthurium, dish drying rack, incense burner, dinnerware, bunk bed, red outdoor generator, black cuckoo clock, monstera, red tea set, colorful wheel, cushion, natural antique chair, rattan wardrobe
Wall/Flooring: PINK DINER WALL, DUNGEON WALL, gold iron parquet flooring, dark wood pattern flooring, pink heart-pattern wall, arched window wall, simple red flooring, red dot flooring, aqua tile flooring, beige desert title flooring, green honeycomb tile wall, green honeycomb tile flooring, patchwork tile flooring, red-brick flooring, natural block flooring, blue delicate-blooms wall, orange camo wall, marine pop flooring, monochromatic tile flooring, pink paint floor, abstract wall, purple desert tile wall, white botanical tile wall, colorful tile floor, blue cameo flooring, red perforated board wall, red two toned tile wall, hexagonal floral flooring
Clothing: corduroy pants, black ribbon, purple rubber toe sneakers, athletic shorts, long denim cardigan long, doctors mask, pink heart shaped glasses, caterpillar costume, pilots cap, cute sneakers, blue drinking straw glasses, heart shaped hair pin, green round tinted shades, black pixel shades, blue pixel shades, green pixel shades, red pixel shades, jinbei, tambourine, space parka, black silk shirt, orange mesh shirt, dandy hat,
CDs: K.K. Ballad, K.K. Groove, K.K. Sonata, K.K. Swing
Fossils: 3 acanthostega, 3 ammonite, 2 ankylo torso, 3 archaeopteryx, archillion skull, 3 archillion tail, 2 australopith, 2 branchio chest, branchio pelvis, 2 coprolite, dimetrodon torso, diplo skull, 2 diplo tail, 2 eusthenopteron, 2 iguanodon tail, left ptera wing, megacero skull, megacero torso, myllokunmingia, 3 ophthalmo, patchy skull, 2 parasail tail, 2 plesio tail, 4 ptera body, right ptera wing, spino skull, spino torso, spino tail, 2 stego tail, 3 stego torso, 2 triceratops torso, 3 trilobite
Cataloging (serious offers only): All 8 Garden Gnomes, All 6 Sanrio (Hello Kitty) Amiibo posters, K.K. Slider and Isabelle Amiibo posters, ACNH Nintendo Switch
DIY Recipe Cards: 2 Green Leaf Pile, pot, peach surprise box, peach wall, grass standee, bamboo doll, basket pack, golden dung beetle, shell arch, bird house, pear wall, peach wall, cherry wall
open to offers
submitted by TirelessGuardian to ACTrade [link] [comments]

[LF] gold rose crown diy, fruit DIYs (not peach or pear), infused water dispenser diy, fruit basket diy, shell beach towel, red tricycle, white climbing wall, blue beach ball, black silk hat, brown floor lamp, rainbow balloon hat, elephant slides, winter clothing [FT] items, fossils, diy

LF: blue snowflake sweater, blue snowy sweater, blue snowy knit cap, white ski boots, purple ski goggles, blue ski pants, blue skiwear, blue boots, blue pom pom boots
Elephant Slide Colors Need: Black, Red, Light Blue, Grey
[FT] Make an offer,
Furniture: record box, ironing set, red rotary phone, protein shake, homework set, basketball, metal can, clay furnace, paper tiger, fragrance sticks, bathroom towel rack, throwback wrestler, fragrance diffuser, anthurium, dish drying rack, incense burner, dinnerware, bunk bed, red outdoor generator, black cuckoo clock, monstera, red tea set, colorful wheel, cushion, natural antique chair, rattan wardrobe, plastic container, black air circulator, cypress plant, monstera, floating biotop planter, cacao tree, anthurium plant
Wall/Flooring: PINK DINER WALL, DUNGEON WALL, gold iron parquet flooring, dark wood pattern flooring, pink heart-pattern wall, arched window wall, simple red flooring, red dot flooring, aqua tile flooring, beige desert title flooring, green honeycomb tile wall, green honeycomb tile flooring, patchwork tile flooring, red-brick flooring, natural block flooring, blue delicate-blooms wall, orange camo wall, marine pop flooring, monochromatic tile flooring, pink paint floor, abstract wall, purple desert tile wall, white botanical tile wall, colorful tile floor, blue cameo flooring, red perforated board wall, red two toned tile wall, hexagonal floral flooring
Rugs: simple medium brown mat, simple small orange mat, white simple small mat, blue blocks rug, red pursian rug, blue stripes rug, brown argyle rug, 2 red dotted rug, red carpet, rough rug, white wooden deck rug
Clothing: corduroy pants, black ribbon, purple rubber toe sneakers, athletic shorts, long denim cardigan long, doctors mask, pink heart shaped glasses, caterpillar costume, pilots cap, cute sneakers, blue drinking straw glasses, heart shaped hair pin, green round tinted shades, black pixel shades, blue pixel shades, green pixel shades, red pixel shades, jinbei, tambourine, space parka, black silk shirt, orange mesh shirt, dandy hat, fitness tank, black silk shirt
CDs: K.K. Sonata
Fossils: 3 acanthostega, 3 ammonite, ankylo tail, 2 ankylo torso, 3 archaeopteryx, archillion skull, 3 archillion tail, 2 australopith, 1 branchio chest, branchio pelvis, 2 coprolite, dimetrodon torso, diplo skull, diplo pelvis, 2 diplo tail, 2 eusthenopteron, 2 iguanodon tail, left ptera wing, megacero skull, megacero torso, myllokunmingia, 3 ophthalmo skull, patchy skull, 2 parasail tail, 2 plesio tail, 4 ptera body, right ptera wing, spino skull, spino torso, spino tail, stego tail, 3 stego torso, 2 triceratops torso, 2 trilobite
Cataloging (serious offers only): All 8 Garden Gnomes, All 6 Sanrio (Hello Kitty) Amiibo posters, K.K. Slider and Isabelle Amiibo posters, ACNH Nintendo Switch
DIY Recipe Cards: 2 Green Leaf Pile, pot, bamboo doll, golden dung beetle, bird house, golden candlesticks, music stand, giant teddy bear
Fruit DIY: Cherry Umbrella, Cherry Wall, Pear Wall, 2 Peach Wall, Cherry Rug, Juicy-Apple TV, pear rug
open to offers
submitted by TirelessGuardian to ACTrade [link] [comments]

[LF] gold rose crown diy, fruit DIYs, rocket diy, giant teddy bear diy, black silk hat, brown floor lamp, earth rug, specific winter outfits [FT] items and diy

Looking for clothes to create a winter outfit:
blue snowflake sweater, blue snowy sweater, blue snowy knit cap, white ski boots, purple ski goggles, blue ski pants, blue skiwear, blue boots, blue pom pom boots
[FT] Make an offer,
Furniture: record box, ironing set, red rotary phone, protein shake, homework set, football 🏈 , basketball, metal can, basketball, clay furnace, paper tiger, fragrance sticks, bathroom towel rack, throwback wrestler, fragrance diffuser, anthurium, dish drying rack, incense burner, dinnerware, bunk bed, red outdoor generator, black cuckoo clock, monstera, red tea set, colorful wheel, cushion, natural antique chair, rattan wardrobe, plastic container, black air circulator, cypress plant, monstera, floating biotop planter, cacao tree, anthurium plant
Wall/Flooring: PINK DINER WALL, DUNGEON WALL, gold iron parquet flooring, dark wood pattern flooring, pink heart-pattern wall, arched window wall, simple red flooring, red dot flooring, aqua tile flooring, beige desert title flooring, green honeycomb tile wall, green honeycomb tile flooring, patchwork tile flooring, red-brick flooring, natural block flooring, blue delicate-blooms wall, orange camo wall, marine pop flooring, monochromatic tile flooring, pink paint floor, abstract wall, purple desert tile wall, white botanical tile wall, colorful tile floor, blue cameo flooring, red perforated board wall, red two toned tile wall, hexagonal floral flooring
Rugs: simple medium brown mat, simple small orange mat, white simple small mat, blue blocks rug, red pursian rug, blue stripes rug, brown argyle rug, 2 red dotted rug, red carpet, rough rug, white wooden deck rug
Clothing: corduroy pants, black ribbon, purple rubber toe sneakers, athletic shorts, long denim cardigan long, doctors mask, pink heart shaped glasses, caterpillar costume, pilots cap, cute sneakers, blue drinking straw glasses, heart shaped hair pin, green round tinted shades, black pixel shades, blue pixel shades, green pixel shades, red pixel shades, jinbei, tambourine, space parka, black silk shirt, orange mesh shirt, dandy hat, fitness tank
CDs: K.K. Sonata
Fossils: 3 acanthostega, 3 ammonite, ankylo tail, 2 ankylo torso, 3 archaeopteryx, archillion skull, 3 archillion tail, 2 australopith, 1 branchio chest, branchio pelvis, 2 coprolite, dimetrodon torso, diplo skull, diplo pelvis, 2 diplo tail, 2 eusthenopteron, 2 iguanodon tail, left ptera wing, megacero skull, megacero torso, myllokunmingia, 3 ophthalmo skull, patchy skull, 2 parasail tail, 2 plesio tail, 4 ptera body, right ptera wing, spino skull, spino torso, spino tail, stego tail, 3 stego torso, 2 triceratops torso, 2 trilobite
Cataloging (serious offers only): All 8 Garden Gnomes, All 6 Sanrio (Hello Kitty) Amiibo posters, K.K. Slider and Isabelle Amiibo posters, ACNH Nintendo Switch
DIY Recipe Cards: 2 Green Leaf Pile, pot, peach surprise box, peach wall, grass standee, bamboo doll, basket pack, golden dung beetle, shell arch, bird house, pear wall, peach wall, cherry wall, golden candlesticks
open to offers
submitted by TirelessGuardian to ACTrade [link] [comments]

[LF] gold rose crown diy, fruit DIYs (not peach), pear hat DIY, infused water dispenser diy, fruit basket diy, celeste DIYs, papa bear, black silk hat, brown floor lamp, winter clothing [FT] items, fossils, diy

Looking for the following winter clothing:
blue snowflake sweater, blue snowy sweater, blue snowy knit cap, white ski boots, purple ski goggles, blue ski pants, blue skiwear, blue boots, blue pom pom boots
[FT] Make an offer,
Furniture: record box, ironing set, red rotary phone, protein shake, homework set, football 🏈 , basketball, metal can, basketball, clay furnace, paper tiger, fragrance sticks, bathroom towel rack, throwback wrestler, fragrance diffuser, anthurium, dish drying rack, incense burner, dinnerware, bunk bed, red outdoor generator, black cuckoo clock, monstera, red tea set, colorful wheel, cushion, natural antique chair, rattan wardrobe, plastic container, black air circulator, cypress plant, monstera, floating biotop planter, cacao tree, anthurium plant
Wall/Flooring: PINK DINER WALL, DUNGEON WALL, gold iron parquet flooring, dark wood pattern flooring, pink heart-pattern wall, arched window wall, simple red flooring, red dot flooring, aqua tile flooring, beige desert title flooring, green honeycomb tile wall, green honeycomb tile flooring, patchwork tile flooring, red-brick flooring, natural block flooring, blue delicate-blooms wall, orange camo wall, marine pop flooring, monochromatic tile flooring, pink paint floor, abstract wall, purple desert tile wall, white botanical tile wall, colorful tile floor, blue cameo flooring, red perforated board wall, red two toned tile wall, hexagonal floral flooring
Rugs: simple medium brown mat, simple small orange mat, white simple small mat, blue blocks rug, red pursian rug, blue stripes rug, brown argyle rug, 2 red dotted rug, red carpet, rough rug, white wooden deck rug
Clothing: corduroy pants, black ribbon, purple rubber toe sneakers, athletic shorts, long denim cardigan long, doctors mask, pink heart shaped glasses, caterpillar costume, pilots cap, cute sneakers, blue drinking straw glasses, heart shaped hair pin, green round tinted shades, black pixel shades, blue pixel shades, green pixel shades, red pixel shades, jinbei, tambourine, space parka, black silk shirt, orange mesh shirt, dandy hat, fitness tank, black silk shirt
CDs: K.K. Sonata
Fossils: 3 acanthostega, 3 ammonite, ankylo tail, 2 ankylo torso, 3 archaeopteryx, archillion skull, 3 archillion tail, 2 australopith, 1 branchio chest, branchio pelvis, 2 coprolite, dimetrodon torso, diplo skull, diplo pelvis, 2 diplo tail, 2 eusthenopteron, 2 iguanodon tail, left ptera wing, megacero skull, megacero torso, myllokunmingia, 3 ophthalmo skull, patchy skull, 2 parasail tail, 2 plesio tail, 4 ptera body, right ptera wing, spino skull, spino torso, spino tail, stego tail, 3 stego torso, 2 triceratops torso, 2 trilobite
Cataloging (serious offers only): All 8 Garden Gnomes, All 6 Sanrio (Hello Kitty) Amiibo posters, K.K. Slider and Isabelle Amiibo posters, ACNH Nintendo Switch
DIY Recipe Cards: 2 Green Leaf Pile, pot, grass standee, bamboo doll, basket pack, golden dung beetle, bird house, golden candlesticks, music stand, giant teddy bear diy
Fruit DIY: Cherry Umbrella, Cherry Wall, Pear Wall, 2 Peach Wall, Peach Surprise Box, Cherry Rug, Juicy-Apple TV
open to offers
submitted by TirelessGuardian to ACTrade [link] [comments]

[LF] Gold Rose Crown DIY, Amber, Deinony Tail, Deinony Torso, Right Quetzal Wing [FT] other items, DIYs, (not for fossils)

Looking For Gold Rose Crown DIY
Fossils I’m looking for:
Deinony Tail
Deinony Torso
For Trade: Make an offer,
Furniture: record box, ironing set, red rotary phone, protein shake, homework set, football 🏈 , basketball, metal can, basketball, clay furnace, paper tiger, fragrance sticks, bathroom towel rack, throwback wrestler, fragrance diffuser, anthurium, dish drying rack, incense burner, dinnerware, bunk bed, red outdoor generator, black cuckoo clock, monstera, red tea set
Wall/Flooring: PINK DINER WALL, gold iron parquet flooring, dark wood pattern flooring, pink heart-pattern wall, arched window wall, simple red flooring, red dot flooring, aqua tile flooring, beige desert title flooring, green honeycomb tile wall, green honeycomb tile flooring, patchwork tile flooring, red-brick flooring, natural block flooring, blue delicate-blooms wall, orange camo wall, marine pop flooring, monochromatic tile flooring, pink paint floor, abstract wall, purple desert tile wall, white botanical tile wall, colorful tile floor, blue cameo flooring, red perforated board wall, red two toned tile wall, hexagonal floral flooring
Clothing: corduroy pants, black ribbon, purple rubber toe sneakers, athletic shorts, long denim cardigan long, doctors mask, pink heart shaped glasses, caterpillar costume, pilots cap, cute sneakers, blue drinking straw glasses, heart shaped hair pin, green round tinted shades, black pixel shades, blue pixel shades, green pixel shades, red pixel shades, jinbei, tambourine, space parka, black silk shirt, orange mesh shirt, dandy hat,
CDs: K.K. Ballad, K.K. Groove, K.K. Sonata, K.K. Swing
Fossils: 3 acanthostega, 3 ammonite, 2 ankylo torso, 3 archaeopteryx, 3 archillion tail, 2 australopith, 2 branchio chest, branchio pelvis, 2 coprolite, dimetrodon torso, diplo neck, 2 diplo tail, 2 eusthenopteron, iguanodon skull, 2 iguanodon tail, left ptera wing, megacero skull, megacero torso, myllokunmingia, 3 ophthalmo, patchy skull, 2 parasail tail, 2 plesio tail, 4 ptera body, right ptera wing, spino skull, spino torso, spino tail, 2 stego tail, 3 stego torso, 3 triceratops torso, 3 trilobite
Cataloging (serious offers only): All 8 Garden Gnomes, All 6 Sanrio (Hello Kitty) Amiibo posters, K.K. Slider and Isabelle Amiibo posters, ACNH Nintendo Switch
DIY Recipe Cards: 2 Green Leaf Pile, pot, peach surprise box, peach wall, grass standee, bamboo doll, basket pack, golden dung beetle, shell arch, bird house
open to offers
submitted by TirelessGuardian to ACTrade [link] [comments]

[LF] gold rose crown diy, fruit basket diy, orange wall diy, apple rug/hat/ dress DIY, DIY, brown floor lamp, red popcorn machine, every inflatable sofa color except blue [FT] items, fossils, DIY, clothing

Edit: I don’t need the camo inflatable sofa either or the popcorn machine, I do not need gold rose crown
LF FRUIT DIY: Fruit Basket, orange wall
Apple: rug, hat, dress
Also trying to collect every inflatable sofa (I already have blue) and the red popcorn machine, as well as brown floor lamp and gold rose crown diy (not interested in the item)
[FT] Make an offer,
Furniture: record box, ironing set, red rotary phone, protein shake, homework set, basketball, metal can, clay furnace, paper tiger, fragrance sticks, bathroom towel rack, throwback wrestler, fragrance diffuser, anthurium, dish drying rack, dinnerware, grey bunk bed, blur bunk bed, red outdoor generator, black cuckoo clock, monstera, red tea set, colorful wheel, cushion, natural antique chair, rattan wardrobe, plastic container, black air circulator, cypress plant, monstera, floating biotop planter, anthurium plant, pink tricycle, red diner count chair, aquamarine diner counter chair, white director’s chair, red double sofa, blue double sofa, blue zen cushion, white writing desk~~, black air circular, go board, ~~white cushion, electronics kit, upright locker, wheel chair, green throwback wall clock, pro tape recorder, mini cactus set
Wall/Flooring: PINK DINER WALL, gold iron parquet flooring, dark wood pattern flooring, pink heart-pattern wall, arched window wall, simple red flooring, red dot flooring, aqua tile flooring, beige desert title flooring, green honeycomb tile wall, green honeycomb tile flooring, patchwork tile flooring, red-brick flooring, natural block flooring, blue delicate-blooms wall, orange camo wall, marine pop flooring, monochromatic tile flooring, pink paint floor, abstract wall, purple desert tile wall, white botanical tile wall, colorful tile floor, blue cameo flooring, red perforated board wall, red two toned tile wall, hexagonal floral flooring
Rugs: simple medium brown mat, simple small orange mat, white simple small mat, blue blocks rug, blue stripes rug, brown argyle rug, 2 red dotted rug, red carpet, rough rug
Clothing: corduroy pants, black ribbon, purple rubber toe sneakers, athletic shorts, long denim cardigan long, doctors mask, pink heart shaped glasses, caterpillar costume, pilots cap, cute sneakers, blue drinking straw glasses, heart shaped hair pin, green round tinted shades, black pixel shades, blue pixel shades, green pixel shades, red pixel shades, tambourine, space parka, black silk shirt, orange mesh shirt, dandy hat, fitness tank, black silk shirt, green rainbow sweater, lime and purple cycling cap, green cycling cap, silver double bridge glasses, superhero uniform, orange cleats, thief’s outfit, tan open collar shirt, yellow belted dotted dress,
CDs: K.K. Sonata
Fossils: 3 acanthostega, 3 ammonite, ankylo tail, 2 ankylo torso, 3 archaeopteryx, archillion skull, 3 archillion tail, 2 australopith, 1 branchio chest, branchio pelvis, 2 coprolite, dimetrodon torso, diplo skull, diplo pelvis, 2 diplo tail, 2 eusthenopteron, 2 iguanodon tail, left ptera wing, megacero skull, megacero torso, myllokunmingia, 3 ophthalmo skull, patchy skull, 2 parasail tail, 2 plesio tail, 4 ptera body, spino skull, spino torso, spino tail, stego tail, 3 stego torso, 2 triceratops torso, 2 trilobite
Cataloging (serious offers only): All 8 Garden Gnomes, All 6 Sanrio (Hello Kitty) Amiibo posters, K.K. Slider and Isabelle Amiibo posters, ACNH Nintendo Switch
DIY Recipe Cards: 3 Green Leaf Pile, pot, bamboo doll, bird house, golden candlesticks, deer decoration, bamboo grove wall, light bamboo rug, wooden double bed, shell table, leaf umbrella, gold dishes
Fruit DIY: Cherry Umbrella, Cherry Wall, Pear Wall, 2 Peach Wall, Cherry Rug, 2 pear rug, 2 pear wardrobe, pear umbrella, peach hat, pear dress
open to offers
submitted by TirelessGuardian to ACTrade [link] [comments]

[LF] gold rose crown diy, fruit DIYs, rocket diy, giant teddy bear, fossil doorplate diy, red and black silk hats, street organ (not natural), natural Mr Flamingo, brown floor lamp, fossil rug [FT] items and diy

[FT] Make an offer,
Furniture: record box, ironing set, red rotary phone, protein shake, homework set, football 🏈 , basketball, metal can, basketball, clay furnace, paper tiger, fragrance sticks, bathroom towel rack, throwback wrestler, fragrance diffuser, anthurium, dish drying rack, incense burner, dinnerware, bunk bed, red outdoor generator, black cuckoo clock, monstera, red tea set, colorful wheel, cushion, natural antique chair, rattan wardrobe, plastic container, black air circulator, cypress plant, monstera, floating biotop planter, cacao tree, anthurium plant
Wall/Flooring: PINK DINER WALL, DUNGEON WALL, gold iron parquet flooring, dark wood pattern flooring, pink heart-pattern wall, arched window wall, simple red flooring, red dot flooring, aqua tile flooring, beige desert title flooring, green honeycomb tile wall, green honeycomb tile flooring, patchwork tile flooring, red-brick flooring, natural block flooring, blue delicate-blooms wall, orange camo wall, marine pop flooring, monochromatic tile flooring, pink paint floor, abstract wall, purple desert tile wall, white botanical tile wall, colorful tile floor, blue cameo flooring, red perforated board wall, red two toned tile wall, hexagonal floral flooring
Clothing: corduroy pants, black ribbon, purple rubber toe sneakers, athletic shorts, long denim cardigan long, doctors mask, pink heart shaped glasses, caterpillar costume, pilots cap, cute sneakers, blue drinking straw glasses, heart shaped hair pin, green round tinted shades, black pixel shades, blue pixel shades, green pixel shades, red pixel shades, jinbei, tambourine, space parka, black silk shirt, orange mesh shirt, dandy hat, fitness tank
CDs: K.K. Ballad, K.K. Groove, K.K. Sonata, K.K. Swing
Fossils: 3 acanthostega, 3 ammonite, ankylo tail, 2 ankylo torso, 3 archaeopteryx, archillion skull, 3 archillion tail, 2 australopith, 1 branchio chest, branchio pelvis, 2 coprolite, dimetrodon torso, diplo skull, diplo pelvis, 2 diplo tail, 2 eusthenopteron, 2 iguanodon tail, left ptera wing, megacero skull, megacero torso, myllokunmingia, 3 ophthalmo skull, patchy skull, 2 parasail tail, 2 plesio tail, 4 ptera body, right ptera wing, spino skull, spino torso, spino tail, stego tail, 3 stego torso, 2 triceratops torso, 2 trilobite
Cataloging (serious offers only): All 8 Garden Gnomes, All 6 Sanrio (Hello Kitty) Amiibo posters, K.K. Slider and Isabelle Amiibo posters, ACNH Nintendo Switch
DIY Recipe Cards: 2 Green Leaf Pile, pot, peach surprise box, peach wall, grass standee, bamboo doll, basket pack, golden dung beetle, shell arch, bird house, pear wall, peach wall, cherry wall, golden candlesticks
open to offers
submitted by TirelessGuardian to ACTrade [link] [comments]

[LF] gold rose crown diy, fruit DIYs (not peach or pear), fruit basket diy, cream mama/papa bear, shell beach towel, blue beach ball, black silk hat, brown floor lamp, red rainbow sweater, elephant slides, winter clothing [FT] items, fossils, diy

LF: blue snowflake sweater, blue snowy sweater, blue snowy knit cap, white ski boots, purple ski goggles, blue ski pants, blue skiwear, blue boots, blue pom pom boots
Elephant Slide Colors Need: Red, Light Blue, Grey
[FT] Make an offer,
Furniture: record box, ironing set, red rotary phone, protein shake, homework set, basketball, metal can, clay furnace, paper tiger, fragrance sticks, bathroom towel rack, throwback wrestler, fragrance diffuser, anthurium, dish drying rack, dinnerware, grey bunk bed, blur bunk bed, red outdoor generator, black cuckoo clock, monstera, red tea set, colorful wheel, cushion, natural antique chair, rattan wardrobe, plastic container, black air circulator, cypress plant, monstera, floating biotop planter, anthurium plant, pink tricycle, red diner count chair, aquamarine diner counter chair, white director’s chair, red double sofa,
Wall/Flooring: PINK DINER WALL, DUNGEON WALL, gold iron parquet flooring, dark wood pattern flooring, pink heart-pattern wall, arched window wall, simple red flooring, red dot flooring, aqua tile flooring, beige desert title flooring, green honeycomb tile wall, green honeycomb tile flooring, patchwork tile flooring, red-brick flooring, natural block flooring, blue delicate-blooms wall, orange camo wall, marine pop flooring, monochromatic tile flooring, pink paint floor, abstract wall, purple desert tile wall, white botanical tile wall, colorful tile floor, blue cameo flooring, red perforated board wall, red two toned tile wall, hexagonal floral flooring
Rugs: simple medium brown mat, simple small orange mat, white simple small mat, blue blocks rug, red pursian rug, blue stripes rug, brown argyle rug, 2 red dotted rug, red carpet, rough rug, white wooden deck rug
Clothing: corduroy pants, black ribbon, purple rubber toe sneakers, athletic shorts, long denim cardigan long, doctors mask, pink heart shaped glasses, caterpillar costume, pilots cap, cute sneakers, blue drinking straw glasses, heart shaped hair pin, green round tinted shades, black pixel shades, blue pixel shades, green pixel shades, red pixel shades, tambourine, space parka, black silk shirt, orange mesh shirt, dandy hat, fitness tank, black silk shirt
CDs: K.K. Sonata
Fossils: 3 acanthostega, 3 ammonite, ankylo tail, 2 ankylo torso, 3 archaeopteryx, archillion skull, 3 archillion tail, 2 australopith, 1 branchio chest, branchio pelvis, 2 coprolite, dimetrodon torso, diplo skull, diplo pelvis, 2 diplo tail, 2 eusthenopteron, 2 iguanodon tail, left ptera wing, megacero skull, megacero torso, myllokunmingia, 3 ophthalmo skull, patchy skull, 2 parasail tail, 2 plesio tail, 4 ptera body, right ptera wing, spino skull, spino torso, spino tail, stego tail, 3 stego torso, 2 triceratops torso, 2 trilobite
Cataloging (serious offers only): All 8 Garden Gnomes, All 6 Sanrio (Hello Kitty) Amiibo posters, K.K. Slider and Isabelle Amiibo posters, ACNH Nintendo Switch
DIY Recipe Cards: 2 Green Leaf Pile, pot, bamboo doll, golden dung beetle, bird house, golden candlesticks, deer decoration, bamboo grove wall, light bamboo rug
Fruit DIY: Cherry Umbrella, Cherry Wall, Pear Wall, 2 Peach Wall, Cherry Rug, Juicy-Apple TV, pear rug
open to offers
submitted by TirelessGuardian to ACTrade [link] [comments]

[LF] gold rose crown diy, fruit DIYs, rocket diy, raccoon figurine diy, wooden board sign diy, red and black silk hats, two toned color wheel, natural Mr Flamingo, white Mrs Flamingo, brown floor lamp [FT] items and DIY

[FT] Make an offer,
Furniture: record box, ironing set, red rotary phone, protein shake, homework set, football 🏈 , basketball, metal can, basketball, clay furnace, paper tiger, fragrance sticks, bathroom towel rack, throwback wrestler, fragrance diffuser, anthurium, dish drying rack, incense burner, dinnerware, bunk bed, red outdoor generator, black cuckoo clock, monstera, red tea set
Wall/Flooring: PINK DINER WALL, gold iron parquet flooring, dark wood pattern flooring, pink heart-pattern wall, arched window wall, simple red flooring, red dot flooring, aqua tile flooring, beige desert title flooring, green honeycomb tile wall, green honeycomb tile flooring, patchwork tile flooring, red-brick flooring, natural block flooring, blue delicate-blooms wall, orange camo wall, marine pop flooring, monochromatic tile flooring, pink paint floor, abstract wall, purple desert tile wall, white botanical tile wall, colorful tile floor, blue cameo flooring, red perforated board wall, red two toned wall, hexagonal floral flooring
Clothing: corduroy pants, black ribbon, purple rubber toe sneakers, athletic shorts, long denim cardigan long, doctors mask, pink heart shaped glasses, caterpillar costume, pilots cap, cute sneakers, blue drinking straw glasses, heart shaped hair pin, green round tinted shades, black pixel shades, blue pixel shades, green pixel shades, red pixel shades, jinbei, tambourine, space parka, black silk shirt, orange mesh shirt, dandy hat
CDs: K.K. Ballad, K.K. Groove, K.K. Sonata, K.K. Swing
Fossils: 3 acanthostega, 3 ammonite, 2 ankylo torso, 3 archaeopteryx, 3 archillion tail, 2 australopith, 2 branchio chest, branchio pelvis, 2 coprolite, dimetrodon torso, diplo neck, 2 diplo tail, 2 eusthenopteron, iguanodon skull, 2 iguanodon tail, left ptera wing, megacero skull, 2 megacero torso, myllokunmingia, 3 ophthalmo, patchy skull, 2 parasail tail, 2 plesio tail, 4 ptera body, right ptera wing, spino skull, spino torso, spino tail, 2 stego tail, 3 stego torso, 3 triceratops torso, 3 trilobite
Cataloging (serious offers only): All 8 Garden Gnomes, All 6 Sanrio (Hello Kitty) Amiibo posters, K.K. Slider and Isabelle Amiibo posters, ACNH Nintendo Switch
DIY Recipe Cards: 2 Green Leaf Pile, pot, peach surprise box, peach wall, grass standee, Ironwood clock, bamboo doll, basket pack, shell arch, bird house
Gold DIY: golden dung beetle
open to offers
submitted by TirelessGuardian to ACTrade [link] [comments]

[LF] gold rose crown diy, fruit DIYs, rocket diy, giant teddy bear, red and black silk hats, blue and yellow street organs, natural Mr Flamingo, brown floor lamp, earth rug, fossil rug, specific winter clothing [FT] items, diy, fossils

Looking for the following items so I can create a winter outfit:
blue snowflake sweater, blue snowy sweater, blue snowy knit cap, white ski boots, purple ski goggles, blue ski pants, blue skiwear, blue boots, blue pom pom boots
[FT] Make an offer,
Furniture: record box, ironing set, red rotary phone, protein shake, homework set, football 🏈 , basketball, metal can, basketball, clay furnace, paper tiger, fragrance sticks, bathroom towel rack, throwback wrestler, fragrance diffuser, anthurium, dish drying rack, incense burner, dinnerware, bunk bed, red outdoor generator, black cuckoo clock, monstera, red tea set, colorful wheel, cushion, natural antique chair, rattan wardrobe, plastic container, black air circulator, cypress plant, monstera, floating biotop planter, cacao tree, anthurium plant
Wall/Flooring: PINK DINER WALL, DUNGEON WALL, gold iron parquet flooring, dark wood pattern flooring, pink heart-pattern wall, arched window wall, simple red flooring, red dot flooring, aqua tile flooring, beige desert title flooring, green honeycomb tile wall, green honeycomb tile flooring, patchwork tile flooring, red-brick flooring, natural block flooring, blue delicate-blooms wall, orange camo wall, marine pop flooring, monochromatic tile flooring, pink paint floor, abstract wall, purple desert tile wall, white botanical tile wall, colorful tile floor, blue cameo flooring, red perforated board wall, red two toned tile wall, hexagonal floral flooring
Clothing: corduroy pants, black ribbon, purple rubber toe sneakers, athletic shorts, long denim cardigan long, doctors mask, pink heart shaped glasses, caterpillar costume, pilots cap, cute sneakers, blue drinking straw glasses, heart shaped hair pin, green round tinted shades, black pixel shades, blue pixel shades, green pixel shades, red pixel shades, jinbei, tambourine, space parka, black silk shirt, orange mesh shirt, dandy hat, fitness tank
CDs: K.K. Ballad, K.K. Groove, K.K. Sonata, K.K. Swing
Fossils: 3 acanthostega, 3 ammonite, ankylo tail, 2 ankylo torso, 3 archaeopteryx, archillion skull, 3 archillion tail, 2 australopith, 1 branchio chest, branchio pelvis, 2 coprolite, dimetrodon torso, diplo skull, diplo pelvis, 2 diplo tail, 2 eusthenopteron, 2 iguanodon tail, left ptera wing, megacero skull, megacero torso, myllokunmingia, 3 ophthalmo skull, patchy skull, 2 parasail tail, 2 plesio tail, 4 ptera body, right ptera wing, spino skull, spino torso, spino tail, stego tail, 3 stego torso, 2 triceratops torso, 2 trilobite
Cataloging (serious offers only): All 8 Garden Gnomes, All 6 Sanrio (Hello Kitty) Amiibo posters, K.K. Slider and Isabelle Amiibo posters, ACNH Nintendo Switch
DIY Recipe Cards: 2 Green Leaf Pile, pot, peach surprise box, peach wall, grass standee, bamboo doll, basket pack, golden dung beetle, shell arch, bird house, pear wall, peach wall, cherry wall, golden candlesticks
open to offers
submitted by TirelessGuardian to ACTrade [link] [comments]

hexagon tiles bathroom blue video

Bremar Tiles - New Hexagonal Tile Display! - YouTube How to lay a beautiful hexagon tile bathroom floor - YouTube Blue Bathroom Tiles Design Ideas - YouTube How To Tile A Floor // DIY HEXAGON TILE FLOOR TUTORIAL ... Hexagon TILE installation [How to TILE bathroom floor with ... Installing a Hexagonal tile floor. - YouTube Dark Blue Tiles for Bathroom Wall Design - YouTube Bathroom Ideas With Blue Tile Floor - YouTube New Trend in Bathroom Tiles – The Hexagon Range - YouTube

Please note that some hexagon floor tiles are of a slightly sturdier build to take the weight of furniture, people and white goods, so do make sure they are designed for this purpose – hexagon wall tiles are generally lighter. However, some tiles are dual purpose – just ask us if you’re not sure. Bang on trend and offering both ultra-modern aesthetics and supreme performance, Hexagon is a great choice for those wanting to add a sheen of contemporary style to walls and floors. The neutral white tile from the range looks great in both bathrooms and kitchens and can be easily paired with the Blue Mix variant to create zones whilst maintaining a consistent design language throughout the roomscape. Hexagon Blue Mix features a randomised selection of several aquatic-inspired blue shades Shop Tiles; Bathroom & Packages; Clearance Tiles Delivery & Returns DIY & Advice; Find A Store; Get the latest updates on products and news. Email Sign me up! About Us. #ichosebeaumonts; About Beaumonts; Tile Price Beat Guarantee; Franchise Partnership ; Careers; Beaumont Commercial; Beaumont Residential; Tilers Plus ; Commercial Credit Trade App; Delivery & Returns; Samples; Our Helpline Refresh your bathroom or wet room with our wide range of Hexagonal bathroom tiles. Quality tiles you can rely on to withstand the test of time. Order yours now! Our White, Black and White and Black Hexagon Tiles can be the perfect addition to any bathroom up and down the UK. With many different patterns to choose from, or even make your own, you cannot go wrong when purchasing our Hexagon Bathroom tiles. Hexagon tiles are often used for covering bathroom floors because tiles are very durable, water-resistant and hex tiles can easily make a cool statement. The most popular idea here is to decorate a bathroom in neutral colors and add a contrasting hex tile floor in navy, black, dark grey or any other color, and contrasting grout can help you to highlight the tiles. Tiles can be small or large, and the color can highlight the colors of the rest of the bathroom or contrast with them. Modern bathroom features white and gray hexagon shower floor tiles that continue into floor-level shower with clear door and blue subway tiles, white brown wooden washstand with gray marble countertop and vintage satin nickel hardware, under a French beveled mirror flanked by brass sconces and mounted on blue grasscloth wallpaper. Hexagon tiles are one of our most popular picks when it comes to tile shapes. This tile shape can be used to create a stunning tile design in any room. From the kitchen backsplash to the bathroom wall or floor, hexagon tiles add an impressive design element. Create an ultra-trendy look in your home this season with our selection of hexagon bathroom tiles. Walk around any interior design show, and you’ll see one trend time and time again; the hexagonal shape. Use our selection of hexagon bathroom tiles to transform the wall and floor areas surrounding you bath tub and shower. Choose from eye-catching textured designs, patterned options with › Bathroom Tiles › Mosaic Tiles › Hexagon Oxford Blue Matt Mosaic (9.5cm x 9.5cm) 29.5cm x 25.6cm Wall & Floor Tile . £5.99 RRP £9.99 | Save £4.00. Buy View Add to quote. Item added to quote. Item removed from quote. New. Hexagon Gloss White Mosaic (9.5cm x 9.5cm) 25.6cm x 19.7cm Wall & Floor Tile . White . £5.99 RRP £9.99 | Save £4.00. Buy View Add to quote. Item added to

hexagon tiles bathroom blue top

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Bremar Tiles - New Hexagonal Tile Display! - YouTube

Dark blue bathroom floor tiles, dark blue bathroom tile paint, dark blue bathroom wall tiles, dark blue floor tiles bathroom, dark blue tiles bathroom, dark ... A short time lapse video of our latest showroom display! Have a look and tell us what you think. How careful planning and precise cutting is the only way to get the bathroom tile floor that you will be proud of. Hexagon shaped tiles were very popular years ago, but faded from use for quite a long time, except for mosaic hex tiles. Today it seem hexagonal tiles are co... Bathroom Ideas With Blue Tile Floor This BYOT DIY project is all about how to tile a bathroom floor with hexagon tile. This project involves demo, prep and installation of tile. This DIY home... Blue bathroom tiles design, blue bathroom tiles ideas, blue bathroom tiles images, blue bathroom tiles india, blue bathroom tiles melbourne, blue bathroom ti... Buy wide range designer bathroom tiles and bathroom wall tiles at cheap and discounted price in UK. Superior quality bathroom tile along with best designs co... Hexagon TILE installation [How to TILE bathroom floor with Hexagon Tiles]This video will show step-by-step how I completed my hexagon tile installation on my...

hexagon tiles bathroom blue

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