500+ Awesome Team Name Ideas (With Meanings) – Find Team Names

what are cool team names

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What are some cool team names that you thought why is no one named that?

submitted by RipCurrent99 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

With more OWL team names being announced, what are some cool names you've thought of?

We've already had the news of the Shanghai Dragons, a couple hours ago we just got the announcement for the Dallas Fuel, and now we're hearing tell about the LA Gladiators. What are some names you've thought of for unannounced teams, or some good ones that the announced teams should have gone with?
submitted by MikeG182 to Competitiveoverwatch [link] [comments]

What are some cool minor league team names?

So I'm thinking of starting a collection of hats from minor league teams that have interesting names. The Yard Goats thread kind of got me started. I have Las Vegas 51s hat that I love. I stumbled across the El Paso Chihuahas the other day and might have to pick up that hat as well. What other minor league teams are out there that have awesome names/logos like this?
submitted by BurnedOut_ITGuy to baseball [link] [comments]

What are some cheesy, funny, and cool team names that involve with water?

submitted by Unfinishedend to AskReddit [link] [comments]

Joe Adams, WR/Special teams from Arkansas...his real name is Adam Adams. What are some cool names from your school?

Also...self post for zero karma. Lets see some cool names /cfb !!
submitted by randoh12 to CFB [link] [comments]

What Are Some Cool Team Names For Science Class?

In my new Physics and Chemistry classes we have to form small groups and we also get to name the group ourselves. Are there any cool team names for us?
submitted by lavenderbluff to AskReddit [link] [comments]

What are some cool sailing team names?

My friend and I have to choose a name for our team but can't come up with one. I just wanted to hear your ideas.
submitted by Driftking42 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

Cut my salary in half? Kiss your business goodbye.

The cast: (Names changed for anonymity)
Me - your storyteller of the moment.
Chad - Hiring CTO.
Richard - CEO, brother of Chad.
Big Bro - Engineer coworker
Eddie - IT and Desktop support guy.
This takes place near the very beginning of my software engineering career, back in '05 or '06. I'd just been let go from my previous place of employment due to be being compliant with directives I'd been given (although not maliciously, so that story wouldn't be appropriate here, sadly), and thus working myself out of a job. I was a young college dropout from a technical college that hadn't been federally accredited yet, and thus all my student loans were from banks and loan companies instead of from Uncle Sam, and debts were due. I was also making payments on my very first car, even though it was a beater that the prior owners had already nearly driven into the ground (4 years old and nearly 200k miles on it when I bought it), and of course, rent and utitlities. The job I'd just been let go from already had me working paycheck to paycheck as they paid far under average rate, but I was still new professional so I couldn't be very choosy. I was living in Los Angeles county, so the cost of living was so bad, I was having to choose which bills were going to be late on a monthly basis. Specifically, I was living in a town called San Pedro, a small town tucked fairly out of the way.
After blasting my resume to all the job boards, I get a call from a startup who seems interested in my resume and wants me to come in for a face-to-face interview (skipping the call-screen entirely). In my desperation, I agree. I'm given an address, which is all the way up in Woodland Hills. I check the internet... 55 minute drive so long as there's no traffic. With traffic it looks like the commute will be more like an hour and forty-five minutes... each way. I'm desperate though, and literally nobody else has reached out to me about my resume or responded to my applications, so I go to the interview. I arrive to an mostly empty office complex. Maybe 6 or 7 other cars in a parking lot capable of holding at least 50. I go into the building mentioned in the address, and call the phone number I was given to let them know I've arrived. Enter Chad. Chad comes to meet me, and seems excited that I've come! He escorts me through the building to an office. Mind you, as far as I can see, we're the only two humans in the building. He gives me the pitch for the company, tells me he built the software being sold, but it's not scalable, and needs someone who can rewrite it. After we go through the whole interview song and dance, he offers me the job on the spot. The pay is marginally higher than the last gig, so I figure gas would be covered for the commute. I agree, and we shake hands, as I'm going to be starting the next Monday.
Red flags start appearing from the very first minute I arrive on monday. First, I'm given a tour, which consists of the 14x14 foot office I'm going to be sharing with Chad, as well as another engineer who's going to be starting the following monday. I'm not a fan of having someone able to look over my shoulder, it makes me nervous. I ask why each engineer's desk has two computers. "Because the one you will be writing code on doesn't have internet access, for security purposes." (Note: this was pure paranoia. There was nothing about this software that required such tight security, we weren't doing any gov't contracts or anything of the sort.) Then, I'm escorted clear across the building, to meet with the CEO (Richard), the IT guy (Eddie), and the sales/support team. I'm told that half of the team is supporting the existing version of the application, 2 people are selling the existing version to new clients (or trying to), and one person is explicitly tasked with selling the new version. The one I haven't even started on yet. I'm still young and dumb at this point, but even I know this means the salesperson is probably giving out a date when the customer should expect their purchase to be filled. "It's a good thing you started when we did, we've been telling customers it'll be ready in June." Did I mention all this was happening in February? Apparently I've agreed to rewrite, test, and package an entire application I've never seen before in approximately four months. So, tour being done, I sit down and get to work. After jumping through a bunch of hoops of getting the software I prefer downloaded onto the actual work machine, as well as the code, I set about reviewing code so horrific I've not seen its like since, and there isn't a single comment in the entire thing. Before I can ask a single question of the CTO however, he tells me he's headed to downtown LA to scalp his tickets to the Lakers game, and that he'll see me tomorrow. So... now I'm alone in the office with this abomination, a machine that's been hamstrung to heck and back, and the only thing I've got to console me is the fact that at least I'm employed again.
Fast-forward a week, I've documented the bulk of the code (because there wasn't any), and the boss and I do not get along. He's mad because I've not written any substantial code, and I'm frustrated because I'm trying to understand a lot of what specific code is trying to do and he's routinely leaving around noon to go sell his tickets for Laker's games, or just not in the office because he's chatting with someone else. When he is in the office, I show him my documentation, and try to get him to verify it or describe the purpose of code where all I can say is "Wat?" By the end of the week, I've covered about 30% of the project in a wiki-like document, and I've taken to leaving after sunset so I can a) get more done, b) have a shorter commute, and c) drive when my car isn't an oven (the ac didn't work). I've barely managed to convince the CTO that what I'm doing is necessary so the engineer starting the next monday doesn't have to do anywhere near the same crap I've got, which would make us a more efficient team.
Monday arrives, and in comes Big Bro. I call him this because he was a much more experienced engineer than I was. We spend the first day with him getting set up, then us reviewing what I've documented. He manages to answer some questions the CTO never did, just because he is that much better, and I start to feel more confident. Over the next weeks, Big Bro took me under his wing as an engineer teaching me best practices, standards, and where my plans were good and where they could be better. If it hadn't been for him, I'd have gone insane! I end up joining him outside for smoke breaks even though I don't smoke, just so I can get a breath of non-office air. He and I discuss the project, and we also make friends with Eddie, who makes us laugh by telling us horror stories about the CTO and CEO (apparently he was a school *friend* of theirs and basically worked with them because they paid him to do something he felt was super easy).
April rolls around. I've got a special occasion I need the day off for, which happens to be a Wednesday that year. I'd advised him when I first started and he'd been cool with it. I remind him on April 2nd (since I had an irrational fear of policy decisions being made on April Fool's Day), and he loses it. He goes off on a rant, and straight up informs me that he regrets hiring me, claiming I didn't have the skills I told him I did, and wasn't worth what I was being paid. We're definitely not half-way done (more like one third), and it's already been decided that June is a lost cause and that we're shooting for August now. That habit I started before, of leaving after the sun went down? Yeah, that never stopped. I was arriving at 9am every day, and leaving around 10pm every night, trying my best. Big bro was the same, and Eddie would stay late with us just because we liked hanging out together. So, it should be understandable that I was very close to losing it right back at him. In a strained, yet diplomatic voice, I told him that if he put in the same amount of work to help us as we put in to rewrite *his* code, we'd probably be a lot closer to done than we were, especially given the twelve hour days. He was not a fan of that, and switched to straight up yelling, blaming us for the lost sales and refunds due to the delays, and that the only way he'd get off our backs was by getting the project done. This entire time Big Bro is just sitting there, and says nothing to back me up. Chad then left the office for a bit, and I just declared I was taking my lunch and would be back in an hour. I felt frustrated by Chad and betrayed by Big Bro, who I felt (rightly or not) should have had my back since we were in the same boat.
When we were both back in the office, he apologized for yelling and told me that since he agreed when I was hired I could have my day off. Cool. I apologized too, although not for anything specific. I just didn't want to talk to him anymore and figured that was the fastest way to end the conversation.
Fast forward to June, and the opportunity for Malicious Compliance. Over the last two months, Chad has been getting worse and worse. He's yelling nearly every day (and still leaving early too). Big Bro and Eddie are also feeling the pain, nobody is safe from his ego. The smoke breaks and afternoon/evening portion of our day are when we're most productive, as nobody can focus until Chad leaves. The first monday in June rolls around and Chad invites me to go on a walk outside for a 1-on-1 meeting. I figured I'm being fired (at this point we've had to refactor the rewrite almost entirely due to missing a critical chunk of functionality, and we're still only 60% done. August release is looking less and less sure). Chad informs me that he's hired a 3rd engineer, but in order to stay in the budget to pay him, he's cutting my salary in half. I stop on the spot and just give him a blank look.
"Are you serious?" I ask. "I'm barely able to pay for my bills and the gas required to commute here as it is. If you cut my salary at all, I won't be able to afford to live." At this point the idea of cutting my productivity to help ramp up a new engineer so he can help us meet the deadline doesn't even occur to me, although in hindsight that would have also been a pretty major issue.
Chad brushes me off. "That's not my problem. The fact that you missed one deadline and look like you're gonna miss another is. If you've got a problem with that, you're more than welcome to go find another job. The new guy starts in two weeks." And with that he walks inside. I'd just been told that I had two weeks left of job at my current salary. Cool. So that day I do something I hadn't done since I first started. I left while the sun was still up. (Specifically, I left at 5pm). I drive my oven-car (no working Air Conditioning in a car that had been left in the sun all day in Woodland Hills had me feeling like a baked potato) through traffic (hour and a half-commute home through LA heat), and updated my resume before reactivating my accounts on all the job sites. I'm contacted the next day by a potential new employer, and I get an interview scheduled. I decide to tell Big Bro about the new opportunity, and he hits me with news that lets me know just how small a world we live in.
Me: "Hey, Big Bro, just fyi I've started looking for a new job. I've already got an interview lined up."
Big Bro: "Really? Where?"
Me: "Over at "
Big Bro: "Wow! That's where I worked before I came here! That place is pretty awesome, and I left there on pretty good terms. I know the CTO there, go ahead and use me as a reference!"
Me, skeptical: "Really? Okay...."
Turns out Big Bro was true to his word, and the CTO and I even talked about Big Bro during the interview. Apparently they'd already talked about me, and Big Bro had been the ultimate hype man, confirming everything I said about why I was looking for a new job and everything. All goes well, and I'm electronically signing an offer-letter that Friday afternoon (Chad had already left for the day, so there was nobody to look over my shoulder as I used the work computer that *had* internet access to get this done). At the new Job, the commute is cut by more than half, and comes with a pretty significant raise. I tell Big Bro and Eddie on the last smoke break (I still don't smoke) that I'm done, and I've found something new. Oddly enough, they both smile and just wish me luck. "No hard feelings, hope we stay in touch!" Odd, but I'd stopped really caring about anything related to that job, so I paid it no mind. I went back inside, packed up my stuff into my backpack, and walked to the CEO's office.
Me: "Hey Richard, got a minute?"
Richard: "Hey OP, what's up?"
Me: "Just wanted to let you know I found a new job, so I'm moving on."
Richard: "Really, why? We need you!"
Me: "You guys decided it was cool to cut my salary to a point where I couldn't afford to live. Chad said if I didn't like it, I should look for something new, so I did."
Richard, looking defeated: "Well, when's your last day?"
Me: "Today."
Richard, now pissed: "We need you here to train the new guy who starts soon!"
Me: "Hey, I had to train myself and to an extent, Big Bro when he first started. The new guy should be able to as well."
And with that, I left for greener pastures.
The unexpectedly *huge* fallout:
Four months later, Big Bro texts me to ask me how things are going. I tell him things are great, and we schedule a lunchtime call because apparently things have gone sideways in a huge way.
Part 1) Apparently Chad came in on Monday almost violently angry, and demands Eddie re-image my work machine first thing in the morning, which erases everything I'd left on there.Big Bro comes in an hour later, and he and Chad discuss the new timeline for the project. Somewhere in there apparently Big Bro asks Chad to log into the admin account on my old work machine so he can pull the documents I'd accumulated about the planned architecture, the existing code, meeting notes, etc. Chad answers by apparently punching a hole in the wall, and leaving for the day (probably to go to the hospital to deal with his hand), at 10:30 in the morning. Big Bro then spends the rest of that week ostensibly working on recreating the documentation from scratch.
Part 2) When I asked how the new guy handled the new documentation, Big Bro laughed and told me there never was any documentation. Apparently he and Eddie had become really good friends in the months we worked there, to the point where they'd become roommates about a month before I left. More than that though, they'd decided to start a freelance/consulting business together and only had to decide on when to make that their full time jobs. Neither of them liked Chad much, and wanted to make their departure hurt as much as possible. So, they decide to make Big Bro's last day the day before the new guy starts, and Eddie would quit shortly afterward, sticking around just long enough to watch the bomb go off. Did I mention Big Bro never told Chad he was quitting? Yeah. He just didn't show up that Monday. He had, however, emailed that 'documentation' he'd spent a week writing to Chad. Turns out he wasn't documenting the code at all. He'd spent a week writing a letter explaining in excruciating detail why Chad was such a bad boss, and he'd emailed it to everyone in the company. I asked if he still had it so I could read it, and he sent it to me after the call.
Thankfully, like the big helper he was, Eddie had ensured that the new guy's email was set up and in the proper groups before the email was sent, so the guys first email in the company was a novella about the kind of person he' agreed to work for. Apparently Chad thought it was appropriate to take his frustration out on the new guy, who'd already read a significant portion of the email before Chad shoved him away from his desk and deleted it. Apparently new guy promptly decided (and rightfully so) that agreeing to work for Chad had been a mistake, packed up his things, and quit on the spot.
Part 3) With the new guy quitting, the August deadline was now little more than a dream within a dream, which according to Eddie doesn't stop Chad and Richard from trying to find that miracle rock star engineer who can save them from their own situation (which, given what they were offering as pay, didn't exist). So time advances in its unstoppable way, August arrives, and customers find that they've paid for something that hasn't been delivered yet, and pretty much unanimously demand refunds, with a few customers bringing legal action against them. With the amount they have to refund, and the money they now need for legal fees (because of they way they'd incorporated, they were personally liable), they could no longer afford to pay anyone, and were forced to shutter the business.
Final Note: For my fellow software engineers out there who were wondering just how bad this application was, this "program" was a single php file with over 40k lines of code, running inside a `while` loop. Any and all logic consisted of if/else trees, which then led to either more if/else trees or more loops. No function calls, no external libraries included, just.... spaghetti of the worst kind. Given the nature of the application, most critical logic had to be implemented in no less than seven places, depending on where the execution was when the logic was needed. At worst the tab-depth was something like nineteen or twenty tabs deep.
Post upvote-splosion edit:
I wanted to write out my thanks, and to answer some of your questions, but it turned into another long wall of text. So, instead I put it in a comment, which I'll link to here:
submitted by technicalviking to MaliciousCompliance [link] [comments]

Alleged CDPR dev talks about the state of Cyberpunk 2077 and future plans

Final Edit - Can you twitter people stop harassing me by sending me DMs. I have turned off that feature for now so good day to you.
And to clarify this post was made by me to share something I found with this sub, which is fair of me to do so going by the name this subreddit has. (now that it's bold maybe people pay attention and stop accusing me of making things up lol)
I never claimed this to be true nor I'm in any way related to CDPR. Am myself confused why this did ever gain any traction in the first place.

Whatever's written below is confirmed false by CDPR themselves and rightfully flaired to represent the same. This post doesn't have any intention of spreading false rumours but won't be deleted as it confines with all the subreddit rules. Thank you.

"CDPR hurt themselves to keep investors safe and sound. Now devs are hearing plans of a "No Man's Sky" style comeback due to late June. The first two patches should come out mid-March, despite what's been said by top execs. There will be major departures from the studio in the coming months. Dev morale is on an all time down and Sony is roasting our asses due to the gigantic volume of refund requests. There will be a meeting today with Sony execs to figure out a way to compensate players threatening with legal action. Sony Japan is specially furious.
More to come in the next couple weeks. Feels terrible, man.
There's no finger pointing as of now. Word on memos comes from the top. The directors and senior devs are taking the flak for the team in what I'd call "an honourable move". Just so you know, we still joke about a quest that got rewritten more than a dozen times, because a certain top dog wasn't "feeling it". It ended up being cut from the final product and should come on a later DLC next year.
There's people that get hired for whatever reason and stay in the company due to being "trusted by the top dogs". A good chunk of code is getting scrapped and rewritten from scratch. The intended game might be ready by June 2021.
That's already done and ready since February. It didn't get implemented because of a major UI bug that is still present in the retail copies. If you open your .dat files you'll find a lot of scrapped content still in there.If you want a refund, please ask for it. It positively impacts us as devs, because we've warned the leads a MILLION times about that kind of s***. Most cosmetic overhauls should be ready by the 2nd big update, hopefully.
The update that is due to June will sort out all of the bugs. The code for the PS4/Xbox One is getting scrapped and done separately. PS5's code is an improvement on the PC due to the awesome dev kit Sony put together for this gen.
You'd be amazed by how much is already done. That "cut content so people finish the main quest" talk was all bulls***. Most apartments with "Closed (locked)" indications used to be lootable, we've scrapped 50,000+ lines of dialogue and I believe the June update will bring a whole lot of cut content back into the game.
Address the cut content as well. If they see that you guys are asking for s*** to be put back into the game, we might actually make the game we intended back in 2018. There used to be a huge underground part of the city that the public never got to see because it "looked ugly" to the execs. It was f***ing awesome and felt like the malkavian/nosferatu path on Vampire the Masquerade.
I don't want to hate on Keanu, but f***ing hell, our original Johnny was way cooler and sounded like a maniac. Think Foltest on crack. I don't appreciate his acting either, but he's a very nice man. Walked up to us personally to greet us on the first day and took time to personally thank us one by one when they wrapped up recording.
The word is his fee was actually manageable and the need for a Star Talent came from outside CDPR. The execs complied, because who the f*** knows? It sucks.
Our original Johnny was heavily inspired by David Hayter's Solid Snake from the first MGS and believe it or not, Cillian Murphy
There was a whole AI routine with minor gang violence in those areas. Stuff you could sit back and watch unfold or directly influence. There was also a lot of drug use with kids that eventually got cut due to inside censorship. There were priests and hare krishna side arcs that got cut due to censorship. Miles wrote a sidequest where a Max Tac officer offed himself and you could take its place but it created such a complex detour from everything tonally that it got cut as well. I hope it comes back, because it felt amazing to get into their headquarters and hack s***. You'd see the police trying to operate and breaking down mid-arrest due to your shenanigans.
Might sound weird, but the disaster launch was actually something beneficial, from our perspective. A cold shower sets priorities straight and so we're able to resume work on what was originally intended without having those f***ers breathing down our necks to publish.
I believe it was due to miscommunication and leads not setting goals like they should. The game was jumbled together for 2019's E3. The last dev comp before the scrap was 160Gb alone. There should be some whistleblowing in the coming weeks if the step downs
Series X was a mere rewrite of code and load orders. Next-gen's architecture is actually very good for ports. It's company policy to release when a game runs without debug hitches and the reason why it did baffles me and is the reason why I started this thread. It's a mix of hubris and deep incompetence from some big names around here. I'm going home for the holidays and really thinking about my friends who will be in the office for the next couple months redoing scrapped work without being able to say "I f***ING TOLD YOU!!! This is your fault, Boss". Next E3 will be bizarre for CDPR, I bet.
We've scrapped two whole arcs because the mission cleaned a save due to a bug with character placement. We've also scrapped a big portion of the underground and sewers because of bugs. Night City had three different types of cab besides Villefort and drivers would hold whole conversations and give quests. That also had to be scrapped.
Police pathfinding script worked wonderfully until somebody screwed the pooch. All I know it is already being fixed. It was a major oversight, of course.
Morgan Blackhand's backstory and a nod to the Corporate Wars. The DLC's will add a lot to the crazy and cool ideas Mike gave us when we began briefing the project. You guys should have the complete game by the end of next year, if everything goes well. I really gotta go now. Take care."
submitted by ArtisticTap4 to GamingLeaksAndRumours [link] [comments]

GTA Online Mega Guide and Weekly Simple Question Thread

Looking for friends to play with? Join the GTAOnline Discord server!

Screen Capturing
Platform Method
PC https://bit.ly/PcScreenshare
PS4 https://bit.ly/PS4ScreenCapture
XB1 https://bit.ly/XboxCapture

Solo Public Sessions
Platform Method
Any unplug router method
PC port blocking method - task manager method
PS4 MTU method
XB1 MTU method - NAT method

Making Money

Weekly Money-Making Methods - Updated Weekly!

Any level of experience and money:
I am a new player with low experience and money:
I am a returning player with decent game experience and money:
I'm a millionaire already, just give me a grind:
I'm a solo player, how can I maximize my profits?

Leveling RP

Further Money Making Info
What's New? Recent Major Content Updates
June 2017 - Gunrunning FAQ by L131
August 2017 - Intro to Smuggler's Run by Psychko
December 2017 - Doomsday Heist FAQ
July 2018 - After Hours/Nightclubs FAQ | After Hours Guide by Dan6erbond
July 2019 - Diamond Casino FAQ
Vehicles and Properties
Tips and Tricks
Just For Fun
Useful Tools
If you know a post that should be included in this guide, message the moderators.
submitted by BryonyBot to gtaonline [link] [comments]

that one time we tripped acid and played hide and seek with a crackhead

tl;dr at the bottom
so me n the homies live in the middle of got damn nowhere
we ain’t got neighbors, stores, paved roads, love, or affection
what we do have is cornfields, cows that moo back on occasion, and the most important
homie hits my line he’s like yo
i’m like yo
he’s all like we gonna have a group trip in one of the local cities (local meaning 3 hours away)
i’m like ok bet
so we’ve got me, trees, dr corn, jellyboy, cowman, kelgen, and horsemeat (not their real names)
our favorite thing to do during the summer was get far away from the cornfields as possible as to prevent ourselves from literally going fuckin mad
so everyone but horsemeat (our DD) popped a tab and we were on our way
tab kicks in after about 45 minutes and by time we get to the city we’re completely off our ass
we park at one of the empty lots and we all grab our longboards
we’re zoomin down these hills, and skating on roads without potholes and random obstructions was an experience not many of us were used too, safe to say we’re havin a blast
we find this massive hill and we’re all standing on top of it looking down in awe deciding if this is really a good idea
it’s pretty dark out at this point and we can’t see where the end of the hill leads, and i’m all for doing crazy shit but none of us had helmets and i didn’t want this to become a nightmare
i look over to the group and just as i’m about to tell them to find another hill, cowman puts his board down
cowmans flying down this hill and we’re all watching in awe
cowman doesn’t know how to power slide
cowman can’t slow down
cowman is going too fast for his own good and next thing we hear is him yelling
and he slams into the curb at the end of the hill
oh, damn
we decide we’re not skating down the hill after him so we start making our way down on foot hoping little cowman isn’t dead
we get to the bottom of the hill and he’s still conscious, thankfully, he just claims his leg was in a lot of pain
all good, cowman is alive
we’re all sitting there acknowledging what just happened when we hear a voice from behind
took quite a fall there bud
who the fuck was that i thought and upon looking back i saw the man
tall, extremely skinny, ripped clothes, scabs all over, track marks, missing teeth and speech that slowed down and sped up
being in a small town, these kinds of drug users weren’t anything new to us, but seeing as though we didn’t have anything on us, there was nothing to be worried about
cowman was a little confused so i decided to speak up
what’s up
oh, not much, said mr crack, was watching you guys skeet around here and just came to see if your ol buddy was okay
yeah man he’s all good, appreciate that
and then we kinda stare at eachother awkwardly for a few seconds when he drops the line
you guys wanna hangout?
i mean, yeah fuck it why not
so now we’re walking around talkin to this guy about how he lost his job and fell into the slippery slope of addiction
seeing as though we’re all drug users we don’t hoist any judgement toward mr crack
it was then he stops in his tracks
we all abruptly stop as well, waiting to hear mr cracks next words of wisdom
you guys wanna play hide and go seek?
we all looked at eachother and then cowman started giggling, which was the spark to a wildfire of laughter amongst all of us
hell yeah dude let’s play
okay kiddos here’s the rules, no going past that building, he said pointing with his finger, and no going past that lake, pointing the other direction
fucking bet
we decide that since mr crack came up with the idea, he would choose the seeker
he chose himself
ok i guess
so we’re getting ready to go hide when he says stop
we all look in admiration toward our new crack jesus
it’s hide and seek tag, and if i tag you, you’re on my team, if one man prevails, he is not claimed as the victor unless he has been standing for more than 20 minutes
now initially i was going to hide with jellyboy, but seeing as though he could just as easily become my enemy, i decide i’m a lone wolf
i set a timer on my phone for 20 minutes, let everyone else know i had the timer ready, and it was time to hide
my years of hide and seek as a young fetus boy are about to pay off as i pull off my signature trick
when he begins to count, i start running, fast running, as to give off the impression that i will be nearing the border of our little play area
nearing the border i was not
hooked a left behind this building and stopped running, this was perfect
i saw a ladder going to this little matinence balcony thing but it was too high to reach
mr crack jesus’ voice was piercing through the air as i heard
i was running out of time, i had to find a way up
scanning the area, i found myself looking at a dumpster
a dumpster with wheels
fucking jackpot, and right as i got this dumpster to the bottom of the ladder, the final words of mr crack ring in my ears
ready or not, im fuckin comin
oh but i am ready mr crack
and to finish my thought, i see dr corn run around the same building that i had found the dumpster, he’s desperate for a spot to hide
finding nothing, he turns back, still not seeing me, and right as he gets to the edge of the building, mr crack appears
i hold my breath
dr corn tries to pull a sneak move but it is to no avail, as he becomes the first member tagged
dr corn down
jellyboy, trees, cowman, kelgen, horsemeat and me are still in it for the W
seeing as though they hadn’t laid their eyes upon me, i make the decision to stay on this ladder
a few minutes go by and i can hear yelling, just barely in ear shot
got your ass now boy!
it’s cowmans voice
cowman has been claimed
an instant later i see trees come across my building, he sees me
praying to god that he isn’t tagged, i look him back
he puts a finger up to his mouth as to say “don’t say a got damn word” and he’s running away
i need a new spot
i get down off the ladder and i see trees turn another corner, followed by him yelling
trees has been claimed
trees, cowman, and dr corn are predators
jellyboy, horsemeat, kelgen and me are the prey
and i don’t intend to lose
i come across a main road, and going against my instinct of caution i decide to cross it
i step onto the main road and on the other side, i see dr corn
just as i’m about to turn running, i see kelgen run out on the same road, in between me and dr corn
using the moment for my escape, i dip into one of the alleys, wondering if kelgen was going to follow
follow he did not
kelgen was not fast enough, and now he is down
i decide to go down toward the lake and see if i can find any survivors
i see horsemeat
the only one of us who wasn’t tripping balls
behind him i see jellyboy come around a corner and start making his way toward horsemeat
the gangs all here, i think, but based on jellyboys face i realize what’s happening
he’s going after horsemeat
just as horsemeat turns around he is tagged, i use this as my escape
i’m running through alleys, trying to survive as long as possible
i hear yelling, footsteps, the occasional “go look that way” and it’s all to my advantage
i am silent as a mouse
i’ve ran through the left side of the main road, and they have been searching through the buildings on the right side
they would come left soon
it was time for me to cross the main road
i decide to count to 3 and make a break for it
and i’m off
i get two steps into the main road and that’s when i hear his voice
when i turn my head im met with a sight that is engraved into my memory
jellyboy and dr corn in the back, kelgen and trees infront of them, horsemeat and cowman next up, and in the front is crack jesus
they are in a pyramid formation, all pointing at me
they are running after me screaming war cries and for a moment i felt as though i was a cowboy on the american frontier, being chased down by indians that are beyond pissed off that i just stole their native land
i’m paralyzed in fear
i decide it’s time to come up with a plan, a plan which requires me to think, something i was not much good at
i realize i can kick in wizard mode
wizard mode is malfunctioning and my brain is still as dysfunctional as it was 4 seconds ago
fuck, they’re getting closer
just as i’m about to give up and accept my fate i realize something
im wearing my brooks running shoes
it was as though i was blessed by u/joeeposts the shoe salesman and just like that i was running faster than i’ve ever run before
the predators notice that i’m wearing brooks running shoes and now they realize their mistake
i will outrun them
they split up, some going to the buildings on the left side, some the right, and now the only person left on the main road was mr crack
he was still screaming war cries
now that i’ve been blessed by my brooks running shoes and the holy words of u/joeeposts the shoe salesman i decide i am not afraid of mr crack
i embrace his advances (in a cool way not sexually)
i run toward him as well, reciprocating his war cries
we get up to eachother and i put a foot forward on the left, mr crack tries matching my movements to catch me, just as i planned
in an instant i withdrawal my foot advancement and use the momentum to spin my body around mr cracks outreached hand, metaphorically destroying his ankles
mr crack falls to the ground
a small price to pay for salvation
dr corn and jellyboy were witness to this magic event and now they’re coming at me from either side
the power of the brooks running shoes is still coursing through every vein in my body and i decide to turn around and run back toward mr crack, who is still on the ground, probably wishing he was wearing brooks running shoes
i get to him and leap over his outstretched body, the minute i hit the ground i pivot my right foot and just like that i’m full sprinting down the alley
i see the ladder i was on previously, dumpster still conveniently under it
i get to the top of the ladder and just as i get to the matinence balcony i see horsemeat
i hold my breath
he looks left
he looks right
and then his eyes met mine, he was ready
my time was nearing
before i knew it i was above all of them, they’re all looking up at me and for a moment i feel like i’m Glenn from the walking dead
RICK GRIMES PLEASE COME SAVE ME i yell aloud, which had them in a fit of laughter which bought me just enough time
mr crack was climbing the ladder rapidly and just as i was about to accept my fate
beep beep beep beep beep
the timer went off
the fucking timer, i had forgotten all about it
the looks on their faces were all the same
i had won
i was the victor
the story ends with all of us sitting around the lake, laughing, joking around, talking about life as our acid trips were coming to an end and mr crack ends things off with words that stuck with me for a long time
“kid, you’ve got two things in life. your health, and your peace of mind. eat healthy, excercise, live your life, and most importantly, never forget how to have fun.”
this one doesn’t end with a funny closer, just want to take the moment to tell you all to be good to one another. life is short, no reason to diminish someone’s peace of mind, live and let live.
tl:dr - took acid, friend had a skating accident, met a homeless crackhead, made friends with him, played the ultimate game of hide and seek tag, learned a valuable life lesson
submitted by FakeHappiiness to Drugs [link] [comments]

Hey r/Fantasy! We are the indie publisher Wraithmarked Creative, and we come bearing awesome art and answers to all your writing, production, and publishing questions! Oh, and we're giving away at LEAST 10 paperbacks of some of the most gorgeous books on the market! AMA!

Hey Fantasy! We are the indie publisher Wraithmarked Creative, and we come bearing awesome art and answers to all your writing, production, and publishing questions! Oh, and we're giving away at LEAST 10 paperbacks of some of the most gorgeous books on the market! AMA!
Hi everyone! We are the speculative fiction publishing/production company Wraithmarked Creative, and we're here all day taking your questions! Feel free to comment below with a general query, or ping any of the participants specifically using the supplied Reddit usernames!
This is an AMA, so ask anything you want! We're happy to talk about everything from writing and publishing to the inevitable heat death of the universe. (Yeah. That's a thing.)
Thank you Fantasy mods for the invitation to kick off this awesome AMA series!



Wraithmarked Creative, LLC was formed in 2020 by Bryce O'Connor (u/BryceOConnor) around the idea of giving voice to talented fantasy writers who just needed a leg up and an audience to speak to. Building off of The Shattered Reigns and The Wings of War series first, Wraithmarked has since expanded into an ever-growing team of dozens of authors, editors, and production specialists.
Currently Wraithmarked specializes in bringing gifted writers together to share the load of writing, editing, developing, and marketing a project, resulting in multiple co-authored series successes like The Shattered Reigns, Warformed: Stormweaver, and our most recent release: Savage Dominion.


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JA ANDREWS / u/JA_Andrews DRYK ASHTON / u/undyrk MICHAEL CHATFIELD / u/mc11zi
JA ANDREWS is a writer, wife, mother, and unemployed rocket scientist. She doesn't regret the rocket science degree, but finds it generally inapplicable in daily life. Except for the rare occurrence of her being able to definitively state, "That's not rocket science." She does, however, love the stars. DYRK ASHTON is a Midwestern boy who spent some time in Hollywood, and author of The Paternus Trilogy. He teaches film, geeks out on movies and books, and writes about regular folks and their troubles with gods and monsters. International bestseller MICHAEL CHATFIELD is an army veteran who enjoys long walks in foreign countries and some good beer with video games at night! He writes character-driven, fast-paced series spanning fantasy, science fiction, and litRPG.

LUKE CHMILENKO / u/LyrianRastler DAVID ESTES / u/Davidestesbooks BEN GALLEY / u/bengalley
Born in 1987, LUKE CHMILENKO spent the majority of his life growing up within Mississauga, Ontario. He now lives in Burlington, Ontario with his wife, daughter, and two cats. He currently works as a full-time author looking to deliver the latest entries in his various projects, which include the internationally bestselling Ascend Online and The Shattered Reigns series. DAVID ESTES is an Amazon #1 bestselling author who has written more than 30 science fiction and fantasy books, his most famous of which are Fatemarked, Slip, and The Moon Dwellers. David lives in Hawaii with his beautiful Aussie wife, Adele, his asthmatic cat, Bailey, and his rambunctious sons, Beau and Brody. BEN GALLEY is an author of dark and epic fantasy books who currently hails from Victoria, Canada. Since publishing his debut Emaneska Series, Ben has released a range of novels set in strange, unforgiving worlds, including the award-winning weird western Bloodrush and standalone novel The Heart of Stone. He is also the author of the critically-acclaimed Chasing Graves Trilogy and new Scalussen Chronicles.

TL GREYLOCK / u/TLGreylock DEMI HARPER / u/LauraMHughes PERRIN D. HAYES / u/PerrinDHayes
TL GREYLOCK is the author of THE GODFORGED CHRONICLES series and THE SONG OF THE ASH TREE trilogy, consisting of THE BLOOD-TAINTED WINTER, THE HILLS OF HOME, and ALREADY COMES DARKNESS. She can only wink her left eye, jumped out of an airplane at 13,000 feet while strapped to a Navy SEAL, had a dog named Agamemnon and a cat named Odysseus, and has been swimming with stingrays in the Caribbean. DEMI HARPER is a pseudonym of Laura M. Hughes, a freelance editor and fantasy writer living in the north of England. Her short fiction has appeared in anthologies such as Lost Lore, Art of War, and the Stabby Award-winning Heroes Wanted; she founded The Fantasy Hive, and has also written articles for Tor.com. It could be said that PERRIN D. HAYES' obsession with the supernatural began at a young age. Born on Halloween and raised on a steady diet of excellent fantasy, young Perrin could most often be found hauling around piles of Robert Jordan and Robin Hobb books, with only the occasional break for baseball practice. Perrin studied mechanical engineering in college, which led to the revelation that Science Fiction, from a certain perspective, is simply Fantasy with an engineering degree.

GD PENMAN / u/GDPenman DANIEL PRINCE / u/DanielPrince
G. D. PENMAN is the author of more books than you can shake a reasonably-sized stick at. Before finally realizing that the career’s advisor lied to him about making a living as an author, G. D. Penman worked as an editor, tabletop game designer, and literally every awful demeaning job that you can think of in-between. He is a veteran of the battlefields of Azeroth, Lordran, Tamriel and Thedas, but he left his heart in Baldur’s Gate. By day, DANIEL PRINCE is a Barista. By night.... he is still a Barista. However! He's also writing fun fantasy novels that are a great mix of action, adventure, and humor. Daniel grew up on Fantasy and Video Games, and his books combine those two loves in a Genre called GameLit/LitRPG. He hopes you have as much fun reading them as he does writing them!


This AMA giveaway is simple! Comment below with a question, and you get entered! We're giving away at least 10 paperbacks of the winner's choice from our catalog, so drop a comment down below for a chance to pick a shiny new paperback for your shelf! Winners to be announced next week, and the full catalog can be found here.


Wraithmarked, as part of its promised marketing package to authors, gets all of its covers animated! Check out these incredible works, all done by Michal Toczek, on our series page!
We've also got two Reddit-exclusive sneak peeks for you today! The first is a clip of the final art from the upcoming book II of The Shattered Reigns by Bryce O'Connor and Luke Chmilenko, while the second is the sketch for the cover art of the upcoming book one of the Kingdom Apocalypse series by Michael Chatfield and Daniel Prince! Both arts done by the incredible YAM!

crop of final art from \"The Shattered Reigns II\" cover

sketch of \"Kingdom Apocalypse\" cover


We can be found online at wraithmarked.com, on Facebook, and in particular on our Facebook discussion group where most of the really conversation and interaction with the authors happens.
We also have a Patreon, where you can get early access to chapters and book releases months ahead of time! Chapters of the The Shattered Reigns II just started dropping this week!


Uuuuuh... Nothing. There's no questions we won't be answering. Feel free to ask Bryce O'Connor why he started shaving his head, TL Greylock about her obsession with Assassin's Creed, or David Estes about what the tax situation is like in Hawaii.
We're down for anything. Bring it.
submitted by BryceOConnor to Fantasy [link] [comments]

Post AEW Dynamite 1/27/21

It's Wednesday Night. You Know What That Means. ​🖐👁💜
Match Winner Post Match Brawl?
Eddie Kingston Vs. Lance Archer Eddie Kingston Yes
Jericho/MJF Vs. Hollywood Blondes Jericho/MJF No
Hangman Adam Page Vs. Ryan Nemeth Hangman No
Jungle Boy Vs. Noted Weenie Dax "The Bald One" Harwood Jungle Boy Yes
Britt Baker Vs. Shanna Britt Baker Yes
Young Bucks/Good Brothers VS Dark Order Nu-Bullet Club Yes
Future Announced Matches
Next Week (Beach Break):
No Date Yet But Announced
Outside of Dynamite
  • On Dark
    • Proud n Powerful have a brief promo, where they say that for anyone that's been asleep, wake up and smell the coffee, it's their time to eat. We've had fair warning. Seems like maybe they're not done with the dream of being a tag team regardless of last week's match.
    • Lee Johnson, who has lost on Dark to nearly every single one of AEW's unbelievably THICC roster has finally obtained a win by defeating Future AEW World Champion Pretty Peter Avalon in the walkoff competition. Big round of applause for Lord of Dark Lee Johnson for finally finding a way to get that dub.
    • Chaos Project, perhaps recovering from their wounds inflicted upon them for the crime of.... hating children, is not on this weeks Dark, which makes this a Dark worth skipping. THROW EM THE FUCK UP ANYWAY 👉🤪👉🤪👉🤪👉🤪👉🤪👉🤪👉🤪👉🤪
  • On IMPACT this Tuesday:
    • Welcome back to the Impact Zone.
    • Its the Tony's! It's the Tony's. Boy is it ever the Tony's Each week Tony seems more comfortable being a rich, snobby douchebag who is just here to rile up Impact fans. He's really killing it out there being a rich snobby douchebag.
    • Matt is with Private Party backstage in Impact. He says he led them to victory, PP says uh, I think our wrestling is probably more of a contributor. Matt tells them to look forward to No Surrender where they're going to win Impacts titles, but also at the TTBR on Dynamite, they gotta win that too. Matt says he's putting a bounty-- "BONUS" to them if they win. He needs them to win (Because he wants that $$$).
    • Matt Sabin and James Storm are at the IMPACT ZONE Bar and Grille talkin' shit about Hardy Party and the Good Brothers. Sabin says they're not Beer Money, they're not MCMG, but they still got what it takes to beat both of 'em.
    • fellongreydaze, or Fellon "WRONG" Grey "INCORRECT" Daze as we called them back in the navy, bet that Shawn Spears would be the mystery opponent scheduled for tonight's Impact last week-- but they were DEAD WRONG and should be shamed in the comments wherever you see them.
  • The AEW Awards, Exclusively on the B/R Live Telephone Application
    • miber3 wrote up the winners here if you're interested.
At Dynamite
  • Eddie and his Family laid out Jake, then continued to abuse Lance after they cheated to win. No one came out to save Lance or Jake, unfortunately.
  • Moxley is reiterating how he doesn't understand the entanglements occurring in the Elite and Death Triangle, himself and Eddie's family. He says he's a simple guy, he likes his beer cold, his coffee hot, and good sex in the morning. He doesn't overcomplicate things-- but he LOVES a six man tag. Gang warfare! It'll be wild at Beach Break, he says.
  • Darby and Sting are here. Sting says Taz, Brian, Ricky, since we're gonna be in this street sight, and you can't shut the fuck up, we're not cool. ME, A HOODLUM? he asks. Sting says, okay yeah, Darby's a hoodlum. Darby says it doesn't matter if it's clean or dirty in the streets, it's about survival. Darby calls Sting a hoodlum. They break windows together (this isn't a joke) then both agree that yes, actually, okay, they are in fact hoodlums. What a twist.
  • Before their match MJF tells Sammy they need to talk, then insults Griff for awhile, then asks him to simply quit before the match starts. Griff pounds his face and the match gets underway.
  • Pac is back in the den of madness. He tells Kenny he's acting like Billy Big Bollocks and that he owns this business with Callis. He says Kenny's a cheater and a slimeball. Next week, he says, bring everything you want, we're gonna hurt you back. Kenny will pay the consequences.
  • Shaq calls Cody a little punk and says he looks like a little girl in a recorded promo from the awards show. Says he'll fight him any time. But how about specifically, March? We then cut to Tony Schiavone who is in the ring waiting for Cody's new shitty snoop dog theme remix to finish. I think that the people who despise Cody and those who don't think he's the antichrist can probably find common ground here with this theme issue. Arn also is here. Tony asks Cody to respond to both Jade and Shaq. He says he'd rather "just give you the pitch", March 7th, Revolution, Cody/Brandi vs. Jade/Shaq. But, oops, can't, Brandi's pregnant, so... Cody says he's confused and distracted, so maybe Arn can solve this as he does many things. Arn says he chewed Cody's ass out earlier because he deserved it. Arn asks for patience through his promo. He says Cody is about to be a dad, which is gonna be all over his mind. But think about it like this. June 1985. He saw Dusty fight 30 minutes with Tully, fly across country, then see the Cody Fetus being born. Arn says if you choose to fight Shaq at Revolution, you have to do it eyes wide open, no regrets. He says this is a once in a lifetime match. Shaq dominated basketball and proved he was world class. He says Jade dominates every room she's in, he assumes. But Arn sees something. He then invites the actually great Red Velvet out. She comes out looking very strong, and says she has fire. Velvet gets the mix. She says, quite frankly, she's fed up with getting attacked, she's tired of Brandi getting attacked by big mouth coward Jade. She says Cody won't hurt Jade, but she will. She will stir her bitch ass up, she says. JR responds with "She said bitch ass. That means she's serious". Good shit JR. The segment ends.
  • Kip spills some poetry about Penelope. PENELOPE SPEAKS. She says she's excited to marry this handsome man. She invites us to Beach Break for their wedding. Miro jumps in and says Miro and Charles will be there too! What a story Miro.
  • Matt Hardy came out during the Page/Nemeth match. He applauds Hangman after the win, then Hangman invites him over. Tony Schiavone comes over for a chat. He asks what's happening. Matt says he didn't want to make a scene. Matt just wanted Hangman to know he supports him. Matt says he's been concerned, Adam's been lost. He says he know Hangman loved his friends and they all burned him. Matt says Dark Order isn't for you. He wants Adam to know he deserves to be happy. Matt says you should come to my dressing room! Plenty of space!
  • Tully throws powder into Luchasaurus' eyes after the match, then Noted Weenies FTR are able to destroy both Jungle Boy and deliver a spiked piledriver to Luchasaurus from Tully to finish him off. They cuff Luchasaurus to the ropes and they cut off his horns!! ABSOLUTELY UNFORGIVABLE ACT. They go to cut off Jungle Boys' hair, but luckily this is averted by half the locker room.
  • We go to Team Taz. Taz says Ricky and Brian are ready to destroy them-- but then Will and HOOK come up to a merch dealer set up outside the arena and beat them up because they have no Team Taz merch. "First name basis, huh brothers?" Taz asks. Forgotten Son Of Taz Brian Cage rips a tshirt. The segment ends.
  • Britt continues hear beatdown of Shanna after their match only to be interrupted by Thunder Rosa. Rosa runs her out the ring before checking on Shanna.
  • MJF is with Sammy while Sammy is at the Dynamite Bar and Grille. MJF says Wardlow wasn't supposed to get involved in MJF's match and MJF docked his pay. Sammy says MJF doesn't fool him. He might be the only one who sees it, but he does see it. MJF says "You sure you want to play it this way?" Sammy says he isn't playing and MJF retreats.
  • The Bucks are in the TTBR, if they win they get to choose their opponents for the title match.
  • Dasha is with the Bucks and Good Brothers. It's been years since the last time you fought, how's it feel she asks. The Good Brothers say they're gonna crush their match next week. The Bucks say it'll all be fine as long as Callis doesn't get involved. Kenny swings by and says hey, we need to talk. Don comes by with an absurd phantom of the opera mask on because even an unsalted slug is jealous of how slimy he is, and everything breaks into an argument as the Bucks' music plays.
  • Matt says next week the winners get a shot at the belts, and if they win, they get to pick anyone. And it can be anyone. Just then, Fenix runs in, then Mox, and chaos ensues as the show concludes for the week.
Post-Show Poll Results & Surprising Biblical Knowledge
  • 1/13 Results:
    • Overall Rating 3.87
    • Best Match: Allin Vs Cage (61.3%)
    • Worst Match: Taylor Vs. Miro (50.8%)
    • Wrestler of the Week: 1st: Darby Allin (46.2%), 2nd: Brian Cage/Tay Conti (Tie: 12.4%/12.4%)
    • Full results here
  • 1/20 Results
    • Overall Rating 2.95
    • Best Match: Adam Page & Dark Order Vs. TH2 & Chaos Project (38.1%)
    • Worst Match: Cody Vs. PPA (39.5%)
    • Wrestler of the Week: 1st: Adam Page (28.5%), 2nd: Sammy Guevara (20.6%) 3rd: Jon Moxley (5.9%)
    • Full results here
  • Leyla Hirsh was just barely out of WOTW range, only 3 votes from Moxley's position, pretty good showing from someone not even officially signed to the roster. I'd expect that to change before, during, or after the women's eliminator tournament.
    • 28 of you goons rated last weeks show a five out of five. I just wanna know, what do you consider a FOUR? Does someone need to DIE ON AIR?
  • Proverbs 6:16-19 of the Bible states as follows: There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers. However, apocryphal texts found alongside the Dead Sea Scrolls include an additional, recently discovered passage: "Woe be unto that which is most abominable to Him: His most despicable creation and most loathed enemy, Eddie Kingston, whose existence and iniquity has displeased Him greater than that of any other man created in His image. To him The Lord's curses flow freely, and the blood of his hands and the sweat of his brow which pours forth in multitudes of sorrow, He will take His greatest joy.". It's clear now to me, having read and understood these lost words of King Solomon, that Eddie Kingston may be correct about his relationship with God.
Hacksaw Jim Duggan Buries All Elite Wrestling
With a wrestling career that's lasted more than 40 years, Jim Duggan's power level is beyond comprehension. If he hasn't beaten an AEW wrestler directly, he's beaten them through a few degrees of separation.
Could Hacksaw Jim Duggan defeat Sting?
Yes, Hacksaw Jim Duggan could easily defeat Sting.
Hacksaw has previously defeated:
Kenny Omega, Colt Cabana, Hikaru Shida, Kris Statlander, Eddie Kingston, Chris Jericho, Darby Allin, John Silver, Evil Uno, Hangman Adam Page, Private Party, Alex Reynolds, Matt Hardy, Jon Moxley, and the Young Bucks.
And has lost to only one man:
The Exalted One, Mr. Brodie Lee
Outside Links
Being The Elite on Youtube
AEW Dark & More on Youtube
Visit /AEWOfficial - The Most "Official" Unofficial Subreddit for All Elite Wrestling fans.
Visit AllEliteWrestling.com for news, tickets, merch, and other info.
Watch Impact Wrestling On Twitch
submitted by SmurfyX to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

[The Beach Boys fandom] Heroes and Villains: the Beach Boys in the Trump Administration

So, to my knowledge, no one has done a write-up on the batshit insane history of the Beach Boys and the various inter-politics of band-members that extends to their fanbase, which is why I'm doing this now. I don't really use Reddit so excuse any formatting errors, I'm not entirely sure how to use italics on this thing, but I feel this story is worth sharing anyways.
Okay, let's start with the basics, the Beach Boys are a classic rock band most famous for being pioneers of surf-rock. They didn't invent the genre but they were one of the earliest commercially successful surf-rock bands to have vocals, basically cementing the vocal-jazz/doo-wop sound vocal style that's all over the genre. The band was formed by the three Wilson brothers (Brian, Carl and Dennis), their cousin Mike Love and their childhood friend Al Jardine. Brian Wilson was the group's leader, writing all of their songs and eventually producing their records, with Mike Love functioning as the group's lyricist and arguably their lead vocalist (all of the members sung lead but Mike didn't play any instruments so he tended to sing lead a bit more often to give him shit to do on stage). This was how the group functioned from the early 60s until 1964.
Here's where the issue begins, for various reasons (largely due to having a panic attack on an airplane) Brian Wilson decides that touring and surf rock sucks complete ass, and that he'd rather innovate in the studio. A solution is agreed upon where Brian will write and record in Los Angeles for most of the year as the other Beach Boys tour, occasionally stopping back in Los Angeles to provide vocals on the instrumentals that Brian cooked up. Lyrics are to be provided by Brian, although he eventually elects to just hire other lyricists. To make up for his absence they recruit another musician named Bruce Johnston to tour with them, who eventually just joins the band.
So Brian gets more studio time, drifts away from surf-rock and eventually rock altogether, discovers psychedelics and records some of the greatest records of all time. "Pet Sounds", the Beach Boys fourth album to be recorded in these circumstances, is largely considered the band's masterpiece and consistently ranks near the top of most "Greatest Albums of All Time" charts (it's currently #2 on Rolling Stone's list, for example). It's really incredible psychedelic pop, genuinely a fantastic record and one absolutely worth listening to in full ("Wouldn't It Be Nice" was used in a Fallout advertisement a few years ago and got some attention because of it, "God Only Knows" was performed Bioshock Infinite by a barbershop quartet, I think Reddit likes these sort of things, they're also just very famous songs in general). There's some other material recorded around here that's also fantastic but is not necessary to understand this post.
These albums were weird, and they were critically acclaimed, but they weren't as successful as past Beach Boys albums (at least not in America, they sold fantastically in the UK). After one of them was cancelled near its completion ("SMiLE", an album with it's own insane fan history I may write-up later) the band became significantly less successful, Brian Wilson became reclusive and the power in the band generally shifted to the other members.
For the most part, this has been true since 1971. Brian has come back a few times, most notably in 1977 with "Love You" (a very weird but very good early synth-pop album), but a history of mental health issues prevented him from ever fully returning and the power in the band gradually shifted over to Mike Love. Here's the thing though, Mike Love is an asshole.
Mike Love's many faults are too long to list here, but to put it plainly he's a money-grubbing Reagan-Republican jackass who trampled Brian's creative vision to push the band back towards its surf-rock roots, in the process creating some of the worst records of all time. The Mike Love-helmed Beach Boys albums must be what the Beach Boys sound like to people who hate them, they're truly dreadful. In the mid-90s he somehow got the rights to tour under the Beach Boys' name, and has been doing so consistently since.
This is where the fans split. To those who consider themselves fans of the Beach Boys there are two general mindsets: one that considers Mike Love to be the antichrist and one that doesn't. Can you guess which side I'm on? To those who prefer the Beach Boys' experimental works, he's a greedy businessman ruining the band's legacy, but those who prefer their surf-rock tend to be more in favor of the guy. This split is largely across political lines too, Mike fans tend to be more right-wing and Brian fans tend to be more left-wing.
Many arguments are had over the merits of these two sides of the band. As Reddit leans younger, more tech-savvy and more left-wing, thebeachboys is mostly in favor of Brian, but on Facebook it seems way more violent. If you search for concert footage of Mike Love's "Beach Boys" and contrast it with Brian Wilson's solo touring it's apparent what types of crowds they're playing to.
Now, some Beach Boys fans are bipartisan and that shouldn't be left unstated, but this is certainly true for the majority of them. This is where our most recent issue comes to play.
So a few weeks ago on New Year's Eve, after Trump lost the election but before he was out of office, he held a party at his Mar-a-Lago resort and the Beach Boys performed at it alongside Vanilla Ice. "The Beach Boys" in question were Mike Love and a handful of touring musicians but no other members, not even Bruce Johnston who is a republican and has toured with Mike before. To say this caused a shitstorm would be an understatement.
Beach Boys fans are insecure about many things and I'll be the first to admit that, "Pet Sounds" pretty directly inspired the Beatles' "Sgt. Pepper's" and yet the Beatles and the Beach Boys are often considered to be in different leagues which Beach Boys fans don't really like. One thing that fans of Brian are particularly insecure about is "The Beach Boys" being used when referencing Mike Love's touring band. You can bet that when dozens of articles from major news publications come out about "The Beach Boys" performing at Trump's mask-less party in the middle of a pandemic that these fans would be fucking pissed. And they were.
This was easily the most active I've seen Beach Boys fans in awhile, especially on Twitter where just about every tweet about the matter had a dozen Beach Boys fans underneath it clarifying that Brian had absolutely no connection to the concert. In a rare move for him, Brian (or at least his social media team) came out to condemn Mike Love for playing a mask-less concert in the middle of a pandemic to support a man who was voted out of office and wouldn't admit it. Al Jardine, another Beach Boys’ member who regularly tours with Brian agreed, and former Beach Boys’ collaborators had some more colorful things to say (including Van Dyke Parks, the lyricist for Brian’s “SMiLE” project who has pretty regularly shit-talked Mike Love over the years).
While this wasn’t the first controversy surrounding where Mike Love’s touring band choose to play concerts, there was a similar controversy a few months ago when they performed at a party for Trump’s re-election in October and another one back in February when they performed at a Safari Club (Brian Wilson is very strongly in favor of animal rights), but this was truly the last straw. Bipartisanship is nearly impossible to maintain with the current politics of band members, and while a true reunion of the band has been discussed to occur sometime later this year (or whenever quarantine lifts) it seems considerably unlikely. The band, the real band with Brian participating, is probably just over forever now. You'll still be able to see Mike Love's bastardization of "the Beach Boys", and you'll still be able to see Brian tour (and Al too, probably) with his incredibly superior backing band, but the true Beach Boys are done.
I, and I assume many others, have found some hope though. The sheer amount of backlash seems to show that the Beach Boys’ legacy hasn’t been ruined, that Brian’s experimental music has been and will continue to be properly appreciated, and that attempts to destroy with this boomer surf-rock garbage have ultimately failed. It’s nice to know, but we can’t really be sure for now. Knowing Mike Love, he’ll pull some more shit.
I don’t really know how to end Reddit posts but if any of you want a real belly-laugh I suggest you check out Mike Love’s 2017 double-album “Unleash the Love”, specifically its second disc which consists of re-recordings of classic Beach Boys songs. I don’t want to spoil it but pay attention to the vocals, they’re uhhh kinda hard to miss.
And if you want some good music to listen to, listen to Pet Sounds! It’s seen as a masterpiece for a reason. If you’ve already listened to it, then listen to their other stuff like “Friends” and “Wild Honey”. That “SMiLE” album I’ve mentioned a few times in this post was eventually released in like 2011 as “The Smile Sessions” and it’s fucking mesmerising, really worth a listen. Get involved with the Beach Boys fan community too, speaking for the Brian-side of the group there’s a lot of really good and really talented people working hard to preserve the band’s legacy. Brian’s current touring band actually consists of a bunch of Beach Boys fans (namely Darian Sahanaja, the main organiser) who were able to perfectly replicate the very complex arrangements of Brian’s songs live.
So yeah, that’s all. Have a good one, listen to the Beach Boys, and don’t be like Mike Love.
Edit/Author's Note: Just to be safe, I added a couple sentences to show that all of this did have consequences as to follow Rule 10. Didn't really impact the pacing or the point, just emphasized what's at stake in a clearer way. Also, you've all been super cool in the comments, very nice to see people who've decided to check out Pet Sounds after this. I know "thx fer de updoots" is a fucking meme but it's nice how welcoming you all are, I'll probably do a write-up on the history of SMiLE and all of the bootlegs people did sometime in the next couple weeks. Okay, author's note over.
submitted by cecilycelentano to HobbyDrama [link] [comments]

Fallout 76: Inventory Update Notes – January 26, 2021

Today’s update brings a Stash increase, a variety of improvements for your inventory and U.I., a new wave of bug fixes, and more. Read on for the full list of changes in Fallout 76.

Update Highlights

Update Version

Check today’s update version and download size for your platform of choice below:
  • PC (Bethesda.net): (1.6 GB)
  • PC (Microsoft Store): (5.0 GB)
  • PC (Steam): (2.0 GB)
  • PlayStation 4: (4.2 GB)
  • Xbox One: (4.8 GB)

Inventory and User Interface Improvements

  • Stash Increase: Hold onto extra gear with a Stash increase! We've increased the amount of weight your Stash can hold by 50%, giving you 1,200 pounds to work with.
  • New Inventory Tabs: We’ve added a few new tabs to your inventory menus so that you can better organize your gear, from your snacks and Stimpaks, to your outfits and armor.
    • New – This tab will keep track of all the items you gather during a play session, sorted by newest to oldest.
    • If you already have a stackable item in your inventory, like Steel Scrap, then new Steel Scrap you pick up will not appear in the “New” tab. Instead, it will be added to your existing stack.
    • Additionally, the “New” tab will reset if you leave your current world.
    • Armor – We’ve split Armor into its own menu tab so that you can keep your defensive gear separate from your other Apparel.
    • Food/Drinks – Your food and drinks are now split out from “Aid” into their own “Food/Drinks” inventory tab.
    • Please note that your Chems and Serums will remain in “Aid.”
  • Stack Weight: What’s weighing you down? From now on, when you select a stacked item in your inventory, the Pip-Boy will show you the individual weight and the stack weight.
  • Vending Machine Map Previews: The tooltip that appears when you’re previewing another player’s Vending Machines on the Map will now show the number of 1-, 2-, and 3-star legendary weapons and armor they’re selling. This way, you’ll have more information about the legendary goodies players are selling before you choose to Fast Travel to their C.A.M.P.s.
    • Additionally, Vending Machine categories that are empty will no longer appear in the tooltip to help you more easily see what types of items players do have for sale.
Additional User Interface Updates
  • Atomic Shop: We’ve added a button to each category page in the Atomic Shop that will let you show or hide the items you already own, so that you can browse what’s still available with less clutter.
  • Build Mode Visual Improvement: We’ve changed the color of the outline that appears when you build objects in your C.A.M.P. from green to light blue, which should be more friendly for our builders who have colorblindness.
    • This change is only visible when the object you're trying to place is in a valid location, and invalid placement outlines are still red.

Daily Ops

  • Elder Tier Rewards: In response to community feedback, we’ve adjusted Daily Ops rewards so that you will always receive an item from the rare rewards pool whenever you complete an Op fast enough to reach Elder Tier.

Spread the Love: New Challenges and Rewards

  • Starting today, and lasting until February 16, you can claim a free “Heart Wrencher” Skin for the Pipe Wrench in the Atomic Shop, and then use it to complete Challenges that will unlock new cosmetic and consumable rewards!
    • Earn Lunchboxes, Perk Card Packs, and Repair Kits by defeating enemies with your Heart Wrencher every day during the Spread the Love event.
    • You can also claim outfits, and even a new variation of the Backwoods Bungalow, by completing Weekly Challenges with your Heart Wrencher equipped.

Bug Fixes

  • Settler Forager: Corrected missing player dialog options for Settler Forager.
Art & Graphics
  • Apparel: Fixed texture issues with the Samurai Helmet.
  • Apparel: Reduced the gap between the Deep Cave Hunter Backpack and the player’s back.
  • Apparel: The Pip-Boy light no longer shines behind the player in the Brotherhood Recon Helmet.
  • Apparel: Fixed a texture issue with the Fasnacht Beret.
  • Décor: Updated the explosion seen when destroying Wrapped Presents.
  • Décor: The flame on Skull Candles no longer appears offset from the wick.
  • Items: Updated the explosion effects when destroying Mr. Handy Fuel and Portable Fuel Tanks.
  • Lights: Yellow lighting effects no longer persist after the Color Wheel has been turned off.
  • Lights: Adjusted the lighting on the “Kill, Laugh, Love” Sign so that the word “Laugh” is no longer too bright.
  • Power Armor: Headlamps no longer shine in an incorrect direction when wearing a T-65 Power Armor Helmet that has a paint applied.
  • Power Armor: Addressed missing textures and reduced clipping issues with the Captain Cosmos Power Armor.
  • Power Armor: War Rider Power Armor now properly protects the player’s posterior.
  • Vending Machines: Adjusted the explosion when destroying the Slocum’s Joe Vending Machine.
  • Weapons: Mind over Matter’s visual effects no longer appear to come from the player’s shoulder in third-person view.
C.A.M.P. and Workshops
  • Exploit: Addressed an exploit affecting item storage in the Stash box.
  • Shelters: It is now easier to place structures, like the Seedy Shed, Backwoods Bungalow, and others inside a Shelter, as long as there is enough space to do so.
  • Stairs: Stairs can now snap to the front of the Brotherhood of Steel Scout Tower.
  • Super Mutant Tube: Players can no longer get stuck inside the Super Mutant Tube while building it.
  • World: The “Discover Beckley” subchallenge for the “Discover Locales in the Ash Heap” Challenge can now be completed.
Daily Ops
  • Rewards: Fixed an issue that could result in no rare reward being granted if the item the player would have received was a non-tradeable item Plan that they had already learned. Now, players will always receive a reward when this occurs.
  • Operation Report: Addressed a visual issue that could incorrectly mark reward tiers as already earned in the Daily Ops Operation Report.
    • Please Note: Daily Ops rewards reset at 12:00 p.m. ET each day.
  • Rad Worms: Rad Worms now only increases Radiation damage taken from consuming food and drinks.
  • Spawning: Fixed an issue causing enemies to sometimes spawn grouped together at an incorrect location.
  • Giant Hermit Crabs: Players can no longer clip through Giant Hermit Crabs.
  • Apparel: The Feral Ghoul Mask and Cuddles the Clown Mask no longer obscure the Pip-Boy light.
  • Apparel: The Plague Doctor Mask now correctly states that it prevents air borne diseases.
  • Apparel: The Swamp Camo Hazmat Suit can now be repaired.
  • Armor: Raider Armor now correctly works with the Funky Duds and Sizzling Style Legendary Perks.
  • Armor: Recon Armor now correctly adjusts to the players body style.
  • Flora: Thistle now correctly turns into Irradiated Thistle when nuked. Irradiated Thistle can now be harvested for Raw Fluorescent Flux.
  • Magazines: Fixed an issue causing “Live & Love 8” to cancel out the Very Well Rested bonus from a fourth Lunchbox.
  • Magazines: The “Astonishingly Awesome Tales 3” bonus has been changed to allows the player to breathe underwater and regain health while swimming.
  • Mods: Weapons with mods that add fire damage, like the War Glaive with the Flaming Blade mod, now work with the Friendly Fire Perk.
  • Mods: The Heating Coil mod now correctly states that it deals fire damage.
  • Mods: Applying Brawler Armor mods to Brotherhood Recon Armor arm pieces now boosts unarmed damage by 7.5% each.
  • Mods: The Reduced Ammo Weight Legendary effect now correctly reduces explosive ammo weight.
  • Mods: Adding Pocketed mods to a Boiled Leather Chest Piece no longer incorrectly increases the item’s durability.
  • Plans: Fixed an issue that caused players to unlearn Plans for Lawn Flamingos and Wooden Desks.
  • Power Armor: The Targeting HUD mod now only highlights hostile targets.
  • Power Armor: The Explosive Vents mod has been renamed “Cooling Vents.” Cooling Vents slow Fusion Core drain by 5%.
  • Weapons: Fixed an issue where certain weapons that shoot multiple projectiles were taking too much condition damage.
  • Weapons: The Crusader Pistol Reflex sights no longer appear distorted when the Pyro receiver is equipped.
  • Weapons: The Stabilized Bull Barrel now correctly counts towards mods learned on the .44.
  • Weapons: Baton that have a paint or skin applied can now be changed back to their default appearance.
  • Weapons: Changed the Plasma Cutter’s speed description to Medium.
  • Weapons: Crossbows can now be changed back to their standard frame.
  • Weapons: Players can now correctly reapply the Wounding mod to a Bone Club after switching it to No Upgrade.
  • Plague Walker: The Plague Walker Mutation's description no longer incorrectly states that it removes Disease durations. This was only a description change, the Mutation's functionality has not been adjusted.
  • Brotherhood: Brotherhood of Steel Hopefuls and Initiates will no longer take damage when nuked.
  • Brotherhood: NPCs will no longer say hello to the player while they are talking to Russell Dorsey.
  • Brotherhood: Addressed dialogue issues with NPCs during “Property Rights.”
  • Putnam Brothers: Now have appropriate dialog if neither were recruited to Fort Atlas when the player revisits them.
  • Settlers: Fixed the collision on Settlers at East Mountain Lookout Tower.
  • Scribe Valdez: No longer comments on documents players have already collected during Mother of Invention.
  • Scribe Valdez: Fixed an issue that prevented Valdez from playing certain voice lines during “Mother of Invention.”
  • Scribe Valdez: Valdez's clipboard will no longer clip through her while in a downed animation.
  • Vendors: The Flatwoods Vendor will no longer sometimes appear invisible to players.
Performance and Stability
  • Client Stability: Fixed multiple crashes that could occur during combat.
  • Client Stability: Addressed a crash that could occur while scrolling the Notes tab in the Pip-Boy.
  • Connectivity: Fixed an issue that could cause PC players to receive a “Disconnected due to modified game files” error during normal gameplay and kick them from their current world.
  • Server Stability: Addressed an issue that could cause a server crash.
  • Performance: Addressed an issue that could cause the game client to hitch while viewing the Aid tab in the Pip-Boy.
  • Performance: Addressed an issue that could cause the game client to hitch when sorting the Pip-Boy by spoil.
  • Performance: Fixed an issue that could result in framerate drops inside Fort Atlas.
  • Dodgy: Now has a 2 second cooldown on AP drain. The damage reduction is still active during the AP cooldown. This prevents players’ AP from completely draining when hit by high rate of fire weapons.
  • Friendly Fire: The health regeneration effects from Friendly Fire no longer stack, but heal faster. This makes it so all weapons heal at the same rate.
  • Stabilized: Fixed an issue that prevented Stabilized from working correctly while wearing Power Armor.
  • Super Duper: Fanfare and sound effects no longer incorrectly play when crafting Legendary Items.
Quests and Events
  • Disarming Discovery: Dagger will no longer attempt to talk to the player if they are in the shed.
  • Disarming Discovery: Dagger’s Key will now longer reappear on her corpse after logging out and back in if the player has already looted it.
  • Dogwood Die Off: Fixed an issue where the quest target does not appear correctly on the trunk.
  • Fasnacht Day: Players will now correctly earn a three-star legendary item upon event completion.
  • Fasnacht Day: Super Mutant Suiciders will no longer continue to spawn after Fasnacht ends.
  • Fasnacht Day: Addressed an issue that could cause the Master of Ceremonies to spawn outside of the event area.
  • Fasnacht Day: The Robotics Expert Perk can no longer be used to Hack the Parade Marcher bots.
  • Fasnacht Day: Looting Porcelain Steins during the Fasnacht Day event no longer prevents players from picking up additional Porcelain Steins during the next Fasnacht on that same world.
  • Field Testing: The Putnam parents are now more visible during the intro scene.
  • Field Testing: Fixed a rare issue that could cause the player to see a blank dialogue box when speaking with Paladin Rahmani.
  • Forbidden Knowledge: Addressed several issues affecting Forbidden Knowledge and Technical Data, and this quest has been re-enabled.
    • Please Note: Technical Data can no longer be dropped, traded, or Sold.
  • Mother of Invention: The Mysterious Component now remains a quest item after relogging.
  • Mother of Invention: The bag of dirt in the Ultracite Battery housing will no longer disappear when the player returns to the instance.
  • Mother of Invention: Addressed an issue that could cause Scribe Valdez to not fight back when attacked by enemies.
  • Mother of Invention: The Mysterious Component in “Mother of Invention” will now display an inventory message when the player extracts it.
  • Mother of Invention: Addressed a lore continuity issue in Rahmani and Shin’s dialogue regarding Paladin Taggerdy.
  • Over and Out: The animation of the transmitter getting destroyed no longer plays prematurely.
  • Overseer, Overseen: Dialogue and quest will now progress appropriately when returning the security footage to Head Engineer Brass.
  • The Best Defense: A quest target now correctly points to Paladin Rahmani after being directed to speak with the Brotherhood upstairs.
  • The Best Defense: Fixed an issue that could cause more enemy waves to spawn than intended during the quest’s final encounter.
  • Trade Secrets: The quest marker to collect the Pip-Boy Construction kit now consistently points to Vault-Tec University.
  • Scoreboard: Entering the Scoreboard quickly no longer causes the sound to disappear.
User Interface
  • Atomic Shop: Once owned, the Brotherhood of Steel Icon now correctly appears in the Player Icons page in the Atomic Shop.
  • Fast Travel: Added an error message when trying to fast travel to a C.A.M.P. that the player is too close to.
  • Map: Fixed an issue where the map could be opened while viewing a terminal.
  • Map: Fixed a rare issue that could cause item counts in a player’s Vending Machine preview on the Map to mismatch the number of items in that Vending Machine.
  • Notifications: Fixed an issue where fanfare would sometimes not play after completing a timed challenge.
  • Perk Coins: Fixed a visual issue that could cause the player’s Perk Coin total to display an incorrect number of Perk Coins after scrapping Perk Cards.
  • Pip-Boy: Items with long names are no longer cut off in the Pip-Boy.
  • Quests: Fixed an issue causing the “Forging Trust” objective tracker to remain on the screen after the quest was completed.
  • Scoreboard: Fallout 1st exclusive rewards are now claimed separately from standard rewards on the Scoreboard.
  • Social Menu: Improved mouse controls on pop-ups in the social menu.
  • Teams: The Team UI will no longer flash while repairing items at a workbench.
  • World: Fixed several locations in the world where players could become stuck.
  • World: Fixed several locations where players could view out of world.
submitted by BethesdaGameStudios_ to fo76 [link] [comments]

`Pulseaudio -k`, or a pro audio user's perspective on Linux's sound stack

A bit about me.

I\'m a professional Physicist, Composer, Musician and I code in some off time. You have probably not used my programs, but it is nonetheless possible, maybe you do some Bayesian inference, or like to do some org-ing in emacs. I\'ve done my share of audio mixing on Windows, I\'ve written a bunch of Midi stuff in Cakewalk Pro Audio (yeah, that relic), and I currently own a Macbook Pro that I do some serious heavy lifting in. I don\'t just write music, though I happen to like tinkering with sound in wave editors, and I often create mods for \'90s shooters.
I also happen to be running Arch Linux since forever, but 2011 is the earliest date since when I ran it on bare metal on any of the machines that I own. I\'ve since branched out to Gentoo, and recently NixOS, because reproducible builds make your developer life a lot easier. I\'ve ran Arch for a very long time, it would have been five consecutive years, were it not for hardware failure. In other words, I know what I\'m doing, and I can follow a man page.

Life before pulseaudio

I don\'t hate it out of thin air. I was running Ubuntu before Arch and I remember the days before pulseaudio was a thing. I didn\'t hate it because change=bad, I\'ve grown to hate over the span of several sleepless nights, trying to figure out if the sound artifacts that I can hear are due to hardware problems or another in a series of bugs.
Things used to be simple: you had to do most things manually, no hotplugging, no autodetect and sadly, no way of adjusting program volume levels individually. ALSA isn\'t perfect, but it\'s workable if you know your way around alsamixer. Certainly, setting up a DAW (digital audio workstation) is a bit more of an adventure than one might expect it to be on Windows or Mac OS X.
You see, on Windows, in the olden days, there used to be this thing called a VST, that could come with an effect like reverb, or it could come with a full instrument like surge. It\'s mostly plug and play, however, in some particular instances, there are mild issues, that can be resolved with ccleaner plus some reinstalling. Mac OS X, is notoriously good in this regard. Not only do things arrange themselves neatly, they rarely if ever misbehave. Logic Pro is a DAW that almost never malfunctions by itself, and there\'s not a single piece of manual intervention between downloading a plugin, and listening to it in action.
On linux, you need to have Jack set up properly. It used to be easy: Jack sits on top of Alsa, and lets you do things like route different Jack Outputs to different inputs, including the midi tracks in say Ardour, to say the VST instrument. Not easy, but doable. You can actually just autostart Jack at login, and be fine. Then pulseaudio came along, and... things broke. It\'s fine, it\'s new, it\'s got shiny new ideas and a talented young developer behind it. It\'ll be alright two years down the line.
Almost ten years after, and things are not fine. Not in the slightest.

Pulseaudio at its best.

I mean no disrespect to Lennart Poettering. I really don\'t. It\'s not that he has bad ideas (they\'re not bad), or that two out of three of his major projects are so bad, that not having this software is a selling point. The trouble is that under pressure from Red Hat, and Arch, and other cool new shiny distros, pulseaudio was adopted by default. Gnome cut out the option of running on pure alsa, because of course it did. Some major applications outright require the presence of pulseaudio, namely Steam, making the proposition of not running this Alpha quality, Early-access CoreAudio asset flip of an abomination a bit difficult to swallow for most users. However, much of the problems with pulseaudio ten years ago are still there, so I can equally well describe the situation back then as now.
First let\'s start with the bugs. Pulse is a meme at this point. The biggest indicator of the abject failure of pulseaudio is the fact that if a typical user has no sound, they never think \"maybe it\'s JACK\", or even \"Maybe it\'s ALSA\". This mission-critical-middleware of a system, is responsible for the vast majority of incompatibilities, and headaches around sound.
You can\'t reliably make pulseaudio work with JACK. This is a deal breaker for me, because I need to use VSTis for my projects. I have tried Ubuntu Studio, Arch and it\'s pro-audio oriented spin-off. None of them work out of the box, and the only semi-workable solution is to run pulseaudio -k before starting JACK. The best solutions to the incompatibility is to get rid of pulse. Things like pulseeffects work... sometimes... and not that well.
But those problems can be fixed. You can theoretically assign a team of good programmers to fix the mess that currently is pulseaudio, and maybe fix some of the recurring issues. The architecture of how it works, however, cannot. How many command-line tools does pulseaudio come with. What is the syntax of pamixer, vs pactl, vs pacmd. Why couldn\'t those utilities be merged? Minimalism? Independence? OK. Fine. Why do we have sources and sinks? Why do I never get shown a decent name like onboard audio, vs Family 17h HD AUDIO CONTROLLER. I\'m a tech savvy person, and even I have doubts that this is the right audio output. But then you only identify it with that name in some obscure cases, every real application requires you to remember the number of the card. I have one onboard audio controller, and one inside my video-card that I never use. Guess which number is the one that is active? 1? 0? 4! I guess the internal enumeration makes sense, but you might have as well used a UUID hash, because a human would never have guessed that without looking it up.
Why do we make it so obtuse? Why do we have to assume that the end user is looking at the source code of pulseaudio and already figured out, that the sink is a recording device and a source is a playback device. Why add terminology that makes no sense. Moreover, the only thing that the bloatware of pulseaudio could have done, is at least fix the audible pop when volume is adjusted. OSS, had this feature twenty years ago!
There is still hope. Pipewire is a bit of a necessity in the post X11 world. It handles many of the tasks that are impossible otherwise, and handles them well. While I had very moderate success in replacing the aforementioned pulseaudio and JACK. I have yet to attempt any serious work on the new stack, and I expect things to not be as simple as they used to be, but I\'m hopeful. I do, however worry, that pipewire shall inherit all of the shortcomings of pulseaudio. It very likely shall fall victim to the same hubris of \"It\'s already adopted on every Linux machine, why should I fix the glaring issues and omissions?\"
However, I have a list of small things that as a pro audio user I would like to change.
  1. VSTs should support pipewire directly. If you can drop-in-replace JACK, then you can use pw, as a substitute.
  2. Pipewire should probably have a more sane model of the audio hardware. I understand that it inherits most of that from ALSA, which is itself an overengineered mess of spaghetti protocols, but still, a bit more simplicity for the end user, means fewer bug reports.
  3. There should be a single set of command-line tools, that come with pipewire. I shouldn\'t have to search the repos for the package that contains the tools I need to debug a problem.
  4. On that note, latency is a big problem with pulseaudio. I don\'t care if it\'s bloated, but I do care if I hit a Midi key and get the sound noticeably later. This makes improvisation impossible.
  5. Popping and cracking. There\'s something called envelopes. There\'s something called smooth transitions. These can make it so you don\'t have to use a sound effect to mask the audible pop in every GUI audio mixer.
  6. GUIs for adjusting common settings would also be nice. kmix has a bare bones system that barely does what it\'s supposed to. pavucontrol is much better in this regard, but still too bare-bones. I want something where I can tweak the sample rate, and set the avoid-resampling parameter. Most of the people who do Pro Audio aren\'t me, and won\'t even dare touch /etc/pulse/default.pa.
  7. Less attitude would be welcome. I guess, I\'m one of the many \"a**holes\" on the internet, that like to target Lennart Poettering. This sort of hostile attitude makes submitting actual bug reports very, very, very tense. And Pulse would be in a very different position, had most of the architectural blunders been addressed in earnest, and fixed.
    Overall, I hope that you will find this rant of a post, as a bit of a... Ok. This is mostly me venting, but I tried to keep things objective and relevant.
submitted by k33ler4pp to linux [link] [comments]

GTA Online Mega Guide and Weekly Simple Question Thread

Looking for friends to play with? Join the GTAOnline Discord server!

Screen Capturing
Platform Method
PC https://bit.ly/PcScreenshare
PS4 https://bit.ly/PS4ScreenCapture
XB1 https://bit.ly/XboxCapture

Solo Public Sessions
Platform Method
Any unplug router method
PC port blocking method - task manager method
PS4 MTU method
XB1 MTU method - NAT method

Making Money

Weekly Money-Making Methods - Updated Weekly!

Any level of experience and money:
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I'm a solo player, how can I maximize my profits?

Leveling RP

Further Money Making Info
What's New? Recent Major Content Updates
June 2017 - Gunrunning FAQ by L131
August 2017 - Intro to Smuggler's Run by Psychko
December 2017 - Doomsday Heist FAQ
July 2018 - After Hours/Nightclubs FAQ | After Hours Guide by Dan6erbond
July 2019 - Diamond Casino FAQ
Vehicles and Properties
Tips and Tricks
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If you know a post that should be included in this guide, message the moderators.
submitted by BryonyBot to gtaonline [link] [comments]

Post WWE Raw 1/25/2021 Show Discussion Thread

Winner Match Finish Loser Stipulation
Charlotte DQ when Nia attacks Charlotte Shayna Bazler
Charlotte, Mandy Rose, and Dana Brooke Count-Out Shayna Bazler, Nia Jax, and Lacey Evans
Nia Jax, Shayna Bazler, and Lacey Evans Leg Drop Dana Brooke, Mandy Rose, and Charlotte
Xavier Woods Shining Wizard Slapjack w/ Retribution
Sheamus White Noise John Morrison w/ The Miz
Miz and Morrison Skull Crushing Finale Sheamus
AJ Styles w/ Omos Calf Crusher R-Truth
Riddle Roll-up Shelton Benjamin, MVP, and Cedric Alexander Gauntlet Match
Alexa Bliss No-Contest due to Orton Asuka (c) For the Raw Women's Championship
Rate this week's Raw
Best match on this week's Raw?
submitted by Darren716 to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

Debunking The Cut Content And Lies Claim.

It’s been 2 months since the release of cyberpunk. It’s been a tough journey for CDPR after seeing a huge backlash following the release of a very buggy game and they do deserve the criticisms regarding the bugs, the horrendous performance especially on the base consoles. But unfortunately the criticisms didn’t stop there, soon enough there were thousands of videos and reddit posts absolutely shitting on the game claiming “its featureless” , “everything that was marketed to us has been cut” , “the game is bad and mobile games from the 2010s are better”. Criticisms and fault pointing for the sake of fault pointing is ludicrous and non-sensical. Now I am in no way defending CDPR for their bugs and the dumb as dirt AI and a fair few things missing , I am merely bringing up the facts and showing that The game does indeed have A LOT of those “cut” content features that people are screaming about in it and a lot of the claims made are simply hate infused nitpicks for the sake of shitting on the game.
Before we debunk a large chunk of these claims , we must first address the video these claims are based upon. The 48 minute demo released in 2018. This demo is one of the biggest reasons of hype and anticipation for the game, and for good reason, it shows us such a detailed world , so many mechanics and ways to play the game and most of all the sheer amount of choices.
I suggest you try to watch the demo footage first before reading further.Also im going to be tackling the most obvious ones first getting into the “real shit” later.
· “Jackie runs into the scav boss and tackles him to the ground” (near the end of the first mission) . THIS IS IN THE GAME. Just shoot the boss a couple time from the window and Jackie will indeed tackle him to the ground. But if you kill him outright obviously Jackie will not run into him. That’s just common sense, Jackie will not beat up a dead corpse.
· “The scav isn’t pushing the wheelchair”. This statement alone proves my point that people are shitting on the game for the sake of it. They removed this scav dude and added a stealth tutorial in place of it. That’s it.I don’t see no “game breaking cut content”, these things happen all the time during development . In the demo a scavenger is seen pushing a wheelchair ready for us to shoot down , in the retail version he is replaced by 2 scav dudes who walk by (not noticing the player and Jackie) for them to take down silently.
· “where is the reflex booster and that slow mo thing??” . For people who have played the game must be wondering why the heck did I put this in that there is slow mo in the game. I know.. I felt the same way. Now here CDPR removed the reflex booster “which gives players the ability to use kerenznikov” They instead made Kerenznikov a cyberware instead of an ability that requires a stim to activate. Most likely done to simplify things a bit and make the game more intuitive.
· “v doesn’t ask trauma team for a ride outta here” . Again a minuscule nitpick. I don’t even know what to say.. uhm fuck you cdpr I couldn’t ride the av? Nice.
· “No third person cutscenes” This was clarified way before the release by devs themselves. Excerpt from pcgamer*-*
“Marcin Momot, CD Projekt Red's global community lead, has commented on the apparent shift to first-person cutscenes. As he wrote on Twitter, "the decision made by the team to go 100% first person in u/CyberpunkGame is something that will benefit it greatly from gameplay and story-telling perspectives. That said, players will still be able to see their characters in the inventory screen, during driving sequences, in mirrors and, very occasionally, in some of the cut-scenes."
Link- https://www.pcgamer.com/cyberpunk-2077s-cutscenes-will-apparently-be-first-person/
This was posted in September 2019.
· “no loading screens was a lie” This is the most insane claim ive seen, the writer continues to say – “but instead of a loading screen they put elevators rides that takes several seconds, during these elevator runs you won't see the outside most of the time.
What the fuck does this mean? This again IS FAULT FINDING FOR THE SAKE OF FINDING FAULTS .. I cant help but laugh a bit lmao.
· **“**Vendor interfaces suck and aren't a physical screen” Tbh I gotta back this one I really would’ve liked something physical but I can understand why they did it. The 2018 screen looks pretty flat and hard to read and surfing the implants would’ve been a nightmare. And the more I think about it , the more CDPR’s decision makes sense.
· **“**the car’s speedometer is a small rubbish ui element in the bottom of the screen” This is true but only for real cheap and unimpressive cars. Most cars DO have a speedometer display (it looks like a red led progress bar in most cars) although decidedly not as cool as the one shown.
· **“**the tech double barrel shotgun shown in the demo has an alt fire mode whereas the retail one doesn’t” The retail one doesn’t because it doesn’t need an alt fire mode. Hold the fire button long enough and a charged bullet that penetrates walls is fired(exactly what was shown in the demo) . It’s a way better system than the alt mode.
· **“**there is no engineering skill in game” Engineering is now technical ability same functions don’t see anything cut here. Again people angry at a name change.
· **“**No weakpoint detection in game like we saw with Royce in the demo” Weakpoint detection exists, it’s a mod for your kiroshi optics. Having a standard “ability” locked behind a huge perk tree would’ve been boring and dumb , that’s why many abilities have been turned into cyberware , way cooler and easier to obtain.
· **“**there is no thermal katana in game sucks fuck you” The thermal katana exists its just rare. I even put up a post on the main subreddit , mods refused to greenlight it, and no one saw it. People refuse to agree anything is good with the game.
^my post
Now these were the most obvious and quite frankly easiest to debunk claims, Keep in mind there are many more just like these which I wont be talking about because they are very insignificant (for example- “v doesn’t ask trauma for a ride out of the scav base” or “ads don’t point to vending machines” just ask yourself how many times have you used a vending machine to eat food in a video game, it woulve been a useless feature affecting performance , “Jackie doesn’t get a car and we don’t see a scav looking at it before we get jumped” Replaced by another sequence during the night. Etc etc . Hell ive seen people bitch about how the weapons don’t show up all categorized into classes like in the tools of destruction trailer. Its. A. fucking. Trailer. With cinematics and shit to show off the weapons themselves my god.

Its time to discuss the real shit, stuff like “where is the jacking into a network cool stuff” , “there is no player choice the game ends the same way and the missions do too” and “the backstories where are they? Where are my turning point life options thing”

· “Network jacking in and stuff”
I would like to put an excerpt from another post I made-
“ Now i mentioned the 2018 demo before in which they showed us the "jacking into a subnet and enabling the quickhack backdoor" This sounds absolutely cool and fucking awesome but i understand why they removed it and simplified it. The major reason would have been that enemies not being able to hack you. If to quickhack others a backdoor must be opened beforehand that would mean none of the enemies would hack us unless they knock us down and hack us which wouldnt even happen often as the ai is subpar at best due to bugs and even if they could ,it would break the flow of gameplay too much! And honestly the netrunners are the most interesting enemies to fight tbh and without them the game would be pretty bland in its encounters.”

· “No player choice”
I’ve seen so many people saying that it’s a linear game and there arent many ways to approach a mission and that either way the mission end in a similar way, To a certain extent they are right but the game isn’t linear at all. During my time playing this game ive seen 3 main missions that have A LOT of options and really fun ways to go about them. They are “The pickup”, “Automatic Love” , “I walk the line” , these missions are a masterclass in player choice and the number of ways to go about the mission , be it peacefully or guns blazing. (for the pickup, we can contact Meredith , get a cred chip ,do the mission peacefully, for automatic love we can explore around find how evelyn got busted up , leverage woodman and get the info out of him without fighting , the corpo v also has an unique dialogue which allows this. In I walk the line we can side with netwatch agent or the voodoo boys leading to aggressive and passive outcomes respectively. If we side with the agent and help him get rid of the top brass of the VDB’s. Pacifica during free roam later on is devoid of any voo doo boy netrunners and ganoons alike. )
That’s it for the missions unfortunately , many missions are linear so as to not break the general story progressions.
Now about the “Life paths”. I don’t understand why so many people were under the impression that CDPR made 3 different games for each life path. I don’t understand how that’s even possible? We would’ve had to wait fucking 18 years for the game to come out, and obviously no sane company would do that. But they should’ve done something more. It’s an interesting concept but vastly underutilized.
“The game ends one way” This is simply untrue, the vast side content can help unlock so many different endings and if we dont do the side content properly , say we leave panam hanging while we are going to save Saul, Saul dies and panam is mad at us , ending our relationship with her(so we don’t get her ending at all). Or if we make very frequent sexual advances on her , she wouldn’t fall in love with you later on (also no romance ig so that’s important :| )
Same is true for the chippin in missions.

· ***“***The backstory choices” As for the backstory options , having the 2018 ones would’ve been really cool and amazing, but they decided to simplify things a bit and even teased this in the “2019 deep dive” video, so I don’t know why its such a shocker to people now?

Lastly I would like to conclude by talking about the bugs, ai and the wrong comparisons**.**
In my opinion the game is getting such a bad rep solely and solely because of bugs, AI and performance issues. The bugs are insane, the game does falls flat when it glitches out and weird things happen but mostly for me its due to the crashes, this game has blue screened my laptop more times than i can count . The feeling of an “empty world” and “cut content” is because of BUGS and the trash Ai routines that’s it. When we see a car not overtaking another car parked on the road, we feel its cut content and the game is bad “2010 games were better”. Its all because of various bugs combining together and making a bit of a mess. Its not because it was cut and the devs intentionally removed the feature, it was because of the crunch , the management’s cat piss decisions. I even watched crowbcats video on this topic and all I saw was bugs bugs bugs ruining the game , I didn’t see many “under delivered promises” just comparisons to GTA and a fuck ton of bugs and vey very bad ai which is something the game SHOULD be criticised about but not so much in the cut content department.
Which brings me to the comparisons to GTA, can we stop this please? Its like comparing apples to oranges, GTA Is a third person action game with a linear story and a lot of side content. It was a trend setter, it defined how games with open worlds should be like but this philosophy is so flawed. Not every game that has cars and guns set in a city is a GTA clone! Cyberpunk is an RPG a really good one at that, comparing it to the other RPGS is only fair! Like skyrim , fallout , deus ex and the like. And imo it trumps most of them in many areas (even though it lacks in some but that doesn’t make those systems bad just meh)
I would like to end by saying,
“The game would have been received infinitely better if the AI and bugs were fixed which would’ve allowed people to keep playing until they saw all the things it had to offer and then they would see that a lot of the content advertised is in there waiting for us to explore it”

p.s my first big post on reddit, go easy on me choom :)

edit - changed some adjectives , got a bit worked up when i wrote this lmao and some lines didnt really give off the right message that i wanted to give, hope its better now :) Also added the link to my thermal katana post. Thanks for all the support and feedback!
submitted by picklerrr to LowSodiumCyberpunk [link] [comments]

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