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Summary of the Persona 5 Royal info from the trailer and website (includes P5 Spoilers!)

Finally, some info!
I'll divide this into details from the trailer and details from the site (there's a lot of the latter), with a few bits of speculation thrown in (I'll make it clear which details are confirmed and which are just mine though):
The trailer (in roughly the order of appearance):
Those shoulders look too broad to be Kasumi's (and doesn't seem to have long hair or a ponytail), but they have hair so can't be Shido. But those are definitely seams on the edges of the's Takuto, isn't it?
Maybe Kasumi talks first and Takuto hijacks the message and/ or kidnaps or attacks her while she's delivering it? Maybe they're the same person under different personas personalities? Atlus has done weirder stuff!
Edit 8: I wrote another post analysing the English fan-translation of the trailer, including some further speculation about Gnostic influences. Please check it out too if you have the time!
The website:
There's a ton of stuff here, as I said before!
From the opening "reel" of screenshots:
Section 1: Kasumi Yoshizawa and Takuto Maruki:
Section 2:
And now Lady Ann and I will finally... happy cat noises
In any case, this confirms a "Golden" ending where Joker doesn't need to turn himself in to ensure Shido gets punished. Maybe this involves the "vision" at the start of the trailer and getting Goro to confess on his behalf instead? Or maybe the Yaldabaoth situation is handled differently in such a way that gives Sae the evidence she needs to convict him (assuming the bonus dungeon is in fact the Velvet Room)?
Edit 1: But this also begs the question: what will we do in those three months? Will the Metaverse survive the final boss this time around, or will the last three months be purely for social stats and Confidants? Will at least Mementos survive, so we can complete Confidants, or will they be re-written (by default or after the end of the game) so that Mementos won't be necessary for them?
Section 3:
This details the additions to the overworld and Metaverse.
School Life
Phantom Life
Edit 1: Thanks to the screenshot in this thread (thank you, u/ZuskatoIsR3D) we can see Kasumi's stats in relation to everyone else's. Her numbers are lower than the other three, though this could just mean she recently joined the group and needs to catch up, but her SP is less than half her HP. This could mean either:
The next batch on information will come on May 9th. However, there's also a talk show tomorrow with Joker's VA that was supposed to give P5R info, which makes me think tomorrow will just have a recap of today's stuff (along with info of an upgrade deal for existing owners, I hope).
Persona 5 Royal releases on Halloween in Japan and 2020 in the West (the English trailer also confirms the Western name drops the "The" in the Japanese title as many suspected, following P4G's example). 'til then, enjoy! I hope you found this useful!
Edit 4: Theories (marked with "(*X)" above):
  1. It's possible that the meeting between Kasumi, Ren and Akechi is where we hear the dialogue from last month's trailer ("What do you think of the Phantom Thieves?") After all, them meeting at all means she isn't restricted to only meeting him at the TV station, and this gives her more time to form an opinion on how they work - at least until finding her way into the metaverse and seeing what they do and why.
  2. u/TheReaperCreeper had a much better suggestion than me: what if Akechi is the one who turns himself in for Ren's sake? As another user of the Metaverse he can also answer questions about it to get Shido sentenced, while also paying for his own crimes. Better still, he could claim to be the leader of the Thieves to keep the law off everyone else's backs, thus getting to redeem himself while also being punished for the things he did. Thanks, Reaper!
  3. I was going to say Kasumi may only be important because she was in the right place at the right time, but this certainly hints at a more supernatural cause if true.
  4. u/hypercombofinish suggested Kasumi's Persona could be Dorothée, and since her outfit shares so many similarities to Joker's I think this is highly likely. For those who don't know, Dorothée is the lead character of the novel The Secret Tomb, the only Arsène Lupin book in which Arsène himself doesn't appear. Instead the plot is about Dorothée solving one of his "four fabulous secrets". This could be highly fitting for someone initially disagrees with the Thieves before becoming one herself and would also tie her into Joker's "mythology" the same way Marie and her backstory tied into Izanagi's (and thus Yu) - assuming Kasumi is the Aeon Arcana and not a Fool or Jester or something completely different, of course.
  5. The trailer as a whole has a small narrative running about Kasumi trying to dissuade the Thieves from their work, while Morgana tells her they won't be swayed by the danger or not getting results. This provides some early insight into her character, but maybe she eventually goes off the deep end and tries to control everything as a way of keeping everyone safe? Morgana telling her that "granting everyone's dreams is bad" and her saying she "took everyone's dreams" is also quite interesting. Maybe Wakaba and human!Morgana are just illusions? I plan on making a full post about the translated trailer tomorrow, but this is just something to sleep on until then.
(Just search for "Edit X" to see what each change entailed. Check the time stamp to see if I added anything you missed or want to correct!)
Edit 1: Just added a few tweaks based on stuff I've seen elsewhere on the sub and stuff I forgot to add the first time.
P.S. I the only one who thinks Kasumi looks better in her school uniform? Anyone? Maybe because I like clothed people and the pose shows her off better?
Edit 2: Amended the descriptions of Kasumi's weapons.
Edit 3: Added a detail I overlooked the first time and clarifications from Persona Central's article. (Edit made at 16:53 UTC.)
Edit 4: Added translations for the new boy and a theory section, 17:31 UTC.
Edit 5: Added more translations, a correction about Joker's grappling hook and a new theory! 21:47 UTC.
Edit 5.5: Added a quick note I forgot to under the "mysterious boy's" section. 21:54 UTC.
Edit 6: Another edit, another translation! 22:22 UTC.
Edit 7: Added information from the translated trailer and u/quitethewaysaway's observation. 22:50 UTC.
Edit 7.5: Edited theory 5, 22:53 UTC.
25th April
Edit 8: I wrote another post about the translated trailer and added some new speculation there including possible Gnostic influences! Also I added a possible explanation for the alarms ringing in the Velvet Room. 9:40 (am) UTC.
Edit 9: This has nothing to do with Persona 5 Royal, but I wrote a post for P5S too! It's nowhere near as detailed as this one (since we have nowhere near as much info), but I hope you find it worth reading nonetheless! 14:39 UTC.
Edit 10: Added a shower thought inspired by Kasumi's cosplayer. 16:19 UTC.
Edit 11: Added a detail about Futaba's AOA that I noticed on rewatching the trailer. 18:14 UTC.
Edit 12: Finally managed to snag a picture of the above, and also added a scene from the trailer I didn't think worth mentioning before but have since changed my mind on. 21:13 UTC.
27th April
Edit 13: Added a new observations from the trailer. 08:35 UTC (am).
Edit 14: Added more info about a screenshot. 13:05 UTC.
Edit 15: Added some info from Twitter. I wish I knew of MysticDistance's work sooner! 13:54 UTC.
Edit 16: Added some observations from the trailer. 20:15 UTC.
Edit 17: Added a screenshot of the mystery figure on the TV screen. 20:47 UTC.
28th April
Edit 18: Added more details from Twitter, some speculation and a feature about the cutscenes I keep forgetting to add! 10:09 UTC.
Edit 19: Added speculation about when Kasumi joins the Thieves as well as a theory on Okumura's Palace. 14:05 UTC.
Edit 20: Added some speculation and further observations. 16:52 UTC.
UPDATES: This post is now too long to add to, so further updates will be added in the comments (along with text from here to show where the new details fit in.
Edit 21: Can be found here. 22:17 UTC. (Edit 21.5: Added a link to the magazine article and boldened the links to the trailer and site. 22:25 UTC).
29th April
Edit 22: Can be found here and contains some further speculation! 19:13 UTC.
Edit 23: Can be found here and details Kasumi's animations and possible symbolism of her stats/ potential playstyle. 19:36 UTC.
Edit 24: More speculation! 20:03 UTC.
Edit 25! 21:32 UTC.
30th April
Edit 26! 20:12 UTC.
(Edit 26.5: Added the above date and italicised it and the 29th for better clarity. 21:13 UTC.)
Edit 27: Added something I've been forgetting to add ever since adding the speculation of Goro (and Kasumi) joining Joker as "inmates," followed by some shower thoughts! 21:48 UTC.
Edit 28! A big one if I say so myself, about Kasumi's theorised code name, "Swan". Now I really hope we were right! 22:06 UTC.
4th May
Edit 29, 30 and 31: I was able to cover a lot over the past few days, including an analysis of Kasumi's character and name so far and translations for everything on the trailer and website! 16:49 UTC.
Edit 32: A new thought and an old thought. 23:00 UTC.
5th May
Edit 33: A thought regarding the narrative impact of the similarities between Kasumi and Joker's outfits. 10:01 UTC.
Edit 34: Wrote an analysis of the main song, Colors Flying High, and added some suggestions for the origins and implications of Kasumi's powers! 15:14 UTC.
6th May
Edit 35: More theories based on suggestions from the comments! 14:16 UTC.
Edit 36: New theories from the comments and something I keep forgetting to mention. 14:43 UTC.
Edit 37+ listed here!
submitted by Theroonco to Persona5 [link] [comments]

the world is run by Jesuit assassins, I think I pissed them off

Richson White found himself in unfamiliar surroundings. he stared out ahead of him. At a long dimly lit corridor. the walls were cold grey concrete, with a red and purple carpet at his feet. One that had a bright and garish color. that shone vivid and bright under the heavy beam of overhead lights. he moved hesitantly forward a few inches. casting a concerned glance around him. behind him, the din of battle could be heard, gunshots and expolsions.
the whole air of the corridor was unnerving. as it was entirely unfamiliar to him. where was he? the corridor was wholly empty. Just as he'd hoped it to be. ahead of him was a single door, the only one in the corridor. As Richson took a single step towards it. the lights over head went out. plunging the corridor into darkness. He stood motionless. staring ahead at the door. he could see a faint outline of light coming from beneath the door.
A faint whisper behind him made his blood run cold. Richson was unable to clearly hear the whisper. as it came and went quickly. lasting only a few brief seconds. before silence once again settled over the corridor. he crept slowly forward. making his way towards a door at the end of the corridor. Upon reaching the door. he extended a hand to grip its handle. placing an ear against the door to listen for any movement on its opposite side.
upon slowly opening the door, Richson was greeted by an old priest, siting hunched over a desk. in what seemed to be an office. one with white sterile walls, and the scent of rubbing alcohol throughout. Richson approached the priest slowly. closing the door to the corridor behind him. upon hearing the door close, the priest looked up. Glaring at Richson. as he sat down at the desk across from him. drawing a silenced berreta, and cocking it. "hello old man" "id say its nice to see you again, but i was never a good liar" sneered Richson.
The priest glared at him. "you are to address me as father" he replied. Richson growled at this. "no" he stated. the two glared at each other. Then Richson raised his pistol. standing up from his chair. "time to die old man" "your schemes are at an end" he stated. Just as his finger brushed the trigger. the door behind him thudded open. Richson reacted quickly, drawing a second pistol. to aim at the intruder. He was a tall and pale man. dressed entirely in black. he held a pistol in one hand. which he held at the ready.
Richson aimed his gun, "Drop it, or i kill the old man" he commanded. the stranger did as he was told. his gun clattering to the floor. the stranger glance over at Richson. A single word on his lips. "why?" he inquired. Richson shock his head. "you know why" he sated. firing a bullet into the preists head. The stranger than fell to his knees. His mind recalling the path that had brought him there. As Richson leveled both guns at him.

Agent 1776 came to in the van. he stirred awake. sitting up from where he had passed out some hours before. Groggily he checked to see if he had his pistol. his hand patting the side of his pants. to his relieve. it was exactly where he'd left it. holstered on his right side. he took in his surroundings. finding himself sitting in a parking lot. In front of a luxury hotel. One that sat along the vegas strip. it was late at night, and the lights of the city illuminated the darkness. casting long shadows onto the sidewalk below. 1776 glanced up at the hotels glowing neon sign.
"the ultra luxe" it read. in glaringly red bright letters. that towered high above his head. He than removed an envelope from the glove box of the van he'd woken up in. carefully removing a single photo from it. he stared at it for several seconds. commitng the man's face to memory. after this. the agent turned the picture over. "Rodney Tailor, room 325" "eliminate target" "no witnesses" "destroy this note after reading" his instructions read.
1776 climbed out of the van. feeling a hot blast of dessert air blow by his face. he stood on the Vegas strip. Amid the flashing lights of casinos and nightclubs. in the middle of the hottest month of the year. just before summer ended. taking a few tentative steps forward. He ripped the picture to shreds. dropping them to the sidewalk. before crossing the street. to approach the front doors of the ultra luxe. As he reached the front doors of hotel. a bellhop held it open for him. earning a polite nod from 1776.
Once inside he, took note of his surroundings. the lobby was fancy and posh. the sort of thing one might find in any decent hotel. it had a black leather couch, that sat before a flat screen attached to the wall. 1776 strolled over to the front desk "yes, may I help you?" inquired an employ from behind the counter. He wore a white hotel unifrom, and his name tag read Adam. the agent nodded in response, flashing adam a fake smile.
"I'm a courier sent to bring a message to room 325" informed 1776. "very well, you'll find that room of the 3rd floor. near the ice machines" replied the employ. the agent nodded his thanks. then made a b line for the nearest elevator.
walking past a chatting couple on the couch. who were oblivious to his presence. As they talked amongst themselves. the agent summoned the elevator to the lobby. stepping in and ascending up. This wasn't his first hit, nor would it be his last. he cheked his pistol, before steeping out of the lift. to glance down the hallway. at a room near the end of hall.
it was there that a single secret service agent waited. 1776 approached him. his hand reaching down to draw his pistol. cocking the hammer as he did so. the security guard had no time to react. his eyes widening as a bullet pierced his skull. sending his lifeless body falling to the floor.
1776 then moved forward. kicking open the rooms door. suprising a woman inside, who wore nothing but a bathrobe. she only had time to let out a single muffled scream. before two bullets found her chest. painting the wall with her blood. in the bathroom her husband screamed. falling in his attempt to leave the shower.
1776 showed him no mercy. firing a shot into his head. as he lay tangled in the shower curtains. he then emptied his pistol into the man. not wanting him to escape. upon lowering the gun. 1776 took a final glance around the room. seeing no one else, his gaze fell upon the tv set in the corner. it displayed a newscast. upon seeing what the screen displayed. the agents eyes widened. as he recognized the men A fellow agent of the order.
there were three of them in total. all of them having been caught. After assassinating several politicians. two senators, and a congress man. all three confirmed killed. the agent shook his head. holstering his pistol. he needed to leave. now, before he was caught. his superiors never rewarded failure.
As 1776 fled the room. he could hear approaching sirens. He sprinted for the elevator, frantically pressing its button. to summon the elevator to his floor. once inside, he holstered his pistol. as the elevator descended. bringing him back to the lobby. where he fled back onto the street. escaping in the van he'd woken up in.

Richson stood above the agent. who starred down the twin barrels of his pistols. "you really shot a powder keg, didn't you?" he accused. glaring at the agent. who remained silent. "the whole US is on fire after what you did" "killing those politicians led to a full blown civil war" "tell me why you did it" Richson demanded. The agent glanced up at his would be killer. "we needed to remove the protestants from power" "they stood in the way of our master plan." he explained. "what is the master plan?" Richson inquired.
The agent refused to answer. as an explosion sounded in the background. "ill tell you nothing more" he spat. leaping to his feet and dashing out the door. Richson's bullets grazed the agents back. narrowly missing a direct hit. agent 1776 fled down the corridor. nearly tripping as he made his escape. As Richson burst out of the room behind him. He escaped through the door at the end of the corridor. emerging into chaos.
the room beyond had once been a common room. where agent 1776 and his companions took their meals between jobs. it was in ruins. bodies lay scattered about. he bolted for cover. As machine gun fire sailed over his head. "over here" a man shouted. The agent found himself surrounded. he was backed into a corner. with four guns pointed at him. Richson laughed at him. slowly clapping his hands.
He shock his head. holstering his pistols. "you seem like a fighter, I like that" He laughed. steeping up to the agent and raising his fists. "I wont be wasting a bullet on you" he stated. throwing a devastating right hook. The agent dodged this. punching Richson in the face. Making him angry. He violently shoved agent 1776 against the wall. drawing his switchblade, then plunging it in the agents throat.
For a moment Richson watched the light leave his eyes. Than he let his lifeless body fall to the ground. The hunt was on, and he was just getting started.
submitted by Terra627 to DrCreepensVault [link] [comments]

Phantasy Star Online 2 NA Confirmations, Speculations and Information

I thought I'd do a follow-up post to my previous post over here:
That one isn't going anywhere and I appreciate some of the comments and discussions that went on, however:
For this reason (and the fact that the PSO2 Twitter released some new information), I wanted to do a second post that addressed some of the things I failed to address last time as well as make things more clearer. The information provided in the post is a combination of conclusions I made together with discussions I had with various acquaintances and friends on the Phantasy Star Fleet Discord.
With that said here we go...


The release of Phantasy Star Online 2 NA will not be accompanied with PSO2es at the moment. (
Xbox Live Gold
More of an issue to pick with Microsoft than SEGA, although Phantasy Star Online 2 is free to play as with many other free to play titles on Xbox One you will need an Xbox Live Gold subscription.
Windows 10 games that make use of Xbox Live do NOT need an Xbox Live Gold subscription.
No Character Transfers
A response to a question regarding character transfers has revealed that there are no plans for JP players to be able to transfer their characters to the NA version. (
Casino Confirmed
Nothing much really, the Casino is confirmed for Beta for those who had doubts it would be in the game at all. (
Group Chat & Voice Chat
In addition to the Group Chat introduced in Episode 6 a Voice Chat functionality has been added in the game. The way they worded it seems to imply that it will be between party members with no details on whether you'll be able to Voice chat with Team Members. (
In addition, one thing to keep in mind is that the Group Chat was a feature added to the Episode 6 client of the game. ( While it is possible SEGA might just have isolated the feature, keep in mind that features are tied to Client versions. If this is the case this might mean PSO2 NA will start off with Episode 6's Quality of Life updates and balances. Whether Episode 6's story, classes and content is gated temporarily on release will be seen.
English Dub & Dual Audio
In a surprise announcement, it has been confirmed that PSO2 NA will have full English voice-overs. ( Apparently even Quna's songs have been dubbed to English. If this is a bother do not worry as the game will have Dual Audio options. This does however change the approach the game's text would have as dialogue boxes would essentially be transcribing the dub as opposed to just simply translating what is being said so playing the NA version in Japanese would make the text more of a "Dubtitle".
There is no information on VAs involved though hopefully, we can expect the same kind of quality we've seen with SEGA's other dubbed games like Judgement and Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise.
Closed Beta Content vs Final Game
It has been confirmed that the features and content available to players during the Closed Beta will not be indicative of the final release. So if content is gated (its beginning to look like the Closed Beta will be limited to Episode 1), please don't jump to the conclusion that the full game would launch in that same state. ( (
No IP block for EU
A very vanilla confirmation to bring up, especially since it was brought up today but I feel its important to emphasize since it was a worry many outside of North America had. Today's tweet however confirmed that an IP block will not be taking place: Xbox One (and Windows 10) regions are not account bound so you can freely change your region to US or Canada to gain access to the Beta and eventually the final game from the MS Store.
Azure Cloud
Many people came to conclusion that "Powered by Azure Cloud" meant the game would be streamed akin to the likes of PSO2 Cloud or a Google Stadia game. The announcement of the game's file-size and that there will be future updates expected should confirm that Phantasy Star Online 2 will be running natively on Xbox One (and hopefully PC). To give some clarification about what MS Azure's use is for, Cloud Servers are now used to host game servers. Notable examples include Minecraft and Sea of Thieves making use of Microsoft Azure and Fortnite using Azure's competitor; Amazon AWS. According to a Japanese exclusive interview, the reason SEGA decided to use Cloud Hosted servers is to be able to cover more geographical areas much easier (Anyone who's played Phantasy Star Universe might remember that game being hosted on a single data centre in the West Coast)
As a recent tweet from the social media accounts confirmed, Phantasy Star Online 2 NA will NOT be using a Western version of the SEGA ID. ( This essentially makes PSO2 NA similar to Phantasy Star Universe's Xbox 360 version which utilized Xbox Live as your account. GamerTags are also present on Windows 10 which is how your Xbox One characters would be usable on Windows 10 and vice versa.
This doesn't rule out a Steam release or other platform releases just yet either. I can't vouch from Steam (*can anyone who plays Halo: Master Chief Collection tell me how you sign in to Xbox Live on the Steam version?) but in recent years Microsoft had been interested in rolling out Xbox Live to other platforms with Minecraft and Cupheads on Nintendo Switch making use of Xbox Live functionalities.
"All the Content" is still happening... to an extent
Like it or not, to many of us "All the Content" was very vague... all the content up to that time? all the latest content? do Collabs count as content? This entry is as vague as their post but if there is one thing to confirm... is that they are at least working on it apparently:
Microsoft's Role
I want to make clear that Microsoft is NOT the publisher. According to a Japan-exclusive interview, Microsoft approached SEGA with the intention to have PSO2 released in the West and have one of its platforms be Xbox One. They do however bring up that they will be co-operating with Microsoft due to them having more experience managing Online games and dealing with the Western communities, though as we've seen... SEGA does have the final say regarding some matters (Phil Spencer couldn't comment about an EU release or account transfers)
Windows 10 Version-Release
No one knows EXACTLY when it is we'll be seeing the PC version released. However given some posts from the PSO2 Twitter (which I have put in one place here: ) we can probably narrow down a rough timeline of when we MIGHT expect it.
*The Windows 10 version releasing "later in 2020" was not meant to mean "later in 2020", but rather that it simply releases AFTER the Xbox One version. (
*The Windows 10 version is still scheduled for release during Spring. Now bear in mind that Spring lasts from March to May (or sometimes June?) so I'm not implying that both of them might launch simultaneously (
*I'm stretching "confirmations" a bit here but... its to be expected given how vague the PSO2 Social Media can be. There appear to be implications that some kind of Beta (Open or Closed) will be taking place for Windows 10. ( (
I am aware that some scepticism may be present in trusting PSO2 NA's social media accounts, but given that most of what we know about the NA release (including the fact that its dubbed, has voice chat, Beta rewards) had been given out on Social Media and NOT put on the website... I think it's fair to say their information might be a bit more valid in comparison to the website for now (check in Speculations for a theory on why) which leads to...
The Website's Information As we already know, the current website has had problems in terms of updates, no Beta rewards announced, None of the new information posted there. Thankfully, the Closed Beta date announcement revealed that a new website will be going up at the same time as the Closed Beta. While we don't know all the new information that would be present on the site, we have gotten some hints that we will at least get to know a bit about a potential Community/GM Team. (
Terminology & Name Changes
As we already know, there are some names that are spelled differently and terminology changes that have taken place. Some of the terminologies that were confirmed to be for NA were first revealed to us through the PSO2 Episode Oracle official subs so it's fair to say it counts as a reasonable source for what got changed. Although this section is called "Confirmations", I bent the rules here a bit by me trying to explain the potential reason these terms were changed so please bear with me...
Patch Name Official Translation Name Potential Reason
Darkers Falspawn My only guess is, the localizers didn't like the name "Darker". SEGA JP's Official Spelling is "D-arkers" (You can see this spelling in the English track name in PSO2 Volume 1 Japanese Soundtrack). I seriously doubt it has anything to do with "Darkers being offensive" when the antagonist "Dark Falz" remains as is. These kind of changes are what is commonly known as "Woolseyism", look it up on Tv Tropes for reference...
Darker Infection F-Factor Changed to match new name for Darkers. Also creates an allusion to PSO1 and its "D-Factor" infection.
Dark Falz Double Dark Falz Gemini In addition to maybe the localizers feeling "Double" sounds like a weak name given the context, the Kanji used to spell Double's name actually means "Twins". Please check back with my original post for a more thorough explanation on this. So again, "Woolseyism" at work.
Emergency Quest Urgent Quest "Emergency" and "Urgent" are the same word in Japanese. This is also the terminology planned to be used for the 2013 translation and which would be carried over to the SEA version. My guess is... it also helps to avoid confusion with "Emergency Codes" since even now that's what people think got changed.
Naberius Naverius No idea why this change took place, especially since SEGA JP's official name spelling is "Naberius"... though strangely, although Nab Rappy don't have an official English spelling... the Katakana for their name reads "Navu" as opposed to "Nabu" while the planet is spelled "Naberiusu".
Campship Gateship Localizers used SEGA JP's official terminology. You can see this name used in the English track name in PSO2 Volume 1 Japanese Soundtrack.
Dewman Deuman Localizers used SEGA JP's official terminology. You can see this in the Opening video (after character creation) for EPISODE 2
Gettemhart Gettemhult Localizers used SEGA JP's official terminology. You can see this spelling in EPISODE 1's end credits.
Melphonsina Melfonseana Localizers used SEGA JP's official terminology. You can see this spelling in EPISODE 1's end credits.
Lisa Risa Localizers used SEGA JP's official terminology. You can see this spelling in EPISODE 1's end credits.
Tea Tia The twin's names were meant to be a pun on "Patientia". Official SEGA JP spelling is "Tiea" as seen in EPISODE 1's end credits.
Patty Pati The twin's names were meant to be a pun on "Patientia". Official SEGA JP spelling is "Patty" as seen in EPISODE 1's end credits.
Zig Jig Localizers used SEGA JP's official terminology. You can see this spelling in EPISODE 1's end credits.
Ulc Ulku No idea why this happened.
Photon Rings Photon Halos Attempted Woolseyism
Coat Edge Coated Edge Attempted Woolseyism
If by any chance I missed anything, please let me know and i'll try to keep this list updated
SEA Translation
Before I start this section I would like to define what counts as "SEA terminology". You see, portions of PSO2 SEA's scripts were based on that of the translation intended for the original 2013 release and are in fact SEGA of America's terms. Some of these terms include:
With that said, "SEA terminology" by my definition, of course, refers to changes that AsiaSoft (at SEGA of Japan's request) did which usually goes against established Phantasy Star terminologies like:
Terms like these were thought to make a return to PSO2 NA (and changes like Falspawn get compared to them... despite the fact that Darkers haven't appeared in a past Phantasy Star game). The class list today, however, made use of the proper class name "Force" and throughout various posts referred to Monomates by their proper name. So rest assured... despite all the name changes, the AsiaSoft terminology that goes against past PS games is not being used.


Why no concrete date is given I'll keep this one short and simple, given what happened the last time the game was 'delayed', could you imagine if a REAL (and not just "actually cancelled but we say its delayed") delay happens how the community would react... yea...
Why information is different across Social Media and the Official Website
As many of you have known, there has been some conflicting information regarding PSO2 NA. First, the website says the Windows 10 version isn't expected until later in 2020, then the social media confirms "Later" does not mean "Late 2020", then another confirmation that states the Windows 10 version is still planned to release in Spring.
Simply put, the website hasn't been updated much, in fact, the most recent update only added the Closed beta date without including any of the new information revealed in the Twitter such as the Beta rewards (site stills says "rewards will be announced soon"), said Open Beta that was recently brought up, specific information (if you were new to the game, you wouldn't know about each Race and Class from the website... but the Social Media feed).
Hopefully, when the full website releases on February 7th we will get more concrete information on these details that the current "Teaser Site" has. (*Fun fact... did you know the domain is actually owned by SEGA Europe?)
Why the Closed Beta is exclusive to Xbox One
I will not disregard the complaints there have been about the Closed Beta being an Xbox One exclusive. However I at least wanted to give an idea on why Xbox One gets a Closed Beta. Simply put... its a new port and no matter how alike Windows 10 and Xbox One are there are still some things that would need to be tested on it, particularly in how it handles with Xbox One exclusive features.
Ideas on when the PC version comes out
So if you read the details above concerning the Windows 10 version's release, you'll know that SEGA can be quite vague with their information but have given us some details to narrow down a potential time frame for when we can expect the Windows 10 version. Furthermore, the game's website brings up "Windows 10 version coming soon" in a section talking about the Closed Beta and also responded to various people's comments with things like "Closed Beta test is for Xbox One. Windows 10 version coming soon". The vagueness comes in the sense that we don't know whether "Windows 10 version" refers to the full game or one of the Betas (Open or Closed), however assuming it is and combining it with the points previously brought up, one of the following scenarios might take place:
Windows 10 Version Will be UWP
I am aware that not many of us would be happy for this. However, from a development point of view it makes sense why the PSO2 Team might choose to do this. Currently in the Japanese version patch files have to be compiled for each specific platform... so now add needing to compile and put out patches for the multiple platforms and also prepare the patches for the NA version. Assuming the Windows 10 version of PSO2 NA is distributed on the MS Store, a UWP port of PSO2 makes the game nearly the same under the hood so only a single set of Patch files that work on Xbox One and Windows 10 would need to be created.
This in turn helps to explain why the game would be exclusive to Windows 10.

General Info

Who does the port
Game publishing, especially when it comes to MMOs, is not as straightforward as SEGA JP giving Microsoft or SEGA of America the source code to the game. All features and content for past version of PSO2 (SEA and Taiwan) were in fact developed by the Japanese team. While SEGA West (and/or their outsource responsible for portions of the game) might do things like translating the text and recording the voices, things like porting to Xbox One, programming Dual Audio support, Implementing Voice Chat and (once the game releases) developing potential NA exclusive content all fall on the development team in Japan who also need to work on PSO2 JP updates.
Circumstances Regarding other Platforms
Yes so... as much as I'd like PSO2 to be available on all platforms as Phil Spencer said, there are various circumstances that might affect their release in the West.
Server Host
People bring up that Microsoft is "hosting the servers", I figured I would explain what this entails. The way MS Azure works... Microsoft has about as much involvement managing the server as Amazon does managing Fortnite (sorry for bringing it up!) servers. Microsoft Azure is a Cloud Platform that any company that subscribes to can use for various purposes, including hosting servers. Microsoft's responsibilities fall on making sure that service stays active, is well maintained and doesn't have problems. As such, SEGA's responsibilities involve less managing the physical servers and more managing the server software and what goes on in the actual game.
I'd like to bring up also that using Microsoft Azure should have no bearing on the game releasing on other platforms. Microsoft Azure is NOT the same as Xbox Live in the sense that it's more 'general purpose' and is something that even Sony uses.
No release date and Radio Silence since E3
I cannot explain the EXACT reason why SEGA does this sort of thing, but I will say that its not something specific to PSO2. There has been radio silence and lack of information for SEGA's localized 2020 titles, namely Yakuza: Like a Dragon, Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA Mega Mix and Project Sakura Wars. Much like PSO2, those games have only a vague 'release period' (Project Sakura Wars is also planned for "Spring 2020", Miku Megamix has a vague release period of just "2020").
This post may be updated over time so please check back from time to time, especially whenever a new update is available. Proper criticism on certain points I bring up will also be taken into account and changed accordingly (if you feel an entry doesn't belong to the right category, etc)
EDIT: New confirmations I forgot to add when I first wrote this.
EDIT 2: Added info on the dub (nothing new for many of us) and specified about the Xbox Live Gold subscription not being needed for PC. Also.. thanks to whoever gave me Silver and Helpful Award! ^ I'll be sure to keep us updated on things.
EDIT 3: I got Pati and Tia's name wrong. As a result, it doesn't line up with SEGA JP's official terminology. In addition, another terminology discovered, F-Factor.
EDIT 4: Rephrased some sections, added some extra details on certain localization entries and added an extra line on the origin of some of the statements said.
submitted by leonkh to PSO2 [link] [comments]

Everything I Noticed whilst playing P5R (very long) (no major 3rd semester spoilers)

So I just beat Royal about 2 weeks ago and had an absolute blast. 10/10 would do again
Whist playing, however, I actually made a list of everything I personally discovered, though some things may be wrong.
If you want to add anything to the list, suggestions are appreciated!! And if you notice any mistakes, please tell me and I'll fix it up a bit, thanks!!
Oh, and there are no 3rd semester spoilers! I only wrote down things between the first day and Christmas day, so don't worry about anything too major in this post djsjshks and I didn't write much about any of the Palaces besides from story related things
Anyway, here's literally everything I wrote down!! Enjoy, my dudes 🤠

The Atlus/Criwear intros have now been improved, with Atlus's intro having a bit of Joker at the start doing Jokery things
The loading screen for starting up the game now includes the PTs logo with 3 spotlights
Palace "distortions" that can be seen surrounding the screen now have a new look
You can now see the sillohetes of future party members in the Casino
The dialogue between Futaba and Ryuji are now actual dialogue boxes, not side dialogue that you'd see in Mementos
Loading screens are SO much faster and the "walking" loading screens now include more people
You can see Takemi walking towards the clinic when you arrive in Yogen
The scene after you cleanup your room, and going to school is now fully voiced
Sojiro generally has a kinder tone
The "New day" screen now has gone through some improvements. The clouds now move!!
Kawakami will accidentally hand you something whilst giving you your student ID. She quickly takes it back though before you can see it. Most likely maid service stuff
The ride back home now has additional dialogue of the road being extra packed at the end of Sojiro's monologue
You can meet Ohya interrogating a Station officer about the train crash
Arsène now has an "è" in his name
Arsène also talks with a "shouting" dialogue box. It's like a normal dialogue box, but it's shouting now
Not sure if this was in the original or not, but Ryuji has a bit of extra dialogue for him throwing the key away (not much, just a simple "ngh" but still)
The "ugh woe is me I'm a teacher and he's late boo hoo" is now voiced
A fuck tone of dialogue has been rewritten to sound better. Definitely an improvement
Sae now mentions what Kamoshida's crimes were ("He was guilty of everything - the abuse, the... violations...") (I think I'm not sure tho jdhdgh)
Kawakami when shittalking Ryuji will now get cutoff as soon as he approaches
While Ryuji waits for you on the roof, you can find Haru on the 3rd floor talking to a teacher!!! The teacher says how they'll leave the rooftop open so she go to the planters that she volunteered to take care of
The planters are already on the rooftop. I'm not sure if it was there last time in the original, but if it's not, it's a cool touch lmao
Sojiro's scolding for ditching half a day is now rewritten a bit +new dialogue options for Akiren
New dialogue from Justine about how neglecting your fate will lead to his death
New Kasumi scene
New Ushimaru question (The answer is Villians, or C)
New student thoughts scene talking about Kasumi
Kamoshida + Ann scene is now voiced + rewritten
Ryuji's search for the castle is now voiced (though it could've been in the original, in not sure)
Palaces now start at 40% security when you enter instead of 0%
After going through the Palace and meeting Morgana again, the dialogue of them going back into the Palace + so much more that I'm not bothered to write is now voiced
Safe room enterences are now all wiggly and distorted
Ammo is now replenished after battles
Morgana will ask after the gun tutorial if you want to directly command him or act freely instead of making new players go to the menu and find it
New scene of Ryuji and you discussing plans to take down Kamoshida + Goro and Sae walking in the background
New IM background. Messages now have sakura petals floating in the background
Whilst you're stuck at Leblanc, unable to go out, you can up all your stats! Studying at the booth helps your Knowledge, making Coffee ups your Charm, making Curry helps your guts, you can now clean Leblanc to up your Kindness (+some points for Sojiro if he's there) and making Tools helps your Proficiency!
Ann + Shiho can be seen walking in the background at 4/13
Some students walking to school now have voices
After the rally, Ryuji complaints about Kamoshida are now voiced
One victim of Kamoshida that you interrogate now has a voice
Students you can listen into now have a slighty darker "chatter" icon once you talk to them. Same with the "whisper" icon
Wrong answers to Ryuji's question about any names turning up are now voiced
After school when Morgana tells you about changing hearts, there's a little scene where you can get the students options on Ann
The scene after you chase Ann is now voiced
Ryuji post-suicide scene is now voiced
Makoto can be found post-suicide scene right outside the courtyard talking to a teacher about Shiho's suicide (Teacher's worried about it turning into a scandal while Makoto's like "bro wtf what about the fucking student??? Huh????")
Ryuji post running off to the PE office is now voiced
Ryuji shakes his arms when he gets pissed off at Kamoshida
Shadow Kamoshida's speech to the Knights after you enter the palace is now voiced + the scene after that
When a new weapon is found in a treasure chest, the person it belongs to will ask if you want to equip the item
After Ann's awakening, there's a little scene of the crew returning to the real world and talking about what the hell just happened
Sae's dialogue about Ann has changed
Sojiro tells you to "Stay upstairs while we're open for business." Not sure if it's in the original, but it's also voiced
Takemi has a new voice actor!!!
God, fuck, there's so many new voice lines, I'm not gonna put them in anymore since there's so MANY. I'll just mention important scenes that have voices from now on
Friends that go to Shujin will sometimes catch up to you and you'll both walk to school together
Some new people appear on Yongen street when you go to Takemi's for the first time! There's a stern old man who can't hear you (he thinks you're talking about Kindergarten), there's a talkative women (who actually mentions a "very good doctor who's very reliable." Possibly the Doc from Takemi's Route?) And a sick man who says he wants to go in, but doesn't have the guts. (alluding to Takemi needing Guts to rank up)
Iwai's first meeting is now voiced
Kawakami will talk to you after Kamoshida tries to get you expelled. There's now a new scene with Kawakami, Kamoshida and Kasumi
New student comments about you + Kasumi
There are new "thoughts" when quick traveling down near the lower right-hand side of the screen that give you hints (e.g. when hovering over the Library, it says "I think I could improve my Knowledge...")
By sitting on the toilet, you can find out how close you are to improving your stats
You can see your friends (Makoto, Haru, ect) walk to school
New Hiruta question (The answer is they're both the same, or C)
There is now a tutorial for baton passing since it's no longer a confidant ability
Chests now have a weird glitchy sound to them
Some items will give you some additional moves (Wind Ring will give you Garu, ect)
The twins will have new features for you in the Velvet room after you secure the route to the treasure.
The "Next Day" screen's weather will change depending on the weather in game
On 4/21, you can see Makoto and Sae hanging out in the background
The "Next Day" screen will also change when you send the calling card! A card will fly into the date instead of a dagger and the sky will become black and red
You cannot resell guns to Iwai anymore
The Palace security will actually go up to 100% when you send the Calling Card, not 99% like in the original
The Ass Chalice now has a sound effect for when you break it
Shiho and Mishima now appears as apart of Kamoshida's boss fight
New question, forgot which teacher tho (the answer is D, or all of them)
Morgana will tell you to work on your Kindness so you can talk to Ann
Confidants will now sometimes call you
Confidants will also have a little after scene after you hang out with them, mostly by phone call
The amount of people on the train will change depending on the time of day
You can get multiple choices for what to buy from the Home shopping channel now
Teachers will now sometimes call on your dumbass friends and ask them questions. Be a bro and help them out
New Kawakami question (answer is B, you stand by it no matter what, and then C, you have a duty to correct it)
Sometimes, when you're at the trainstation, confidants will come to talk to you. They are now voiced
New Usami question (the answer is B, or Four Colour Theorem)
Achievements for destroying Palaces have different titles now
Walking around the Wilton Buffet to get food is now voiced
Thieves Den, baby!!!!!!
Kawakami's lecture about Kamoshida is now voiced
When Kawakami goes on to explain multiple personalities and stuff like that, Akiren sits up a bit
There are more Chalk throwings by Ushimaru
The Library assistant will actually apologize to you if you spend enough time at the library!
New Kawakami question (Answer is Fatal Woman, or C)
The Monamobile will now purr when you rub the touch pad, and will yowl when you press it
Ryuji's Rank 5 now starts with a little scene of you two entering the alley to Protein Lovers gym (probably to show players where the gym is)
You can now also quick travel to the gym when you enter it
New Inui question (The answer is the Heian period, or C)
When traveling to places such as Inokashira Park, the windows on the train can change depending on the weather and scenery
New scene on 5/11. A school assembly is apparently happening on 5/13 after exams. Enter Maruki (He's the Counciler!!)
Maruki can now ask you questions in the classroom (Answer is the Placebo effect, or C)
The Morgana train button mash incident is now voiced
New scene on how to get to Madarame's shack
New Inui question (the answer is Hokusai Katsushika, or B)
New Usami question (the answer is 1:1.414, or B)
Treasure demon fights now have a new effect for when you enter battles with them (not unlike Disaster enemies, but this time it's yellow and sparkly)
New Chouno question (Answer is Together, or C, then Senses, or B, and then "Senses coming together," or B)
On 5/24, Kawakami announces a public cleanup campaign that the school will be participating in on the 30th
In Madarame's Palace, instead of you having to travel all the way back to the beginning to traverse the paintings, you can hop back in where you exited out of
Madarame's security guard is now no longer origami man, but instead it's this weird, blue angel dude with like a seashell horn?? Sorry idk all of the Persona names
New Kawakami question (The answer is Authur Conan Doyle, or B)
Operation Maidwatch is now voiced!
New Maruki class/question (The answer is the Halo effect, or B)
New scene with Ryuji, we're going to Kichijoji, baby!!!
When you unlock Lockdown during the Strength confidant, Lockdown will have a new feature called Incense. Incense will improve your Persona's focus and gives them more strength. You can find Incense not only in the Metaverse, but in daily life too.
The day when Ryuji forgets to change over to his Summer uniform, or 6/6, he will now catch up to you in the right uniform
The students walking around in the loading screens are now wearing their summer uniforms
Ann now wears a clover necklace with her Summer uniform (in her sprite atleast. Not sure if that was in the original)
Even MORE chalk throwing incidents with Ushimaru
New Kasumi scene
New Hiruta question (The answer is the number of legs, or C)
New Public Thoughts scene discussing Akechi and the Phantom Thieves (this is right before the Social Studies trip)
New Maruki class/question (The answer is Controlling public thought, or C)
Not sure if it's just me, but Kobayakawa seems a bit more of an asshole to Makoto
You actually exchange numbers with Akechi this time
New Hiruta question (The answer is Green, or B)
New Ushimaru question (The answer is Coins, or B)
Kinda newish scene of Makoto/Sae sister time? It's the same dialogue, but they're not eating this time and instead are talking in their living room
New scene of Makoto and Iida (the guy who got blackmailed by Kaneshiro and co.)
New scene of you and Ryuji finding the right line to take you to Shinjuku
The two trolls of Shinjuku scene has been rewritten.
New Usami question and Ann needs help answering it (The answer is Smartphone, or B)
Kaneshiro's introduction is now slighty different (the camera focuses on him talking to Makoto before zooming out and seeing her struggling on the floor)
New Inui question (The answer is a Pope, or C)
Kawakami's IM pfp has now been changed to her maid outfit
New scene on 6/25. Morgana/Ann's showtime introduction
When you enter Kaneshiro's palace, a dog enemy will spot you and will initiate a battle. You will be able to trigger Ann/Morgana's showtime!
New technical tutorial in the middle of Kaneshiro's palace since this is the first time you encounter enemies without weaknesses
Treasure demons will now sometimes appear in battles with other enemies
Kaneshiro's security cameras now have a sound effect for when they go out
In Kaneshiro's Palace, there's a miniboss right before the giant lock. In the og, right as you walked down the stairs, you were forced to fight before you could save in the safe room behind you. Now, in Royal, you can save before going to fight! (Credit to u/Theroonco for this fact!!)
Kaneshiro's palace now has golden doors you need to pay for to open up (Specifically 10,000 yen.) Fortunately, you can just beat the shit out of them to get them to open.
Kaneshiro's Guard near the end of the palace has been changed. Instead of Armless Brainless mcgee it's horse skeleton man with weird hat (again, idk persona names fdjdhsk)
Special animations will play for Caroline and Justice when lockdown is in effect
New lines from Caroline/Justine when lockdown is in effect
New Chouno question (The answer is Dogs, or C)
On 6/28, new scene with Ryuji/Makoto for their showtime introduction though the date may differ depending on your playthrough. I got mine just as I was about to send the calling card, so who knows?
New Kawakami question (The answer is Gold, or B)
Kaneshiro's entire first phase has been deleted. Instead, you just skip to Piggytron
Kaneshiro also now has 3 phases
New Inui question (The answer is Barbarian's Head, or C)
New Chouno question (The answer is Julius and Augustus, or B)
New Kawakami question (The answer is The Milky Way, or B and then Soumen Noodles, or A)
New Usami question (The answer is a Triangle, or D)
New Maruki class/question (The answer is Memories that last for a long time, or B, then Infinite, or C and finally Forever, or C)
New Makoto scene
New Kasumi/Goro scene (I literally gasped outloud as soon as I saw him I'm not kidding that really caught me by surprise dkdkshhs)
New Inui question (The answer is Thievery, or D)
New Maruki/Makoto scene
New scene with some Gossiping students taking shit about Kasumi and Maruki
New scene on 7/17!!! Festival, baby!!!!! + Ryuji/Yusuke showtime introduction
On the day of the fireworks festival, on the train loading screens, you can see people dressed up in Yukatas!
Not sure if it was in the game last time, but there's now dialogue of Medjed claiming to be modern day Robin Hoods
New scene with Ryuji asking you to check with people in your neighbourhood about Futaba
You can no longer slide down the sand in front of Futaba's Palace while in your normal attire
Anubis will now warn you if he'll perform Mudoon or Hamaon (Anublis tips towards Curse (Mudoon) / Bless (Hamaon) or Anus reset balance (if Anubis decides to stop the Insta kills))
New mementos rooms
New Treasure Demon dialogue if you already have that Treasure Demon in your party
I've also noticed that there are a lot more Treasure demons in Mementos, whether they spawn in or appear right after battle with another enemy
You can sometimes fall into the ground in Mementos
I'm not sure if this was in the original, but you cannot hang out with your confidants in certain areas if the weather is bad
The Big Bang challenge without the special on is 2000 yen on the burger's second phase and 2500 yen on burger's final form
Cognitive Wakaba's 1st phase has now been sped up. She will now dive down on her third turn
New animations for Futaba working in Necronomicon whilst she is talking to Sphinx Wakaba
New Cognitive Sphinx Wakaba + Futaba Dialogue
Just as jobs can now text you and ask if you can come in, Lala can now text you and ask if you can take a shift. She even has a unique Profile colour!
Also, more people will come in on Sundays to Crossroads. Instead of receiving 7200 yen, you'll get 12000 yen instead for your hard work
Kasumi's ending text (Unbreakable bond) is now different. Also, I think it was a different voice?? It said you gained a glimpse, not the ultimate secret though. Very interesting
Also, there's no new Persona for you to fuse for her and Kasumi herself doesn't get a new persona (I finished this before she even awakened so huh??? Wha???)
Futaba's integration into the PTs is now voiced
The Shinjuku Trolls/Lobster incident is now voiced
New scene of the Gang hanging out at the beach (it's animated, but it's one of the 3D ones with the models)
The Movie Theatre Mementos request is now right after Medjed's takedown, and you do not need to search for the name this time as Mishima just gives it to you. You can still find Yasuo Jochi (the target) at the movie theatre threating the old man
New scene on 8/30. Ryuji didn't do his Summer homework
The Takases (Kawakami's blackmail no-good doers) turn into the butterfly man and green girl fairy now (I think. I could've sworn they turned into a Succubus and an Incubus but who knows? I do remember fighting the enemies they turn into now though so again, who knows?)
Naguri (the guy that attacks indiscriminately and can be found out through gossip in the Flower shop) is also now a Kin Ki (again, not sure if it was in the og but I do not remember fighting a Kin Ki)
New Inui question (The answer is Prosperity, or C)
New Maruki class (The answer is Chronostasis, or B) (I'm also pretty sure the second hand stopping question was in the og, but now Maruki asks you the question.)
Not sure if this is actually in the fight, but whilst I was exploring the Thieves Den, I noticed Kamoshida (Monster oogly bloogly form) had a mini him on the Ann Cup.
The Yusuke Hawaii incident is now voiced
New scene with Kawakami
New scene with Maruki, Sojiro, Futaba and Morgana
New scene of the gang + Kasumi shopping for soveineurs (with an additional Haru in the background!!) (Also, unfortunately, instead of the original scene of Kasumi scaring you (she originally said "Konichi-WA") being translated to "Alo-HA", it just got translated to "Hello, SENPAI" which kinda saddens me but it's eh)
When you get back from Hawaii, if you say "Aloha!" to Futaba, instead of saying "He's been influenced..." she now says "He's been Hawaiianized..." Not sure why they changed it, I mean, it was fine to begin with but it's whatever ¯_(ツ)_/¯
New scene with Ryuji and Kasumi
The conversation with Futaba about Morgana's fissy fit is now voiced
New Inui question (The answer is Money loans for collateral, or A)
If you interact with the stuff in your room whilst the game forces you to sleep and Morgana is missing, you'll get text like "There's something that relates to the cat... I'm worried about Morgana..." (E.g if you interact with your work bench, it says "A cat left paw prints in the dust... I'm worried about Morgana..."
Haru's Metaverse outfit sprites have been remade
After Morgana's + Haru's little spiel, if you check on the stuff in your room again whilst the game tells you to go the fuck to sleep, it'll have different dialogue. It's mostly Akiren wondering who "Beauty Thief" was and being worried about Morgana
Again, even more dialogue about Morgana and Haru on the next day. "Why didn't I noticed that something was bothering Morgana...?" oh Akiren you sweet little child hit me right in the Kokoro
New Chouno question (The answer is Cats eating human tongues, or B)
The Morgana chase scene is now voiced
Finally, when Morgana returns, he'll comment on everything saying shit like "Oooh this place is as drab as ever lmao I'm glad to be back ahahah"
New Kawakami question (The answer is Centeral Europe, or B)
ALSO VERY IMPORTANT!!! If you check on your calendar, you can see Akiren's thoughts and what he did that day!!! I didn't know until now djdjdh (also, Hawaii has some cool stamps?? Stickers?? Probably not stickers but they're cool lmao (ALSO THE BIG BANG CHALLENGES ARE CALLED "TRIAL BY BURGER" KSJDHDHH)
New Usami question (The answer is 20 white, 12 black or B)
New scene of Yusuke/Ann for their showtime
The Sad Oh no Okumura Robot dying wahh scene is now voiced
Maruki can now meet you at the station, surprisingly
New scene with Haru and Morgana for their Showtime
New Ushimaru question (The answer is Imperial Household Agency, or B)
God, I tried to not include that much Palace stuff in here - especially the bosses - but holy fucking shit Okumura is fucking hard as shit and it took me 3 tries to beat him oh my god beware of the Borger man and forehead girl I'm actually shaking as I'm writing this just know I hate Okumura and his stupid bossfight
New scene with Kasumi, Maruki and some random teacher
New Hiruta question (The answer is Stars, or B)
New scene with Kasumi and anime scene!! and WHOOPS we've accidentally entered the metaverse WHAT
Gun Customisation has a new screen and new mechanics
You can also now instantly go to the Gun Customisation screen when you buy a new gun
New Inui question (The answer is Joseph-Igance Guillotin, or D)
New Usami question (The answer is Bouba, or B)
New scene with Kawakami at lunch at 10/11 telling you to go see Maruki + Kasumi and Maruki afterwards
New scene with Maruki and Haru on 10/20
New Usami question (The answer is 15, or A)
Instead of Makoto getting Akechi's number from Sae, we give his number directly to Makoto since we actually exchange contact info this time
New Maruki class/question (The answer is Memory Bias, or B)
New scene after the school festival. Yusuke is missing and is found by Maruki
The post-festival party is now accompanied by Kasumi, though afterwards you can hang out with your friends
New anime scene too!!
Ryuji's phone call about being the shittiest of shitbags is now voiced
Goro's prince outfit reveal is now voiced
Also, I forgot if I mentioned this before, but Akechi's pfp is now a different colour. It was grey before, but now it's light brownish
Not sure if it just randomly happens in October, but on 10/30, I saw people dressed up in costumes! Nice little detail (I even saw a Jack Frost lmao)
You can also find people walking around Shibuya in costumes!
Haru will instead be outside the school tending to the plants instead on the roof on Sundays if you want to hang out with her
New scene with Makoto and Haru!! It's the girls' showtime!!! Time to kick ass
I only noticed until now, but if you hold down the R2 button, (the button that makes you dash if you're unfamiliar with the PS controller like I am) you'll instantly perform actions such as jumping across ledges and climbing up walls
Sae now has actual cognitive-human bodyguards when she approaches you whilst you wander around the Casino (they actually kinda look similar from the bodyguards at the beginning whilst you're being chased lmao)
In Sae's Dice room, instead of crawling through the vent to reach the backrooms, you can just select "crawl" on the vent and instantly teleport there without having to crawl through since the two rooms are in seperate "areas"
New scene with Kawakami! She informs the class that Maruki will leave on the 18th, so make sure to rank him up to Rank 9 so you can unlock the 3rd semester!
Not sure if I just didn't notice before, but there are now people in the Dark Maze
Didn't notice earlier since my sneaking skills are so good, but safe rooms now bring Palace Security down to 0%, or something like that idk I was on 10% so it could be something like 15% or 20%, who knows lmao (edit: According to u/Theroonco, apparently this is a new confidant ability from Ohya! Thanks, worst girl, my opinion of you has slightly improved)
The battle areana is now voiced
Just like Maruki, Akechi will warn you that you will not be able to see him after the deadline, so rank him up so you can get to the 3rd semester!!
New Inui question (The answer is A Share of Stolen Goods, or C)
New Chouno question (The answer is a Sword, or B)
Futaba's Mementos scan is now a lot quicker
Also, I guess now is a good time to mention, but areas in Mementos can have certain qualities to them, such as all the shadows turning into the big hulky ones and the floor being weak which makes Morgana slip through them to the floor below. There's also a chance that the Reaper will spawn right away, which Futaba/Morgana will warn you that there's a certain strong shadow you have to look out for. These areas however will go back to normal after you leave them
New Ushimaru question (The answer is Any Age, or A) (And this was technically in the og, but they've reworded it so I'm just gonna put it in anyway lmao)
New Kawakami question (The answer is Crows eyes are hard to see, or B)
Nee Ushimaru question (The answer is because of high altitude, or C)
New Usami question (The answer is Cochleoid, or B)
New scene with Kasumi on 11/17
New scene with Maruki on 11/18, which is the day that he leaves
On 11/20, (the actual 11/20, not the one at the beginning of the game) you can see the SIU Director's face in the phone call thingymajig
True Justice now has actual text, not just question marks (it says "Cooperate as comrades who fight for justice and seek the truth")
Futaba's computer has now been translated in the subtitles, though I didn't get to read that much
New scene with Morgana. After the whole Interrogation Room incident, he asks you if it was Kasumi that helped you
New scene with Kasumi on 11/25
New angle/actions when hanging out at the downstairs Leblanc hideout
The Rats scene in Shido's palace is now voiced (And the rats voices are weird lmao rats rats we're the rats)
You can now eat cheese as a Rat in Shido's palace to regain Sp
After securing the route, Akiren thinks about keeping Akechi's promise to duel with him again (if you make it up to rank 8, that is)
The Eternal Lockpick is now called the Perma-Pick
On days that it is snowing, Snowflakes will fall across the IM screen instead of Sakura Petals (though they disappeared for some reason. Maybe because spring ended?)
New Vegetables for Haru!! Earth Beans that have the same effect as Charge and Star Onions that have the same effect as Concentrate
New scenes with Kasumi right before Exams and during Exams
Mementos Depths now have collectables that you can steal from
If you have reached the skill Live Painting (obtained on Rank 6), you can ask Yusuke to create skill cards in safe rooms
Your teammates speeches in the Velvet Room are now completely voiced
New ending Cutscene
And the entire 3rd semester :))

And that's about it!! Again, if anything is missing or incorrect, feel free to tell me!
Thanks for reading kdjsjs 🤠🤠🤠
submitted by The-Alpacat to Persona5 [link] [comments]

The Tale of The North Stars.

The North Stars, you all know what happened, Norm Green moves the team to Dallas, because he was a pervert. Well there was a lot more that went into them moving, than simply just “Norm’s wife told him to move the team or else”.
March 11, 1965, NHL President Clarence Campbell announces the NHL will expand to twelve teams, from six. With that the era of the Original Six, the “Original Six” weren’t even that, they were just six teams that managed to survive throughout a chaotic league. A group led by, Walter Bush, Jr., Robert Ridder, and John Driscoll, sought to bring the NHL to the Twin Cities, in Minnesota. The NHL awarded this group one of the six new franchises, with the other five going to Oakland(Seals), Pittsburgh(Penguins), St Louis(Blues), Philadelphia(Flyers) and Los Angeles(Kings). The as of yet unnamed franchise held a naming contest, as you typically do with a new team and the name “North Stars” was selected, which was derived from the states motto "L'Étoile du Nord" or Star of the North. Work quickly began on their new arena in Bloomington, with the arena eventually being named “The Metropolitan Sports Center.”
Honestly? There’s not much chaotic about the early North Stars, unlike the Blues who had to deal with the NHL’s bullshit(Norris Jr and his merry band of fools), or the Seals who were a mess to begin with, the North Stars were...stable. Game 1 of their first season was an entertaining one, playing against fellow expansion team, the St Louis Blues, they tied in their first game, with Bill Masterson scoring the first goal in franchise history. It was an exciting time to be a hockey fan. All was not well though, on January 13, 1968, the North Stars faced the California Seals, in what would be Masterson’s final game.
Masterson was skating the puck across the Blue Line, his skates got tangled in the stick of Larry Cahan or Ron Harris(it’s unknown as to which, but they were both close to him), Masterson lost his balance, pitching forward, he didn’t see the defendor coming up on him, who delivered a clean check to him, knocking him backwards. Masterson was not wearing a helmet(as was normal), as he smacked his head on the ice, going unconscious instantly. Masterson never recovered, he died a few days later. Teammate André Boudrias described the hit "It sounded like a baseball bat hitting a ball.” Boudrias helped the team trainer onto the ice, the team doctor joining them soon after. They carried Masterson off on a stretcher and into an ambulance to Fairview Southdale hospital, seven miles away. "His eyes were gray at the time -- it was like a horror picture," Boudrias says. "I knew he was done." Doctors did what they could, treating him with steroids and diuretics, but the swelling in his brain was too swift and severe. His Wife and Parents, who had flown in from Winnipeg to watch him play, had made the decision to remove Bill from life support.
Hours later, at 1:55AM, Bill Masterton was pronounced dead at the age of 29, he was survived by his wife Carol. Unfortunately this didn’t do much to make the NHL decide to make helmets mandatory, not for another decade when they finally made helmets mandatory. However this did spark a change among players, as more began to adopt helmets. Players before this had worn helmets, but most chose not to for “Vanity Reasons”(To quote Brett Hull). Bruins player Ted Green had become the first Bruin to wear a helmet, since Eddie Shore. Shore had suffered major head injuries as a result of a massive hit he laid onto Ace Bailey, Shore in turn had his head hit the ice in retaliation. Doctors described Masterton’s death as the result of “a massive brain injury”. After news of Masterton’s death spread to the team, the North Stars lost their next six, but also retired his Jersey. Masterson’s death opened many eyes to the realization that helmets were needed in a fast moving game such a hockey. Following his death, hockey writers announced the creation of the “Bill Masterton Trophy”, to be given annually to the player who best exemplifies the qualities of perseverance, sportsmanship and dedication to hockey. Basically the player who best overcame adversity for that season, such as Bobby Clarke, who overcame Diabetes to play in the NHL.
The North Stars finished fourth in the West Division(the one with all the expansion teams), in their first playoff run, they beat the Kings, advancing to the West Finals, where they lost to the Blues in a Game 7, in double overtime. The Blues proceeded to get swept by the Canadiens, in what becomes a recurring theme for the next 2 finals, Original Six sweeping the expansion Blues. This is by no means because the Blues were awful, it was because the odds were stacked against them and the rest of the “New Six”. They weren’t given great players and the GMs had no idea what they were doing, not to mention they were given their own division so the Original Six had a punching bag. Even in a “new era” the NHL was awful. The next few years were mostly uneventful for the North Stars, missing the playoffs once, but only posting one winning season in their first four seasons, it wasn’t looking great. They were better than their WHA Rivals, who folded four seasons in, but not by much. By ‘78 attendance had fallen so sharply that there were fears that they would fold due to how bad things were, they’d posted 2 whole winning seasons and out of the last six seasons, making the playoffs only once, it didn’t look good. But there was a worse team, the Cleveland Barons, formerly the Oakland / California Seals, who relocated to Cleveland due to a new arena being out of the question and the minority owners(George and Gordon Gund) convincing the majority owner Melvin Swig(wanted to move them to San Francisco, more on this at the end) to move the team to Cleveland. The Barons weren’t much better and then this happened.
Essentially the wealthy owners of the Barons, George(III) and Gordon Gund, would become the new owners of the North Stars, merging them with the Barons. The Barons would in turn merge with the North Stars, giving them the good parts of the team. The North Stars would not relocate, they would keep their name, logo, color, everything, but would be moved to the Adams Division, since now that division would be down to three teams. Most notable of the players the North Stars would get were Goaltender Gilles Meloche and forwards Al MacAdam and Mike Fidler. During the draft that year they had drafted future Calder winner, Bobby Smith, who helped to bolster an actually decent looking team now. They weren’t cup favorites, but they were an improved team, this merger is what saved the North Stars from folding and making the NHL’s expansion look like even worse of a joke. The season that followed was nothing short of incredible, suddenly the North Stars looked like a real team, everyone looked to be firing on all cylinders, leading to a historic game:
The following season proved to be an improvement over the last, with them finishing only a point lower than the previous year, but their playoff run was magical. The North Stars got through the Bruins, Sabres and finally the Flames, to reach the Cup Final. ...Where they promptly got beat 4-1, but it didn’t matter, because by all accounts the North Stars were doing much better now, people paid attention to them, the building was usually full. The next few seasons were the same, despite one early round exit, they made it to the Conference Finals, once more with two Round 1 exits and Round 2 exit. That was it for the Cinderella story of the North Stars though, 85-86 was the final time the North Stars would have a winning season. The 80’s were almost over and attendance was..dropping, despite everything, the North Stars were in trouble. They finished 87-88, just barely out of the playoffs, but allowed them to draft one of the greatest American-Born Players, of all time. Mike Modano.
Drafting Modano was great, but ownership kept threatening to move the team to San Francisco, the Gunds' didn’t exactly like Minnesota and with the fans not showing up, relocation become a threat, here you have a team that was close to folding just a decade ago, back to having trouble and it doesn’t look good on the NHL, despite them vetoing any attempts by the Gund’s to move the team. The NHL eventually gave into the Gund’s threats to move the team to San Francisco. This is where it becomes complicated.
Enter Norm Greed: Norm Green, former minority owner of the Flames, had joined Baldwin’s ownership group and purchased a 51% stake in the team. Green then purchased Baldwin’s stake in the team, gaining more than 75% control of the North Stars. He then went and bought Belzberg's share in October of 1990, giving him all the power he wanted, making him the owner of the team.
The 91 season was...odd for the North Stars. They finished with a losing record(as was the norm at this point), but had barely made the playoffs. This is where it gets weirder, they went on a cup run, beating two of the NHL’s best teams in the Blackhawks and Blues, steamrolling through the defending champions in the Oilers, finally facing off against Lemieux’s Penguins, who had just acquired Ron Francis, not too long ago. This Final didn’t go their way, just like the last one, but they fought hard in it, losing 4 games to 2. That was all she wrote for the North Stars though.
It was a strange offseason, in what could be called foreshadowing the North Stars got new uniforms. Gone were the Green uniforms and Stars on the pants, replaced with a simple Black and Green jersey, the new logo ditching the “North Stars” for just “Stars” The uniforms would literally just be the one’s later used in Dallas for most of the 90’s with minor changes. New uniforms weren’t it though, behind the scenes it was chaos. Green was trying to move the team to LA, to play in the still being built Honda Center(Yes, that one), where they would become the “L.A. Stars”. As Disney was in the middle of negotiations(the 90’s were fucking weird) to place a team there(they also owned the Angels), the North Stars would instead move to Dallas, Texas.
Dallas, Texas. In 1992 Greed announced the North Stars would move to Reunion Arena, in the heart of Dallas, Texas, becoming the Dallas Stars. Why did this happen? Variety of reasons really. Green was a massive pervert and couldn’t keep his hands to himself, or his junk in pants, so he faced a sexual harassment lawsuit, with his wife threatening to leave him, if he didn’t move the team. Why couldn’t they just play at Target Center, with the Timberwolves? Target was Coca-Cola, while the Stars advertised with Pepsi, which created issue. Issue I’m sure could have been solved, but hey, what do I know? Another reason was the dwindling attendance, it has been an issue for the past few years(minus the cup run), combine that with a team who can’t put together a winning season and people just weren’t having it. The on-ice product wasn’t good and they had no interest.
Another factor involved the Gunds’. Yes, they were out of the picture, but their stink still lingered. The Gunds’ had tried to build a shopping near the Met Center, after demolishing Met Stadium(Twins and Vikings played there), well it was looking like they would get their wish...until they didn’t. Instead the Ghermezian brothers, got the land and built The Mall of America. The Gunds’ had felt the Metro Sports Commission had cheated them over this and in turn demanded the MSC renovate the Met Center to the tune of $15 Million, adding close to 40 suites and expanding the concourse. None of that happened, the MSC laughed in their faces and told them to go away. However, North Stars GM Lou Nanne had been the one to actually do something. He persuaded the MSC to instead spend $3.5 Million and add only 20 suites.
The Gunds’ were incredibly frustrated with their situation in Minnesota. And fans were too. Years of failed drafts, trades, no talent and bad seasons, left many fans thinking ownership only cared about money. ...Which they did. Some even called them “No Stars”, because of how true it was, the North Stars had no stars, for most of the Gund era. With the Target Center being built, the Gunds’ took this as a sign, it was time to demand the MSC renovate the Met again, asking for money to do so, with the MSC again, laughing in their faces. It just so happened, Art Savage(friend of the Gunds’) was trying to get a team in San Francisco, so they decided to join forces and move the North Stars to San Francisco.
It wasn’t that easy though. GM Lou Nanne(voice of reason somehow) warned them the NHL wouldn’t allow it, but they went to the Board of Governors to get permission to move. Bill Wirtz was head of the BoG and pretty much denied them on the spot, but granted them a team in San Jose on the condition they sell the North Stars, to an owner who would keep them in Minnesota(Ahahaha). This left the Gunds’ split as George was fine with selling, but Gordon felt that they worked too hard to just sell now(what work did they do? The world may never know!). Eventually they did sell to the aforementioned group involving Norm Green however and they got their team in San Jose.
Norm and the sexual harassment allegations against him. Norm was being sued by some of his former secretaries for sexual harassment, he’d look down their blouses, and demand they kiss him, he was a creep in every way possible. His wife demanded he * move the team, to get rid of mounting media pressure on them, due to the aforementioned lawsuit. Norm made attempts to keep the North Stars in Minnesota, but as the MSC had just finished building the Target Center, they weren’t about to build another arena. The Target Center deal fell through, as did a deal that would link the Met Center to the Mall of America, via Skyway and would include a casino that Green would own. That proposal was shot down because it was almost the same cost as a new arena, that the MSC refused to pay for. He renovated the Met with his own money during his short tenure as North Stars Owner, but that was about it. Apparently it was thanks to former Cowboys Quarterback Roger Staubach that the Stars moved to Dallas, as he had convinced Green, Dallas was the perfect market for hockey.
The fans were as you can imagine angry. Bringing “Norm Sucks” signs and chanting that during games, even calling him “Norm Greed”(Accurate really). It was a horrible time to be a North Stars fan, hell a sports fan in Minnesota in general. Their final season was again, normalcy, sure they made the playoffs, but it was another losing season and this was it for them. They lost to Detroit in 7 games, playing their final game in Detroit, losing 1-0 in Overtime. It was also the first time the NHL tested video replay. The legendary Al Schaer final call goes as follows:
In many ways the Stars were what the NHL wanted, an experiment in the Southern US, to see if Hockey could work. Dallas, Miami, Tampa were experimental, the NHL wanted to expand into an untapped market, but in doing so alienated fans in Minnesota. They quelled this by announcing “The Twin Cities would get a new expansion team in the near future” the Minnesota Wild.
In the end, the North Stars were unstable for most of their existence, due to horrible ownership. The fans deserved better, but instead got people who didn’t want to spend much, instead. Even in the early years, things weren't good, the merger is what saved them, but in a way also killed them. The fans have every right to still despise Green, but I believe they should despise the Gunds' as well.
submitted by KikiFlowers to hockey [link] [comments]

After banning 'Star Wars' slot machines, Disney spends millions to change Florida gambling law to "protect" its theme parks and properties - including Galaxy's Edge

Today, I heard about recent efforts by Disney against the gambling industry. I thought you guys would be interested in hearing about it, as it also heavily involves Star Wars...and particularly, Disney's plans in 2019 for Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge, and the Star Wars hotel, at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida.
It also involves Disney's existing, popular offering "Star Wars Day at Sea", and other Star Wars-related plans for its cruises in 2019, which is parly based out of the Port of Miami in Miami, Florida, and Port Canaveral (Orlando, Florida).
The tl;dnr of it is as such: (broken down into smaller sections)
The Walt Disney Company is one of the most successful media conglomerate companies in the world. Just about everyone has heard of the Disney theme parks stationed in Florida, California, and abroad. Just about everyone has seen classic Disney films like Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast. Not everyone knows about Disney's relationship with the gambling industry, however, and it is a noteworthy one.
Over the years, Disney has acquired the rights to several major entertainment companies and their licensed characters. In 2009, Disney bought the Marvel Entertainment company, creator of the famed Marvel comic books and a slew of popular superhero characters. In 2012, it purchased all rights to LucasFilm, the parent company that created the Star Wars brand.
Disney announced its plans to phase out all Star Wars and Marvel-themed casino slot machines in the United States last fall. The multimillion dollar company has the power to do this, because it now owns all rights to these brands.
According to a Disney spokeswoman, the character-themed slot phase-out is not a new decision. As part of Marvel's “integration” with Disney, she said the decision was made several years ago to let the machines gradually fade out through attrition. Only a few Marvel license agreements remain at this point, and they are set to expire within the next several years. Star Wars-themed slots will also trickle away, but it will take a few more years for that process to complete.
[...] Disney wields a certain amount of power over casinos, both on land and online, because of these acquisitions. Instead of promoting Star Wars and Marvel characters via slot machines, the company prefers to use their likenesses in movies that serve to perpetuate the Disney brand.
As the owner of LucasFilm, Disney has another trilogy of Star Wars films currently in the works. [...] Fans can expect to see Disney continue to advance their brands through avenues other than the gaming industry.
Disney has made its opinion of the gambling industry known in Florida: It does not support the addition of more resort casinos to that area. Not only does Disney plan to phase out Marvel and Star Wars-themed slot machines, it also hopes to prevent the development of new casino resorts in the state.
As it stands today, Orlando's Walt Disney World is the top tourist attraction on the globe. Over 50 million people visit the entertainment resort every year and partake of theme parks like Magic Kingdom, Epcot, and Hollywood Studios. From a business standpoint, it makes sense that Disney would not want another tourist draw infringing on its potential customer base in the Orlando area.
Disney denies that self-interest is its main motivation for opposing new casinos. Andrea Finger, a spokeswoman for the company, said the corporation opposes casino expansion for “many reasons.” One of the primary reasons is the fact that Florida is a “family friendly” vacation spot; adding more casinos to the landscape would tarnish that. Finger lauded Florida's efforts in “research, innovation, and entrepreneurship” and indicated that adding more casino resorts would create an “inconsistent” atmosphere in the state.
Finger made no statement suggesting that Disney is protecting its own interests by objecting to more casinos. This inference has been made, however, by critics based on the connection between Disney and its Marvel and Star Wars slot machines that recently came to light.
Critics also cite the fact that increased Florida casinos might steal valuable convention contracts from the Mickey Mouse company. At this point, Disney hosts approximately 700,000 square feet of convention space in its Florida resorts.
Disney's ownership of Marvel and LucasFilm slot machines was brought to the public's attention by New York Times reporters Lizette Alvarez and Michael Snyder. Critics immediately began shouting hypocrisy at the fact that Disney, a vocal gambling opponent, owns and profits from character-themed casino slot machines.
The Times reporters asked Disney whether its ownership of the slots “undercut” its casino gambling stance. A spokeswoman responded that the company's affiliation with the casinos was only temporary, and that it would take a few years for current slot machine contracts to expire.
[...] When Marvel and Star Wars-themed slots do eventually disappear from casinos, their absence will be a blow to the gaming industry. Casino patrons are drawn to the colorful games touting Spider Man, Darth Vader, and other exciting Hollywood characters. Until the machines are completely phased out, the characters will continue to entertain casino patrons both online and on land.
The online gaming industry will definitely be affected by Disney's prohibition. The Spider Man Slot game, for example, is an enticing game for online gamblers that was introduced in 2012. Other Marvel-themed online slots include Iron Man 2, Iron Man 3, the Fantastic Four, Captain America, Thor, and Wolverine Slots. The eventual loss of these games will leave a gaping hole in customers' palette of gaming choices.
[Possibly in response to Disney's decision], a group called the Associated Industries of Florida launched a new pro-casino campaign. This group is lobbying for more casinos in the area as a means of promoting jobs and stimulating the local economy. Analysts expect the battle between Disney and pro-casino lobbyists to become more heated as politicians compete for voter support in the upcoming election. (Source)
[However, Orlando isn't the only city that Disney is engaging in anti-casino efforts with.] The biggest challenger standing between [the city of] Miami and casinos is a mouse.
Walt Disney World, the giant resort near Orlando whose four theme parks draw more than 45 million visitors a year, has made preventing "destination" casinos a top priority. And few, if any, businesses carry as much weight in Florida as Disney, which employs more than 60,000 workers, generates nearly $600 million a year in tax revenue — and doled out more than $2 million to political candidates and causes during the past election cycle.
Some analysts say Disney — and, by extension, Orlando's entire tourism industry — has good reason to be wary of casinos. Though adult-oriented resorts in South Florida are unlikely to appeal to Disney's core audience of families with young children, they could siphon away travelers in narrower segments that are also important to the resort, from South Americans to conventions to weddings.
"Disney has lots of little pockets or niches that they're really good at getting market share in. And it adds up," said Duncan Dickson, a professor at the University of Central Florida's Rosen College of Hospitality Management. "Disney doesn't want another Las Vegas anywhere close to them. Who needs the competition?"
[Case in point, Disney also has Disney Cruise Lines, based in both Miami and Port Canaveral (Orlando).] Disney Cruise Line has revealed it will extend its popular "Star Wars Day at Sea" program through 2019, with the addition of nine cruises -- each of which will include a Star Wars-themed sea day, complete with special programming and restaurant menus. Family-friendly activities include Star Wars character meet-and-greets, movie nights (featuring new releases), Star Wars trivia, and a Jedi training show, where kids can learn lightsaber skills and battle Darth Vader.
Throughout the day, restaurants and bars also will serve themed foods and cocktails. The sea day will end with a fireworks show and deck party, hosted by Star Wars heroes and villains. All cruises span seven nights and depart from Port Canaveral (Orlando), Florida. (Source)
[...] Disney has always opposed efforts to expand gambling, [citing it as being againts its "family-friendly" image].
The Walt Disney Co., one of the most brand-protective companies on the planet, does not want to jeopardize its kid-friendly reputation by any association whatsoever with casinos and the taboo images they often conjure. The company's cruise line is the only major operator to sail ships without onboard casinos, which are typically one of the biggest generators of on-board spending.
"We've studied this issue carefully and remain opposed for many reasons," said Disney spokesman Mike Griffin, "including the fact that it is inconsistent with Florida's brand as a family-friendly destination, and with the efforts we've long supported to diversify Florida's economy through research, innovation, and entrepreneurship."
The legislation to be considered in Tallahassee would authorize three "destination" casinos in Miami-Dade and Broward counties. Each would boast a luxury hotel, shops, restaurants, convention space and casinos with every major game, from blackjack to roulette and craps. Any company awarded a casino license would have to spend at least $2 billion building the facility.
Las Vegas Sands and Wynn Resorts, both based in Las Vegas, and Genting, a Malaysian-based resort developer, are among the companies expected to seek licenses. Genting has already spent more than $300 million to buy bay-front property in downtown Miami and has announced plans for a $3.8 billion resort.
All have promised they will create thousands of jobs in South Florida, making the deal attractive to lawmakers hoping to lower the state's 10.6 percent unemployment rate.
Analysts say anyone that invests that much capital to build a resort also will have to spend lavishly to market the property. At a minimum, that will force Disney to ramp up its own spending on advertising, eroding its profit margins.
"Anytime you've got to fight and compete with more marketing dollars, which you know these folks have in abundance, it makes Disney's job that much harder to battle against," said Vicki Johnson, a tourism-marketing expert in Orlando.
More specifically, casinos could prove attractive draws in key markets for Disney. Executives at Genting, for instance, have said they would market heavily in Latin America.
Latin America — particularly Brazil, its biggest country — has become one of Disney World's most valuable markets in recent years. This summer, even as overall attendance at the resort was about flat with a year ago, Disney officials said traffic from Brazil was up by a double-digit percentage.
Though Disney doesn't disclose exact attendance numbers, national data show that visitation from Brazil is up 27% to more than 833,000 so far this year. And though Miami is the most popular destination for South American travelers, Orlando is growing more rapidly.
Disney says its business from Brazil is predominantly family-leisure travel, the group least likely to be swayed by casinos. But some industry followers say lavish resorts, when combined with the boutique shopping already in Miami, might be enough to peel away some of that business, especially Brazilians with older children or none at all.
"All of a sudden, it really cuts into their [Disney's] South American markets," Johnson said.
Group meetings and conventions business is also a growing profit center for Disney, which has nearly 470,000 square feet of meeting space spread among its hotels. It also routinely picks up lucrative private parties and other business tied to shows using Orange County's massive, publicly owned convention center.
Finally, allowing casinos in South Florida could lead to pressure to build more in other parts of the state. Already, some hoteliers in Orlando — led by Harris Rosen, owner of three major convention hotels — have made rumblings about bringing casinos to Central Florida. And officials at Port Canaveral — Disney Cruise Line's home port — are interested in casinos, too.
"Once they get their foot in the door, what's next? Orange County is going to say, 'Well, if it's legal in Dade County, why isn't it legal here?' " said Dickson, the UCF professor.
Disney has worked to enlist broader business groups to fight the casino legislation, most notably the Florida Chamber of Commerce, even though more than half of the businesses represented on the chamber's board of directors say they are neutral on the issue.
And the opposition from Disney has put casino boosters on the defensive during the past few days.
"Florida's identity cannot be changed because one casino or two destination resorts open in Miami-Dade County," said state Rep. Erik Fresen, R-Miami, who is sponsoring the casino legislation in the Florida House of Representatives.
"Florida will always be the Sunshine State," he added. "The dominant trademark of Florida will always be Disney World. I don't think they have anything to worry about when it comes to that." (Source)
There have been multiple attempts to garner support in the state legislature for non-Native American casinos and other forms of gambling expansion in the state. Currently, the Seminoles control the ability of Florida to expand full-fledged casinos per their current compact. And the power of the Seminoles in the state is substantial.
In order to change current law, there must be a constitutional amendment backed by the voters of Florida. There is one such opportunity on the ballot for the November 6, 2018 election.
The Casino Gambling Initiative, if approved, would give voters the exclusive right to authorize casinos going forward, casinos being comprised of card games, slot machines, and other casino-style games. All ballot measures in the future would then require a citizen-initiated process by which a number of signatures of registered voters must be obtained for ballot consideration.
Currently, however, the Seminoles reserve the exclusive right to offer blackjack, craps, and roulette in Florida, which would present a problem that would have to be addressed. The agreement with the Seminoles was signed by Governor Rick Scott in 2015, and is effective for 20 years.
While this may end up in a legal fight, poker rooms are not an exclusive right of the tribe, and would not be an issue.
If Amendment 3 passes in November by 60% or more of the popular vote, a new day may begin for casinos in Florida. This will also drastically increase the opportunity for poker rooms throughout the state. (Source)
The US Supreme Court repealed the longstanding federal sports betting ban known as PASPA (Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act). The landmark decision allows states to dictate their own sports wagering laws.
That means sports betting could be coming to Florida casinos, should the legislature pass market regulations. But Republican gubernatorial candidate Adam Putnam said this week that if he’s elected, he would oppose such legislation.
[Putnam also echoes Disney's reasoning.]
“I’ve always been one who has said we don’t need to expand the footprint of gambling in Florida,” Putnam declared at a campaign stop. “It’s not who we are as a state. We’re a family-friendly vacation destination. We’re a small business-oriented state.”
“If I lived in the middle of the desert in Nevada, [like Las Vegas], maybe I would grasp onto whatever straw or life raft somebody threw me,” he continued. “But we live in Florida, and we’ve got unlimited opportunities, and we don’t need to sell our state short.” (Source)
Earlier this year, Disney also gave $400,000 to Florida Grown, a committee supporting Putnam's gubernatorial bid.
[...] Disney officials would not agree to an interview, but in a statement, Jacquee Wahler, vice president of Walt Disney World Resorts, wrote, “We support candidates who understand issues important to our company, and demonstrate strong support for business and tourism in Florida.” (Source)
[Meanwhile, Disney is busy constructing what it hopes will be its next big moneymaker: Galaxy's Edge, a Star Wars-themed land in Hollywood Studios at Walt Disney World in Orlando. Disney also plans to construct a Star Wars-themed hotel and resort adjacent to Galaxy's Edge.]
The ongoing success of high-profile films, like the Marvel and Star Wars franchises, can play a big role in the theme parks ability to tap into new characters and storylines for rides and shows.
Experts have said the success in theme park rides today are built on characters and properties that resonate with visitors outside the park. Thus new lands themed after popular franchises have proven to be a boon — like Disney's Star Wars and Frozen attractions, and Universal Orlando Resort's success with the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.
[So far this year], the theme parks division for the quarter saw a 13% increase in revenue to $4.87 billion, up from $4.29 billion for the same time last year. The division also saw a 13% increase in revenue for the first six months of the year to $10.03 billion, up from $8.85 billion for the year-ago period.
According to the earnings report:
"Results included a benefit from a shift in the timing of the Easter holiday relative to our fiscal periods. The current quarter included one week of the Easter holiday, whereas the entire Easter holiday fell in the third quarter of the prior year. Higher operating income at our domestic parks and resorts was primarily due to increased guest spending, attendance growth at Walt Disney World Resort and higher sponsorship revenue, partially offset by increased costs.
Guest spending growth was due to increases in average ticket prices, average daily hotel room rates and food, beverage and merchandise spending. The increase in costs was primarily due to labor and other cost inflation, an increase in depreciation associated with new attractions and higher technology spending." (Source)
[Driving this growth are Disney's planned new additions, including Galaxy's Edge, which is currently under construction ("labor costs").]
Disney’s new Star Wars land won’t open until next year, but it is not too early to declare that Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge will be the most ambitious theme park land ever built.
The numbers alone might justify the claim. At 14 acres each, Disney’s twin Star Wars lands will be the largest the company has built at the Disneyland and Walt Disney World resorts. Disney has not confirmed a budget for Galaxy’s Edge, but the project is believed widely within the industry to be costing at least one billion dollars. (Source)
submitted by Obversa to StarWarsCantina [link] [comments]

June 12th, 2017: Irrational Fears Podcast Interview

In order to distinguish between their responses, IrrationalFearsHost's username will be abbreviated preceding the answers as IFH, and Sailorscarlet's will be abbreviated as SS.
Tell us a little about yourselves.
IFH: This is legit my least favorite question on the planet. I never know what to say. So I’ll just go with the easy stuff. My name is Anthony Luciano. I love comic books and have close to 300 Hot Wheels on the wall. I am almost 30 years old and still act like a five-year-old in social situations. My fiancé and soon-to-be wife is the greatest thing that ever happened to me. I am an asshole a lot of the time, but I love making new friends! If I don’t like you, I won’t be an ass to you. And I love to spend my spare time binge-watching hours of YouTube videos when I’m trying to go to sleep. Video Games are a huge part of me and my life. If you want to talk video games, we can talk about why Halo is the greatest non-Nintendo franchise of all-time and when we are going to play video games together.
SS: I am a self proclaimed sailor scout/disney princess/mermaid and I regret nothing. I love video games, comic books, other books, horror movies (ALL OF THEM EVEN THE CRAPPY ONES ON NETFLIX, Im talking to you Thankskilling!) and my animal clan. I’m engaged to be married to literally the best human in the universe, I am so sorry that no one else will ever get to experience being engaged to this man because it is a great loss to every other person in the world. I am an analyst for a big casino group in las vegas, I like excel and numbers and figuring things out and IM A BIG NERD OKAY. I love to sing, It was my first thing that made me feel happy in my life and it has treated me well throughout the years. I used to be in a rock band but lately i just fly that solo style. I am a writer, of short stories and songs and very shortly books! I’m working on a novel and a comic book at the moment, on the market for an artist is you know anyone. I fucking love the NS community and how much it has loved us back, there are no words for what this place means to us or the impact the people here have made in our lives.
So there's a little bit.. heh
When did you first become interested in horror?
SS: I don’t know, in utero? haha Just kidding. Although my mother is a demonic bitch so that might work. ANYWAYS.. One of the first and only traditions I ever had with my father was going to the movies, always scary movies. We went to all of them whether they looked good or not. My ideal sick day: Netflix B horror films and bed with my puppy people. So yeah, it was just always a part of me.
IFH: I’ve been “interested” in horror for as long as I can remember. Some of my earliest memories are of sitting on the couch with my dad watching “An American Werewolf in London” and “C.H.U.D.” I think it’s safe to say that this genre is in my blood as much as music and video games as a whole.
What is the most terrifying thing you've personally experienced?
(Trigger warning: At our interviewee's request, please be aware that the following answer contains mention of suicide.)
SS: This is the hardest question to answer because I have experienced actual like spooky scares and also things that were sadly terrifying.
The first thing that pops into my mind is a sad one though, keep those tissues close kids!
I got a call from my mom several years ago, she was on her way home because she couldn't get ahold of my sister and she knew something was wrong, now my sister has been struggling with crippling depression and anxiety for quite some time, she had tried to kill herself before. I immediately head there. When I pull up my mom and her boyfriend cant get in, my sister had locked her out through the garage. Her boyfriend finally breaks open a window and i blow past him as he opens the front door, we break down her door and there she is. Her lips were blue and her eyes were purple and she wasn't moving. i sat there holding her and hearing the strangest wailing from my mom, a sound you are never supposed to hear, the sound of a mother losing her child. The paramedics pushed me aside and confirmed what we thought already, my sister was dead. I lived for ten entire minutes believing that before they realized she still had a weak pulse. There is nothing more terrifying than seeing your little sister dead in front of you.
Sorry that got SUPER touchy.
IFH: I don’t know that there is enough space to fit that in. But I can try. When I was younger, my brother and my best friend in middle / high school used to watch a lot of “Ghost Hunters” and truly believe that my friend’s house was haunted. This is due to the menagerie of paranormal things we all experienced growing up there and the fact that a Ouija Board was used in the house’s garage 3 days prior to them moving in. Anyways, because we watched it on TV so often, we decided we were going to hunt the ghosts in my friend’s house. So we set on the grand adventure of rounding up all of the flashlights in the house, a tape recorder (for EVP), a camcorder and some fresh underwear.
We spent the next few nights over Summer break reenacting our favorite scenes from our then-favorite TV show. This particular night however, we were trying something new in our ghost hunting plan. Equipped with a guitar amp and cable added to our repertoire, we started our routine out in the garage, in the same area the Ouija Board was used. A lot of terrifying things happened on these trips, but tonight took the cake. During our EVP session, one of us asked out to the ether, “If there is anyone in here, knock once on the nearest object…” A few seconds of silence passed, and we heard a knock behind us. Being the scientific men we were, we asked for a second time. Two to make it true, you know?
A second knock came from the opposite side of the room. We started to feel a little uncomfortable, but at the same time excited that we were possibly communicating. “Is there more than one spirit present? Knock once for y—“ and a few knocks rang out over the question from around us. “The fuck? It sounds like there’s way more than one…” I was honestly ready to go at this point. And my little brother didn’t look very excited as it were. My friend was ecstatic. His excitement reminded me that we were there to hunt ghosts. And I sat back down, reassured. “Okay… Can each spirit present knock, one after the other, to indicate your presence?” -knock- Rang out from behind me. -knock- -knock- Again from behind me first and then my friend. Then it got out of control. The knocks became louder and multiplied all over the room and began closing in on our position, banging on all of the junk around us until my little brother reached out and turned on the flashlight.
When the beam pierced through the pitch darkness surrounding us, it also illuminated everything around us. I watched as a few bits of junk around the garage settled back down as if something were lightly pressing against them just a second prior and there was complete silence. We exited the garage as quick as we could and called it a night. We played Halo 2 until the sun came up and planned our next hunt out for the next night. We spent countless nights over the 10+ years I knew this guy “Ghost Hunting” and have tons more experiences just like that.
Oh. And I ate a pound of shaved almonds to get out of a geography test once. I’m deathly allergic to nuts. So I probably could have died. That was terrifying. But I got to spend the day with paramedics. So that was cool. Sorry for the wall of text… Next question!
How did you discover NoSleep?
IFH: I have been on reddit for the last 5 years and I think NoSleep popped up in an AskReddit thread about scary stories in my first week and it’s been love ever since.
SS: This one is easy, Anthony! I have trouble sleeping and I love him and his sexy ass voice so I asked him to read to me and this is what he chose. It was a big part of our relationship.
What NoSleep stories and/or authors have had the strongest impact on you?
IFH: God. I love every single one of you scary bastards. But there are a few of you in particular that have honestly impacted me. Don’t mind me getting sappy over here. I don’t mean to leave anyone out or call anyone out for being awesome. But here we go! IAmSpartacus, MikeyKnutson, vainercupidooc, kneeod and krstbrwn, EliasWitherow. I could list off so many! All of you guys have seriously shown me how amazing people can be in a time in my life when very few people were being very good to me.
SS: I feel like I am beating a dead horse with this one but here goes nothing.. Infected town first and foremost because it was this thing that we were a part of as the parts were releasing and I somehow (like the 5 year old that I am) actually believe this shit is real. I am fucking LIVING for that shit to come out. Then we started the podcast and it became something on a different level for us.
Outside of that story there have been so many that I remember, The woman with the orange ruined me. Faye’s trip on a cabin getaway fucked me up too.
Authors, where do i start? I will inevitably miss someone so just shoot me now
Hayong we started together and we end together TWINNER
A10A10A10A10 I dont know how many iterations there are.
FUCKING decomposed
iia you creepy mother fucker
Elias Witherow you brought my nightmares to life through giving my fiancé that fucking laugh.
im probably fucking these all up, I'm sorry
and probably so many I'm forgetting
What are some of your biggest influences from media?
SS: Id definitely say nosleep, also my fiancé. Does that count? It counts for me.
IFH: Campy horror movies. There are times that I’ll be editing an episode or in the middle of reading it and I’ll stop and think, “Man, i have the perfect sound effect for this part!” or “Ooooooh, I know how I’ll edit this one to make it really hit home!” And I’m always thinking about the sound effects and directing in the original Evil Dead and Night of the Living Dead and trying to borrow the auditory pieces of those films and meld them with the narrations for maximum scary.
Tell us about the origins of Irrational Fears.
IFH: tl;dr - I’m scared of a lot of shit and so are a lot of people. I want to talk about them and know them all.
tl;gra (too long; gonna read anyways) - I am seriously scared of a lot of shit. And I am and have always been a firm believer in nobody being scared of nothing. Everyone is afraid of something. And there are things that I’m scared of that I can’t explain. That I cant rationalize. And that’s where it started. I believe I have a lot of Irrational Fears. I believe that a lot of people feel that same way. They are scared of things and they can tell you their experiences with said scary thing but never quite pin-point why it’s scary. Those are our Irrational Fears. Those are the ones I want to talk about and bring out into the open. I love reading and writing and Sailor pushed me to start the podcast after reading to her in bed one night. And now here we are.
She is my co-host and co-manager, co-editor, co-producer, co-hort, co-love. And Irrational Fears is literally in it’s formative stage. There is so much in the works for the near and far future that this question is going to be so crazy soon…
SS: Honestly, when I found it it was a half empty notebook and a mind full of ideas. After anthony told me about it I told him to do it and that it was a great thing that should be shared. He took off with it all by himself before I was ever officially in the squad. He will tell you differently but this was a hundred percent his baby and I will always be a happy addition to this world he created all on his own.
What made you decide narrating was something you wanted to do?
IFH: One - Like I said above, Sailor convinced me to start Irrational Fears the way we did. She’s the reason it’s narration at it’s core. Hands-down.
Two - I love reading. And I love writing. And I believe that your imagination is far scarier to yourself than mine. If I can explain to you an experience or an entity or creature from this piece of writing, it will be up to you. It is up to your mind to paint a picture of what this thing looks like using only the author’s words to go off of. And if you’re scared of this thing based on the story, you will be scared of what it looks like more than if I were to show you. Because when you’re listening to a horror story, you are trying to dig up those fears and scare yourself. I believe the auditory experience is just as important as any when it comes to horror. And we look to deliver that.
SS: I have wanted to voice act ALWAYS. The singing thing made me kind of used to the sound of my own voice and I was also to no ones surprise a drama nerd so obviously I KNOW HOW TO ACT DUH.
You mentioned that you're engaged to be married. Is it ever difficult maintaining both a personal and a working relationship with each other?
SS: Absolutely not. Every moment of every day with him is ridiculously amazing. Whether we are pulling an all nighter editing or recording for 8 hours a day or just playing video games in the living room. If you want a behind the scenes look at this biz, I am the organizer of the two of us so I TRY to write schedules and keep everything up to date but WEDDINGS MAN AMIRIGHT?!?!?
IFH: People would assume that it would be difficult to be business and marital partners. But I honestly couldn’t ask for a better person in either of those categories. And the fact that they are the same person makes it a million times better. We get to spend as much time together as we like and we get to choose what is business and what is pleasure. It allows for a ton of flexibility and the ability to come up with new ideas on the fly while your co-host is around. I can’t wait to be doing it for the rest of our lives. Whether it’s Irrational Fears or what-have-you. I’m ready!
Other than narrating, what are some of your hobbies? What other creative mediums do you enjoy?
IFH: Like I said above, I play a lot of video game and read a lot of comic books. And if you want to do either of those things with me, let me know because fuck yeah!
SS: Singing, playing my guitar and piano. I like to paint. Writing is such a big one for me. Its funny before I was on the podcast narrating, I was featured on the podcast for my own stories. But the guy who ran it was super into me (still is).
Have you had any formal training for voice acting?
IFH: No, but I do a mean Jim Carrey impression! You ready? Okay… Here goes…
-starts singing like Luciano Pavarotti on the balcony- -slams the sliding glass door so you can no longer hear me- -slides the door back open, still bellowing- -repeats until I can’t breathe anymore-
I really like Ace Ventura, so I practice that one a lot.
SS: Not at all. Does it show?
What are the most challenging and rewarding aspects of narrating?
SS: I find it amazing to be able to look as stupid or crazy as you need to to get something out right. I think its hard because the back end is so time consuming but as far as challenges with the core of it I don't have any. Maybe that these day jobs get in the way!
IFH: The most challenging is time. There is not enough in a day to get everything I want to done.
But the most rewarding part is hearing from people about the show. Whether it’s good feedback or not, it is seriously amazing that there are people out there listening. There's something really awesome about it.
Walk us through your typical process when recording a story for the podcast.
IFH: This is assuming we have chosen a story and gotten permission from the authors:
Pull up story on phone Hit ‘record’ on Reaper64 Mess up the intro like 17 times 3a. Hear Sailor imitating you saying, “What’s up everybody?” in your head on loop
  1. Realize it’s too difficult to do the intro now and decide you’ll record it after
  2. Attempt to read the story and stumble over words a lot
  3. Get angry
  4. Finish the story
  5. Finally record an intro and outro
  6. Sit down and realize I recorded 45 minutes of audio
  7. Cry
  8. Edit for a few hours
  9. Listen
  10. Master
  11. Listen
  12. Render
  13. Listen. Again.
  14. Upload
  15. Listen because I swear I missed a breath somewhere
  16. Furiously refresh play count for the next two hours
SS: We have a closet in the office outfitted as a recording booth, the person recording a story pops in and handles it and then it goes to ant for post. I literally do nothing in post, although he just taught me how to cut out all the extra stuff but other than that I DO NOTHING. Hah
Although if its just a normal segment on the show we record at our desks so we can see each other and just talk normal.
You've recorded several popular series from prominent authors on NoSleep, including the Tommy Taffy series by Elias_Witherow, Life is Beta by Hayong, Infected Town by Vainercupid, and the Romantic Cabin Getaway series by TheColdPeople. Do you prefer narrating series, or solo stories? What are the pros and cons of each?
SS: The Pros: They are awesome The Cons: Release schedule, when there are 10-17 parts to a series you have to keep it running smoothly but also don't want to alienate listeners who may not care for that series the same way we do. They also tend to take longer on the cutting room floor if you feel me.
IFH: I love doing series. If I had to choose, I would choose series 51% and solo 49%. Just like… A landslide.
Series allow me to flex my creative and directorial muscles a lot with the expectation of consistency in the entire series. And it also allows me to really reach with some crazy sound effects and stuff to really paint a picture of something familiar.
Solo stories allow me to utilize everything I have perfected in a series and draw in the listener. Although I love them both!
Irrational Fears has partnered with /NoSleepTeams to produce narrations of all the previous winning stories. Are there any stories in NST history you're particularly looking forward to? Will you be recording future winning entries as well?
SS: 1. All of them 2. YASS BB
What story narration(s) are you most proud of? Do you have any personal favorite stories from the podcast?
IFH: Ugh is it cliche to say “Tommy Taffy” to this question? Because I am seriously super proud of every single episode we have put up. Even the ones that we recorded, edited and posted within the span of an hour. But “Tommy Taffy” is something the fuck else. And the community tends to agree.
SS: Infected town for me. Mostly because of how crazy i had to get and that i played multiple characters. I have so many favorites from the podcast, its important to note that i did 99% of story picking so i was reading for hours a day and sending stuff to ant to get permission for.
Are there other genres besides horror, or other mediums of voice acting, you're interested in pursuing in the future?
SS: Drama/Action/Adventure/Cartoons/FuckingEverything
IFH: I am interested in pursuing voice acting full-time in general. I would love to get into comedy or audio drama and make my way forward from there. Horror will always be at my roots. And Irrational Fears will always be my goal. And there is a lot planned for that future that involves these things.
Do you have any favorite listener reactions to your narrating?
IFH: One of our first iTunes reviews came from a listener starting off with “At first, I was not a fan of My Romantic Cabin Getaway” and it brought me down a little bit. But the review went on to explain how sticking with it and listening to the whole series, he got to hear me grow and the show got better with each episode. And that was super humbling and amazing to hear. I am not someone who particularly likes the work he puts out. But is proud of what it is, if that makes sense. But it was seriously awesome to hear that I was growing into it.
SS: We have had a lot of people reach out and tell us that its helped them through really tough shit and that will always be my favorite answer because of how many of those things i had myself with other much more successful people than me!
What advice would you offer to aspiring voice actors?
IFH: Do it. Everyone says that. But that’s all there is to it. You have to do it once in order to do it again, you know what I mean?
SS: Dont be scared to just start. Don't feel stupid. Your voice is an instrument, practice.
What are your short-term and long-term narrating goals?
SS: Short term: get through the wedding
Long term: SO MANY THINGS. We are working on an audio book currently as well as some other serial audio dramas. We just launched a new segment and started streaming. I just want to keep connecting people and creating better content and get better.
IFH: Short-term is to just get a schedule set and get back to this many narrations a week and this many non-narrations a week. I’m not a good planner. I need to get better.
Long-term is to continue the narration and use it as a platform to bring us into new Horror Mediums and continue to bring real, irrational fears to the market.
Community Questions:
Light some candles and grab your fidget spinners, IrrationalFearsHost and Sailorscarlet recorded the community question section for your listening pleasure! We've transcribed the audio for you below, but trust us, you should delight your ears by listening to their dulcet tones dueling back and forth...and we're not just saying that because of the sexual favors/monetary bribes we may or may not have received from them.
From Human_Gravy: If you could be any monster in creation, which would you choose to be?
SS: Freddy Krueger, he is king.
IFH: In creation? Oh boy… Can I choose Swamp Thing? But, like, minus the whole dead significant other and battle with hell thing. But I do want to be friends with a demon that specifically speaks in rhyme. Or else it doesn’t count.
From AsForClass: If you could work with any writer, who would it be?
SS: I would love to work with Scott Snyder.
IFH: The cliche answer that I am trying to avoid giving is that we already work with every writer we want to. It sounds lame, but Irrational Fears exists because of all of the authors and the community of /nosleep. And we wouldn’t be anything without you guys. So I’d say our current author-base isn’t far off from my dream author-base.
What other creative mediums would you like to dabble in?
IFH: I would love to get into film, if anything. Or video games. I have so many ideas on my mind about what would be terrifying to experience both on the big screen and on your game console (or PC if you’re one of those people. Don’t start with me.)
From Hayong: What has been the most difficult thing you have experienced as narrators?
IFH: Time. Time is the most difficult thing on the planet to experience or come across. It’s one thing to go in and record the narration, but depending on the number of mistakes you make, it’ll take at least that long to edit it. Or at least get it cut down. And then you master and I wish I didn’t have to work 8 hours so I could focus more on my time with the podcast and everything.
SS: Um. Workload for sure. Maybe its just the wedding planning fucking me up but it feels like we are eternally behind.
How does it feel to be among NoSleep's cutest couples?
IFH: What do you mean “among NoSleep’s cutest couples?” Because we might be the cutest couple on NoSleep. And then there’s Alex and Kristy and Mike and Chey and Em and Mason and You and Rosey Palm and her five sisters and everyone else in a close second. You know what I mean?
SS: THE cutest couple, because have you SEEN my fiance? case closed.
How much do you guys love me on a scale from 0 to 1?
SS: I love you twin sized. DUH.
IFH: 0.25. But only because that number comes to mind when I think of you. ;) Otherwise, definitely at least 0.233244231. <3
From kneeod: What scares you?
IFH: Oh we don’t have the time for that. But animatronics. Like at Chuck-E-Cheese. Fuck those things, seriously.
SS: So many things. The dark. Dark roads. Heights. Abandonment. Car accidents. Dolls. Creepy crawlies. Knives. I have a healthy fear of LOTS of things.
From blindfate: Are you scheduled to remove your youtube videos and ask for us to subscribe to your Patreon?
IFH: We’ve decided to actually completely stop making content before quitting our jobs and demanding Patreon subs. We always want to be a step ahead of the competition, you know?
King of Queens or Everybody Loves Raymond?
IFH: Everybody Loves Raymond. It’s in the name.
SS: I haven't seen either, don't hate me.
Nic Cage or Steven Seagal?
SS: I had to google what Steven Seagal looked like so Nic Cage.
IFH: Nic Cage. He delivers one of my favorite lines in cinematic history at the end of “The Rock” when he says, “Eat this, you fuck!” before punching a terrorist in the teeth and killing him. That's fucking awesome.
Why did Michael Meyers fall off? Did he shag too many spies?
IFH: I think so many people started saying “Get in my bell-eh!” That he actually got into his own belly and destroyed the artist that we knew as “Michael Meyers” and turned him into the unentertaining husk he is now.
SS: HONESTLY? Do I make you randy baby? I remember actually peeing my pants as a teenager seeing gold member in theaters. I wish he would come back.
From MikeyKnutson: What's your favorite pizza topping?
IFH: Because of you, it is now bacon and banana peppers. But like, extra banana peppers. Get it right, Pizza Hut!
SS: Daniel Craig
From HylianFae: Do you have a specific process for selecting stories to read?
SS: Yes, I read them and send them to anthony. We currently have a back log of a bajillion that we need to do.
IFH: Stories just have to be good. I’m always down to bring something scary to life. As long as it’s good. The makes me sound like a shallow asshole. But that’s about it. If we like it enough, we reach out.
On average, what is a day in your life like?
SS: A day in the life: Lately, work, something wedding related, dinner, weed, parks and rec. Also pretty usually some video games, dog cuddles and kitty carwash.
IFH: Wake up. Drank (coffee). Do my hair. Go to work. Play in Excel for 8 hours. Go home. Drank (water or iced tea with dinner). Get high and either play video games or watch something on Netflix with Sailor. Repeat. And then we fit other work in there where needed along with other events.
Why is Amanda the best ever?
SS: I dont know, why are YOU the best ever!
IFH: She loves me for me. No matter who I am at that moment. She loves me. And nobody else in my life ever has.
What narration do you have in queue that you're most excited to do?
SS: A story by deadnspread that i have been waiting two months to record that i cant remember the name of
IFH: I honestly have one series that we have been trying to get the chance to narrate, but the audio narration rights are, unfortunately locked tight. And that is the David FUCKING King series. Harrison. Man. If that ever falls through, you know how to get your people in touch with my people!
Why do the alarms similar to the one in the Silent Hill movies make me panic in a way no other sort of alarm does?
SS: They make us all panic.
IFH: Funny story: One of those went off in Vegas when I was out at around 2 am. About 50 people came out of their homes and walked into the park across from my house and stood there while the siren went off. Once it ended, they turned around and went back inside. No noise. No action. Just into the park at the sound of the alarm and back to bed when its done. What the fuck?
Do you know much about the "why" behind the "what" when talking about fear?
IFH: That’s what I want to learn with everyone. That is literally the basis of Irrational Fears. I like to think I know it when it comes to some fears, but I always want to expand on that.
SS: I would say yes and thats what our newest segment is dedicated to.
From BananaInquisition: What non NoSleep work of literature would you most want to narrate one day?
SS: I would love to do cartoons. I feel like that doesn't entirely count but I'm saying it.
IFH: We are currently working on an Audiobook with -30- Press and would love to work on another book that may or may not be in the pipeline that would go great with an audiobook version! -cough Human_Gravy -cough-
From tanjasimone: For Batmanda - What kind of characters/styles of stories do you enjoy acting/narrating the most and why?
SS: The crazies, because i get to get weird.
For Antman - How does it feel to have a non-DC nickname?
IFH: I love all comic books equally. I just love DC a little more that all of the rest. And it’s totally fine that you want to call me Antman… If you… Have to… -twitch-
Also: What kind of characters/styles of stories do you enjoy acting/narrating the most?
IFH: I love describing intense scenes. Not necessarily scenes full of action. But… Intense, scary, scenes. Any time I get to do that.
What would be the dream for the podcast?
SS: the dream is to keep doing it and people to keep listening and getting involved.
IFH: To be able to branch out of just the “Podcast” and grow into all of the other mediums that we can use to bring horror and fears to the world.
Which of all fears is the most irrational ones? I had a friend who was super scared of kittens. Should I be scared of kittens?
IFH: If he can’t explain why kittens are scary, then I’d say it’s pretty irrational. I, for one, love kittens. But I am fucking terrified of insects. If the can fly and buzz, I lose my shit. Even after I know it’s a horsefly, if it flies past me again, I jump…
SS: No, kittens are cutes. The most irrational fear is the one you don't talk about
From Elias_Witherow: Have you ever read a story or book that really shook you? Whether on NoSleep or not? And if so, what?
IFH: You know it’s “Tommy Taffy” you sick fuck.
Also, give me your top 3 fav bands
Red Hot Chili Peppers
The Foo Fighters
Kendrick Lamar / J. Cole and Eminem tied for third, I guess?
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Ingrid Michaelson
The Used
From iwantabear: If you guys were inventing ice cream flavors for each other what would they be?
SS: Anthony would be something sour and green but like the tastiest thing ever.
IFH: BMO Berry Crunch. Because it smells amazing and is just sweet enough to be perfect. But it’s also good for you and the crunch is always backed up by smooth creaminess that washes all of the bad stuff away and the more I continue with this the more sexual it sounds so I’m going to end it here… BMO Berry Crunch…
Still seeking more scares?
Follow the Irrational Fears Podcast on their:
Didn't get a chance to ask your irrational question?
Don't unwind, little casette! They'll also be doing a LIVE AMA in the unofficial OOC chat Thursday, June 15th from 3-5pm EST! To ensure all questions are asked and answered in an orderly fashion, inquiries will be submitted by entering the IRC and private messaging them to poppymoonray. All appropriate questions will be asked if time permits.
NoSleepInterviews would like to extend a giant thank you to the ever lovely SailorScarlet and the sublime IrrationalFearsHost for taking the time to do this fantastic, insightful interview with us! You're both bonkers talented, and we can't wait to see what Irrational Fears conquers in the future. Our biggest congratulations and best wishes with your impending wedding and all your future endeavors!
NSI will be taking a brief hiatus, but we'll be back in July! We miss you already. <3
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Casinos in Twin Falls on See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for the best Casinos in Twin Falls, ID. Read more about Ameristar Casino in Twin Falls, ID. BARTON'S CLUB 93. BARTON'S CLUB 93 is located approximately 104 miles from Mountain Home. Contact information: 1002 HIGHWAY 93. Call them at (775) 755-2341. Read more about BARTON'S CLUB 93 in JACKPOT, NV. Barton's 93 Casino. Barton's 93 Casino is located approximately 104 miles from Mountain Home. They're a really good Casino. If you need Twin Falls, ID casinos | Find casinos in Twin Falls, ID. Ameristar Cactus Petes Casino Resort. 1385 Highway 93, Jackpot, NV. This hotel casino has a variety of amenities for their guests, including a full-service salon, whirlpool spa and on-site fitness facilities. more info. Informed RVers have rated 16 campgrounds near Twin Falls, Idaho. Access 250 trusted reviews, 3 photos & 46 tips from fellow RVers. Find the best campgrounds & rv parks near Twin Falls, Idaho. Top 10 Best Casinos near Twin Falls, ID 83301 - Last Updated January 2021 - Yelp. Best Casinos in Twin Falls, ID 83301 - Cactus Petes, Four Jacks Hotel and Casino, Barton's Club 93, Weststar Resort Casino. Yelp. The Shoshone-Bannock Casino Hotel is owned by the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes and welcomes guests to Southeast Idaho’s premier entertainment destination. Conveniently located off Interstate 15, only two and a half hours away from the West Entrance to Yellowstone National Park and two and a half hours from the Salt Lake City International Airport. The Fort Hall Reservation is a dry reservation. Find your lucky streak in Idaho. More than 30 casinos dot the state offering gaming machines, concerts, luxury spa services, comfortable accommodations and delicious dining. Good for a weekend getaway or an extended vacation, Idaho’s casinos are sure to be a good bet. Camping near Twin Falls, Idaho. Find a Free Campsite. Whether you just need to know where to camp nearby or you want to plan a free camping road trip, we've got you covered.You can simply use your smart phone's GPS to find camping near you or even use our trip planner to plan your route from coast to coast.. Our community provides the best free camping information available. Horseshu Ameristar Casino is located approximately 30 miles from Twin Falls. If you need a good Casino near Twin Falls, contact Horseshu Ameristar Casino. Need to give Horseshu Ameristar Casino a call? (775) 755-7777. Bannock Peak Casino I-86 Exit 52 Arbon Valley, ID 208-235-1308. Clearwater River Casino & Hotel 17500 Nez Perce Highway Lewiston, ID 83501 (208) 746-0723. Coeur D'Alene Casino 27068 Southwest US Highway 95 Worley, Idaho 83876 (800) 523-2464. It'se-Ye-Ye Casino 419 Third Street Kamiah, Idaho 83536 Located on Hwy. 12 and Idaho St. (208) 935-1638

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